
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Donald Trump's dislike for Vice-President Kamala Harris and former First Lady Michelle Obama is nothing new or secret.


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And on Tuesday night, Obama took the Democratic National Convention stage and showed exactly why Harris's campaign and supporters should scare him.


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"For years, Donald Trump did everything in his power to try to make people fear us," she said, seemingly referring to his years of spreading racist rumors about former president Obama's birthplace and his insistence that a "deep state" of Obama loyalists were undermining his presidency.

"See, his limited, narrow view of the world made him feel threatened by the existence of two hardworking, highly educated, successful people who happen to be Black.

I want to know " I want to know " who's going to tell him, who's going to tell him, that the job he is currently seeking might just be one of those Black jobs?"

That last quip was a callback to Trump's claim earlier this summer that immigrants are taking away "Black jobs," and with it, Obama reminded Americans that the presidency has been " and with Harris, could once again be " a "Black job."

#1 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-21 12:39 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

Fat Old Donnie Dementia is toast.

#2 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-08-21 12:54 PM | Reply

Michelle's speech gave me goosebumps.

Then Barrack showed up and put goosebumps on my goosebumps.

#3 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-21 01:00 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Michelle had a new look for that moment... the all in black kung -- fighter look, with a new close cut looking short in front hairstyle.

They couldn't get Donnie out from under his bed until an hour later.

#4 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-21 01:05 PM | Reply

Barack prolly got in the best joke on Mushroom Donnie....

1 min

#5 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-21 02:45 PM | Reply

If Democrats lose to Trump, it's Michelle Obama's fault for not running.

She's a guaranteed victory in this election and she decided to sit out.

That's very irresponsible.

It's still Trump's election to lose.

#6 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-21 02:48 PM | Reply

She was being a responsible mother first; not putting her daughters in danger again from Trump fanatics.

That's her decision, not ours.

Besides, technically, Harris is far more qualified, and Michelle is campaigning for her.

#7 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-21 03:13 PM | Reply

Her daughters are going to have a much worse future should Trump and Republicans win in November.

I really do hope the reason she has chosen not to run isn't due to intimidation.

If so, the MAGAts have already won.

Also, winning the presidency has nothing to do with qualification, Trump definitely proved that in 2016.

#8 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-21 03:19 PM | Reply

Her daughters would be the immediate subject of death threats... and possibly murdered because their mother ran for President.

I wanted her to run, too, but that's her decision, and it should be respected.

Parents understand.

#9 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-21 03:38 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Her daughters would be the immediate subject of death threats... and possibly murdered because their mother ran for President.

Well then this country is fkkked.

Because all republicans have to do win is intimidate potential politicians.

Like MTG did in her district.

Hand the election to Trump.

Democracy is dead.

End of story.

#10 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-21 03:42 PM | Reply

- this country is fkkked.

Only if enough people don't vote for Harris.

Blaming Michelle for not running doesn't help matters. She has a great reason... two of them.

#11 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-21 03:55 PM | Reply

" It's still Trump's election to lose."

The polls are way off. Since Dobbs, results have under-predicted results by 5-10 points.

OH06 is a +29 Trump district ... that went Red, but only by 8-9 points.

And the KS polls had the abortion question at 47-46. Results were more like 60-37.

Roevember will produce a Blue Tsu.

#12 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-08-21 03:57 PM | Reply

Steve Kornacki just went to his big board and did the Electoral Vote count. Lo and behold, if Kamala wins North Carolina she can LOSE Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada and STILL WIN with 278 EC VOTES!

The North Carolina Republicans who nominated two whack jobs for Governor and Dept. of Education did the Dems a bigly solid as they drag down the entire GOP brand in NC.

NC and Georgia only have a 1 EC vote difference (15-16), so by winning NC, Dems don't even have to sweat Trump's election officials in Georgia, regardless of what they try to pull. Looks like the Stable Genius outflanked himself again by placing all his chips on GA.

#13 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-08-21 04:22 PM | Reply

@#11 ... by winning NC ...

Will NC's Republican super-majority Legislature allow that?

#14 | Posted by lamplighter at 2024-08-21 04:40 PM | Reply

If Democrats lose to Trump, it's Michelle Obama's fault for not running.

She's a guaranteed victory in this election and she decided to sit out.

Michelle Obama has NEVER wanted into elected politics, and absolutely doesn't want to be President. Other people placing their wants and needs on her is THEIR problem, not a Michelle problem.

One of the reasons Michelle is so highly thought of across America is precisely because she hasn't run for anything herself, and generally says what's on her mind. Once you become a candidate, that protective shield is gone, and Republicans will relaunch an even more vile barrage of garbage to drag her favorability down.

On the other hand, I think she'd cause Trump's head to explode if they had a debate. She'd slice and dice him like a teppanyaki chef at Benihana working the shrimp and vegetables.

#15 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-08-21 04:45 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Will NC's Republican super-majority Legislature allow that?

