
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Monday, December 23, 2024

In states with abortion bans, ProPublica has found, pregnant women have bled to death, succumbed to fatal infections and wound up in morgues with what medical examiners recorded were "products of conception" still in their bodies. These are the very kinds of cases state maternal mortality review committees are supposed to delve into, determining why they happened and how to stop them from happening again. But panels in states that have recently imposed strict bans on abortion have done little to uncover whether the laws are contributing to maternal deaths, including tracking delays in care for pregnancy complications and making these problems known, a ProPublica investigation shows.


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Maternal mortality review committees in states that have recently imposed strict bans on abortion have done little to determine whether the laws are contributing to maternal deaths, a ProPublica investigation shows. Read the full story:

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-- ProPublica ( December 22, 2024 at 7:00 PM


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"Pro-life" is a ------- joke.

#1 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-12-23 12:56 PM | Reply

50%+ of the population voted for this.

We're all good.

#2 | Posted by Angrydad at 2024-12-23 01:17 PM | Reply

This is why DOCTORS were never asked for their opinion on banning MEDICAL PROCEDURES.

I mean, who cares what women think about their health care but conservatives don't even care what health professionals think.

#3 | Posted by Derek_Wildstar at 2024-12-23 01:22 PM | Reply

Facts are the enemy.

#4 | Posted by YAV at 2024-12-23 02:07 PM | Reply

"The anti-abortion movement's end goal is to let doctors refuse treatment - including life-saving emergency care - for patients whom they deem to be sinful and morally impure. The patients, largely women, are supposed to die for their sins."

Rebecca Solnit

#5 | Posted by SomebodyElse at 2024-12-23 05:55 PM | Reply

Think about this for a second. The state is not investigating how women died. That is truly amazing. And a failure of governing at the most basic level. The state exists to protect its citizens. That is the essential nature of the social contract We provide resources and respect laws and the state creates and implements laws for the betterment of the collective

That is not socialism btw. That is the nature of society be it communism fascism liberal democracy republicanism even libertarian ffs

These states are choosing to not understand how and why its citizens are dying. I can think of few derelictions of duty more grave than that

#6 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-12-23 06:07 PM | Reply

"That is truly amazing."

Given what is well known about these states, their citizens, and the garbage they elect to govern, then, no, it is not.

#7 | Posted by Angrydad at 2024-12-24 09:11 AM | Reply

I am proud of the fact that none of my children grew up and joined the Evangelical cult or ever supported Trump.

#8 | Posted by danni at 2024-12-24 10:59 AM | Reply

Aborted kids never get to make that choice.

#9 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-12-24 12:23 PM | Reply

Aborted kids never get to make that choice.


I bet you thought was clever.

Kids don't ever get that choice. Aborted or not.

Regardless. No child ever gets to decide which religion that they or them will be born into. Nor do they get to decide at which point on the sexual scale they will be born into.

#10 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-12-24 01:29 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

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