
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The study out of the U.K. notes the correlation between added salt and stomach cancer could be even higher because it didn't account for the sodium levels already in the food.



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... Are you always sprinkling a bit more salt onto your food after it hits your table? A new study suggests that's putting you at a greater risk of developing gastric cancer.

The research, published in the journal Gastric Cancer, looked into the eating habits of more than 471,000 U.K. Biobank participants with no existing cancer or kidney issues and found that those who said they "always added salt to food at table" had a 41% greater risk of getting stomach cancer than those who never or rarely did.

The results were identified after an 11-year median follow-up period with the participants in which researchers recorded 640 cancer cases,

But the researchers note individuals who add more salt to their foods are also more likely to already be eating foods with higher sodium levels. That means the true association between salt intake and gastric cancer risk could be higher because the study's data didn't include participants' complete dietary sodium intake.

Stomach cancer is the fifth-most-common cancer worldwide, though the National Cancer Institute says it's more common in East Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America. ...

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-05-15 12:35 AM | Reply

Sugar and salt, and highly processed foods, especially meats, are the biggest killers in our diet.

#2 | Posted by Corky at 2024-05-15 06:59 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

The unfortunate flipside is the iodide levels naturally occurring in food are falling, and salt in processed foods is not usually iodized (also not usually labelled one way or another.)

#3 | Posted by arthurmann at 2024-05-15 07:02 PM | Reply

"A bit more". Love the scientific precision. It was people who added salt to food at every fkng meal. For reference, 1 tsp of salt = 2300 mg of salt.

2300 mg is the daily limit set by most nutritionists. According to, Americans take in 3,400 mg on average as it is.

I'm going to make a wild leap and assume the person who 'always' salts his/her food every meal is not going to show much restraint how much salt they're adding. They probably choose the saltiest baseline crap to eat as well.

You approach salt like this, the additional amount you're getting over the average person is surely more than 'a bit'.

I wish there were more alternative spices discussed in these articles. It seems we begin and end with salt and pepper. You can do things with combinations of herbs which allow you to add less salt to the recipe.

#4 | Posted by zarnon at 2024-05-15 08:04 PM | Reply

annnnnnnd somehow there are more of us eating, getting fat, and living longer than at any time in recorded history... not sure how long we're supposed to live... maybe that is why we can focus on minutia

this is interesting...

#5 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2024-05-15 09:21 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

A teaspoon is ALOT of salt.

Just about everyone in my family over 60 has had cancer, of one type or another, none of them have had "stomach cancer"

#6 | Posted by Miranda7 at 2024-05-15 10:51 PM | Reply

"While our study based on a large cohort suggests that always adding salt to food at table is also associated with a higher risk of gastric cancer in Western populations, it has several limitations. Case numbers in our study were not sufficient to evaluate the influence of potential modifiers such as sex, age, ethnicity, H. pylori infection, or smoking status. Analyses stratified by anatomical cancer site were restricted due to low case numbers. While we found no heterogeneity in risk associations between added salt intake and cardia vs. non-cardia gastric cancer, larger studies are needed to assess potential differences across cancer subtypes. H. pylori status was ascertained from self-reported and hospital impatient data as data from stool or breath samples were not available in UK Biobank; with 0.3% estimated prevalence among UK Biobank participants vs. 35.5% estimated UK prevalence of H. Pylori infection it was most likely underestimated [37]. Also, due to the observational nature of our study residual confounding cannot be excluded. Our ancillary analyses on urinary sodium and gastric cancer were restricted to spot urine samples, which have been shown to lead to biased associations with cardiovascular diseases compared to repeated 24-h urine samples [28, 29], including one study in UK Biobank that did not show significant associations between spot urine sodium and cardiovascular disease risks [38]. In addition, the case number available for these analyses was rather low. Next, while we did not have data on salt intake via foods for the full UK Biobank cohort, although the present analyses in a subset of participants with detailed dietary data indicate that individuals, who add more salt are also more likely to consume foods with higher sodium content; thus, and given that dietary salt intake is prone to measurement error, true associations between salt intake and gastric cancer risk could be stronger than those observed in this study. Finally, our findings cannot be generalized to the general UK population due to voluntary participation and age restriction of the UK Biobank cohort."

