Monday, August 05, 2024

Ukraine Receives First F-16 Fighter Jets

Ukraine has received its first American-made F-16 fighter jets, President Volodymyr Zelensky has said.



As Putin barks his shins over the F-16 delivery to Ukraine, the Business Insider headline says it all about the Kremlin's problems:

"Russia is offering a $22,000 bonus to new military recruits, signaling its desperation to offset losses in Ukraine."


#1 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2024-08-04 06:23 PM

Two weeks ago they were being trucked over the border from Poland. About 5 days ago the first videos of them flying over Ukraine emerged.

Over the weekend there have been an intense number of Ukrainian strikes on Russia. Another submarine was sunk in port, an airbase's ammo depot was destroyed with jets parked next to it and it's still on fire today. That airbase was allegedly stocked up on the glide bombs that are the key to battering down Ukrainian positions. A major oil depot in Russia has been on fire for several days. Georgi Chibisov was throw off his yacht and drowned (Russian Stock Exchange stuff). Baga Yaga drones are now dropping indigenously built, laser-guided 125mm somethings? I'm not sure what to call the weapon.

Meanwhile in Russia's lifeline of North Korea, the Peoples Republic of China opened some dams due to heavy regional rains, which in turn caused massive downstream flooding in DPRK and is currently an ongoing international incident. The satellite photos of entire towns swept away are chilling.

#2 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-08-05 09:32 AM

"Russia is offering a $22,000 bonus to new military recruits, signaling its desperation to offset losses in Ukraine."

That is pretty low price to throw away a lifetime.

Maybe Putrid should tap into the billions of dollars he stole from the Russian people.

#3 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-08-05 12:22 PM

Meanwhile in Russia's lifeline of North Korea, the Peoples Republic of China opened some dams due to heavy regional rains, which in turn caused massive downstream flooding in DPRK and is currently an ongoing international incident. The satellite photos of entire towns swept away are chilling.


I saw that. Another climate disruption. (Or as bellringer would say, climate fiction)

A South Korean government official told reporters that up to 1,500 residents have died or are missing as a result of the floods. That number hasn't been verified by North Korea.

The deaths could have been prevented, as China had offered to save the residents before the waters got too high, another North Pyongan official told RFA on condition of anonymity for security reasons.

North Korea declined China's offer to rescue residents on islands in the Yalu River"some of whom later died in flooding"because Pyongyang was afraid that those rescued would try to escape to China permanently, officials in the country told Radio Free Asia.

#4 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-05 01:19 PM

lol. Putin has SO lost this thing.
By 2025 Ukraine will have LOTS of F-16's.

It's all over, but for Putin's Pride.

#5 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-08-05 02:01 PM

#3 | Posted by Nixon

For the people signing on this is likely 5+ years of wages. Just in 1 signing bonus and they are being lied to on top of it. They do not know what they are getting into. Their front line life span is probably 5 days.

#6 | Posted by GalaxiePete at 2024-08-05 04:13 PM

Zelensky is like Kumala Harris. A phony incompetent comedian chameleon who does nothing to end this except playing the old hand out palm up game to stretched almost bankrupt Americans.

Same people, same foreigners,same game always robbing average struggling Americans of their financial and personal security to feed foreign lobbyists.

#7 | Posted by Robson at 2024-08-05 07:27 PM

The Front is moving East. The Ukrainian attacks in Russia stink of desperation.

Ukraine treats casualty figures as a state secret. For Good Reason.

Men are more important than F-16s in attrition warfare.

How long till NATO sends them into the fight?

I'm guessing...Never.

#8 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-05 10:26 PM

West.. I'm not with it today.

#9 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-05 10:27 PM

Meantime, Mr. Putin is watching his legacy slip away along with Trump's chances of winning this election. The bad news just keeps coming and coming.

