
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Monday, November 25, 2024

Michael Isikoff writes a really fantastic piece about the time he traveled to Syria to interview that country's dictator, Bashar Al-Assad. Tulsi Gabbard also met with Bashar Al-Assad during that same period. Isikoff writes that what the two reported after the meetings couldn't have been more different.



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... It's fair to say our meetings with Assad, and the messages we later relayed to the world about what was taking place inside his country, couldn't have been more different.

Gabbard flew secretly to Syria in mid-January of that year" the first member of Congress to do so since 2011, when Syrian forces gunned down peaceful protestors and imprisoned thousands of others during the height of the Arab Spring. The ensuing conflict between anti-Assad forces and the Syrian military was unspeakably brutal " and became even more so in 2015 when Russia's Vladimir Putin dispatched special forces and aircraft to bombard pockets of "rebel" resistance in towns like Aleppo.

But Gabbard was unmoved by the indiscriminate Russian bombing or Assad's repeated use of chemical weapons against his own people. Her trip" privately funded by a Cleveland-based Arab American group sympathetic to Assad" turned into a propaganda coup for the Syrian regime. Gabbard had two meetings with Assad , revealing nothing (then or since) about what they actually said to each other.

These sessions with the dictator were, to say the least, controversial. "To say I'm disgusted would be an understatement," said Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger on the House floor. "By meeting with the mass murderer of Syria, Bashar al-Assad, Tulsi Gabbard has legitimized his dictatorship and, in turn, legitimized his genocide against the Syrian people."

Gabbard, for her part, defended herself, writing in a blog post (and in a later CNN interview ) that she would be ready to meet with anyone "if there's a chance it can help bring about an end to this war." She later said Assad is "not the enemy of the United States."

But the real value to Assad from this trip is not what she said about him, but what she told the world about the Syrian conflict itself. She adopted wholesale the Syrian (and Russian) governments' line that the main forces resisting Assad were not the Free Syrian Army and other rebel groups pledged to creating a democratic free Syria but Al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists " supported no less by the United States government. (Never mind that the U.S. military was engaged at the time in targeting and destroying the ISIS caliphate next door in Iraq.)

"There is no difference between moderate' rebels and al-Qaeda (al-Nusra) or ISIS"they are all the same," Gabbard wrote in her blog post. ...

[Links in the article]

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-25 01:05 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

let me make an accurate prediction.

when this happened and she was a didn't give a schitte.

--didn't think so.

and quoting this worthless POS........Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger a waste of

your time regardless of his stance / comments.

--democrat problem.

--changes parties...she's a ......wait for it....RUSSIAN ASSET>.


#2 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-11-25 10:00 AM | Reply

#2 | Posted by shrimptacodan

You mean a pretend Democrat and people did mind. I remember a lot of WTH comments.

#3 | Posted by GalaxiePete at 2024-11-26 09:53 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

She went over as a concerned member of congress who was looking to promote peace in the region.

#4 | Posted by fishpaw at 2024-11-26 11:12 AM | Reply

@#4 ... She went over as a concerned member of congress ...

Then why her secrecy about the trip?

#5 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-26 12:35 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

She went over as a concerned member of congress who was looking to promote peace in the region.

#4 | Posted by fishpaw

Russia has a congress?

#6 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-11-26 01:28 PM | Reply | Funny: 1 | Newsworthy 1

Russia has a congress?

Yea, the United States Congress.

Bunch of Russian stooges pretending to be Republicans.

#7 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-11-26 01:31 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

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