Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Lotta speculation about Trump's lackadaisical approach to campaigning recently. I of course have chosen the more apocalyptic explanation. - Trae Crowder



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Well for the past few weeks Harris
and Walz have been building momentum and
burning up the trail

and Trump has
responded to this in the fashion of a
bitter unemployed divorcee, mostly
just sits at home all day bitching
incoherently on the internet

people are confused why is he not campaigning more
is it because he's old tired... gun-shy

someone said hey maybe he's not worried
about campaigning cos he knows he plans
to steal the whole thing anyway

speculation based on nothing more than
the fact that last time around he very
publicly tried to steal the whole thing

anyway yeah we should talk about it look
as a party they've been headed on that
road for a long time now they know their
policies are not popular

most Americans would prefer not to be indentured to a
handful of micro megalomaniacs

okay the GOP platform is about two
brainstorming sessions away from
officially adding billionaires get the
right of Prima Nocta

and they wonder
why they can't connect with people

#1 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-14 06:52 PM | Reply

they have is fearmongering culture War
stuff and turns out telling everybody
that Democrats are going to take their
jobs and guns and give them to all the
purple-headed transgender atheists only
get you so far

all right when Americans
vote they lose they've known it for a
long time that's why they've been
manipulating the system for so long

Jerrymandering voter suppression and
it's still not enough so the only option
they have left is to reject the system

they've put people and plans
into place to make sure that this fall
Trump wins even when he loses

you know
your loser cousin who drives a motorized
Trump billboard and has a dog he trained
to be racist named Baron

yeah well you
wouldn't let his ass run a dishwasher
okay but he a straight up management
material in Maga world

all right and
they got him in charge of Elections all
over the place and that's all it takes
is a handful of those guys gumming
up the works by refusing to certify
votes they think are gay

and next thing
you know the president is determined by
a supreme court who already said they
think Trump should be a king

it's not
ideal all right and one of the great
ironies of the whole thing is you know
the maga base will justify it all by
saying they were just trying to stop us
from cheating

that's what they they'll
believe that for months for years now

the heat seeking Pander Cannon they call
the news has been telling them like Oh
California is taking violent migrants
and paying them in heroin to commit
voter fraud for kamla

and your sweet
Aunt Tammy sitting on the couch like
that is just classic California they
believe anything they live in bubbles of
they go from the Baptist Church
to the rural truck stop Diner talking
exclusively to marginally different
carbon copies of themselves

and then say
with a straight face everybody I know
hates KLA and they're acting like she
could win a fair election they must
think we're stupid yeah we're in the
endgame of fake news now y'all

reality's never been more irrelevant and
these people will go along with with
anything but not all is lost

last time
around Trump couldn't pull off the
Oceans 11 of dumb treason when he
himself was still in the White House

Biden and the Democrats are not going to
just roll over and let this happen

I know historically that would be very on
brand for them but they feel different
lately right

I have to believe that the
Sunday School fascists are not the only
ones with a plan here

and as for the
rest of us what we need to do is just
get out there and run the score up so
much that not even these sons of Bs
are dumb enough to deny it all right

that's the plan all right

#2 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-14 06:53 PM | Reply

imo, fmr Pres Trump is afraid to campaign in the swing states because of his diminished crowd sizes of late.

So he goes to a Montana to hold a rally, hoping for the usual adulation of the crowd.

I hear on the local news is going to have another presser at his New Jersey golf course in the coming days.

#3 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 07:20 PM | Reply

Yeah, he is....


#4 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-14 07:37 PM | Reply

"INBOX:" wrote

Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign spokesperson James Singer on X. "President Donald J. Trump, man who lost 2020 election and can't get over it, will hold another public meltdown at his house, not in a swing state."

Lev Parnas, the Rudy Giuliani business associate who contributed to Trump's first impeachment hearing, responded with a sarcastic news summary.

"BREAKING: Donald Trump, realizing his crowd sizes are now outmatched, he has pivoted to a new strategy:

**Phony Press Conferences** and **Elon Musk Interviews**" Parnas wrote.


"Because if you can't win with numbers, why not try with noise?"

Georgia law professor Anthony Michael Kreis, a frequent commentator on Trump's criminal election racketeering case in that state, had a follow-up question.

