Pokin Around: I don't expect answer, but: Why does this Walmart keep condoms locked up? (2020)
... I'm going to call this a "Pokin Around" column not because my name is "Pokin" and the subject matter is condoms. I would never stoop so low.
Instead, I'm going to call it "Pokin Around" because I don't want to label it an "Answer Man." I doubt I'm going to get an answer.
At least not in this decade.
A reader, who will remain unnamed, told me he recently went condom-shopping and for the first time did so at the Walmart Supercenter at 2021 E. Independence St. in Springfield.
He was stunned by the store's condom protocol, if there is such a thing.
He found what he was looking for, but it was in a locked display. He had never seen such security, such protection.
To make his purchase, he had to flag down a store employee to open the display. He found this rather awkward.
And then, he was told he was not allowed to carry the condoms with him as he continued his shopping " he had to immediately pay for them at the pharmacy or drop them off there and pay when he was ready to check out.
This seemed very odd to him.
It seems odd to me. ...