
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Thursday, October 10, 2024

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has been promoted to senior adviser to the president, ABC News has learned.



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Why do you hate black people? Seriously.

#1 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-10-09 09:48 PM | Reply

This is good news! Karine Jean-Pierre is awesome. I have always liked her and admired her strength.

#2 | Posted by YAV at 2024-10-09 09:54 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Right up there with Jarvanka. Nice work!

#3 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-10-09 09:55 PM | Reply

An intelligent and articulate WH press secretary is a big step up after Trump's parade of doofae.

#4 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-10-10 05:46 AM | Reply

Good for her! Taking all those "black jobs". She is really smart and beautiful. But when did she decide to be black?

#5 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-10-10 11:29 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

KJP. Pathetic that she has nothing going for her except identity politics. She is not just a bad press secretary but she is bad for America like Biden and Harris.

#6 | Posted by Robson at 2024-10-11 07:16 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

It's amazing to constantly watch Democrats fail upwards.

#9 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-11 10:18 PM | Reply

#9 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-11 10:18 PM | Reply | Flag: MAGAts post and re-post 100% BS because they believe that everyone is as gullible and stupid as they are

#10 | Posted by Hans at 2024-10-11 10:21 PM | Reply

#9 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-11 10:18 PM | Reply | Flag: Typical MAGAt stupidity (examples here and here | look for the inevitable additions to this list)

#11 | Posted by Hans at 2024-10-11 10:24 PM | Reply

Why do Trumpers Hate Black Women?

Because they can't control them, that's why.

#12 | Posted by Corky at 2024-10-11 10:26 PM | Reply

Corky race baiting. Color me shocked.

When is the next time you bust out an Uncle Tim meme, Corky?

#13 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-11 10:37 PM | Reply

The actual race baiting was your #9, --------.

Referring to both Harris and this lady as you did.

I guess Cult Life has dumbed you down further than we thought.

#14 | Posted by Corky at 2024-10-11 10:44 PM | Reply

How is that race baiting?

Please be specific.

#15 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-11 10:48 PM | Reply

Lemme guess, because she's a black lefty she cannot be criticized?

#16 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-11 10:49 PM | Reply

- How is that race baiting?

Thanks for proving the 'dumbed down' part beyond any doubt.

Cool, though. You no longer have to 'play' dumb.

Saying that two black Dem women can only fail upwards is race baiting.

#17 | Posted by Corky at 2024-10-11 10:56 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Saying that two black Dem women can only fail upwards is race baiting.

It's actually racist misogyny. But look who're we're talking about, and it's to be expected. He's so deep into white male privilege that anything approaching meritorious equality looks like oppression to him.

#18 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-11 11:01 PM | Reply

My criticisms of Harris and KJP have zero to do with their race and gender.

I hate to break it to you but they ar3 not above criticism because of their skin color and sex. You know what that is called? The soft bigotry of low expectations.

#19 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-11 11:21 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Winsome Sears is a black woman and has not failed upwards. Ditto Condi Rice who I'm sure you both hate with a passion beyond all belief.

#20 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-11 11:23 PM | Reply

Patricide Jeff is the deplorable who fell for Condi Rice's aluminum tubes lie before Dumya invaded Iraq.

#21 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-10-11 11:30 PM | Reply

Winsome Sears is a black woman and has not failed upwards.

Why hasn't she? Sears won a Virginia house election and was appointed to 2 different government jobs and then proceeded to lose Congressional and Senatorial races while winning the GOP's Lt. Governors' slot on the 5th party ballot. Not the voters, the PARTY. Hmmm, seems you have big issues with that when it's a Democrat, but I digress. Continuing, Sears blamed Trump for party-wide losses in the 2022 elections, calling him a liability to the GOP and announced that she wouldn't support him in 2024. She backtracked after Trump became the presumptive nominee this Spring. Then she joined Youngkins' to win her current office.

Kamala Harris won her California Attorney General elections - and gained California taxpayers BILLIONS in court judgments against major corporations who'd ripped off California citizens. Then she won her US Senate election along with being elected Vice President. This is your idea of "failing upwards"?

You think that Sears' political career is superior to Harris'? Face it, you don't think, you just vomit biased ignorance in the way most of us breath air. I have no issue with Sears and wish her all the best. I wouldn't support her politics, but her life story is something that could only happen in America and makes the country stronger by including her voice.