#7 | Posted by DarkVader at 2024-05-15 11:37 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

anyone know any good vegetarian cookbooks?
lifelong meatatarian here, trying to change a bit...

#8 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-05-16 10:27 AM | Reply


ck out the yt channel of the same name for her recipes free

#9 | Posted by Corky at 2024-05-16 11:10 AM | Reply

New study shows that living increases your risk of dying by 100%!!!

But cancer sure is a sucky way to go.

And I still believe moderation is the key. And it's worked pretty well so far!

#10 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-05-16 04:53 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

#3 Arthurmann But you can buy iodized salt from the store!

#11 | Posted by Ronnie68 at 2024-05-16 04:54 PM | Reply

#3 Arthurmann But you can buy iodized salt from the store!

yo. thats my point, and why some people add salt. (even though iodized salt loses iodine over time, so a 5 year oldcontainer (it takes me that long to go through a Mortons cylinder of the stuff) contains a fraction of what it did

I get it through a multivitamin, but ---- in the human system goes wrong over time without these trace nutrients in the diet. Too much salt and it messes with osmosis in the cells, too little, it also messes with osmosis in the cells. Moderation is key in that department, with iodine, if you dont get it through salt, you NEED to get it somewhere else.


As an aside, no wonder why these boards are so ridiculous. People are writing in violent opposition and skipping over the ways they agree. I prefer to be brief, but it seems because of that so much is left on the table that seems to be prime for argument, but nobody is here writing inclusive essays on anything (some get more involved, sure, but there's so much reductionism that I'm wishing the internet could go away for about 3 months to reset this automatic contrarian BS and get out of soundbyte mode.)

Whatever. Im outta here. Y'all have fun. More fun than it seems you're all having, hopefully.

#12 | Posted by arthurmann at 2024-05-16 07:57 PM | Reply

@#6 ... A teaspoon is ALOT of salt. ...


How Much Sodium Should You Eat in a Day?

... Sodium is a mineral that occurs naturally in some foods and is added to most processed foods. It's also a component of salt, which is technically called sodium chloride because it's made up of 40% sodium and 60% chloride.

To put that into perspective, one teaspoon of salt contains about 2,300 milligrams of sodium. That's precisely a whole day's worth of sodium, per United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines. (The guidelines call for 1,500 milligrams daily for people with hypertension, aka high blood pressure).1 ...

#13 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-05-16 08:25 PM | Reply

@#7 ... While our study based on a large cohort suggests that always adding salt to food at table is also associated with a higher risk of gastric cancer in Western populations, it has several limitations. ...


As a preliminary study, there are many unanswered questions, as noted by those who conducted the study.

Isn't it A Good Thing that they so openly admit the shortcomings of their study?)

On the whole, though, doesn't the study seem to confirm what has been known about excessive salt in our diets?

#14 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-05-16 08:31 PM | Reply

They're British. They start off with a crap-filled diet. Adding salt probably doesn't do anything.

#15 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-05-16 08:59 PM | Reply

@#15 ... They're British. They start off with a crap-filled diet. Adding salt probably doesn't do anything....

Salt seems to be a staple of the American diet.

What Pro Cooks Know About Salt and Flavor (2020)

... Have you ever looked at a recipe and wondered just how much "salt to taste" really meant?

Have you watched TV chefs toss handfuls of salt into a pot with fascination? ....

Yeah, that TV chefs aspect rings true for me.

Adding more and more salt for flavor.

Have we become addicted to the flavor of salt?

The Hard Sell on Salt (2010)

... With salt under attack for its ill effects on the nation's health, the food giant Cargill kicked off a campaign last November to spread its own message.

"Salt is a pretty amazing compound," Alton Brown, a Food Network star, gushes in a Cargill video called Salt 101. "So make sure you have plenty of salt in your kitchen at all times."

The campaign by Cargill, which both produces and uses salt, promotes salt as "life enhancing" and suggests sprinkling it on foods as varied as chocolate cookies, fresh fruit, ice cream and even coffee. "You might be surprised," Mr. Brown says, "by what foods are enhanced by its briny kiss." ...

I remember seeing an episode of Mr Alton's show where he actually hosted reps from the salt industry.


#16 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-05-16 09:49 PM | Reply

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