Trump's FBI Moves to Criminally Charge Major Climate Groups
The FBI is moving to criminalize groups like Habitat for Humanity for receiving grants from the Environmental Protection Agency under the Biden administration.
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Habitat for Humanity. For fucks sake.[image or embed] -- Rick Wilson ( March 12, 2025 at 6:10 PM
Habitat for Humanity. For fucks sake.[image or embed]
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Habitat for Humanity? JFC.
#1 | Posted by qcp at 2025-03-13 01:47 PM | Reply
UnAmerican is too mild of a term for what is happening in our country.
#2 | Posted by qcp at 2025-03-13 01:49 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1
"The FBI has told Citibank that recipients of EPA climate grants are being considered as potentially liable for fraud. That is, the Trump administration wants to criminalize work on climate science and impacts," the @capitolhunters account wrote Wednesday on X.
I love the spin that Trump wants to criminalize work on climate science. The amount of fraud and theft that was done under the roof of climate change will be shown to be astronomical. The amount of tax payer money that was stolen is definitely criminal.
#3 | Posted by fishpaw at 2025-03-13 01:50 PM | Reply | Funny: 1
Republicans showing their true colors.
#4 | Posted by snoofy at 2025-03-13 01:51 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1
The amount of fraud and theft that was done under the roof of climate change will be shown to be astronomical.
#5 | Posted by Zed at 2025-03-13 01:52 PM | Reply
Republicans have nothing other than conspiracy theories to carry them.
Maybe one day they'll find the magical email that was gonna sink the Biden crime syndicate.
#6 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-03-13 01:53 PM | Reply
This story is more evidence of Trump's clinical insanity.
As if more evidence was needed.
Some people like to burn down buildings. We call them pyromaniacs.
Some people like to burn down civilizations. We don't have a name for them yet.
#7 | Posted by Zed at 2025-03-13 01:54 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1
#4 | Posted by snoofy at 2025-03-13 01:51 PM | Reply | Flag: (Choose)
Hey, if there was no fraud ,like you say, what are you worried about? You should welcome this so if no wrongdoing is found you can say I told you so. Dems are so against this time of investigation because they know it exposes them as the thieves.
#8 | Posted by fishpaw at 2025-03-13 01:54 PM | Reply | Funny: 1
#5 | Posted by Zed at 2025-03-13 01:52 PM | Reply | Flag: (Choose)
Uh.....When? After they do the investigation numbnuts.
#9 | Posted by fishpaw at 2025-03-13 01:56 PM | Reply | Funny: 1
You need a link for that Stinkpaw. Nobody is gonna accept your word.
#10 | Posted by Wardog at 2025-03-13 01:56 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1
Dems are so against this time of investigation because they know it exposes them as the thieves.
It's just one more thing that shows you people you people are too nasty to be saved from yourselves.
You know what's going here? Jimmy Carter once hurt Trump's feelings.
#11 | Posted by Zed at 2025-03-13 01:57 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 3
"The amount of fraud and theft that was done under the roof of climate change will be shown to be astronomical."
Maybe if you are looking at ExxonMobil.
In the 70s Exxon scientists concluded global warming was real.
It's weird how you refuse to accept that both the Capitalist companies and the government are telling the truth.
You can't handle the truth.
Because you grew up to be a big man baby. And dumb, too.
#12 | Posted by snoofy at 2025-03-13 01:57 PM | Reply
Again, what are Dems so afraid of?
#13 | Posted by fishpaw at 2025-03-13 01:58 PM | Reply
You've lost it.
What's the point of interacting with something like you?
#14 | Posted by Zed at 2025-03-13 01:59 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1
#7 | Posted by Zed at 2025-03-13 01:54 PM | Reply | F
#15 | Posted by Nixon at 2025-03-13 01:59 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1
The amount of fraud and theft that was done under the roof of climate change will be shown to be astronomical. The amount of tax payer money that was stolen is definitely criminal. #3 | POSTED BY FISHPAWN
Let's ignore the fact that you voted for a criminal and none of Trump's crimes matter to you.
What proof do you have to substantiate your conspiracies of fraud and criminality?
Or is "guilty until proven innocent" the MAGA motto?
(Except when it come to Trump)
#16 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-03-13 01:59 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1
#10 | Posted by Wardog at 2025-03-13 01:56 PM | Reply | Flag: (Choose)
A link for what, the results of an investigation that hasn't been done yet?
#17 | Posted by fishpaw at 2025-03-13 01:59 PM | Reply | Funny: 1
There's nothing to this but your own lack of character and personal delusions.
Christ. Trump can't burn down MAGA soon enough.
#18 | Posted by Zed at 2025-03-13 02:00 PM | Reply
"Hey, if there was no fraud ,like you say, what are you worried about?"
That's like saying, if you didn't commit any crimes, you have nothing to worry about from the police. For example, what crime did Amadou Diallo commit? Should he have been worried about the cops?
We understand that you want a police state.
I'm curious if you explain why you think a police state is better than freedom.
I don't think you can, but maybe you can suprise us.
#19 | Posted by snoofy at 2025-03-13 02:02 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1
the results of an investigation that hasn't been done yet?
What's the EVIDENCE for REASONABLE suspicion and PROBABLE CAUSE?
You are a drooling idiot. Wipe your effing face.
