Sunday, June 16, 2024

Trump's 'Cognitive Test' Rant Fails in Epic Fashion

While Trump bragged about his brain, he went on to get the name of his former doctor wrong: "Doc Ronny! Doc Ronny Johnson! Does everyone know Ronny Johnson? Congressman from Texas," he excitedly declared. He was referring, of course, to Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX)



As I mentioned in another thread ...

My current view is that fmr Pres Trump's age-related deterioration is mental, not physical.

And that Pres Biden's age-related deterioration is physical, not mental.

Unfortunately for Pres Biden, physical impairment is far more visible and exploitable that mental impairment.

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-06-16 12:41 AM

Person ... how am I doing so far? ... woman ... .yar, poosie ... man ... huff and puff ... camera ... where? where? ... TeeBee ... what? another? ohhhhhkay ... Doctor ... Who?

#2 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-06-16 06:26 AM

Trump drooling on himself while proclaiming himself a genius is what makes otherwise small stories such as this significant.

#3 | Posted by Zed at 2024-06-16 07:52 AM

It's pretty pathetic that the demented orange pedo can't remember the name of the sozzled quack who prescribed the ton of adderall he hoovered up while stinking up the White House.

#4 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-06-16 07:57 AM


#5 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-06-16 12:22 PM

Person, Man, Woman, Camera, TV, Felon

#6 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY at 2024-06-16 12:28 PM

Speaking of Johnson ... er, Jackson:

Navy demoted Ronny Jackson after probe into White House behavior

Jackson is now a retired Navy captain, those people said " a demotion that carries significant financial burden in addition to the social stigma of stripped rank in military circles.

Despite the demotion, Jackson has continued to refer to himself as a retired rear admiral, including in statements released since the Navy reclassified him as a retired captain. Former president Donald Trump and other Republicans have also continued to publicly describe Jackson using his former rank

#7 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY at 2024-06-16 12:30 PM

" Despite the demotion, Jackson has continued to refer to himself as a retired rear admiral"

Don't normal Republicans get upset regarding stolen valor?

Or is Ronny just talking about his Grindr account?

#8 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-06-16 01:23 PM

WTF is wrong with demented sack of----------?

#9 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-06-16 01:26 PM

They both, and all the other superannuated members of our ruling class, should have the consideration to let us move on. It's not rational to let them linger in power.

#10 | Posted by look_inward at 2024-06-17 12:41 AM

It's not rational to let them linger in power.

It is for them. Pretty sweet gig, really.

#11 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-06-17 12:58 AM

Here's what Fatty McSh*tstain has repeatedly said about his cognitive test (MOCA).

"They always show you the first one, like a giraffe, a tiger, or this, or that " a whale. Which one is the whale?' Okay. And that goes on for three or four [questions] and then it gets harder and harder and harder."

Except there's never been a whale or the other animals in combination.

The decomposing Jack O' Lantern can't correctly remember his own memory test.

#12 | Posted by zarnon at 2024-06-17 06:17 AM

Unfortunately for Pres Biden, physical impairment is far more visible and exploitable that mental impairment.

If it's so real, then why don't ConservaDunces stop making fake videos of him?

#13 | Posted by zarnon at 2024-06-17 06:20 AM


He's always been a fugging idiot.

The problem is, his rabid vapid drooling truck parading rolling coal dopes are dumber than him and believe his bulls**t.

Now they're stuck. They can't admit he is a fraud because that would mean they're fools for believing him.

In 2016 several of my partners in my office fell in love with the------------- and his message. To their credit they were able to see that he is a world wide embarrassment and his policies hurt this nation for the benefit of a few at the top and realize what a clown he is.

#14 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-06-17 07:25 AM

Hey, how about those water flow suppressors in shower heads GOP?
Yeah, Trump stopped that!



#15 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-06-17 10:57 AM

There's a video of Felon needing a hand to hold as he walked across the stage.
Mental and physical collapse

#16 | Posted by northguy3 at 2024-06-17 03:13 PM

Here is the screening test for cognitive deficits. Used to prompt further investigation. A person should score 29-30, nothing to brag about.

#17 | Posted by mattm at 2024-06-17 03:25 PM

Now they're stuck. They can't admit he is a fraud because that would mean they're fools for believing him. --Nixon

^ This is it, all day long.

#18 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2024-06-17 09:45 PM

@#18 ... They can't admit he is a fraud because that would mean they're fools for believing him. ...

While I may have an issue attributing that statement to fmr Pres Nixon without attribution, I will say that it does seem to describe the current GOP.

Though to be more specific, I'd word it as:

They can't admit he is a fraud because that would mean they're fools for supporting him.

Yeah, that's much better, imo. And something I've said here in the past.

#19 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-06-17 09:56 PM

Take it up w/ post 14, by Nixon.

#20 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2024-06-17 11:09 PM

@#14 ... Take it up w/ post 14, by Nixon. ...

I've no reason to take up anything, at this point, with Nixon's cogent comments.

Indeed, I do agree with #14, ...

(yeah, I may have not back-quoted accurately, thanks for catching that).

So I will say, again, in agreement with the #14 comment...

Now they're stuck. They can't admit he is a fraud because that would mean they're fools for believing him.


#21 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-06-17 11:25 PM

They can't admit he is a fraud because that would mean they're fools for supporting him.

A good chunk of them cannot even see that he is a fraud since they don't have two brain cells to rub together.

A greater chunk of them are cool with him being a fraud because he spews the hate they have in their heart freely.

Sh*tler might not be a racist, nazi, homophobe, bigot, etc...BUT THE RACISTS, NAZIS, HOMOPHOBES, BIGOTS think he is just like them.

And he does NOTHING to correct their thinking because he needs their votes.

#22 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-06-18 07:38 AM

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