#10 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-08-06 12:47 AM

God Efete.are you so owned by PsYcho Putin that you would really preTend that Zelensky is less transparent about troop losses than Russia where tou will go to prison foe telling the truth. Amazing that you are too stupid to realize that in LOSSES than Russia? Sorru but that is just stupid; not ideologically mandated stupid but just plain old stupid. opiniions conytrary to the Russian scripted narrative would have already landed you in a work camp in Siberia. If coming for justice for the hSiberia so I understand why you cling to the approved script. Meanwhile America and Ukraine too lets you spew your pro-Putin lies freely. Almost as if you would welcome some questioning by the FSB? MKE SURE YOU HAVE THE rUSSIAN LIES MEMORIZED IF YOU HAVE TO REPEAT THEM FOR YOUR TORTURERSrEVEN VARY FROM THE FSB SCRIPT BUT also dom't expect Ukrainiams to ptotect you when Putin is forced to forget his megolomaniacal dreams about rebuilding the USSR and deserts you into the hands of the Ukrainians who hate you and will grant you no mercy. My advice foe when Psyxho Putin is deposed and is muddered by his own troops' hoprfully, run, do not walk to Argentina where all the Nazi war criminals hid for years. But just know you can run and hide but they will catch you. The U.S, government will help them find you. Harsh I guess, until you consider the crimes against humanity documented by Ukrainians which you have weaky de or denied nied. good luvk with that EFFete whrn you are drug back to Ukraine to answer for the war crimes you excused. When Putin is deposed and Russia forced to retreat. where will you run? N. Korea?

#11 | Posted by danni at 2024-08-06 01:53 AM

"The front is moving West"

Trading a 1,000 Russians a day for 0.001% territory gains.

#12 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-08-06 09:06 AM

Slava Ukrayina! Slava heroyam!

#13 | Posted by Augustine at 2024-08-06 10:19 AM

"The Front is moving East. The Ukrainian attacks in Russia stink of desperation."

It will be desperation, for the Russians that is, when Ukrainian-built drones are dropping bombs on red square and the Kremlin. Cheers comrade!

#14 | Posted by dibblda at 2024-08-06 04:05 PM

Or NATO if Russia starts Droning the West.

Ending this tripwire for catastrophe is a good idea.

Don'tcha think?

#15 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-06 06:08 PM

EFFORTTRAITOR at it again with more BS lies. How can you look yourself in the mirror is beyond me traitor. That's if you are even an American.

#16 | Posted by Wildman62 at 2024-08-06 07:20 PM

American as you. Just don't want escalation in Europe.

Is the "territorial integrity", of a corrupt PsuedoState worth having a world war?

Invading Ukraine was Idiotic. Putin is a Moron.

Getting into the whole mess was even more Stupid.

If NATO hadn't crowded Russia and fomented political unrest in Ukraine there would have been no war to begin with.

Pouring Gasoline on the fire is just killing hundreds of thousands of people and getting Ukraine pulverized for nothing.

Russia isn't leaving.

#17 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-06 08:02 PM

"Or NATO if Russia starts Droning the West.
Ending this tripwire for catastrophe is a good idea.
Don'tcha think?"

At the end of the day the Russians (and you) are cowards. They know as well as you that they would lose a war with what remains of their WW2 stock of military equipment and apparently unarmored golf carts and dune buggies. NATO has crossed every "red line" and Russia has done nothing in response. A bully pathetically attempting to beat up a smaller country isn't going to beat the combined military forces of the west.

#18 | Posted by dibblda at 2024-08-06 08:12 PM

"Russia isn't leaving."

Yeah, Russia is leaving in under two years, and shrinking from a small economy to a complete non-player on the world stage akin to North Korea. China will gobble up the eastern half of Russia soon enough like a latter day Genghis Khan. Hope you don't live in that chunk of the country comrade!

#19 | Posted by dibblda at 2024-08-06 08:16 PM

Dream on.

The West is becoming less relevant by the day.

Russia isn't Iraq,or even Iran. They have what the world needs.

Timber,grain,oil gas,rare earths, many countries are eager buyers.

They can outlast NATO.

