
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Saturday, September 07, 2024

Coastal flooding from high tides is getting more common in most parts of the United States, as climate change causes sea levels to rise.



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... In the last year, St. Petersburg, Fla., Atlantic City, N.J., Charleston, S.C. and more than 30 other places tied or broke their records for the number of high-tide flood days. Galveston, Texas, which consistently sees some of the most severe and frequent high-tide flooding of any city in the U.S., experienced 23 days of high-tide flooding last year.

The costs of high-tide flooding are enormous. Even a few inches of water can make neighborhoods inaccessible to some residents, including those who use wheelchairs or rely on strollers to transport young children. And standing water can also snarl commutes, block emergency vehicles and cause secondary flooding if sewers back up into buildings or overflow into natural bodies of water. ...

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-07 12:51 AM | Reply


High tide flooding will become increasingly common due to sea level rise (2022)

... According to a new report, high tide flooding " often referred to as "king tides" or "nuisance" flooding -- is becoming increasingly common due to years of sea level rise.

#2 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-07 12:56 AM | Reply

But Fat Donnie Felon says the ocean level is going down.

Wha' happen??

#3 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-09-07 10:20 AM | Reply

Here in Florida our Legislature. at the request of Gov. Ron Desantis, has passed lrgislation banning the words "climate change" from all official state documents as if banning the words will stop the flooding. Meanwhile major insurance co,panies are dropping all Florida policy holders and Desants's answer? Deregulate the insurance maekrt and let companies that do not have the financial resources tp pay claims come in and write thousands of policies which will be worthless after a major hurricane. We went through this after Hurricane Andrew in 1992 but our governor then told the compamies pulling out of Florida that they wouldn't be abke to sell auto, life, health insurance here if they redused to write ptoprtyy insurance here and they reconsidered but Desantis is owned by the unsurance industry so he's just letting this insurance disaster toll over the state. Worst governor in America!

#4 | Posted by danni at 2024-09-08 03:05 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

#4 The numbers say otherwise. Record-breaking tourism. Record-breaking move to state. Four of the top colleges are here, including a HBC, all have more applications than open student positions. Home to some of the best hospitals for teaching, cancer, transplants, etc. An excellent state to live in regarding taxes. Disney just announced it's moving forward with its condo community of 3+ million dollar condos near Orlando and expects pre-construction to sell out. The Gulf of Mexico on one side, the Atlantic ocean on the other side fantastic weather I'm not sure how one person can be so miserable living in such a great state, but you just keep doing you!

#5 | Posted by gracieamazed at 2024-09-08 03:25 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

Stupidity is evidenced by people doing things that work against their best interests. People in Florida or Texas voting for climate change deniers and then complaining about rising seas...just who do they think caused it all to happen, but them?

#6 | Posted by Hughmass at 2024-09-08 06:39 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1


Hot, humid, mosquito-plagued, hurricane-plagued, craphole state with some of the worst governance in the country. Literally stank the last time I had to be there. Having the Atlantic and the Gulf surround it is a negative, not a positive when it's only a few feet above sea level and the sea level is rising. Failing education system, dangerous to live in if you're a female of childbearing age because of the heathcare risks, with housing that only rich people can buy because only rich people can afford to be uninsured. Only a Rethuglican would think the regressive tax structure is somehow good. And of course there's the infamous Florida Man.

I don't see how anybody could be happy living in such a miserable state. I've never been to Florida as an adult, and I don't plan on ever going back to that miserable place.

#7 | Posted by DarkVader at 2024-09-08 08:41 AM | Reply

#7 Much appreciated. Others appear to be too stupid to know not to visit/live here. We are full. Haters of all things Florida please move, don't vacation or buy real estate here. California is the place to be for you. Pack your electric cars and move to Beverly!

#8 | Posted by gracieamazed at 2024-09-08 10:36 AM | Reply

And the rest of the US thinks FloriDuh can have and stay in FloriDuh Gracie...
enjoy the skin cancer and stay for the Duhmb...

Trumptards is so silly...

#9 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-09-08 05:15 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

#9 You do realize the amount of liberal posters, including the site owner, choose to live in Florida, right?

#10 | Posted by gracieamazed at 2024-09-08 05:46 PM | Reply

Looks like Tropical Storm Francine will be along in a week to help out with the water levels.

#11 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-09-08 08:48 PM | Reply

"You do realize the amount of liberal posters, including the site owner, choose to live in Florida, right?"

You should also remember when Florida was a blue state with a great educayion system ang greay Goverbors like Chiles, Askew, Graham. We'll flip back blue when more Floridians wake up to the realities of Republican rule. Hey, Fisantis discovered even Republicans balked at his ideas about golf cotses and 350 room hotels in many of our most pristine state parks. He's trying to spin iy that he had nothing to do with it but no one with half a brain believes him. It was a planned huge give-away of state parks to developers and was an absolutely disgusting attempt to steal many natueal state parks and he knew about it no matter what he says now! Something like eleven of the most natural, undisturbed parks were going to be converted to golf resorts bur even Republicams said no God damned way! Huge embarrassment for Sesantis.

#12 | Posted by danni at 2024-09-09 07:03 AM | Reply

" The numbers say otherwise. "

Yeah, like rent numbers making iy virtyally impossible for a single parent to keep a roof over his/her fanilie's heads. Teachers in Florida public schools can't afford apartments

"Orlando and expects pre-construction to sell out. The Gulf of Mexico on one side, the Atlantic ocean on the other side fantastic weather I'm not sure how one person can be so miserable living in such a great state, but you just keep doing you!"

I lived in Orlando after I graduated from high school. No thank you....hottest place on the planet in summer and cold in winter. I'll stick to the Atlantic coast. Cooler in summer and far fewer hurricanes. People do come down to Fort Lauderdale to retire; their parents live in Naples or Ft. Myers.

#13 | Posted by danni at 2024-09-09 08:09 AM | Reply

California is the place to be for you. Pack your electric cars and move to Beverly!


No where is safe from the effects of climate change. But you can keep Floriduh and your evil hateful ways.

Here in Humboldt the King Tides are the worst.

A King Tide is when the Earth, Moon, and Sun are aligned, which increases their gravitational pull and affects the tides. They usually happen around the summer or winter solstice, and during perigean spring tides.

They flood low lying areas and are a vivid example of where the danger areas are and what it be like as the oceans continue to rise. Fortunately most of our coast line is cliffs. Unfortunately our cliffs continue to fall into the sea. But fortunately we have plenty of mountains to retreat to.

But you keep your head in the sand and enjoy your beautiful flat state with its weird hateful anti American laws and average elevation of 100 feet as long as you can!

Don't worry about your posterity. After all you got yours so what does it matter what happens to them?

#14 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-09 12:33 PM | Reply

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