Any international affairs experts here? For the life of every living veteran, the fortunes of Europe and America were generally paired. And Russia went form being the "evil empire" under Reagan to the country with a chance of becoming a market economy democracy under Clinton, to the country whose leader GW Bush was able to see decency "in his and then back to being the evil empire in the 2010s under Obama with Russia's land grab of Georgia's Abkahzia region and Ukraine's Crimea and western parts of Luhansk and Donetzk Oblasts and failed attempt to destroy Mariupol.
Trump 45 almost sold Ukraine under the bus, but better senses prevailed. Then Russia invaded Ukraine again, aiming for Kyiv and Kherson, Kharkiv, Zaporhizhia, and Mariupol and bombing civilian apartment buildings and homes, hospitals, churches, children's centers, and supermarkets and other stores. They kidnapped a generation of children, and have continue to murder civilians in Kherson for no military purpose, just to be evil. SO, until this week, throughout the free world, Muscovy was again the undisputed "Evil Empire"!
So to my State Dept. DIA, and DOD pals, what gives with America's leadership suddenly declaring Zelensky the "dictator", but not Putin, and our treaty-making team fawning over Russia's Lavrov and opening the vault doors to take anything they wanted from Ukraine? I can't make sense of this unless kleptofascist dictator Putin's awfully blackmailed Trump, or it's that Trump might be the "Muscovy President", funded by Moscow to destroy NATO (and America) and in fulfillment of his real mission: "To Make Russia Great Again". Hmm?
In 20219-20, Trump and Pompeo met the Taliban in Qatar to independently capitulate at the expense of the Afghan government. Is the Trump-Waltz's intention with Russia in Saudi Arabia to repeat a unilateral American capitulation to the bad guys? Seems like that's where this is heading.
Would anyone with inside info on what we who regarded NATO as the driver of a rules based world order should do now that our country doesn't stand for that, but seem to be aiming for a world order of hungry wolves eating the spawn of the lambs around them? How do we American warriors for democracy and free economies rationalize this about face that makes enemies of our allies and makes emenies our new friends?