The prior sentences are how any rational person should talk about Harris as well. You don't have to agree with her politically, but to demean and dismiss how unique her journey has been simply flies in the face of fact: No other women like her has ever achieved what she has in her career, Sears included. The fact that you can't recognize this as truth only confirms how warped your perceptions really are.

PS: The term failing upwards should only be used when speaking of people GIVEN their positions due to birth. favoritism or legacy. Minorities typically do not rise to the highest levels of anything unless they've already proven themselves superior to those they've competed against.

#22 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-12 12:19 AM | Reply

I don't find Harris's story to be anything special.

Her inability"it's to speak off the cuff makes no sense. She frequently looks way out of her depth.

Months before Biden's June debate discussions were being had that she was a liability for his re-election. 4 years ago her presidential campaign imploded before Iowa. That's how unpopular she was.

#23 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-12 12:42 AM | Reply

Months before Biden's June debate discussions were being had that she was a liability for his re-election. 4 years ago her presidential campaign imploded before Iowa. That's how unpopular she was.

This is the biggest reason ignorant people like you beclown yourselves after getting high on your own supply for 4 years.

Answer me this: Who other than Kamala Harris could immediately coalesce the entire spectrum of disparate liberal/progressive groups, organizations and politicians behind her campaign while turning a 7 point deficit into a 2 point advantage in a matter of days? Who else could build a campaign staff and organization that seamlessly took over from Biden, united an entire party, get rock-ribbed Republican deities to endorse her candidacy and pull off an entire convention that dwarfed the viewership of the RNC? Who else could raise more than $1 billion in less than 90 days - 40% of which came from donations less than $200? Who else chose a running mate with their first executive decision, based on her "gut" feeling, and that person immediately has the highest favorability with all Americans of the 4 people running on either ticket?

Your problem is that you're unable to see what's right before your lying eyes. What Harris has done is remarkable in ways you choose to ignore. And if she could manage to do all that I presented above, who would then say that person was "incompetent" or unable to effectively lead?

Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-11 03:56 PM

Or say that she's an ineffective communicator when she's communicating every single day. Funny, actual voters aren't saying those things, only blind, oblivious partisans like you.

#24 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-12 12:52 AM | Reply

She and her word salads are pure cringe. Who am I to believe, you or my lying ears and eyes.

#25 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-12 01:10 AM | Reply

Who am I to believe, you or my lying ears and eyes.

It's not me dumbass, it's America. Can you point to a single poll where people are saying what you are? They don't have any problem understanding Harris and you wouldn't either if you weren't watching selected snippets showing her in the worst light.

It's alright though. You be you. We all know exactly who that is even though you don't have an inkling of a clue.

#26 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-12 01:24 AM | Reply

I understand the words she uses. She just says nothing most of the time. She makes you look concise by comparison.

#27 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-12 01:31 AM | Reply

Since she came into office as VP 92% of her original staff have moved on. She's had an ongoing tendency to go into meetings underprepared and then she berates her staff when she comes off looking foolish.

#28 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-12 01:34 AM | Reply

Since she came into office as VP 92% of her original staff have moved on. She's had an ongoing tendency to go into meetings underprepared and then she berates her staff when she comes off looking foolish.

Milquetoast Mike Pence had 82% of his staff turnover after 2 years and complaints about Harris were never about "her" being unprepared, it was how intensely she expected her staff to be prepared for all contingencies.

You're not going to gaslight me, I posted this stuff earlier on another thread. Harris is not perfect and she's been tough on staff, with the biggest complaint being how meticulous she was in making big decisions. It drove staff crazy when they thought the decisions were obvious. But I also addressed that. Harris is a black woman operating in places no other person like her ever had before. For any minority, a critical mistake - making a bad decision - can be career-ending because there is no support structure for her to fall back onto. She operated without a net.

I know you can't understand this because you've lived a life of privilege where you believed no one would ever not give you a fair shake. It isn't like that for summit seekers. If you make one bad mistake, you fall off the mountain, usually for good.

Look at what you're doing. I point out that she won billions in awards for California's taxpayers and you come back with "she's unprepared for meetings." Can you see the difference here? She wasn't unprepared when she depantsed the big name law firms with their Big 5 lawyers representing the corporations she extracted billions from in court, was she? What is more important, one's ability to excel at the job you're elected to or being seen as everyone's favorite boss?