I'm pretty sure that they have nothing to do with vote certification. I think you're conflating state legislatures with the U.S. Congress' constitutional role to certify the electoral vote tally.

#16 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-08-21 04:49 PM | Reply

Michelle Obama has NEVER wanted into elected politics, and absolutely doesn't want to be President.

Being responsible has more to do with what needs to get done rather than what we want to do.

If Trump wins in November this nation is fkkked.

I'm sure being wealthy will help keep the Obamas insulated from the damage the Republican Party will cause.

Good for them.

#17 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-21 04:58 PM | Reply

Blaming Michelle for not running doesn't help matters. She has a great reason...


#18 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-21 05:00 PM | Reply

Whatever, it's her life to live.

Harris doesn't measure up to what Michelle Obama could bring to the table.

But that's a gamble we're all stuck with.

#19 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-21 05:01 PM | Reply

Fear for her children.

Even some childless cat ladies could understand that.

#20 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-21 05:05 PM | Reply

@#16 ... I'm pretty sure that they have nothing to do with vote certification. I think you're conflating state legislatures with the U.S. Congress' constitutional role to certify the electoral vote tally. ...

Could GOP states ignore voters and send Trump delegates to the Electoral College? (2020)

...The Constitution sets the numbers, and the states decide how the electors are chosen

The number of electors for each state is established in Article II of the Constitution, which describes the presidency, its powers and the way presidents are elected. Every state gets a number of electors equal to the size of its congressional delegation (representatives in the House plus two senators). That number changes every 10 years based on reapportionment of House seats following the census, but heading into each presidential election, the number of electors per state is fixed.

From there, the Constitution leaves things up to the states: "Each state shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors." But across every state, those legislatures have all established a similar process.

The political parties in each state pick a slate of potential electors for the Electoral College, and the winner of the popular vote in that state gets the electors. Maine and Nebraska award single electoral votes to the winner of each congressional district and then give two more to the statewide popular vote winner, but the same process applies.

The crucial step before appointing electors: Certifying the election

Along with tethering the Electoral College vote to the state popular vote, state legislatures have passed laws setting up how elections are administered, delegating authority to other state and local officials to handle everything from voter registration to certifying the official election results at the end of the vote count. ...

#21 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-21 05:07 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Fear is a great tool to kill democracy.

Should we all cower at Republican intimidation tactics?

What's the point of having a democracy anymore?

Just threaten your opponent until they run out of town.

Like MTG did.

#22 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-21 05:08 PM | Reply

Even some childless cat ladies could understand that

Did you steal a joke from JD Vance?

#23 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-21 05:13 PM | Reply

Q: Will NC's Republican super-majority Legislature allow that?

A:... delegating authority to other state and local officials to handle everything from voter registration to certifying the official election results at the end of the vote count. ...

The legislature certainly has the power BEFORE the election to determine all the things you posted above. AFTER the election, state legislatures can do NOTHING. They delegate power and authority to other election officials but have no direct role in vote tallying nor individual race certification.

#24 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-08-21 05:23 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

But whatever, ok.

Michelle would have brought popularity, and she watched a Presidency up close, and she would have the best available option on the planet in her husband.

But Harris was a US Senator for 5 years for and the AG of the 3rd largest economy in the world, so she's at least as qualified to serve, even if Michelle might run better.

But who knows?

Had Michelle run there would have been Party division among Dems, with Biden's people who control the Party siding with Harris to keep their jobs.

So maybe that wouldn't have been such a slick transition that translated into a 10 point swing in our favor.

Or maybe Michelle would be another Landslide Prediction where people sat home on their hands thinking it was in the bag, like in 2016.

"Good luck! Bad luck! Who Knows? - a Zen story

This is the story of an old Chinese farmer who lived many years ago.

He had one old horse that he used to plough his fields.
One day, the horse ran away into the hills.

Everyone said, "We are so sorry for your bad luck."

The old man replied, "Bad luck, good luck, who knows?"

A week later, the horse returned with a herd of wild horses, which now belonged to
the old man.

Everyone said, "We are so happy for your good luck!"

The old man replied, "Good luck, bad luck, who knows?"

While his only son was riding one of the wild
horses, he fell off and broke his leg.

Everyone said, "What bad luck!"

The old man replied, "Bad luck, good luck, who knows?"

One day, the army came to the village, and took all the strong young men to be
soldiers for the emperor.

Only the old farmer's son was spared, because he could not fight with a broken leg.

Everyone said, "What good luck!"

The old man replied, "Good luck, bad luck, who knows?"

#25 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-21 05:23 PM | Reply

Trump Says It's Hard to Talk Policy With Obamas Attacking Him

... Donald Trump said he'd like to focus on policy " as his allies are urging him to do " but can't when Barack and Michelle Obama are delivering scathing critiques of him on prime-time television.

