
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Ellie Quinlan Houghtaling: Immigrants are no longer welcome in Donald Trump's America. Instead, the Republican presidential nominee posited that under his potential second administration, he would round up and mass-deport noncitizens based on their "serial numbers."



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Trump has regularly mimicked Adolf Hitler during his campaign. But the mention of serial numbers"a terrifying echo of the identification numbers forcibly tattooed on concentration camp prisoners"is one of his most chilling references yet.

BLOTUS is laying out his plan for a unified reich.

#1 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-09-23 10:06 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

... Immigrants are no longer welcome in Donald Trump's America. ...

Not just any immigrants.

But those immigrants who, as I have noted previously from his comments, are not white Christians.

So, at this point, instead of focusing upon the negative, let's look at what fmr Pres Trump thinks is the positive side of his comments ...

Only white Christian immigrants are welcome in Donald Trumps America.

... More from the transcript...

... For every New Yorker being terrorized by this wave of migrant crime. I've been talking about migrant crime for five years. I said, if you let them in, it's going to be hell. They are vicious, violent criminals that are being led into our country. They're people that their countries, who are very smart, they don't want them. That's why all over the world, a lot of people coming from jails out of the Congo in Africa, where do you come from? The Congo. Where in the Congo? We come from jail. What did you do? We will not tell you. They're coming from the Congo. They're coming from Africa. They're coming from the Middle East. They're coming from all over the world. Asia. A lot of it coming from Asia.

What's happening to our country is we're just destroying the fabric of life in our country. We're not going to take it any longer. You got to get rid of these people. ...

#2 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-23 10:23 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Easy way to keep track of immigrants is to gather them up in camps and tattoo identification on their forearms.

Maybe numbers to track them by.

Just spit balling here. I'm sure Trump manual on the third Reich has better instructions.

#3 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-09-23 11:24 PM | Reply

@#3 ... Easy way to keep track of immigrants is to gather them up in camps and tattoo identification on their forearms. ...

Don't say that too loudly.

Fmr Pres Trump is likely unaware of that aspect of history.

So, don't prompt him.

#4 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-24 12:20 AM | Reply

Tattooed on their arms.

#5 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-09-24 02:48 AM | Reply

Was this the same senile ramble in which he wove in a comeback for Johnny Carson?

#6 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-09-24 08:33 AM | Reply

free tattoos for immigrants!

#7 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-09-24 09:41 AM | Reply

"we know who they are, and the local police know their names, and they know their serial numbers," Trump said.

This implies they already have serial numbers. Why are ---- like the OP helping the Trump troll with his fake news meme?

Oh yeah, it's a bot, just like it says in its user handle.

#8 | Posted by sentinel at 2024-09-24 10:19 AM | Reply

But Kamala wants them to have Social Security numbers, along with your Medicare and tapping into your Social Security. BUT, the only fair thing is give them the Social Security and Medicare from Democrats.

#9 | Posted by Robson at 2024-09-24 01:09 PM | Reply | Funny: 2

If they're here legally and authorized to work, they probably already have social security numbers.

#10 | Posted by sentinel at 2024-09-24 02:10 PM | Reply

Documented immigrants have identity numbers.

#11 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-09-25 05:07 AM | Reply

Ironic he wants to give them serial numbers; we've been wanting to give him one sibce Jan. 6, 2021!

#12 | Posted by danni at 2024-09-25 07:04 AM | Reply

But Kamala wants them to have Social Security numbers,

This is what it looks like to have your head so far up trumps ass you chew for him.

#13 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-09-25 07:14 AM | Reply

Ironic he wants to give them serial numbers; we've been wanting to give him one sibce Jan. 6, 2021!

#12 | Posted by danni at 2024-09-25 07:04 AM | Reply | Flag

I think P01135809 suits him just fine.

#14 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-09-25 07:15 AM | Reply

We used to shoot Nazi's in the face.
I say we return to the 'old ways'.

Why let a very small minority group of
hateful people hold an entire nation

#15 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-09-25 12:46 PM | Reply

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