" a total average federal income tax bill of $504."
Remember welfare? It's now in the tax code, on the 1040. It's called the Earned Income Credit.
Back when I was a child, if the family up the street paid $1000 a year in income taxes, they were marked as having paid income taxes ... Because, of course, they paid income taxes. If that couple also got $100 a month in welfare, because they had three kids, they would still be marked as having paid income taxes. And why? Because, of course, they'd paid income taxes.
Today, that same scenario would be marked "doesn't pay income taxes", despite the fact they do. And that's because lots of child rearing credits, which used to be paid out separately, are now on the 1040.
Basically, Republicans wrote child rearing credits into the tax code on a Tuesday, so they could go out Wednesday complaining less people "pay income taxes".
Look at the American opportunity credit. The child tax credit. The additional child tax credit. The child care credit. Head of Household status. All new additions to the 1040 in the last few decades. And all put on the 1040, in part for talking points.