#20 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-06 09:02 PM

Do the Ukrainians even know how to fly them?

Further, the Russians have 14 Su-57's. Good luck taking one of those on with a F-16.

#21 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-08-06 09:57 PM

Who the ---- asked you, you ------- ------? Broke ass Russians buying you scotch-brand vodka, dumbass?

#22 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-08-07 12:35 AM

Do the Ukrainians even know how to fly them?

They have been training on them for a year or more so one would hope so.

#23 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-08-07 07:02 AM

#17. So Yanukovych was a saint? No. Elected because he campaigned on his agreement with the majority of Ukraine that they should become part of the European Union. In the meantime, he was Putin's puppet and weighed Putin's stick & carrot offer: "either Yanukovych personally take millions of from Putin and do Putin's bidding or ignore Putin's wishes and fall out of a window".

Yanukovych stabbed his people in the back and took the money. Putin was happy and when Ukrainians protested, Yanukovych had his pro-Russian storm troopers shoot into the crowds massacring dozens in the public square. No western intervention led to the desire to be freer and to be governed without orders from Putin and kleptocratic Muscovy.

When Yanukovych fled Kiev to get protection from Putin, his abandoned estate was discovered festooned with opulence no honest Ukrainian could ever afford in 1,000 lifetimes. Today Viktor Y basks in a comfort near Moscow continuing to hate real democracy but presumably living Putin's fascist police state.

"Viktor Yanukovych: corruption, opulence and decadence in Ukraine"

#24 | Posted by Augustine at 2024-08-07 09:20 AM

"Timber,grain,oil gas,rare earths, many countries are eager buyers."

Yep, and that is why Russia's economy before all of this was smaller than ...... Italy?

Look, China will thank you for all of those assets when the Russian state fails and China does the land grab they are salivating over. What are you going to do about it at that point? Throw rocks at them? Sell them your women? They do have a shortage.

#25 | Posted by dibblda at 2024-08-07 10:45 AM

Do the Ukrainians even know how to fly them?
Further, the Russians have 14 Su-57's. Good luck taking one of those on with a F-16.

#21 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-08-06 09:57 PM | Reply

They're beatable. They produced 22. Only 4 are known to be flyable at any given time. The TBO is extremely short. There's no evidence they can butter them before flight. They have VISIBLE RIVETS. The RCS is at best 0.5 m^2. For the F-16 it's a challenge but winnable fight especially with numbers on their side. For a current build F-18, the F-18 will get first lock, first shot, reliably, and the Su-57 won't know it's being shot until it's too late.

#26 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-08-07 10:48 AM

The Su-57 build quality is so poor it shocked the Indian government into not building them.

#27 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-08-07 10:50 AM

Russia isn't leaving.


Then the Ukrainians will just take the war to them.

Ukrainian troops storm into Russia and threaten to capture or encircle the Russian Kursk Nuclear Power Plant

#28 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-07 11:50 AM

This won't end well. Correctly or not, Russia perceives this war as Existential.

That means Nukes are a possibility.

Why push this until it breaks? Is a nuclear detonation in Europe or anywhere else in anyone's interest?

A negotiated settlement is the only way this ends without a wider war.

Ukraine won't win without NATO boots on the ground.

Is NATO going to do that?

Sleepwalking into nuclear war is not "defending" anyone.

It only takes one mistake,one miscalculation, to start something totally irreversible.

This is not about just Ukraine or Russia.

NATO has led to this, inexorably and for many years.

Russia isn't totally rational and neither is NATO.

For God's sake it's got to stop somewhere. Before millions are Killed.

It's that a Hysterical belief?

I'm sure many here will say so.

I'm not as Certain.

#29 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-07 12:12 PM

This won't end well ... .

for Pooty Pants.

That means Nukes are a possibility.

Capturing a nuclear power plant means nuclear blackmail is a possibility. Against Russia.

#30 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-07 12:22 PM

"That means Nukes are a possibility."

