
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Friday, January 03, 2025

In California, prices have reached $8.97, a 70% increase in the last month, per the U.S. Department of Agriculture's egg markets report.


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Scientists are racing to develop a new mRNA vaccine to tackle bird flu before it mutates to human-to-human spread.

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-- Mark Chadbourn ( January 2, 2025 at 3:05 PM


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Who in God's name ever heard of giving vaccines to chickens?!? This flu vaccine situation has gotten out of hand. No vaccines--no flu. Simple...
--RFK Jr., who for a medical professional makes a good lawyer

#1 | Posted by catdog at 2025-01-03 05:01 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

The Orange Jesus will save the chickens and the eggs. Which comes first only a god can decide.

#2 | Posted by Zed at 2025-01-03 06:24 PM | Reply

On a more serious note, the price of eggs is one of the few things sure to penetrate MAGA's pea brains. After a year of blaming Biden they're going to be looking to Donald, and Donald's Promises.

The man is going to have to launch airstrikes into Mexico sooner than expected, as a distraction.

#3 | Posted by Zed at 2025-01-03 06:27 PM | Reply

How many MAGA will the bird flu kill, when/if it gets loose?

I'm sure that Donald will insist on a body count higher than his last effort.

#4 | Posted by Zed at 2025-01-03 06:34 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

In CA my wife paid $10 a dozen, if she can find them.

#5 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-01-03 06:48 PM | Reply | Funny: 3

You're a ------- lying piece of ---- fake ----- bitch, you ----.

#6 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-01-03 07:12 PM | Reply | Funny: 1 | Newsworthy 2

Thanks Joe. Bird flu has been a thing for the last four years. You have done nothing.

#7 | Posted by visitor_ at 2025-01-03 07:13 PM | Reply | Funny: 1 | Newsworthy 2

Go ---- yourself Jeff

#8 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-01-03 07:14 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

#7 Another stupid lying MAGAT piece of ---- ----.

#9 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-01-03 07:15 PM | Reply

Joe spends money and accomplishes nothing. Success isn't measured by money spent, success is measured by outcome. Joe's outcome is another failure.

#10 | Posted by visitor_ at 2025-01-03 08:14 PM | Reply | Funny: 1 | Newsworthy 1

Visiturd, your child-raping idol's epic failure caused the deaths of 1.2 million Americans.

#11 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-01-03 08:16 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Pisitor_ is a ------- moron.

#12 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-01-03 09:26 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Eggs are 7 for a dollar here. "Organic" ones about 4 for a dollar.

#13 | Posted by sentinel at 2025-01-04 10:19 AM | Reply

"In CA my wife paid $10 a dozen, if she can find them."

There is a sucker born every day. I live in CA and my eggs are dirt cheap. Literally.

My wife just goes into the backyard and collects them.

#14 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-01-04 12:34 PM | Reply

Kirkland eggs 24 ct - $6.79

That's $0.28 an egg.

Delivered free.

#15 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-01-04 12:40 PM | Reply

That's $0.28 an egg.

Apparently lumper's wife buys the most expensive eggs in the country. When she can find them.

Or he's lying again.

#16 | Posted by REDIAL at 2025-01-04 12:44 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 5

That's great if you don't live 100 miles from the nearest CostCo and you can use 24 eggs before they spoil. Under Trump I could buy a dozen for 99 cents. But that was before Biden failed at doing something about the bird flu (other than funnel a billion dollars to the usual suspects).

#17 | Posted by visitor_ at 2025-01-04 12:46 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

Under Trump I could buy a dozen for 99 cents.

And I bet his big ole fat arse kept them nice and warm, too.

#18 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-01-04 12:59 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

If Trumpers really think that Trumpy can control the costs of groceries and bring down the cost of eggs they are in for a big surprise.

One of many apparently.

#19 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-01-04 01:06 PM | Reply

"That's great if you don't live 100 miles from the nearest CostCo"

Oh well.

I guess you shoulda coulda woulda have planned your life better.

We love access to fresh eggs. So we raise our own hens and only supplement our supply of eggs from Costco if my wife does a lot of baking.

#20 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-01-04 01:11 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"My dad is a stage magician and he would always be very funny with his magic. Sometimes he would do shows at our church and I would have a little part in it. Once when I was 5, he came to my kindergarten and did a show for the whole school and I sat onstage behind him. He was doing an old trick, one that you could do for kids, and I could see how it worked. There was a dog going back and forth between these two doors " but really, there's two dogs. I'm behind my dad, and I just yell out, "There's two dogs!" Everyone at kindergarten, they walked out, they asked for their money back. I learned: Don't share everything."
* Nate Bargatze

If Trump tells the MAGAts there's only one dog, by golly, there's only one dog.

#21 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2025-01-04 01:19 PM | Reply

Anyway. No need to worry about the bird flu.

It's just another dem hoax left behind (Biden did it!) designed undermine Trumpy.

Anyway.. It's just the flu! Just throw a little bleach on it. It will soon be gone anyway when it warms up!

Also if we stopped with the testing it would not even be a problem.

And now that Trumpy is in charge eggs will soon be .99 dozen again no matter what else is happening in the world.

#22 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-01-04 01:24 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Bird flu has been a thing for the last four years. You have done nothing.


Your hero Trumpy completely ignored it.

The H5N1 bird flu virus has been a threat to public health since the 1990s:

The first ominous sign that avian influenza viruses (H5N1) could directly infect humans from avian species in a large scale occurred in 1997 in Hong Kong, resulting in 18 documented cases and six fatalities.

#23 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-01-04 01:34 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Bird flu has been a thing for the last four years.

How are you so consistently wrong?

Get out of your hovel and go learn something.

#24 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-04 02:04 PM | Reply

If Trump tells the MAGAts there's only one dog, by golly, there's only one dog.

And the Haitians are going to eat it.

#25 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-04 02:07 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

Is there some reason you don't include the last four years as part of the time since the 1990s?

#26 | Posted by visitor_ at 2025-01-04 02:08 PM | Reply | Funny: 1 | Newsworthy 1

Under Trump I could buy a dozen for 99 cents.

Spend a lot of time under Trump, do you?

Isn't unregulated capitalism great? You can charge as much as you want and people will still blindly pay.

#27 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-04 02:11 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

For anyone interested in a comparison of egg prices from 1980 through 2022:

#28 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-04 02:22 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"Is there some reason you don't include the last four years as part of the time since the 1990s?"

Is there some reason you continue to ignore Trumpy's criminal negligence?

I will tell you what Biden didn't do.

He didn't tweet conspiracies every day involving public health officials just doing their jobs.

And as President he didn't undermine and attack and continuously interfere with the work of public health officials and the NIH and the CDC.

And he has recently boosted funding for research and preparedness. Which Trumpy will most like try and claw back so he can keep the tax cuts for the wealthy.

Pandemic preparedness is for snowflakes!

#29 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-01-04 03:22 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Pisitor_ is a ------- idiot.

#30 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-01-04 04:28 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

And the Haitians are going to eat it.

#25 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-04 02:07 PM | Reply | Flag

That's what your dumbass dad said about that cucumber your mom was stroking..

#31 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2025-01-04 07:50 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

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