@#1 ... Were his lips moving?
Then he was lying. ...
Too Much Joy - That's a Lie (1988)
Lyrics excerpt...
I'm tired of the stories that you always tell
Shakespeare couldn't tell a story that well
You're the largest liar that was ever created
You and Pinocchio are probably related
That's a Lie (Hey, that's me playing harmonica)
You're a liar (Yeah, and I wrote this song too)
Lie, Lie, Lie, That's a Lie (Really I did, LL Cool J was over my house)
You're a liar (...He heard me humming it. He said "Hey, that sounds good!")
You lie about the things you've lied about
You even lied to your aunt when you went down South
You lied and a bodybuilder kicked your butt
If you was in Egypt, you'd lie to King Tut
That's a Lie (Just one glass of wine with dinner, officer)
You're a liar (Ahh, L.A., what a great place)
Lie, Lie, Lie, That's a Lie (No mom, I'm not on drugs)
You're a liar (Of course I love you)
Fun tune, quite apropos of fmr Pres Trump.
An interesting twist to the tune...
Too Much Joy
... Secret Service
Lead singer Quirk was detained by the Secret Service after a performance in which he made a joke about strangling President Clinton.
Although the band believed that Clinton's daughter Chelse
a was in the audience at the time, the Secret Service contingent was actually there to protect an obscure foreign ambassador. As it was the band's tradition to tell an obvious lie during the break section of their version of the LL Cool J song "That's a Lie," Quirk explained that the band was aware of the presence of agents with coiled cords in their ears, and that the Secret Service was "not famous for their sense of humor."
He added that, during the break section, "my friends will jump in and sing 'that's a lie'... so If I were to, for example, say that I voted for President Clinton but when I see him eviscerating the Bill of Rights it makes me want to strangle him, you'll understand that I don't mean it because..." Quirk announced the next song, "I Want to Poison Your Mind," as "I Want to Poison the President." At the end of the show, the Secret Service detained the band and questioned Quirk.[4][15] ...