
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Saturday, January 11, 2025

Miraculously, only a few people have died. That's a huge, almost impossible achievement in such a big city. LAFD is doing it all with almost nothing. The city is virtually surrounded. Some areas are literally obliterated. There's nothing left in many of the burnt-out places.



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More from the OpEd ....

... Lack of water isn't helping. LA like most of the southwest has had water problems for decades. Those problems are now coming back to bite.

Power outages also aren't helping. The numbers reported for power outages are chaotic, and increasing with time.

Something else isn't helping, either. America's spectator politics are as destructive as ever in a crisis. In a classic American political stupor, not much seems to be happening.

LA needed help 2 days ago.

Where is it?

Why wasn't it in the air 24 hours ago?

They need support on the ground.

Use the air force, engineers, spitballs, whatever.

They do NOT need smug little press releases.

Canada has already sent help with water bombers. Pretty nice of them, given somebody's brainless recent comments....

[emphasis theirs]

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-11 01:48 AM | Reply

A cutting OpEd from what Pres-elect Trump wants to be our 51st State.

#2 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-11 01:49 AM | Reply

Where Orange Adolf. He should have been personally the forests months ago.

#3 | Posted by a_monson at 2025-01-11 03:15 AM | Reply

where are they ?

recent history says that FEMA is checking each resident's political party before sending aid.

unless, of course since it's been a while...."you people" now say that never happened....

#4 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2025-01-11 07:28 AM | Reply

" recent history says that FEMA is checking each resident's political party before sending aid."

one employee did that and got fired. its on pbs. one.

#5 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2025-01-11 08:14 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Putin's bitch withheld aid to California.

#6 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-01-11 09:06 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Mayor Bass couldn't legally declare an emergency while out of the State, which would have initiated the Federal response.
The Deputy Mayor was on administrative leave for calling in a fake bomb threat to the city council.
He was charged with overseeing the fire department and emergency management by Karen Bass.

Either from what I read he legally couldn't declare a state of emergency, or didn't know how.

Some how, one was finally declared on Tuesday. she arrived in LA Wednesday.

#7 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-01-12 09:31 PM | Reply

one employee did that and got fired. its on pbs. one.

Wrong as usual, FEMA employee fired for telling workers to ignore homes of Trump supporters during hurricane relief efforts.

#8 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-01-12 09:33 PM | Reply

@#8 ... Wrong as usual, FEMA employee fired for telling workers to ignore homes of Trump supporters during hurricane relief efforts. ...

And that counters what was said in the comment #5 your current alias replied to?

... " recent history says that FEMA is checking each resident's political party before sending aid."

one employee did that and got fired. its on pbs. one. ...

#9 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-01-12 10:03 PM | Reply

California taxes it's residents 50% or more in total taxes. Where is all that money? Hell, yall have been bragging on how you are the 5th biggest economy! Where is all that money?

Take care of yourself, why are you asking for the federal government?

Even though you liberals have always acted like the federal tax coffers are some unlimited pot of money anyway.

#10 | Posted by boaz at 2025-01-13 02:29 PM | Reply

"Take care of yourself, why are you asking for the federal government?"

Says the guy from North Carolina, who expected The States to act United when it was NC's turn in the barrel.

#11 | Posted by Danforth at 2025-01-13 02:43 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1


Who said that? I didnt.

I expect people in NC to take care of themselves and rebuilt as they have planned.

Or not.

Of course in the short term, that's what FEMA's for. But long term, as an adult, you should have planned for something like this.

#12 | Posted by boaz at 2025-01-13 03:03 PM | Reply

Plan for having your entire life taken away from you in a natural disaster?

How do you do that exactly?

By being a multimillionaire?

A friend's house burnt down. They had gone to work and his kids were out at a friend's house. Then their house burnt down with all their possessions and belongings. Everything.

How were they supposed to plan for that?

Altadena wasn't considered an area that was a fire risk. It was a suburban community. House lined streets and quiet neighborhoods. East of Pasadena. Really a beautiful area. Old community. Lots of families.

All gone. Nothing left.

