Wednesday, November 06, 2024

Trump Victory Will Signal Shift in Ukraine War

With Donald Trump's victory in the United States presidential election, Ukrainians now face an all-but-certain American policy shift in the midst of a war that is turning against them. Russia has made some of the swiftest territorial advances in recent months, and diplomatic efforts are underway by multiple countries to find a negotiated settlement.


Impending slaughter of Ukranians.

#1 | Posted by morris at 2024-11-06 01:36 PM

Time for an Armistice.

Nobody Needs to Die. Know when to Quit.

The Funding is Drying Up. As it should have long ago.

#2 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-11-06 01:51 PM

@#2 ... Know when to Quit. ...

Based upon what he has said, fmr Pres Trump is looking to be a weak surrender President, rolling over for the dictators of the world.

#3 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-06 01:58 PM

The party of Reagan is a shell of its former self.

#4 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2024-11-06 02:01 PM

------- is a surrender monkey

#5 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-11-06 02:01 PM

A "Shift"? No. An end. With Zelenskyy dead, millions of Ukrainians folded back into Russia, Putin not yet satisfied, Western Europe sweating and King Dotard II getting better loan terms from Alfa Bank and seeking a Nobel Peace Prize. A stain on this country that will never wash clean...

#6 | Posted by catdog at 2024-11-06 02:02 PM

Sadly, The UkrAaine has good reason to believe they will soon be abandoned by the West to be absorbed by the new USSR.

#7 | Posted by moder8 at 2024-11-06 02:17 PM

1-7. I believe the war started after Trump left office, maybe just maybe he will find a way to reverse it. Biden/Harris couldn't, they made it worse, they also let Iran run rough shot over Israel. And btw that could have been a big reason Trump won the election, Jews like everyone saw how failed the Biden foreign policy is.

#8 | Posted by fishpaw at 2024-11-06 02:45 PM

Biden last election: 81,283,501 -- Trump last election: 74,223,975 -- Trump this election: 71,966,690 votes.

It seems like people were not as interested.

#9 | Posted by Brennnn at 2024-11-06 03:37 PM

"It seems like people were not as interested."

Nothing new; we had isolationists in the 931s too. Those fools realized that with aggressive dicrators like Hitler and Putin isolationism won't protect you from attack but it does give ruthless dictators more time to build their war machines and I don't compare Putin to Hitler lightly Putin is smarter than Hitler, he bought someone he thought would be President and he was right. Sad day in America when our President is ownwd by a foreign dictator but, at the time, no American bank would loan him a dime so he sold to the first person he found who would give him the money he needed.

#10 | Posted by danni at 2024-11-06 03:49 PM

The Russian army can't be rebuilt to it's 2020 arms level in the next 30 years.

#11 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-11-06 04:02 PM

Funny to think it now, but if Der Dotard had Hitler's generals, they would be telling that fat orange criminal insurrectionist and golf cheat to get in there and finish Russia, not let them slip the noose. Remember the Siege of Leningrad? It was in the end a failure, an early example of applying the 'Rope A Dope" strategy to warfare. The Russians took a terrific pounding, yet stood. The Wehrmacht wanted to finish the Russians. That's why they attacked.

Hey, GOPers--learn y'all some history...

#12 | Posted by catdog at 2024-11-06 05:24 PM

If you want to see Ukraine win convince the biden Administration to give them moabs and the planes to drop them on Russian positions in Ukraine.

#13 | Posted by Tor at 2024-11-06 05:31 PM

give them moabs and the planes to drop them

They only made about a dozen of those and C-130s would be sitting ducks.

#14 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-11-06 05:39 PM

Give them air support

#15 | Posted by Tor at 2024-11-06 05:50 PM

Give them air support

Ukraine will never beat Russia in the two and a half months they have left to live.

#16 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-11-06 05:55 PM

Stopping the shooting isn't a bad thing.

Funding and Arming proxies to die for ends not their own isn't Moral or good Fiscal policy.

Ukraine got played, like Iraq. Saddam was "His Excellency the President of Iraq" to the same people who later proclaimed "the Butcher of Bagdad" to be Evil Incarnate.

America is One Fickle Bitch.

Many Countries have learned This to their Chagrin.

#17 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-11-06 09:03 PM

@#17 ... Stopping the shooting isn't a bad thing. ...

That depends if it is done by a surrender President in the Oval office.

Yeah, I agree that stopping the shooting is not a bad thing.

So, why not ask Pres Putin to withdraw from his unprovoked invasion of a sovereign Ukraine?

#18 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-11-06 09:19 PM

Ukraine already removed a restoration of borders from their endgame, effectively ceding Donbass and Crimea to Russia for negotiation purposes.

This happened several months before our election.

Refusing to widen their draft for over a year has massive consequences.

#19 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-11-07 07:51 AM

I notice Effeteliar is more active here now --------------- has won the election but that aniveking coward will be surprised and disappoited when Zelensky and the Ukrainian Army bravely fight on even after the Bitch recieves his oeders from Putin and shames Amrtica and the Bitch. That will piss Putib off so much that te Bitch won't wvwn be allowed to suCK HIS ---- FOR monrths!

#20 | Posted by danni at 2024-11-07 12:23 PM


#21 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2024-11-07 12:26 PM

The Russian army can't be rebuilt to it's 2020 arms level in the next 30 years.

Putin's orange bitch will help his Russian masters reconstitute their military.

#22 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-11-07 06:12 PM

Among the countries that will be ceded to Russia, come 1/20/25, the US will shoot to the top of the list.

At least small items like aircraft positions and nuclear secrets.

#23 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2024-11-07 10:48 PM

I hope someone from NATO gets this message.
The time to march in the NATO troops, is
before Trump gets into office.

Putin has no troops, no tanks, no air force,
and nukes that cannot get out of their silos.

Locate your balls, and march NATO troops into
Ukraine and kick the Ruskies out before Trump
gets into office, thereby achieving victory for
Ukraine, helping to recover lost territory, and
cutting off Trump at the pass.

#24 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-11-08 07:01 AM

What a bunch of disappointed war mongers.You should all join the Ukrainian army and get you some before it's over.

#25 | Posted by fortfisher at 2024-11-08 08:16 AM

I notice Effeteliar is more active here now --------------- has won the election but that aniveking coward will be surprised and disappoited when Zelensky and the Ukrainian Army bravely fight on even after the Bitch recieves his oeders from Putin and shames Amrtica and the Bitch. That will piss Putib off so much that te Bitch won't wvwn be allowed to suCK HIS ---- FOR monrths!

#20 | Posted by danni at 2024-11-07 12:23 PM | Reply | Flag:
| Newsworthy 2

History lesson for Danni and it's pretty simple: Putin didn't invade when Trump was in office, he invaded when Biden was in office. Spin it all you want but you can't spin the facts.
Second: You might want to stop having Biden's debate speech writer write your posts.

#26 | Posted by fishpaw at 2024-11-08 12:22 PM

Putin's orange bitch surrendered American military bases to his Russian overlord.

#27 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-11-08 12:26 PM

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