
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Whistleblowers' emails reveal John Kerry blocked the FBI and DOJ from arresting Iranian terrorists and agents on US soil in order to protect his Iran deal.

There are reports that Grassley and Johnson received unclassified and legally protected whistleblower disclosures revealing what they alleged as "then-Secretary of State John Kerry actively interfered with the Federal Bureau of Investigation executing arrest warrants on individuals in the US illegally supporting Iranian efforts, including financial efforts, to develop weapons of mass destruction and its ballistic missile program."

This allegedly took place in the backdrop of crucial talks and dealings for the Iran nuclear deal when the Obama-Biden administration vowed to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.



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Is anyone surprised by this?

#1 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-05-23 10:23 PM | Reply

Probably even less surprising is the chirping crickets as DR lefties avoid this thread like it's COVID.

#2 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-05-24 12:12 AM | Reply

@#2 ... Probably even less surprising is the chirping crickets as DR lefties avoid this thread...

What did your current alias expect.

For starters, the cited article is full of...

... There are reports that Grassley and Johnson received unclassified and legally protected whistleblower disclosures
In the letter, it's alleged that "unclassified FBI email records from August 25, 2017, detailed at least eight instances connected to the Iran deal where the "FBI/DOJ/USG could have moved forward with the cases but the State Department chose to block them."

It's alleged by the senators ...

So, no legal hard evidence at this point. Just "it is alleged" assertions.

#3 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-05-24 12:29 AM | Reply

Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson. Two complete pieces of $#!+

#4 | Posted by hamburglar at 2024-05-24 06:55 AM | Reply

That does it! I am not voting for him in November.

#5 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-05-24 09:20 AM | Reply

Iran Needs the Bomb.

For World Peace.

If they get a decent bomb program going with a good missile system to deliver it, that will do more for Peace than any single thing I can think of.

Bring On The Iranian Bomb.

#6 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-05-24 04:27 PM | Reply

Lee's been cashing checks in rubles.

#7 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-05-24 05:22 PM | Reply

" Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson. Two complete pieces of $#!+

#4 | POSTED BY HAMBURGLAR AT 2024-05-24 06:55 AM | FLAG: "

Perhaps. But they aren't lifelong traitors like Kerry.

#8 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-05-24 11:40 PM | Reply | Funny: 1 | Newsworthy 1


"Whistleblowers allege!" "Fox News" "Chuck Grassley"

Trump is the real traitor you obfuscate for here daily.

#9 | Posted by Corky at 2024-05-25 12:08 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

That article uses the word "alleged" in almost every paragraph... never ever seen that before.

#10 | Posted by Corky at 2024-05-25 12:18 AM | Reply

Is this like the "whistleblower" who accused Biden of wrongdoing and then turned out to be a russian spy who is under indictment by the FBI?

#11 | Posted by johnny_hotsauce at 2024-05-25 02:09 AM | Reply

That article uses the word "alleged" in almost every paragraph... never ever seen that before.

#10 | Posted by Corky

sure you have. you're just too biased to admit it.

majority of reports from the trump WH was an anonymous source.....which is thinner than "alleged"

regardless of your "insight"....heh heh / heh heh

#12 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-05-25 08:58 AM | Reply

to sum up two threads from larry the cable guy....I MEAN.....Lee the agent...

NIXON won't be voting for Kerry

and from the hunter lied ( redundant ) thread...Johnny Hotsauce is not voting for Hunter..

that's good enough for me....I won't either.

#13 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-05-25 09:04 AM | Reply

individuals in the US illegally supporting Iranian efforts, including financial efforts, to develop weapons of mass destruction and its ballistic missile program.

The WMDs BushJr was looking for were right here in America?

Man, this article, with zero facts provided, is so scary!

Thanks for sharing, Lee.

But, you owe BellRinger a new pack of depends.

He crapped through his double wides.

#14 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-05-25 10:41 AM | Reply

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Drudge Retort