
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Immigrants who entered the country illegally are a $659.9 million "burden" on the state's health care system, according to a new report. But the report depends on patients disclosing their own immigration status, something many don't do. According to the "Hospital Patient Immigration Status Report" released by the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA), undocumented immigrants' care at local hospitals is "largely uncompensated," meaning it isn't paid back, and "a direct contributor to the strain on Florida's health care system." For 2024, the state says $659.9 million was spent on "providing care to illegal aliens across the state." For 2023, the price tag was $566 million for seven months of data, from June to December. "The agency remains dedicated to fulfilling Governor DeSantis' commitment to protecting taxpayer dollars from being used on individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States," AHCA Deputy Secretary Kim Smoak said in a statement.



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$659.9 million "burden" is less than one percent of the overall expense, which stands at 77.3 billion.

Illegal immigrants, who make up about three to four percent of the Florida population, make up less than one percent of the health care cost burden.

Clearly, the way to reduce health care costs in Florida is to bring in more Illegals and deport the Citizens.

#1 | Posted by snoofy at 2025-03-12 04:44 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

#1 | Posted by snoofy at 2025-03-12 04:44 PM | Reply | Flag:

You can always tell who never earned an honest dollar in their entire lives... $660 million is pocket change to them.

#2 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2025-03-12 04:52 PM | Reply

Undocumented immigrants cost Florida taxpayers $660 million

Another article about Trump's wives?

#3 | Posted by censored at 2025-03-12 04:52 PM | Reply | Funny: 3

So, kick all the Cubans out?

#4 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-03-12 04:54 PM | Reply

immigrants cost Florida taxpayers $660 million

Melanoma's bolt-ons?

#5 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-03-12 05:05 PM | Reply

$659.9 million "burden" is less than one percent of the overall expense, which stands at 77.3 billion.

This is incorrect. Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA), budget is roughly $33.4 billion.

Illegal immigrants, who make up about three to four percent of the Florida population, make up less than one percent of the health care cost burden.

Which makes this incorrect.

Clearly, the way to reduce health care costs in Florida is to bring in more Illegals and deport the Citizens.

Which makes this incorrect.

But Snoofy won't learn anything from this, how his initial lie makes all his opinions false.

#6 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-03-12 06:26 PM | Reply

Total health care spending in Florida per year is more than $214,408,000,000, State and Private. This is more meaningful number on the burden of unpaid health care that the state is pays, IMHO.

This is a "Florida estimate." The same state that lied repeatedly about COVID. Still does to this day.
Most importantly all the State of Florida did with this number is take the total unpaid amount and divide the tally of the undocumented into it. It didn't make any effort to include all those that are Florida residents that didn't pay. It assumes everyone that was undocumented is everyone that didn't pay. That is simply not true. There are plenty of people that are US Citizens that reside in Florida that do not pay. For Florida 8.7% of the population of Florida does not pay or has ongoing medical debt they can't pay. This is not surprising given that 30% of people in Florida are below twice the poverty rate. BTW 8.7% comes to 1,870,000 people. That is a much higher number than the reported 93,844 undocumented. That should be a HUGE red flag on this "reporting."

The budget of the AHCA is irrelevant and Snoofy is correct in using the 77.3 billion number (from the article). The number provided by OneIronNut is a meaningless sum. This point is further verified by the headline and information in the article and is how the number $659.9M is used.

#7 | Posted by YAV at 2025-03-12 08:44 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

BTW - that bold part? That is 20 TIMES the number of undocumented.

#8 | Posted by YAV at 2025-03-12 08:46 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Jeff is a ------- dumbass.

#9 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-03-12 08:58 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Just wait and see how much anti-US sentiment costs Florida's economy.

#10 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2025-03-12 09:23 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Florida has an economy? Besides theme parks and fried gator, fentanyl, and pointing and laughing, wtf else is there?

#11 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-03-12 09:27 PM | Reply

Florida is nothing but a bunch a pikers!

California now spends 22% of its General Fund Medi-Cal budget on healthcare for over 1.6 million illegal immigrants, costing at least $8.5 billion per year.

#12 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-03-13 02:00 PM | Reply

You've got California Derangement Syndrome.

The difference between California and Florida is, California doesn't claim to be the anti-immigrat state.

California is a sanctuary state.

Maybe you should move to another state since you hate California so much.

#13 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-03-13 02:03 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

"You can always tell who never earned an honest dollar in their entire lives... $660 million is pocket change to them."

"Snoofy is correct in using the 77.3 billion number"

Congrats on shutting him up, at least for one thread!

These Deplorables live a fact-free life. They have zero sense of scale, or proportion.

They get giddy when Trump forgos his $400,000 salary. They shrug their shoulders when Trump spends $25,000,000 to walk out of the Super Bowl.

#14 | Posted by snoofy at 2025-03-13 02:07 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

They get giddy when Trump forgos his $400,000 salary.

Even though he never did that.

#15 | Posted by REDIAL at 2025-03-13 02:22 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

The article is pure horse manure.

Predictable fools swallow the load.

#16 | Posted by Angrydad at 2025-03-13 03:09 PM | Reply

... Undocumented immigrants cost Florida taxpayers $660 million ...

I wonder how much they save Florida's employers' in the cost of hiring workers?

#17 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-13 03:17 PM | Reply

The article is pure horse manure.

Why yes, it is.

#18 | Posted by YAV at 2025-03-13 10:08 PM | Reply

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