
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Saturday, March 29, 2025

President Donald Trump revealed his intentions to reshape the Smithsonian Institution with an executive order Thursday ...


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how the mainstream media covered the racist trump attack on the smithsonian vs how we covered it read more here ...

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-- Oliver Willis ( March 28, 2025 at 12:09 PM


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"He signed an executive order putting Vice President JD Vance in charge of an effort to "remove improper ideology" from the Smithsonian Institution, including its museums, education and research centers and the National Zoo.

Trump's order specifically names the National Museum of African American History and Culture and the Women's History Museum, which is in development.

"Museums in our Nation's capital should be places where individuals go to learn " not to be subjected to ideological indoctrination or divisive narratives that distort our shared history," the order said.

Representatives for the Smithsonian did not immediately respond to an emailed request for comment."


Somewhere Hitler and Goebbels are high-fiving.

#1 | Posted by Corky at 2025-03-27 08:45 PM | Reply

Nice to see the thought police have shown up for duty.

#2 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-03-27 09:34 PM | Reply

"Trump's order specifically names the National Museum of African American History and Culture and the Women's History Museum, which is in development."

Trump's order, because it specifically calls out blacks and women, can in no way be seen as racist or sexist.

#3 | Posted by snoofy at 2025-03-27 11:22 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"ideological indoctrination or divisive narratives that distort our shared history,"

MAGA, in short.

#4 | Posted by Zed at 2025-03-29 09:42 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

1984, continued

#5 | Posted by hamburglar at 2025-03-29 10:13 AM | Reply

"Trump's order specifically names the National Museum of African American History

#3 | Posted by snoofy at 2025-03-27 11:22 PM

Don't need a whole museum to house a jar a peanut butter

#6 | Posted by fortfisher at 2025-03-29 10:16 AM | Reply

Don't need a whole museum to house a jar a peanut butter

#6 | Posted by fortfisher

Or cans of Old Milwaukee.

So no Museum of Sad White Guys.

#7 | Posted by Zed at 2025-03-29 10:29 AM | Reply

Old Milwaukee... they still make that ----.

#8 | Posted by fortfisher at 2025-03-29 10:41 AM | Reply

"improper ideology" where did I read about that term before...?
Oh, yes. Mao-era China.

#9 | Posted by e1g1 at 2025-03-29 11:50 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

Time to whitewash the Smithsonian.


#10 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-03-29 11:55 AM | Reply

I wonder whether Trumpers consider this censorship.

Something tells me they're not too concerned.

After all. Most Republicans have no clue what a museum is.

#11 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-03-29 12:01 PM | Reply

Don't need a whole museum to house a jar a peanut butter


You don't need Gitmo to house 5 immigrants.

#12 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-03-29 12:03 PM | Reply

Next up.. re-education camps for liberals.

#13 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-03-29 12:21 PM | Reply

The zoo?

It's the gay penguins right?

#14 | Posted by truthhurts at 2025-03-29 12:26 PM | Reply

Another view ...

Trump annoyed the Smithsonian isn't promoting discredited racial ideas

... The executive order, entitled "Restoring Truth And Sanity To American History," is filled with what has become a standard grievance: the accusation that, by recognizing the many cases where the US has not lived up to its founding ideals, institutions are attempting to "rewrite our nation's history."

It specifically calls out discussions of historic racism, sexism, and oppression as undercutting the US's "unparalleled legacy of advancing liberty, individual rights, and human happiness." ...

#15 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-29 12:28 PM | Reply

Another AP News article...

Critics see Trump attacks on the Black Smithsonian' as an effort to sanitize racism in US history

... President Donald Trump's order accusing the Smithsonian Institution of not reflecting American history notes correctly that the country's Founding Fathers declared that "all men are created equal."

But it doesn't mention that the founders enshrined slavery into the U.S. Constitution and declared enslaved persons as three-fifths of a person for the purpose of the Census. ...

#16 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-29 12:30 PM | Reply

Colonel Chivington will be by momentarily to clear out the National Museum of the American Indian.

#17 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2025-03-29 12:31 PM | Reply

People are saying the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument will be shut down and made into a casino, which will eventually fail.

#18 | Posted by REDIAL at 2025-03-29 02:11 PM | Reply

"Improper ideology." Here's where I invite the usual suspects around here to seriously chew on that brutally Orwellian gut-punch, then go #%?! choke on it. Forewarned: You rewrite history at your own peril, you thick-brick mountebanks.

#19 | Posted by dutch46 at 2025-03-29 03:10 PM | Reply

"Improper ideology."

Thought Crime.

#20 | Posted by snoofy at 2025-03-29 03:13 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Will Mao Tse Trump's Little Red Book come with crayons?

#21 | Posted by morris at 2025-03-29 10:09 PM | Reply

It reminds you of a fascist state': Smithsonian Institution braces for Trump rewrite of US history

Normally staid historians sound alarm at authoritarian grasping for control of the premier US museum complex

The move was met with dismay from historians who saw it as an attempt to whitewash the past and suppress discussions of systemic racism and social justice.

With Trump having also taken over the John F Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, there are fears that, in authoritarian fashion, he is aiming to control the future by controlling the past.

"It is a five-alarm fire for public history, science and education in America," said Samuel Redman, a history professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

"While the Smithsonian has faced crisis moments in the past, it has not been directly attacked in quite this way by the executive branch in its long history. It's troubling and quite scary."


Rewriting history in crayon by orange-ish white traitor.

#22 | Posted by Corky at 2025-03-30 02:33 PM | Reply

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