PS If Republican Congress members think their town halls are rowdy now, just wait until they start voting on their crappy budget proposals:
9 states poised to end coverage for millions if Trump cuts Medicaid funding
More than 3 million adults in nine states would be at immediate risk of losing their health coverage should the GOP reduce the extra federal Medicaid funding that's enabled states to widen eligibility, according to KFF, a health information nonprofit that includes KFF Health News, and the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families. That's because the states have trigger laws that would swiftly end their Medicaid expansions if federal funding falls.
The states are Arizona, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Montana, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Utah and Virginia.
Note: "Six of the nine states with trigger laws-- Arizona, Arkansas, Indiana, Montana, North Carolina and Utah--went for Trump in the 2024 election."
I can hear the Trump voters crying now: "I thought Trump was only going to hurt other people! I didn't think he would cut my Medicaid!"