Ah, nukes. Russia has been threatening that every time NATO plans on providing Ukraine with new capabilities and every single time it has been an empty threat. Go ahead, use a nuke. Putin is a coward, as all bullies are. At the end of the day he loves being alive and living comfortably. If he is backed into a corner and orders his generals to use nukes, they also love being alive and living comfortably and will toss him out of a window instead. Putin knows this.

#31 | Posted by dibblda at 2024-08-07 12:25 PM

"A negotiated settlement is the only way this ends without a wider war."

The only way this ends without a wider war is a complete surrender by Russia, just like the Nazis in Europe. Russia wants all of it's old colonies under it's yoke.

#32 | Posted by dibblda at 2024-08-07 12:30 PM

Very few wars end like WW2 in Europe. Japan was Nuked,Twice.

If Germany had Nukes in 1945, would the war have ended the way it did with an Unconditional Surrender? Or would it have ended with Nuclear Fire in Europe?

Would there have been an Armistice? WW1 ended with a less than Unconditional Surrender by the Central Powers.

Nukes change everything. People are not really all that Rational, especially when it comes to War.

That's why nobody wants Iran to have a Bomb. That's why nuclear proliferation is so feared.

Why is this so hard for people to see?

Just Stop Shooting. That's the first priority.

Total Victory against a Nuclear Armed Enemy isn't likely.

Its more likely to kill Everyone.

That why Nukes should be Banned and destroyed, not built and deployed everywhere by the thousands.

Russia will exist after this, the West will have to deal with them.

Cooler Heads must prevail... or life we we know it will Die.

#33 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-07 12:48 PM

Russia has many thousands of Nukes.

Nuclear Armed subs lurk off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of North America.

Nobody is Untouchable in the Nuclear Era.

Nobody likes to Lose, Everyone wants Total Victory.

It isn't possible.

Sometimes it's better to Lose something than push for Everything.

Face it, Russia isn't Italy,or even China.

They are a Peer Competitor,and they aren't alone.

China is backing their play.

The world isn't Unipolar any more.

The West isn't the Center. It's on the periphery.

The Age of Empire is Over.

Trying to maintain it will Kill Millions.

Is it worth it?

#34 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-07 01:09 PM

Effeteposer quit sucking on Putin's nips. Jesus Christ.

#35 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2024-08-07 01:19 PM

Cooler Heads must prevail... or life we we know it will Die.


Life has been in this earth for over 3 billion years.

Life will be just fine. Maybe "life as you know it" needs to change.

#36 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-07 01:22 PM

Effeteposer quit sucking on Putin's nips. Jesus Christ.


It sure sounds like he needs a pacifier.

The poor dear! Life might change on him at any second!

#37 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-07 01:24 PM

"That's why nobody wants Iran to have a Bomb."

Is that why republicans scuttled the JCPOA?

The Republicans are apparently perfectly ok with Iran developing nuclear weapons.


Because they so want to bomb bomb bomb Iran.

#38 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-07 01:29 PM

"They are a Peer Competitor,and they aren't alone."

As the Weasels (previous F-16, now F-35) say, "You gotta be ------- -------- me."

Russia is a joke. If they weren't, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Their shock-and-awe campaign would have succeeded, and the conflict would have moved on to asymmetric/Counter-insurgency phase.

And nukes? They don't seem to have had much impact on the battlespace.

#39 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-08-07 01:29 PM

#37 Dude, you have no reply on Point. Just ridicule and invective. War was your Vocation. War paid your bills. It sustains much of the American Economy.

You want War? That's your Business. As a Soldier did you kill?

Did it solve anything? How do you sleep at night?

Is your Conscience clear?

Mine is.

Reflect and take care.

#40 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-07 01:34 PM

#39 Everything is always OK, right up until it isn't.

Even a "joke" enemy can kill millions if they have WMD.

North Korea is also a "joke", but nobody is invading them. Gee,I wonder why?

War is unpredictable, easy to start and very difficult to stop.

Control is an illusion. Victory is incomplete and Glory is Fleeting.

