Leon Russell - Magic Mirror (1972)
Lyrics excerpt ...
[Verses 1-6]
I'm standing by the highway
Suitcase by my side
No place I want to go
I just thought I'd catch a ride
Many people look my way
And many pass me by
In moments of reflection
I wonder why
To the thieves I am a bandit, whoa
The mothers think I'm a son
To the preachers I'm a sinner
Lord I'm not the only one
To the sad ones I'm unhappy
To the losers I'm a fool
To the students I'm a teacher
With the teachers I'm unschooled
To the hobos I'm imprisoned
By everything I own
To the soldier I'm just someone else
Who's dying to go home
The general sees a number
A politician's tool
To my friends I'm just an equal
In this whirlpool
Magic mirror won't you tell me please
Do I find myself in anyone I see?
Magic mirror if we only could
Try to see ourselves as others would
[Verses 7-10]
To policemen I'm suspicious
It's in the way I look
I'm just another character
To fingerprint and book
To the censor I'm pornography
With no redeeming grace
To the hooker I'm a customer
Without a face
And the sellers think I'm merchandise
They'll have me for a song
The left ones think I'm right
The right ones think I'm wrong
And many people look my way
And many pass me by
And in my quiet reflection
I wonder why
(yeah, I'm in a 60's - 70's playlist list at the moment...)
"Honest question - of the $7T spent annually, what % is fraud and abuse?"
This came up in the 90s.
You have to define fraud and abuse first.
You aren't smart enough to do that.
definition that has been put forth distinguishes abusive activities as those that are not
illegal but that violate the intent of the program. That definition, however, offers little
guidance in practice. Consider, for example, whether the following examples should
be described as abuse:
o A technician mistakenly takes an X-ray of a patient's left leg, then takes a
second X-ray when he discovers his error. The hospital bills Medicare for
both X-rays.
o A physician admits a patient to a hospital to ensure that drugs are paid for that
would not otherwise be covered under Medicare.
o To offset lower fees paid by Medicare, a physician begins recommending
follow-up office visits for certain conditions that previously did not warrant
such visits.
o A managed care plan markets itself in a way that attracts relatively healthy
beneficiaries, thus increasing its profits by reducing the costs of care below
those envisioned in the risk-contract reimbursement formula.
Depending on one's perspective, those activities might or might not be
characterized as abusive.
"#47 | Posted by TrueBlue"
Yeah, it is all just a giant conspiracy theory...
Only 5% of Detroit 8th graders read at proficient level
"BTW, it's illustrative to compare the literacy rates of the top five states vs the bottom five states.
#48 | Posted by TrueBlue"
Actually no - it is not. This is because red state / blue state is a fake divide. What we have is blue -------- cities that cannot educate kids surrounded by majority red suburban and rural counties.
Take Detroit:
11% of 3rd graders can read vs. the state average of 40%.
Or take Baltimore where there was not a single student that was proficient in both math and language last year.
Or take NYC where they are -------- away $36K/student to achieve results way below state averages. It is literally every single time.