Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The Israel-Hamas deal that was directing the release of the remaining hostages is in danger of collapsing after U.S. President Donald Trump publicly mused about owning Gaza, not allowing Palestinians to return to their homes and turning the war-torn territory into a resort.


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Trump: "I would own this [Gaza]." Brett Baeir: "Would the Palestinians have a right to return [to Gaza]?" Trump: "No, they wouldn't." Trump plans on committing multiple, and unprecedented, war crimes.

[image or embed]

-- Mehdi Hasan (@mehdirhasan.bsky.social) February 10, 2025 at 3:56 PM


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#1 | Posted by billy_boy at 2025-02-10 11:03 PM | Reply


Missed it again.

#2 | Posted by REDIAL at 2025-02-10 11:09 PM | Reply

Seems to me that this is Trump's fault.

#3 | Posted by Zed at 2025-02-11 09:13 AM | Reply

Trump couldn't help mouthing off about GAZA before all the hostages were out.

Yep, this is his fault all right.

#4 | Posted by Zed at 2025-02-11 09:35 AM | Reply

"Trump couldn't help mouthing off about GAZA before all the hostages were out."

Yeah. It has nothing to do with Hamas.

Hamas is playing a game. They are seeing how far they can push without turning the world against them. Their goal of extirpating the Jewish state has not changed. They're just seeing what they can get away with.

#5 | Posted by madbomber at 2025-02-11 01:51 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Dude, you're so biased it's ridiculous.

Israel's Goal of Usurping the entire West Bank and Gaza
is unchanged and they are seeing what They Can Get Away With.

Without Turning the Whole World against THEM.

Except only the US and Germany really Matter to them because that's the source of their Impunity and Funding.

Israel is a Parasite on the US and the World. They will Exterminate the Palestinians long before Hamas does anything like that to them.

Being Chosen has it's Privileges.

What are the Responsibilities?

#6 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2025-02-11 02:09 PM | Reply

Send Elon over to Gaza. His elephant fart breath and creepy personality will move those Palestinian folks out prontodente ...

#7 | Posted by catdog at 2025-02-11 05:59 PM | Reply

"Israel's Goal of Usurping the entire West Bank and Gaza is unchanged and they are seeing what They Can Get Away With."

I'm not sure why you chose to draft seven sentences when the crux of your position could have been summed up as "Palestinians and their allies deserve and are entitled to the wealth and land currently known as Israel, and they are equally entitled to eliminate the Jews currently living there."

#8 | Posted by madbomber at 2025-02-12 01:24 AM | Reply

The US basically took 100 years to conquer the natives of the West, circa 1790 to 1890 (Wounded Knee being the last engagement). Back then the enemy was called "Redskin" or "Injun." Today the enemy is called "Hamas" or "Arab." In 2048, Israel celebrates its centennial, but how many of their "Redskins" or "Injuns" will be left? Like the US today, probably not many. Since 7 Oct 2023, 62,614 Palestinians were killed and 110,265 maimed. Wow. Israel is too cruel and rightwing for me to ever visit again and I was there many times, including during "Operation Samson."

#9 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2025-02-12 02:08 AM | Reply

#5 | Posted by madbomber

One of HAMAS goals is to rope-a-dope America directly into the Gaza war.

Donald Trump is either---

1) Just shooting his big mouth off again for the sake of ego and his threats will just be another Big Never Mind that will nonetheless prove to MAGA what a powerful man he is because he yelled at something for a few hours, or

2) We'll get B-52 strikes. or something like. in Gaza and that new twenty-year war I've been loudly predicting is on.

Either way we lose.

That's the Trump way: Anyway you look at this we lose.

#10 | Posted by Zed at 2025-02-12 08:16 AM | Reply

It's funny how EFFORTTRAITOR thinks that the Ukranians deserve all the misery for defending their country from going back under the boots of the Russian mass murderers and rapists torture gangs just because he believes the malarkey his buddy Vlad tells everyone. Yet, on Israel he is always bending over backwards to defend those that wish to kill every single Jew on the planet because their version of religion told them to do so. If Israel really wanted to kill every single Arab in Gaza they could have accomplished that any time that they chose to do so. Do you cheer on those terrorists that blow up Westerners or use guns, cars and knives to attack people that have taken them in out of the kindness of their nation's heart too? Do you support terror or not is my question? I know the answer.

#11 | Posted by Wildman62 at 2025-02-12 09:15 AM | Reply

I don't support Genocide.

I don't support ethnic cleansing.

Israel has Not been acting in Good Faith towards the Palestinians for decades, if Ever.

The Palestinians are not the Problem. Israel is. They have No ability or inclination to stop Taking everything. They think it's somehow their "Birthright".