"Are we just gonna watch him ramble about bacon without pushback for two hours?" Kreis asked.

Law professor Lee Kovarsky echoed what Trump's campaign spokespeople have been promising now for several weeks.

"Trump will aim to set a new tone," the scholar quipped."


#5 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-14 07:43 PM | Reply

If you don't think the Republican Party is plotting a heist, you're not paying attention.

#6 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-14 07:54 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

@#6 ... If you don't think the Republican Party is plotting a heist, you're not paying attention. ...

Just look at Georgia.

Even the MAGA folk are not trying to justify what is going on there.

#7 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 08:07 PM | Reply

AZ is the same way... the Republicans are making up new Election Rules as they go along. Like turning the civilian vote counters into professional election detectives to determine the outcome of the vote.

#8 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-14 08:13 PM | Reply


btw, many thx for the transcript. :)

#9 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 10:11 PM | Reply

#7 Just look at Georgia.

Perhaps the plotting is inadequate. electionlawblog.org

#10 | Posted by et_al at 2024-08-14 10:45 PM | Reply

@#10 ... Perhaps the plotting is inadequate. ...

Thanks for that article, most informative.

Maybe the plotting is inadequate.

Or maybe it is just the first step in a plan?

Is it about altering election rules, or is it about delaying election results?

My guess at this point is the latter.

The current changes in Georgia will allow the delay in reporting of election results.

And that delay may be used to cast aspersions upon the election in general.

What's your view on that aspect?

#11 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 11:34 PM | Reply


fwiw, great to see you still hanging around here.


#12 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-14 11:35 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

What's your view on that aspect?

My view is that the delay in vote tabulation IS the key to Trump's plans - which he also tried in 2020. Delaying the counting of mail-in votes, and by challenging scores of votes (or all) in predominantly Democratic precincts (read black and brown people), on Election night it's almost certain in any close election that Trump will be ahead in the vote count.

And that's the perception he wants to create in the public's mind before they go to sleep that evening. When enough of the vote is in, he'll claim victory and declare the remaining votes are fraudulent and must not be counted, then run to his election officials and courts to make it so.

At least, that's how I see it.

#13 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-08-14 11:46 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

I am pretty sure he thinks he has the people in place in the swing states that will defy the will ofthe people and give him the win through shady and illegal means.

His one defining feature his entire life is overconfidence in himself.

That will be his downfall.

The democrats have a plan to combat his shady tactics.

#14 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-08-15 07:46 AM | Reply

#10 | Posted by et_al

Welcome back!...?

#15 | Posted by jpw at 2024-08-15 10:17 AM | Reply

I asked this question months ago.

They've tipped their had since by filing preemptive lawsuits against election protocols in numerous (most?) states.

They have no intention of spending the huge pot of cash they're sitting on and every intention of "winning" by a death by thousand cuts approach. A few thousand votes here, a few thousand votes there...tip two states and they "win."

#16 | Posted by jpw at 2024-08-15 10:19 AM | Reply

"Perhaps the plotting is inadequate."

But not for the lack of trying.

#17 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-16 01:02 PM | Reply

Don't forget this time POTUS is Dark Brandon with no Fs left to give. I could see DOJ arresting state officials who refuse to do their ministerial duty to certify the election and charging them with election interference. SCOTUS just gave POTUS all the cover he needs under official acts, he can cite the insurrection act, and scoop up Dotard, Ashley Furniture, the six for-sale SCOTUS members and any other MAGAt, and have the all sent to Gitmo charged with insurrection if he chooses. It won't come to that, but state officials charged with election interference is well within the scope of possibility.

#18 | Posted by _Gunslinger_ at 2024-08-16 10:02 PM | Reply

@#18 ... Don't forget this time POTUS is Dark Brandon with no Fs left to give. I could see DOJ arresting state officials who refuse to do their ministerial duty to certify the election ...

Oh, that comment opens up a can of worms, containing so many questions.

My first would be ...

Why "ministerial" instead of "Constitutional."

Did not those state officials take an oath to the Constitution? And if not, why not?

#19 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-16 10:47 PM | Reply

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Drudge Retort