Many people who left Harris previously have rejoined her when she took over the top spot. They appear to know something that you refuse to see or acknowledge.

#29 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-12 01:51 AM | Reply

" You're not going to gaslight me,"

That's what you are doing right now.

#30 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-12 01:59 AM | Reply

I never gaslight, I always have receipts, unlike you.

Kamala Harris ran her office like a prosecutor. Not everyone liked that
But interviews with 33 current and former staffers and allies show that Harris herself - and the team around her - have undergone important changes since the most difficult days of her first year as vice president. These people close to Harris, many of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of assessing the Democratic nominee's leadership, say she grew into the role, found policy issues that more closely aligned with her comfort areas and replaced key aides with staffers who responded better to her management style.

People close to Harris say her widely praised presidential rollout, in which she quickly locked down the Democratic nomination following Biden's withdrawal and moved to capitalize on her party's enthusiasm and energy, are testaments to her management. They also point to the growing pool of alumni who have rejoined her team, particularly this summer. At least 20 staffers who previously worked for Harris are now working on her campaign, such as policy experts Rohini Kosoglu and Ike Irby, veterans of both her Senate and vice president's office.

Those allies and staffers say that Harris's management style hasn't changed - but the circumstances have. Rather than trying to find her voice as a first-time presidential candidate or brand-new vice president, she has suddenly become the party's standard-bearer. Office disputes during the height of the pandemic are now viewed as minor frustrations as Harris fights to keep Trump out of the White House.

"Her leadership roles, the way she thinks through problems and wants to tackle them - those have been a very consistent through line," Irby said in a recent interview. "The mechanics around her - and the opportunities that those offices provide for leadership - those have changed."

"She holds herself to an incredibly high standard, and therefore, she holds her team to a really high standard," expecting their work to be thorough and complete, said Daniel Suvor, a former aide in California's attorney general's office between 2014 and 2017.

Kamala Harris ran her office like a prosecutor. Not everyone liked that.
But in interviews, former staff who signed the letter acknowledged it also addressed one of Harris's perceived weaknesses as a candidate and elected official: her demanding management style. People who have worked for Harris say her interactions with staff can resemble a prosecutor prying details from a witness, asking pointed questions about everything from her schedule to policy briefings. And her cautious approach to big decisions has frustrated deputies rather than inspire them.

#31 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-12 02:09 AM | Reply

We spoke to 5 people who knew Kamala Harris before she was VP. Here's what we learned.

When Harris became San Francisco's first female district attorney, she pursued Lateefah Simon for a job in her office. Simon declined the offer a few times, but recalls Harris telling her, "You can either carry this bullhorn on your back for the rest of your life, demanding that elected officials work for you and the young people that you care about, or you can become a part of my team, and we can actually deconstruct some of these inequities."

Simon went on to work for Harris for several years, and remembers her as a boss with high expectations. On Simon's first day, the new employee arrived "dressed down" in casual clothes, and Harris sent her home saying, "You are being paid by the very victims and survivors through tax dollars to represent them in this role. You will come with everything that you have every day."

Harris has earned a reputation for having a high turnover of staff over her years as a public official. Duran left his job as her communications director after just five months. His on-the-record criticisms echo the complaints of some other former employees who will only speak anonymously.

While Duran says Harris assembled a team of highly competent people, he says he was often frustrated by how long she could take to make decisions. He describes her as someone who was exacting on certain details of cases but could struggle with other details. He recalls a boss with standards that were high without being clear.

"I found it hard to navigate a situation where it wasn't really clear to me how I could do a good job because doing the job in a way that had worked everywhere else didn't seem to work there," he says.

At the same time, Duran acknowledges that that toughness may have come from the unequal pressures placed on Harris. "I think she's very aware of her place in history," he says, "And I think she felt that she would be held to a much, much higher standard than white or male politicians."

Where exactly have I gaslighted?
By the same measure, for instance, her predecessor Mike Pence saw 83 percent turnover in his vice-presidential office.

#32 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-12 02:13 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

" Not a healthy environment': Kamala Harris' office rife with dissent"

#33 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-12 02:13 AM | Reply

Look at what you're doing. I point out that she won billions in awards for California's taxpayers and you come back with "she's unprepared for meetings." Can you see the difference here? She wasn't unprepared when she depantsed the big name law firms with their Big 5 lawyers representing the corporations she extracted billions from in court, was she? What is more important, one's ability to excel at the job you're elected to or being seen as everyone's favorite boss?

