
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Trump has:

  • Paused hiring and training of incoming controllers through a federal hiring freeze, without clear guidance on specific exemptions.
  • Terminated air traffic control support staff,
  • Gutted the Aviation Security Advisory Committee,
  • Forced out the head of the Transportation Security Administration, and
  • Most recently fired 400 Federal Aviation Administration personnel tasked with ensuring safety through radar, landing and navigational aid maintenance.
recklessly putting flight crews and the flying public in jeopardy



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Don't worry! fElon's proprietary Starlink system is going to save us all!

"To be clear here, the Verizon communication system to air traffic control is breaking down very rapidly," he wrote on X last week. "The FAA assessment is single digit months to catastrophic failure, putting air traveler safety at serious risk." fElon said before finding out that Verizon was not responsible for the current system...

Another fElon Fail. Any illusion that Musk is some genius has been disabused by his repeated opening of his mouth moments.

#1 | Posted by YAV at 2025-03-11 09:57 AM | Reply

Hi Yav: Republicans are in a death-cult. Our schools are less safer because of firearms and disease, and now the skies are more dangerous. The oligarchs somehow profit from our deaths: Funeral costs, seized properties and estates from unpayable home, school, medical debts. I can't think of any other reason why the wealthy don't care about the masses, other than exploiting us when we are alive and then dead. The US is the only developed nation on the planet without universal health coverage.

#2 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2025-03-11 10:20 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

These billionaires may enjoy living in a fortress, isolated from the poor rabble that surrounds them. I don't know. Personally I don't think living in an fortressed oasis in the middle of hell is appealing.

Kali is a goddess of death/destruction - but she's also the goddess of fertility and rebirth. Perhaps that's where we are heading? A revolt against the billionaires stripping them of power and wealth, and a chance to rebuild again. More in the democratic socialist mold of the Scandinavian nations?

#3 | Posted by YAV at 2025-03-11 10:45 AM | Reply

This is an opinion piece
~ Gaslighter.

I fly my plane almost daily to work, I am not seeing any changes.

Thanks for the scare tactic LyinYav.

A revolt against the billionaires stripping them of power and wealth, and a chance to rebuild again.

This is pretty hilarious statement, every Democrat politician has taken a picture and held court in Soros's sons high rise near Central Park.

Democrats always trying to divide people, first its White people, then its Billionaires. There's always someone to be afraid of with the Lumpers.

I haven't seen a similar situation by Republicans, perhaps you can point that out to me so I can understand better.

#4 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-03-11 12:01 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

"A revolt against the billionaires stripping them of power and wealth...."

No possibility this poster wants to be taken seriously.

more billionaires give money to the democratic party by a huge margin. Pretending otherwise is just foolish.

Yes, some select billionaires gave more to the GOP but they are ALL still billionaires buying their access to the Federal Government.

Please.....let's stop with the faux hysterics about this dynamic.

None of you actually think billionaires are the problem. None of you think their billions are the problem.

Your only problem is who they give their money to.

It's not the system you hate. It's the losing you hate.

#5 | Posted by eberly at 2025-03-11 12:05 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

You are too stupid to speak for me, Eberly. You're barely able to speak for yourself.

#6 | Posted by YAV at 2025-03-11 12:11 PM | Reply

This is an opinion piece

Oh my GOD! You actually read the headline of the linked article? "It's still safe to fly, but less so under Trump | Opinion"

Wow! You sure caught me!


#7 | Posted by YAV at 2025-03-11 12:12 PM | Reply

"None of you actually think billionaires are the problem."

I do, and I'm looking at the equation.

The folks in control want to slash $1 Trillion in spending, all to add $5.5 Trillion in new borrowing, mainly to give to billionaires.

What metric are you using?

And do you think borrowing $5 Trillion to give away in tax cuts ISN'T the problem???

#8 | Posted by Danforth at 2025-03-11 12:14 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

I'm just helping out your weaksauce thread. Oneiron is trying to help you as well.

and this ---- never works. never will, either.

stop pretending you care about billionaires. You only care when democrats lose elections.

when they win elections, you praise our system and proudly cheer.

It's the same system either way. You either hate the system or you don't. You don't.

you just hate losing.

