Friday, August 23, 2024

Trump Lashes Out as DNC Attacks Throw Him Off Message

Donald Trump isn't in Chicago but his presence hangs over everything and he is clearly following events here.



More from the article...

... A couple of aides told me, a little implausibly, that the former president is not tuning into the Democratic National Convention because he has no interest in watching a Democratic Party "infomercial".

But one senior campaign official confirms, anonymously, that Trump is watching and is irritated by the attacks against him.

In the view of one ally who speaks to the former president every week, Trump wins in November if he sticks to talking about the economy, the border and crime.

At the start of this week, that looked possible. Trump scheduled a string of rallies, in Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina and Arizona - each was themed to focus on exactly those political and economic topics.

But with night after night of anti-Trump speeches here in Chicago, staying on message has gone out the window. And it's not what his supporters tell him they want anyway.

The North Carolina event on Wednesday was vintage Trump - and it became a referendum on his own team's strategy. "They always say, 'Sir, please stick to policy, don't get personal'... and yet [the Democrats are] getting personal all night long, these people. Do I still have to stick to policy?" Trump asked.

Then he polled the crowd: more policy or go personal? His fans roared, they wanted the Trump show, not a list of boring economic proposals.

"My advisers are fired!" he joked. Then he said he'd stick to policy but couldn't let the attacks go unanswered. ...

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-23 12:30 AM

Gawd, he's so incredibly low energy, so scattered, all of his ridiculous lies, it's like he's just going through the motions, like he doesn't care. I think he's putting all his faith in the plot to steal the election. The problem is the plan only works for a close election. As long as Harris gets enough states to certify results to get 270 EVs, it should stop the contingent election plan.

#2 | Posted by _Gunslinger_ at 2024-08-23 05:55 AM

I think he's (Trump) putting all his faith in the plot to steal the election.

#2 | Posted by _Gunslinger

You're right.

And his followers are putting all their faith in his plot to steal the election.

I wonder where honest elections touched them to make them hate them so much?

#3 | Posted by Zed at 2024-08-23 08:33 AM


I think so, too. Now Trump has teamed up with Musk (and other tech bros) who, for some reason, will have more credibility than the My Pillow Guy when he says he has some gobbledygook data that proves the election was stolen.

#4 | Posted by anton at 2024-08-23 04:42 PM

Off message? Mein Kampf not selling?

#5 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-08-23 07:00 PM

"his presence hangs over everything"

It does? He seems to be pretty irrelevant to most things, in my view.

I do think they spent a little too much time talking about him and giving him free air.

#6 | Posted by sentinel at 2024-08-23 08:50 PM


No lies detected.

I absolutely agree, and have made this point to people elsewhere. There is no reason to believe otherwise. State legislatures are in place, electors have been chosen, and the SCOTUS is absolutely suspect in their complicity. Alito and Thomas, in particular, are involved (Alito was prepared to overturn the election on J6, but for that pesky Mike Pence).

Orange Furious is also priming the base, with the assistance of CNN, the NYT and "conservative" media, to make the case that the election is "rigged" already...there is ratf**kery in play already.

Russia has their infrastructure intact from 2016, and there is certain to be something special in October.

Fortunately, Harris is unimpeachable and I'm guessing Walz as well. Neither of them can be bought, so we all need to buckle up.

What really needs to happen is a full takeover: Senate, House and local governments. It's possible. Harris needs to address all of it, including the traitors in Congress, the FBI and the internal domestic terrorists (white nationalists, militia, etc.).

Biden and Obama were ineffective at confronting the fascists...I hope Harris changes that.

#7 | Posted by chuffy at 2024-08-23 09:13 PM

Here's a sample of some of Trump "tweets" during Harris' speech at the DNC:


Someday someone's going to walk in and find all that's left of trump, a big puddle of gooey orange sludge.

#8 | Posted by YAV at 2024-08-23 09:34 PM

Someday someone's going to walk in and find all that's left of trump, a big puddle of gooey orange sludge.

#8 | Posted by YAV

Death by rage whining lol

#9 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY at 2024-08-23 11:44 PM

Biden and Obama were ineffective at confronting the fascists...
#7 | Posted by chuffy at 2024-08-23 09:13 PM | Reply | Flag:EYE ROLL

Kinda makes you wonder how they offed bin Laden then... doesn't it?

Like it or not fascists are the leaders of some sovereign nations having to determine their own futures. I can name a long list of fascists the US has installed or supported.

We can't do face-offs with every fascist but we can justify going after a few.

#10 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2024-08-24 10:28 AM

I do think they spent a little too much time talking about him and giving him free air.


On the one hand I'd rather not ever hear from the convicted felon ever again.

But the other hand needs to slap the ---- out of him and hold him accountable for every hateful lie he tells.

Because weirdly he could still win if his lies are left unchallenged.

#11 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-24 11:17 AM

"But the other hand needs to slap the ---- out of him and hold him accountable for every hateful lie he speaks but is the President is the right person to always challenge them? I think the job of Ptrsident doesn't leave very much timr for answering every conspiracy theort; that is the job of the media and I suggest they are doing a poor job meeting the responsibilities of the 4th estate. Of course though our world operates with the 24/7/365 misinformation campaign provided by well funded right wing owners with a Fascist agenda. A day is approaching when democracy will not be possible with half of our population brainwashed by Fox News. Rupert Murdoch is Satan.

#12 | Posted by danni at 2024-08-25 03:52 AM

" I think the job of Ptrsident doesn't leave very much timr for answering every conspiracy theort; that is the job of the media and I suggest they are doing a poor job meeting the responsibilities of the 4th estate."

Agreed! The president should not stoop to maga's level. Leave that to us and the many democrats like what showed up to the DNC. They did an excellent job of it and they should keep doing it until Nov 5th.


Rupert Murdoch is Satan.


Murdoch is just a minion. Like Trumpy like Hitler like so many before him. They have chosen the dark side. Ask Corky. I bet there is a verse in the Bible somewhere that explains it.

#13 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-25 10:52 AM

Like it or not fascists are the leaders of some sovereign nations having to determine their own futures.

I was talking about the fascist Repubican Party in the USA. There has never been a reason to "like" fascism, it's unAmerican.

#14 | Posted by chuffy at 2024-08-25 04:33 PM

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