#34 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-12 02:17 AM | Reply

You sure jumped off the Winsome Sears discussion without a peep. Why's that?

#35 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-12 02:19 AM | Reply

This was written in 2023:

" Thus, there is a strong case for Biden to pick a new running mate for 2024, one with a more promising electoral track record and approval rating than Harris. Doing so would plausibly improve his odds of winning next November and put Democrats in a better position come 2028."

#36 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-12 02:24 AM | Reply


I see the desperation has set in.

But I guess if you're candidate is a criminal traitor, then tearing down the other candidate is all you've got.

#37 | Posted by Corky at 2024-10-12 07:39 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Thus, there is a strong case for Biden to pick a new running mate for 2024, one with a more promising electoral track record and approval rating than Harris.

This is the biggest reason ignorant people like you beclown yourselves after getting high on your own supply for 4 years.
Why do you continue to post only discredited opinions that validate your own?

Again, that's the entire point, ignorant people - including those in the political punditry class - knew next to nothing of Harris outside of their own narrative largely based on her failure in the 2020 primary race. They, and you, never saw the candidate and person that Karl Rove recognized as a political unicorn in 2010, and correctly predicted would become a formidable candidate for President in the future with attractive attributes no white male Republican could match.

No candidate is without warts, Harris included. But to continually ignore her experience and certainly how she completely emasculated Trump to his face calling him things no known human ever has to his face in front of 67 million Americans, doubling down on the caricature no one sees but for denialists is truly the providence of naivete and hubris.

At least Harris is intelligent enough to make her campaign about serving the American people like she's done all her life compared to Trump serving himself and fellow billionaires to more tax breaks paid for on the backs of the working classes he continues to dupe by stoking their fears.

#38 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-12 08:59 AM | Reply

one with a more promising electoral track record

She's won every single general election race she's run in, including US Senator, 7-0. Tell us exactly who has a better track record as a winner.

Simply ignorant beclowning, nothing more, nothing less.

#39 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-12 09:02 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"Simply ignorant beclowning, nothing more, nothing less." - #39 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-12 09:02 AM | Flag: Regarding your comment

Tony, with this post of yours I do believe that you've accurately described Bellringer.


#40 | Posted by Hans at 2024-10-12 10:51 AM | Reply

You're much too kind Hans. I'm no Jon Meacham, but I appreciate even being mentioned alongside his visage.

#41 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-12 02:04 PM | Reply

Based on what I've observed for the past 4+ years Harris is a terrible candidate. That is my opinion. What Tony Roma omits is th3e fact that in spite of a healthy war chest and very friendly media coverage, her run for presidency 4 years ago crashed and burned badly.

#42 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-12 02:41 PM | Reply

maybe she learned something in 4 years as vp?

she murdered trump in the debate.

#43 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-10-12 02:42 PM | Reply

What Tony Roma omits is th3e fact that in spite of a healthy war chest and very friendly media coverage, her run for presidency 4 years ago crashed and burned badly.

She had no path to the nomination in 2020, being a law and order prosecutor trying to compete in the Democratic primary with no natural constituency to build a campaign base from. How was she going to compete with Sanders, Warren, Buttigieg, Biden and all the rest? She was a law and order prosecutor without a lane from which to win the nomination considering all the other more prominent and famous names running with her. She smartly dropped out and became the pick for VP. Post turtles don't make strategic decisions that lead them to the foot of the presidency and now to the head of her party's ticket. Post turtles also don't raise $1 billion from donors in less than 3 months, something never done in history.

Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-10 04:16 PM |

Continuing to show your political naivete and ignorance, huh? You obviously cannot comprehend that every successful presidential primary candidate has to have a viable base of support and issues from which to build a campaign. What did Kamala have in 2020 to differentiate her from the other Democrats in the middle of the Covid pandemic?

#44 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-12 03:02 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Trump went thru press secretaries like toilet paper...remember Sean Spicer's first press conference trying to convince America of Trump's record breaking inauguration crowds even after the photos proved the lie? Or Kaileigh MaCenany holding up a huge thick stack of blank paper to the press and calling it Trump's healthcare plan? Or Sandra Huckabee telling the press, the rank and file FBI wanted Comey fired? Just one of so many of the proven lies. It truly was a Trumpian -------- joke.