I wish there would be a actual revolt.

but millions of eligible voters stayed home.

not enough energy to vote.......but a revolt?


#9 | Posted by eberly at 2025-03-11 12:17 PM | Reply

#8 - exactly.
And I don't care who they donate to.

#10 | Posted by YAV at 2025-03-11 12:18 PM | Reply

-The folks in control want to slash $1 Trillion in spending

do you think this congress and this president will pass a budget that slashes a trillion in spending?

#11 | Posted by eberly at 2025-03-11 12:20 PM | Reply

-And I don't care who they donate to.


#12 | Posted by eberly at 2025-03-11 12:21 PM | Reply

"Wow! You sure caught me!


so facts literally enrage you.

I know that's true of a lot of posters but few are so willing to outright admit it.

#13 | Posted by eberly at 2025-03-11 12:23 PM | Reply

They were right there - in plain site. No hiding, no attempt to confuse or obfuscate at all.

Someone piss in your cheerios this morning, Eberly?


#14 | Posted by YAV at 2025-03-11 12:41 PM | Reply

I want to see the tax rates we had from around 1944 to the very early 60's. This nonsense of billionaires paying less than I pay in taxes pisses off more people than just me.

And back to the subject - everything I bulleted (from the opinion piece) is verifiable. Those are facts.

#15 | Posted by YAV at 2025-03-11 12:43 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"do you think borrowing $5 Trillion to give away in tax cuts ISN'T the problem???"

That's a serious question.

All this crap is happening so billionaires can justify trillions more in tax giveaways.

For every dollar cut, they want to borrow five more. And over 60% of the price tag goes to the world's wealthiest one-tenth of one percent.

#16 | Posted by Danforth at 2025-03-11 12:48 PM | Reply

I have no issue with the bullet points.

If I did, I would have pointed that out.

I took issue with what was --------.

#17 | Posted by eberly at 2025-03-11 12:49 PM | Reply

"do you think this congress and this president will pass a budget that slashes a trillion in spending?"

Yes, slashing a trillion in social programs is why Republicans voted for them.

#18 | Posted by snoofy at 2025-03-11 12:53 PM | Reply

-All this crap is happening so billionaires can justify trillions more in tax giveaways.

I agree. It's easy to sell to joe 6-pack because he doesn't see it harming him in any way.

And as you've pointed countless times in the past, Joe 6-pack pays more in payroll taxes than federal income taxes so he doesn't believe the federal deficit is his problem anyway.

#19 | Posted by eberly at 2025-03-11 12:55 PM | Reply

"do you think this congress and this president will pass a budget that slashes a trillion in spending?"

That doesn't really matter if they pass $5.5 trillion in tax cuts, now, does it?

#20 | Posted by Danforth at 2025-03-11 12:56 PM | Reply


You said it. I'm just asking if you really believe it. Now "it doesn't matter"?

I understand your point about the other side of the equation and the tax cuts.

#21 | Posted by eberly at 2025-03-11 12:59 PM | Reply

"easy to sell to joe 6-pack because he doesn't see it harming him in any way."

Wait til they find out Joe has a Grandmother on Medicaid, and a brother who's a veteran.

#22 | Posted by Danforth at 2025-03-11 01:00 PM | Reply

-slashing a trillion in social programs is why Republicans voted for them.

the promise of spending cuts is a normal and typical reason why republicans justify their support of their candidates.

but it's been a lie over the years. they haven't actually done those things.

as far as today....we'll see. Trump and the GOP lie a lot.

#23 | Posted by eberly at 2025-03-11 01:03 PM | Reply

I took issue with what was --------.

You took issue with "Perhaps that's where we are heading?"

Everything you said in #9 was strawman.

Do you feel more or less confident getting on a plane today?
I do NOT feel great about it. I have millions of miles on the airlines, too.

#24 | Posted by YAV at 2025-03-11 01:05 PM | Reply

-Wait til they find out Joe has a Grandmother on Medicaid, and a brother who's a veteran.

you left out the children. On top of pushing grannie over a cliff and screwing veterans.....surely they are going to starve children as well, right?

#25 | Posted by eberly at 2025-03-11 01:05 PM | Reply

Eberly - the GOP proposed CRS basically answers that for you, doesn't it?