Ridicule me all you want, I'm a nobody and I know it. My opinion is not going to matter much.

Russia made a very stupid mistake. They are persistent about continuing it.

Are you telling me that counting on Putin,the -------- who started this, to be Rational is itself a rational Choice?

War is not a Rational thing.

Your responses are not really responses at all.

They are deflections and distortions.

Do you have anything of substance of just excuses to not engage?

#41 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-07 01:56 PM


If the NorKs invaded South Korea, you can bet your pink ass the west would respond, even while you stood back claiming that South Korea was a worthy sacrifice if it prevented escalation. Or that it was South Korea's fault, or the west's fault, or whatever.

I'm not sure why, but you're definitely an anti-western fanboi. You don't seem to have ever come across a dictatorial or authoritarian regime you didn't like.

#42 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-08-07 02:06 PM

I hate war. Perhaps too much. Sometimes it's necessary,like surgery or Chemotherapy.

The Putin love was trolling at first and took on a life of its own to be honest. Pretend to be something and it's weird how you can become what you pretend to be if you pretend long enough.

Russia was wrong to invade. I always thought so, I never pretended otherwise.

I did play up the Russia cheerleading somewhat.

I still think NATO caused the war in part, that's my genuine belief.

Ukraine is a separate and sovereign state,not a province of Russia.

Ukraine has a very difficult past. It is a cobbled together lump of regions that don't share a common heritage.

A crossroads of War.

Russia faced horrific invasion from the West repeatedly in the past two hundred years.

They ARE PARANOID. NATO fuels that. It doesn't even try to diminish it.

Then they wonder why Russia gets violent. It's almost like they want to provoke Russia.

Nuclear Arms change the equation dramatically. Small weak nuclear states are not attacked.

Non nuclear states are.

Russia is both big and nuclear armed. They have successfully weathered severe sanctions. They are not a "joke", Hitler believed that too. He paid dearly for that foolish belief.

World War is no Joke.

Hubris is the arrogant belief of Other's weakness and the certainty of one own strength.

Nothing is certain,Death is Final.

Armistice and Partition of Ukraine is the best way forward in my opinion.

How would the Ukrainians treat the people of the Donbass if they Won it back?

Would they massacre the people who aided Russia? History suggests they would.

Would NATO stop them?

#43 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-07 02:36 PM

"Your responses are not really responses at all."

When you post something worthy of my response then I will. At the time and place of my choosing.

Meanwhile, you might wanna consider some therapy before you turn into a dain bramaged maga maroon. Because you are well on your way.

#44 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-07 03:09 PM

"Would they massacre the people who aided Russia? History suggests they would."

Russia is massacring the men of the Donbas region by conscripting them and sending them to the front line (war crime). Raping the women in occupied territories (war crime), and removing children from parents, shipping them east to be Russified (war crime). How many people will be left after this Nazi-lite ethnic cleansing by the Russian people when Ukraine regains control over its territory. Death to fascists and dictators, no negotiation with evil.

#45 | Posted by dibblda at 2024-08-07 03:55 PM

No MAGA, not my thing, Guy. Trump is a Moron.

Therapy? Not a bad idea maybe. I am kinda depressed by all the Wars and stuff.

At least I never killed people for living. Did you?

Was it a satisfying career choice? Have many of your peers killed themselves?

Moral injury perhaps? Done things they couldn't live with maybe?

War is a cruel Bitch. Rarely worth the effort.

Good Money though.

For Connected people.

For the ones doing the killing?......

Was the cash worth it?

How do you compartmentalize it?

How to you stay intact Morally?

#46 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-07 04:28 PM

- How to you stay intact Morally?

That's a good question for people who blame anyone other than Putin for his Invasion tactics against civilians.

Blaming Putin's Invasion on Ukraine, Nato, the US, Europe... Aliens... anyone other than Putin, do need to ask themselves that question.

#47 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-07 05:26 PM

I Do Blame Putin. But not completely.