10/7 was a bad thing but the Israeli response has been totally Disproportionate and not even Effective. Hamas is still standing, still fully in control of Gaza. That must be humiliating for the IDF. To kill so many and Still Fail to achieve their objectives. The Palestinians will outlast them. On some level the Israelis know it.

They killed Civilians indiscriminately, used Starvation as a Weapon of War, targeted journalists and Medics, lied about "safe havens" for civilians and then killed them when they tried to go there.

Israeli's have behaved as Bigots for many years.

Calling themselves "Chosen". Etc.

Vainglory is Disgusting. Especially coming from Contemptable Parasites that can't Cut it Alone.

They are seeking to make any criticism of Israel "anti-Semitic by Law.

What a Laugh. Even thinking they're -------- for killing Children is now a Crime?

A two state Solution is the answer, or else.. Palestine will be Free from the River to the Sea...

#12 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2025-02-12 12:55 PM | Reply

"I don't support Genocide. I don't support ethnic cleansing."

You absolutely do. As you say, "from the river to the sea."

"Israel is. They have No ability or inclination to stop Taking everything. They think it's somehow their "Birthright"."

Actually, that's the position of the overwhelming majority of Palestinians. That region of the levant was an empty desert owned by Ottomans and occupied by the hardscrabble descendants of Arab invaders and the locals they had subjugated. Zionists began moving in late in the 19th century and cultivating the region, creating livable areas within the desert. When Great Britain took over the region from the Turks after WWI, it became theirs. As part of their decolonialization effort, they attempted to divide their Imperial holdings into equitable segments for the people living there. Like the creation of Pakistan and Bangladesh for the Muslim residents of India. And Israel for the Jewish residents of the levant. And Palestine for the Arab residents.

Much like the German National Socialists they had allied with in WWII, the Arabs couldn't abide having Jews on lands they felt belonged to them. So they started a war. And lost a war. And lost more wars.

Did you know, there has never been a Palestinian state. Ever. No Kingdom, no Republic, No Emirate...nothing. In fact, the term "Palestinian" only came into use very late in the 19th century.

I agree with you on the 2x State thing. That's what the Brits intended, and I think that should be the standard today. But it's the Palestinians who don't want the 2x State solution. They want the 1x State solution. The one where Jews are gone. If I am wrong, feel free to direct me towards the Palestinian organization that is pursuing the 2x state option.

It sucks for the poor huddling masses in Gaza, much like it sucked for the poor huddling masses in Germany in 1944-1945 when they were experiencing their own "Nakba" with the collapse and defeat of Hitler's government. But was it actually a catastrophe? I mean, today, Germany is one of the strongest countries on the planet. I think that if Palestinians are placed in the same position as Germans were after WWII, they also might become wealthy, productive, and respected. But first must come absolute defeat and the understanding on the Palestinian street that Israel is there to stay, and any effort to change that will only lead to more Palestinians suffering.

#13 | Posted by madbomber at 2025-02-12 02:06 PM | Reply

"They killed Civilians indiscriminately, used Starvation as a Weapon of War, targeted journalists and Medics, lied about "safe havens" for civilians and then killed them when they tried to go there."

Mmmm. And this is different than Hamas how???

#14 | Posted by madbomber at 2025-02-12 02:07 PM | Reply

Other than the fact that Hamas was actively pursuing an agenda of genocide while doing these things...

#15 | Posted by madbomber at 2025-02-12 02:07 PM | Reply

Israel is a nation state. Hamas Is the leadership of a tiny enclave similar to the Warsaw Ghetto. Israel has an Air Force, Nukes, a Standing Army equipped with modern weapons provided by the US and other great Nations.

Hamas has no Air Force, No Nukes, No Conscript Army.

All Hamas has is Stubborn resistance and the will to take the r
Fight to the Enemy No matter the cost.

As an Assymetric Foe they are not too shabby.

Israel is losing the war of Credibility Internationally. As they should.

The West is just trying to keep their Colony expanding.

The Palestinians want
Equality. Not handouts.

Israel would never allow a viable Palestinian State beside them.

To be viable a Palestinian state would need a fully equipped and capable military establishment able to Repel Israeli Aggression.

No Way in Hell the US or Israel would Ever allow That.

So. Best Case all the Palestinians have to look forward to is slow Strangulation and Apartheid interspersed with periodic Pogroms and Massacres by Rabid "Settlers".

They chose to Resist. And now Israel is using their resistance as an Excuse to Massacre and Expell them All.

In the balance, Israel is the Aggressor.

They just whine about being "Victims".

Nothing New about That. Lol.

#16 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2025-02-12 02:43 PM | Reply

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