#26 | Posted by YAV at 2025-03-11 01:06 PM | Reply

-Everything you said in #9 was strawman.

also true

#27 | Posted by eberly at 2025-03-11 01:06 PM | Reply

"I'm just asking if you really believe it."

I believe they'll sell-out the citizenry to borrow trillions to give away to their owners, yes.

Where it lands is anyone's guess, but worse for American workers and better for Investors is the recipe.

Personally, I don't think we should extend expiring tax cuts while we're running a deficit budget, since...

...say it with me: EVERY DOLLAR of revenue reduction due to the EXTENSION OF TAX NEW BORROWING.

New borrowing, with the sole goal of giving the money away in tax cuts.

#28 | Posted by Danforth at 2025-03-11 01:06 PM | Reply

-Do you feel more or less confident getting on a plane today?

less. Like I said, I take no issue with the bullet points.

#29 | Posted by eberly at 2025-03-11 01:07 PM | Reply

- surely they are going to starve children as well, right?

Mission Accomplished as they continue to refuse to pay USAID bills for services already rendered.

#30 | Posted by Corky at 2025-03-11 01:07 PM | Reply

"surely they are going to starve children as well, right?"

Not really funny after the USAID fiasco.

Yes, children will starve. Others will needlessly die of malaria.

#31 | Posted by Danforth at 2025-03-11 01:11 PM | Reply

-Wait til they find out Joe has a Grandmother on Medicaid, and a brother who's a veteran.

You act as if the GOP is unaware they are screwing the very people who support them.

They are very aware of it.

They will blame whatever heartache awaits Joe on the left.

You think something is going to happen differently this time?

#32 | Posted by eberly at 2025-03-11 01:11 PM | Reply

Medicaid takes care of way, way more people than most even have a clue. Including a near majority of the births in Florida, and the elderly. It's crazy what this could do if "Trusk" gets their (pronoun!) way.

#33 | Posted by YAV at 2025-03-11 01:14 PM | Reply

"They will blame whatever heartache awaits Joe on the left."

Maria Bartiromo has started called it "The Joe Biden Recession".

#34 | Posted by Danforth at 2025-03-11 01:18 PM | Reply

#34 - that's projection and getting out ahead of what they've done to us. They are systematically destroying our economy and our infrastructure. True to form they will never, ever take responsibility for what they've done.

Who would ever associate with such degenerate moral reprobates?

#35 | Posted by YAV at 2025-03-11 01:30 PM | Reply

"Medicaid takes care of way, way more people than most even have a clue."

My older sister had a massive stroke not long ago. She partially recovered to the point where she recognizes us...but she needs and will need nursing home care for the rest of her life.

But...she's on Medicaid.

My guess is we'll be getting a phone message her facility is closing.

Of course, since it'll be handled by the Doge-bags, they'll let us know the night before.

#36 | Posted by Danforth at 2025-03-11 01:32 PM | Reply

Sorry to hear that, Danforth.

I just checked on births - and 41% of all births in the United States are covered by Medicaid.

#37 | Posted by YAV at 2025-03-11 02:08 PM | Reply

My condolences, Danforth.

#38 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2025-03-11 02:24 PM | Reply

#28 | Posted by Danforth

"Starve The Beast" in action!

From the libertarian Cato Institute:


#39 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY at 2025-03-11 06:49 PM | Reply


Honestly Beverly, you can just shut the ---- up for the next four years. Your opinions are utter crap, much like your mugwump "politics".

#40 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-03-11 07:23 PM | Reply

#37, #38

Thanks, guys.

Before she gets evicted, I'll celebrate the silver linings: she was a hoarder, and now has forgotten why.

SL#2: She got back her sense of filter any more.

The nursing home workers say that's their favorite part.

#41 | Posted by Danforth at 2025-03-11 11:03 PM | Reply

"She got back her sense of filter"

When asked by the judge if she thought my two brothers at the hearing would make decisions in her best interest...

She jokingly replied, "These imbeciles?

#42 | Posted by Danforth at 2025-03-11 11:08 PM | Reply

#42 - I love that! That got an audible laugh out of me!

#43 | Posted by YAV at 2025-03-12 08:25 AM | Reply

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