#45 | Posted by AlternateFacts at 2024-10-12 03:25 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Jeffy almost convinces me that the only way he can stay relevant to a conversation here is to dis the obvious Lesser Evil in this race.

As if his estimation of her capabilities, poor as it is considering what she's accomplished in a couple of months; turning the race completely around... saying her current accomplishments don't compensate for what he 'thinks' of her recent successes; that, still, she's somehow failed.

What she's done indicates a strong competence that Jeffy ignores because it scares the living ---- out of him.

#46 | Posted by Corky at 2024-10-12 03:30 PM | Reply

One last (*) behind her name before Joe flies the coop for good.

#47 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2024-10-12 03:36 PM | Reply

What Tony Roma omits is th3e fact that in spite of a healthy war chest and very friendly media coverage, her run for presidency 4 years ago crashed and burned badly.


What a dumb argument. That is truly some weak sauce bro. You must be getting desperate to dig so deep into the BS.

What strawbringer forgets is that Trumpy (as a supposed billionaire) ran for President 4 four times ... that would be three crash and burns) and he only won once. Barely. And he has never won the popular vote because he is obviously not that popular.

Also she will soon join a long list of notable Presidents that lost before they won.

#48 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-10-12 03:39 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

#44. That is just excuse making. Plenty of others made it to Iowa. They all dropped out in order to clear a path for Biden over Sanders

#49 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-12 04:16 PM | Reply


California Sen. Kamala Harris is dropping out of the presidential race, citing a lack of funds. She informed her campaign staff of the decision on a conference call and later sent an email to supporters, in which she wrote "my campaign for president simply doesn't have the financial resources we need to continue."

Harris' departure, two months before voting and caucusing begin in the presidential contest, marks an abrupt end to a campaign that, for much of the winter and spring, looked like that of a top-tier presidential contender.

"I've taken stock, and I've looked at this from every angle, and over the last few days, I have come to one of the hardest decisions of my life," Harris said in a video announcing her decision. "As the campaign has gone on, it has become harder and harder to raise the money we need to compete."

Amid a crowded field filled with both moderate and progressive candidates, Harris struggled to carve out her own policy lane. She shifted positions several times on a defining issue for Democrats: health care. Harris initially backed the total elimination of private health insurance, only to later roll out a health care plan that allowed private plans as long as they met government standards.

Harris backtracked in several other high-profile moments, including her criticism of Biden's anti-busing stances as a senator. She later admitted that her views of the federal government's role in setting local policies was essentially the same as Biden's.

She was a law and order prosecutor without a lane from which to win the nomination ...

Geez, why are you here? People try to educate your stupid --- and you simply ignore proven facts because they don't fit your preconceived prejudices or confirm your ignorant uninformed viewpoints.

Stop dodging the question - How was Harris supposed to win in the 2020 primary with no policy differences, no organized labor backing and no major or small donors?

#50 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-12 04:29 PM | Reply

"That is just excuse making."

No excuses needed. But apparently you have a selective memory. So you apparently need reminding of historical facts.


They all dropped out in order to clear a path for Biden over Sanders


Which was the correct strategy apparently.

Because Biden won.

Biden beat humpy Trumpy from his basement I hear.

#51 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-10-12 04:34 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

"They all dropped out in order to clear a path for Biden over Sanders" - #49 | Posted by Bellringer at 2024-10-12 04:16 PM

Why is it that there's so much faux concern about Democratic Party machinations from those who, in reality, don't give a --- about the Democratic Party?

It is so transparent.

#52 | Posted by Hans at 2024-10-12 05:06 PM | Reply

" Why is it that there's so much faux concern about Democratic Party machinations from those who, in reality, don't give a --- about the Democratic Party"

You completely misunderstood my comment. It was a brilliant move. Sanders was going to lose to Trump and the party couldn't afford a long drawn out primary between multiple candidates. So every candidate set aside their personal ambitions and coalesced around Biden and if worked. It was kinda impressive.

#53 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-12 05:18 PM | Reply

Tony Roma,

You are placing her on a pedestal and are acting like she's some kind of dynamite candidate. It's ridicukous which is why I'm bringing up her 2020 failure.

#54 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-12 05:22 PM | Reply

She's a competent candidate who werked a freakin' miracle turning the election completely around in two months.

Obfuscating for Trump is profitable in some way for you, I hope.

#55 | Posted by Corky at 2024-10-12 06:24 PM | Reply

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