#20 | Posted by Zed at 2025-03-13 02:02 PM | Reply
After they do the investigation numbnuts.
Just more trumpanzee policy of ready, fire, aim.
EPA director Lee Zeldin
He is an embarrassment to NYS.
#21 | Posted by Nixon at 2025-03-13 02:03 PM | Reply
It's weird to me how someone like Fishpaw can use words and create sentences but can't understand concepts like freedom and democracy.
#22 | Posted by snoofy at 2025-03-13 02:03 PM | Reply
#6 "Democratic Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams is facing condemnation from conservatives after she appeared on MSNBC to defend a $2 billion initiative under the Biden administration's EPA to purchase green energy appliances for Americans.
"Stacey Abrams linked Power Forward Communities received $2 billion in tax dollars in 2024 after reporting just $100 in revenue the year before. They were so unqualified that the grant agreement required the NGO to complete How to Develop a Budget' training within 90 days,"
I think this is worth investigating. Again if nothing was done wrong at least we will know.
#23 | Posted by fishpaw at 2025-03-13 02:05 PM | Reply
Nobody claimed Trump supporters are smart.
As a matter of fact, Trump referred to his own followers as the "poorly educated", and his voters go out of their way to prove him correct. Everyday!
#24 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-03-13 02:06 PM | Reply
#20 | Posted by Zed at 2025-03-13 02:02 PM | Reply | Flag: (Choose)
Ok, for you as well. "Democratic Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams is facing condemnation from conservatives after she appeared on MSNBC to defend a $2 billion initiative under the Biden administration's EPA to purchase green energy appliances for Americans.
#25 | Posted by fishpaw at 2025-03-13 02:06 PM | Reply
Hey, if there was no fraud ,like you say, what are you worried about? Define fraud. Where is all this "fraud"? Fraud is a crime. How much have you found? Who is getting charged? When will the prosecutions begin? Also how much have you actually found? Now compare that to the harm you are causing. Then STFU.
We can see exactly who the "thieves" are. They are the ones who are trying to steal our democracy right out from under us.
Now. Who will investigate these so called "investigators"?
#26 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-03-13 02:07 PM | Reply
#24 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-03-13 02:06 PM | Reply | Flag: (Choose)
You voted for Harris after telling us Biden was sharper than a tack.
#27 | Posted by fishpaw at 2025-03-13 02:08 PM | Reply
#26 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-03-13 02:07 PM | Reply | Flag: (Choose)
My how we have changed our tune since the Russiagate investigation. Do you have the concrete evidence that Schiff told us he had for 4 years?
#28 | Posted by fishpaw at 2025-03-13 02:10 PM | Reply
"I think this is worth investigating."
Worth how much in taxpayer money, to find fraud, stating from zero evidence of fraud?
How much should we be spending? Is one $400,000 Trump Presidential Salary enough, or should we spend one $25,000,000 Trump Super Bowl Trip?
You don't think before you speak. Or after, for that matter.
#29 | Posted by snoofy at 2025-03-13 02:11 PM | Reply
Hey, if there was no fraud ,like you say, what are you worried about?
Define fraud. Where is all this "fraud"? Fraud is a crime. How much have you found? Who is getting charged? When will the prosecutions begin? Also how much have you actually found? Now compare that to the harm you are causing. Then STFU.
So why wouldn't you be pissed if say 2 billion was allotted to climate science but only a small portion of that actually went to the to the study?
#30 | Posted by fishpaw at 2025-03-13 02:13 PM | Reply
You voted for Harris after telling us Biden was sharper than a tack. #27 | POSTED BY FISHPAWN
Is this sad deflection all you can muster?
You voted for Trump. The failure. Criminal. Rapist. Voted worst president in United States history. Worse than Biden.
His greatest accomplishments were destroying the economy during his first presidency and killing nearly 1 million Americans due to politicizing Covid.
#31 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-03-13 02:13 PM | Reply
#29 | Posted by snoofy at 2025-03-13 02:11 PM | Reply | Flag: (Choose)
You didn't have a problem spending $43 million on Russia gate. So all of a sudden you are worried about the costs of investigations?
#32 | Posted by fishpaw at 2025-03-13 02:15 PM | Reply
Now that we stripped Grandma and Grandpa of their Social Security and Medicare.
We got cash to burn!
#33 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-03-13 02:16 PM | Reply
You didn't have a problem spending $43 million on Russia gate. #32 | POSTED BY FISHPAWN
And you didn't care that it proves Trump is Putin's *itch.
But that's because you're Trump's *itch.
So desperate for a win, you don't care that they're destroying the federal government and driving our nation into a depression.
#34 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-03-13 02:18 PM | Reply
Trumpers, like FishPawn, hate Habitat for Humanity.
Because they have no humanity.
They're soulless, miserable husks.
#35 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-03-13 02:34 PM | Reply
#34 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-03-13 02:18 PM | Reply | Flag: (Choose)
Blah, blah, blah. Get some new material instead of belching out the same old MSNBC talking points. Which btw you are most likely the only viewer.
#36 | Posted by fishpaw at 2025-03-13 02:35 PM | Reply
@#36 ... Get some new material instead of belching out the same old ...
Perhaps your current alias should take the advice it offers to others.
#37 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-13 02:38 PM | Reply
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