"Did you see Barack Hussein Obama last night?" Trump said Wednesday at a rally in Asheboro, North Carolina. "He was taking shots at your president, and so was Michelle. You know they always say, sir, please stick to policy. Don't get personal.' And yet they're getting personal all night long."

The Obamas headlined the Democratic National Convention Tuesday in Chicago, using their speeches to assail Trump. They mocked the Republican nominee over his obsession with crowd sizes, said his dislike for them is fueled by race and called him a danger to the nation. ...

Oh, the poor snowflake seems to be unable to handle the same type of stuff he gives out.

#26 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-21 05:23 PM | Reply

Part of Michelle's appeal is that she isn't a politician. If she were to run, she would lose that aspect of her appeal. Don't get me wrong. I think she has given the best speech of the convention and I'd vote for her in a heartbeat, but running for office means she would need to do more than deliver one policy free speech every four years.

#27 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-08-21 05:25 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2


I took your question as one asking about after the election, not before, since most state legislatures aren't in session all year long. If your query was the Legislature doing something prior to the election, then as you noted, they do have power to muck things up.

But my post was about Trump being caught flat-footed by his obsessive focus on Georgia when if he loses North Carolina, he's still in the same boat as it regards EV count.

#28 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-08-21 05:30 PM | Reply

"Blaming Michelle for not running doesn't help matters. She has a great reason..."
#18 | Posted by ClownShack

No, it's not fear. It's because her heart isn't in it. Once she won the election, she'd actually have to govern, which she is not interested in doing. Why isn't she interested in doing that? I don't know, but it's clear from things she's said that's not something she feels called to do.

#29 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-08-21 05:31 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

- Did you steal a joke from JD Vance?

#23 | Posted by ClownShack


#30 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-21 05:34 PM | Reply

@#28 ... I took your question as one asking about after the election, not before, since most state legislatures aren't in session all year long. If your query was the Legislature doing something prior to the election, then as you noted, they do have power to muck things up. ...

I agreed with your answer to my question.

Thanks for it.

I guess my concern centers around how little respect the MAGA folk seem to have for the rule of law when such respect jeopardizes their cult leader.

#31 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-21 05:57 PM | Reply

It's because her heart isn't in it. Once she won the election, she'd actually have to govern, which she is not interested in doing.

If I knew, my running for the presidency would be a guaranteed win and prevent this nation from falling into fascism, I'd have to decide whether my personal interests matter more than the future of the nation.

Seems like the general consensus is, let's not make Michelle do something she doesn't want to.

Best of luck to Harris.

#32 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-21 06:18 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"He was taking shots at your president"

If Obama claimed to be the current President, heads would explode.

Only Don-old gets away with that.

#33 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-08-21 06:23 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

- Don-old

He looks and sounds terrible. Low Energy!

He's whining because, I suspect, that his handlers have threatened to quit en masse if he doesn't listen to them.

Like his own handpicked DOJ leaders did when he tried to get them to send a Letter to States saying it was legal for them to change the State Certified Ballots to Trump's favor.

It's just a thought', lol.

#34 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-21 06:32 PM | Reply

@#33 ... Only Don-old gets away with that. ...

Apparently, according to fmr Pres Trump, he never lost the 2020 election, so he still is President.

But yeah, right-wing media would light up if fmr Pres Obama ever said he was still President.

#35 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-21 06:34 PM | Reply

If I knew, my running for the presidency would be a guaranteed win and prevent this nation from falling into fascism, I'd have to decide whether my personal interests matter more than the future of the nation.
Seems like the general consensus is, let's not make Michelle do something she doesn't want to.
Best of luck to Harris.
#32 | Posted by ClownShack

That's the fallacy in your thinking: there are no guarantees that Michelle would be elected president. As I said above:

Part of Michelle's appeal is that she isn't a politician. If she were to run, she would lose that aspect of her appeal. Don't get me wrong. I think she has given the best speech of the convention and I'd vote for her in a heartbeat, but running for office means she would need to do more than deliver one policy free speech every four years.

#36 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-08-21 09:41 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Clown, there was no path for Michelle when Joe stepped aside. The only obvious choice without a primary was Kamala. Otherwise the party would have been short on time holding a primary or series of mini-primaries as was Axlerod's crazy suggesion, which would have sown discontent among some in the party. Plus Kamala was the only one who could access the campaign warchest and she is ready. Also, if someone like Newsom had won, a large swath of black voters would have been pissed. Harris can win this, coming out of a great, upbeat, joyous convention with far greater viewership than the monochromatic GQP hatefest, she should see at least a two to four point polling bump. Then it's up to her, her surrogates, and her volunteers to run through the tape, which they will.

#37 | Posted by _Gunslinger_ at 2024-08-22 09:10 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

@#36 ... Part of Michelle's appeal is that she isn't a politician. ...


#38 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-22 09:35 PM | Reply

Democrats make inflation, war, corruption, censorship, racial divide, and destruction of values.

#39 | Posted by Robson at 2024-08-23 07:57 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

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