I do realize it was an Act of Aggressive War. I think it should end with no further loss of life. I think Putin should be charged and convicted of the crime of waging aggressive war. I think NATO should back away from Russia and create a demilitarized zone. Ukraine should remain Neutral.

I also think the US and NATO are using Ukraine shamefully as a proxy in a cowardly and opportunistic way.

They don't care much about Ukraine except as meat for the grinder.

This war could have been prevented, rather easily actually, If Russian paranoia has been taken into account and proper negotiations entered into in early 2022.

Instead they racheted up the bellicose rhetoric and refused to even have dialogue with the Russians. Biden got insulting and refused to even try to calm things down. It was a major diplomatic failure.

Diplomatic attempts to defuse the tensions were non existent.

America doesn't do diplomacy. It just says my way or the highway, Russia chose war.

Putin pulled the trigger, there was no excuse for that. He's totally guilty and culpable.

But NATO intransigence loaded the Gun.


#48 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-07 05:50 PM

- He's totally guilty and culpable. But...

But nothing.

Nato had for years denied Ukraine admission, and wasn't in the process of hurrying that along until Vlad couldn't keep it in his britches any longer.

Now several more potential Vlad Victim countries have joined Nato.

#49 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-07 08:17 PM

@#48 ... I Do Blame Putin. ...

Is that a new talking point that has been issued?

The new approach to justifying Pres Putin's unprovoked invasion of a sovereign country?

#50 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-07 08:24 PM

@#49 ... Now several more potential Vlad Victim countries have joined Nato. ...

I wouldn't say "several" but "two."

And two very important new allies against Pres Putin expansionist aims.

Sweden and Finland.

NATO's border with Russia has about doubled with Finland joining NATO. My guess is that Pres Putin did not expect that.

Both Sweden and Finland have ample experience in the Arctic region.

An Arctic region that has come into play because of global warming.

Pentagon unveils arctic strategy bolstered by new high north NATO allies Finland, Sweden (July 22, 2024)

... Fresh off a NATO Summit featuring two new members hailing from the high north, the Pentagon today released its newest strategic document outlining the need for both the US and its allies to curb Russian and Chinese ambitions in the arctic.

The new document, the 2024 National Strategy for the Arctic Region, warns that both Moscow and Beijing are increasingly working together to facilitate their activities in the north, particularly in the wake of Russia's invasion into Ukraine.

"Increasingly, the PRC and Russia are collaborating in the Arctic across multiple instruments of national power," according to the document. "Russia's isolation as a result of its full-scale invasion of Ukraine has made it increasingly reliant on the PRC for financing energy export infrastructure in the Arctic. Over 80 percent of Russia's natural gas production and nearly 20 percent of its petroleum production comes from the Arctic, and Russia is increasingly turning to the PRC to fund this extraction and purchase these resources."

But in the same vein that Russia and China's cooperation is increasing, the strategy notes that NATO's newest members -- Sweden and Finland -- are both arctic nations with vast experience operating in the region and building ships that keep their ports clear of ice that would otherwise impede most vessels.

"The Arctic NATO Allies posses highly capable militaries, and thanks to longstanding cooperation, are all highly interoperable," according to the strategy. "NATO's enlargement, in addition to increasing Nordic defense cooperation, will create new opportunities for combined planning, information sharing, and exercises that will expand regional collaboration."

At the unveiling of the strategy today, Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks told reporters, "The historic accession of Finland and Sweden to the NATO alliance not only makes them safer, but it makes our alliance stronger, including in the high north. ... We will continue to train and exercise alongside each other, strengthening deterrence deepening cooperation and ensuring our shared security in the arctic."

Among other things, a key reason why international interest in the arctic has been rising in recent years is the Earth's global warming, which is rapidly melting ice and in turn opening up new, useful sea lanes and commerce routes that countries such as Russia have already been eyeing for their own purposes. ...

An aside observation and question - has the Republican denial of climate (global) warming endangered the security of the Country?

#51 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-07 08:33 PM

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