
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Thursday, September 12, 2024

The former Attorney General to George W. Bush, Alberto Gonzales, writes that he cannot stay silent: "As the United States approaches a critical election, I can't sit quietly as Donald Trump -- perhaps the most serious threat to the rule of law in a generation -- eyes a return to the White House. For that reason, though I'm a Republican, I've decided to support Kamala Harris for president."



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I am the only lawyer in American history to serve both as White House counsel and as attorney general. So, while that does not make me special, it does give me a rather unique perspective about presidential decision-making and the necessity of electing a president who respects the rule of law to safeguard our liberties and way of life.

The American presidency is the most powerful position in the world. Of course, our constitution and laws, as well as institutions such as Congress and our courts, act as guardrails to that power. The law provides the certainty of accountability and fundamental fairness. Yet it is the president's integrity, honesty and respect for our institutions that may be the most important and reliable check on abuses of power.

The character of the person we elect in November is particularly important today because the current members of the House of Representatives and the Senate have proven spectacularly incapable or unwilling to check abuses of executive power. While the U.S. Supreme Court is certainly capable of curbing presidential power, the court has recently ruled that certain restraints on presidential acts would be unconstitutional.

Power is intoxicating and based on Trump's rhetoric and conduct it appears unlikely that he would respect the power of the presidency in all instances; rather, he would abuse it for personal and political gain, and not on behalf of the American people.

Perhaps the most revealing example relates to Trump's conduct on Jan. 6, 2021, when he encouraged his followers to march to our nation's capital in order to challenge the certification of Joe Biden's electoral victory. Trump failed to do his duty and exercise his presidential power to protect members of Congress, law enforcement and the Capitol from the attacks that day. He failed to deploy executive branch personnel to save lives and property and preserve democracy. He just watched on television and chose not to do anything because that would have been contrary to his interests. Trump still describes that day as beautiful. And as for those subsequently convicted of committing crimes, he describes them as hostages. He also has promised to pardon the convicted rioters if elected. Why? Because they were acting in his interests.

#1 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-09-12 07:53 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

I have seldom agreed with Alberto Gonzalez on anything, much less what I saw when he was Attorney General. At the time of his nomination, he did appear to be hired not for his legal brilliance as much as 'he checked a box', diversifying a Republican Cabinet with a minority candidate.

But in truth, that was so long ago in American political years seeming to be equal to the dog-to-man ratio. Based on the DOJ leaders chosen by Trump, Gonzalez' integrity as articulated in this op-ed is that of someone who recognizes that while serving at the pleasure of the President, the only allegiance owed is to the US Constitution, not a demented President's personal whims and excesses - in this case, that includes calling an armed mob of enraged supporters to halt the constitutional process of Presidential election certification, all in service of The Big Lie Trump keeps perpetually stoking up to this day and beyond.

Simply read what he says himself, he does it more eloquently and forcefully than my meager words can convey in a couple paragraphs. But let's note one big thing about the cavalcade of lifelong Republicans who are bucking their party's nominee: All of these lettered individuals - whether beloved by the left or loathed - recognize the pressing danger Donald Trump's election would mean to this nation. And as true patriots in defense of the Constitution and our proud history in adherence to the Rule of Law, supporting Trump is simply a bridge to the likely end of all we cherished and protected before. Uniting together, though they may not agree with her policies, they know that she is the only candidate who will honor our traditions and history, adhering to the vows to defend our Constitution when taking the Oath of Office.

#2 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-09-12 07:53 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

For those on the left who will immediately question the perspective of a former Republican AG, Gonzalez certainly sounds like as clear-eyed a critic as the most progressive voices when he recites these personal observations:

We do not yet know exactly how Harris will govern if she is elected. The office of the vice president does not often afford the occupant the opportunity to lead, or to make life and death decisions. Harris does not have the same depth of experience in foreign policy or the relationships with foreign leaders that Biden has. Voters are likely to question whether she has the judgment and strength to forge coalitions with friends and stand against tyranny around the world.

Trump and his surrogates will blame her for the economic policies of the Biden administration, as well as the border crisis. Based on my experience, however, a vice president truly has little to no influence on economic policy. A vice president may provide input, but it is the president who is the ultimate decision-maker. That is part of the job of being the president. Further, Congress has as much, if not more, power to affect our economy through legislation. It is as much their failure as Biden's that child care, housing, gasoline and groceries cost too much. And as for the border, Trump and his supporters in Congress assumed partial responsibility for the tough border situation when they killed bipartisan legislation in order to help Trump's election chances.

Harris, meanwhile, has sworn fidelity to the rule of law as a former local prosecutor and state attorney general. Her record in law enforcement shows a clear commitment to pursuing justice. While I may disagree with some of her policies, I am hopeful she will be open to dissenting views and will act always in a manner respectful of the power of all three branches of government.

#3 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-09-12 08:01 AM | Reply

The writer's description of Der Dotard goes only so far. Gonzales does not mention the long list of undesirables and security risks that Trump would bring with him in a second administration. Having a moron for president is terrible (we've all done that already) but the people who will have his pierced ear (for a full description, see also: Lemarr, Hedley, in "Blazing Saddles") will again make things much worse. Imaging a Trump administration with Michael Flynn in charge instead of John Kelly, or Ronny Jackson instead of Tony Fauci, or Leon Musk instead of Jay Powell or Janet Yellen. Yikes...

#4 | Posted by catdog at 2024-09-12 01:21 PM | Reply

Gonzalez is among over 200 former GHW Bush, Bush, and Trump administration officials to both call Trump a danger to America and announce their support of VP Harris.

This is something, to paraphrase Trump, "like no one's ever seen."

#5 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY at 2024-09-12 04:31 PM | Reply

It looks like aside from Trump Harris has 100% of former presidents and vice presidents along with 99% of former presidential and vice presidential nominees and 90% of all living cabinet members.

In other words anybody in the know in DC is aware that Trump doesn't know what the hell he's doing.

#6 | Posted by Tor at 2024-09-12 07:11 PM | Reply

I suspect there will be an absolute flood of such testimony from those who served previous administrations, for two reasons.
The first is that the Republican Party is close to being tarnished for decades with the label...Trump's fools.
The second reason is that those who were once close to the power of the Presidency grew to understand that the person sitting in the White House could, at a moment's notice, engage the US in a major shooting war, in a major nuclear exchange with so many adversaries. They simply would be able to sleep easily at night knowing that Trump, growing old and losing focus, could be hiring people who, unlike Kelly or Mattis, would be ordering troops to march, or shoot protestors.

#7 | Posted by Hughmass at 2024-09-13 07:17 AM | Reply

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