#13 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-13 03:12 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

California taxes it's residents 50% or more in total taxes. ....
Take care of yourself, why are you asking for the federal government?

Well 20% or more of that goes to the Federal Government.

#14 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-01-13 03:38 PM | Reply

And that counters what was said in the comment #5 your current alias replied to?

He said ONE personl, RIF

There were many people, that committed this sin, only one was arrested.

... " recent history says that FEMA is checking each resident's political party before sending aid."

Thats what the person told them to do, see Trumpsigns etc etc.

Why are you so bad at logic?

#15 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-01-13 03:40 PM | Reply

How were they supposed to plan for that?

Really? Do I have to tell you how to adult?

Plan for having your entire life taken away from you in a natural disaster?

Yes. It's not hard. It's called insurance.

Altadena wasn't considered an area that was a fire risk.

Why did insurance carriers pull out then?

#16 | Posted by boaz at 2025-01-13 03:52 PM | Reply

It's not hard. It's called insurance.

That's what you were referring to when you wrote, "But long term, as an adult, you should have planned for something like this."

They have homeowners and fire insurance.

What's your point?

That fixes everything?

Why did insurance carriers pull out then?

Of where? You don't know what you're talking about.

My house is insured by State Farm.

#17 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-13 03:59 PM | Reply

"How were they supposed to plan for that?

My house is insured by State Farm."

get out your policy out and I can explain you to how it works.

dwelling coverage
other structures
contents (70% of dwelling limit)
loss of use

those 4 coverages are where you get everything an insurance company offers to a home owner.

#18 | Posted by eberly at 2025-01-13 04:05 PM | Reply

That's all useful information. Thanks.

There was a time when I joked about wanting my house to burn down so I could collect insurance and rebuild.

But the reality is. It's not worth it.

It really isn't.

#19 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-13 04:16 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

That fixes everything?

It helps rebuild.

It seems like before those insurance companies could pull out of that area, they would have needed some sort of state government agency approval. This would have helped.

Now, a lot of those people who are in that area who's insurance company pulled out have no way to rebuild.

California regulates everything else, you mean to tell me that this wasn't something that was forseen?

#20 | Posted by boaz at 2025-01-13 04:37 PM | Reply

That's all useful information. Thanks.

I have extra insurance that goes beyond regular policies. Very expensive, but I think it's worth it.

#21 | Posted by boaz at 2025-01-13 04:38 PM | Reply

I have had to deal with clients who suffered total losses but not so much on their homes.

businesses.....yes, I've had to hold hands through the process.

It sucks.

I can't imagine what those folks are going through in California.

We've been jabbing back and forth on this stuff in California when I know I've objected to similar actions when hurricanes or whatever hit red states.

It's just noise. I'm not truly critical of anybody in that situation.

My agency is a huge Nationwide partner and I've had my personal lines there for the past 17 years.

But this past Spring I moved it all to State Farm. 40% less. I have 5 cars.....3 youthful drivers,'s not chump change.....

#22 | Posted by eberly at 2025-01-13 05:16 PM | Reply

-Why did insurance carriers pull out then?

carriers can be specific on how they "pull out". Maybe they didn't in that area, specifically.

The news will generalize it as "State farm non-renewed 5,000 policyholders, etc.." but nothing beyond that.

It's more targeted that people know. It's not just random.

And the main reason? the exposure scares the crap out of them or they can't get the rate they want because it has to be approved by the state.

California has been difficult to deal with according to the carrier reps I talk to......

#23 | Posted by eberly at 2025-01-13 05:20 PM | Reply

"There was a time when I joked about wanting my house to burn down so I could collect insurance and rebuild.

But the reality is. It's not worth it."

especially when it's part of a much larger catastrophic event like these fires.

Every builder in LA is going to be extremely busy.....what do you think that does to prices?

It's going to cost a ton more to build those homes back than most people think.

I could tolerate a re-build if it was just my house that went down. availability of builders, materials, etc.....all in my favor if it's not a catastrophe.

#24 | Posted by eberly at 2025-01-13 05:23 PM | Reply

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