
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

After Trump put tariffs on longtime friends and important allies, Canada and the EU duties have retaliated with there own tariffs which are aimed at Republican-held states.


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Sounds like they're hurting the right people. Get it, "right" people!

#1 | Posted by censored at 2025-03-12 08:05 AM | Reply

Could solve one problem though; without immigrants to pick the crops they will likely rot but these tarriffs could kill the markets for them anyway!

#2 | Posted by danni at 2025-03-12 09:15 AM | Reply

Who thought reciprocal treatment would trigger such butthurt?
Knock the wheels off their gravy train, don't care if they bought their preferential trade deals from our corrupt congress 'fair and square' or not.

US can be autarchy example, we don' need lesser nations' cheap export trash. Anything worth having we can make better right here. Like we did before.

The reciprocal response to these boycotts is embargo. Start with Canada and their 80 percent of exports. make it to zero. Screw tariffs. EMBARGO! Any pissant country that doesn't want to play fair.

#3 | Posted by itchypossum at 2025-03-12 11:50 PM | Reply

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