Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Dems in Array: Biden to Harris Handoff Appears Seamless

Steve Benen: With extraordinary speed, a party that appeared fractured is suddenly united. A party that saw its fundraising efforts screeching to a halt is suddenly reporting record-breaking hauls. A party that cringed in response to every new poll is celebrating the latest national survey data. This seamless handoff from Biden to Harris wasn't inevitable, but it has been executed with striking skill.



This seamless handoff from Biden to Harris wasn't inevitable, but it has been executed with striking skill.

It prompted Matt Compton, a veteran of the Obama White House, to note via social media, "Shout out to the staffers in Delaware who just lived through the most stressful five weeks in campaign history, then flipped every piece of branding and content on a dime, raised $100m, recruited 58,000 volunteers, and generally just lit the internet on fire for Kamala Harris."

Pod Save America's Dan Pfeiffer added, "What [the Harris campaign team] has pulled of since Sunday is truly incredible. No campaign in history has ever undergone such a shift with no notice. The way they been able to capture the wave of enthusiasm is so impressive. True professionals."

That's certainly fair, though it's also worth pausing to emphasize Biden's role. The incumbent president didn't just do the bold thing by standing aside, he also played a direct role in helping rally Democrats behind their likely new nominee.

The results have been unmistakably impressive.

The remarkable events over the last 72 hours are unprecedented in US history and I don't think a single soul thought the cascading of events that happened was even a possibility around Sunday afternoon at 2pm.

For all the times the Democrats have looked and acted like unherdable feral cats - each primarily looking out for their own pet concerns over the importance of other often-incongruent considerations - from the moment of Biden's withdrawal without an endorsement, to strategically waiting 30 minutes and then announcing his full-throated endorsement of his VP and all that has happened since, Biden, Harris and Democrats across the board have turned a dreaded funeral into a celebration of rebirth that has energized the entire progressive/democracy movements.

#1 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-24 02:25 PM

Kinda flabbergasted that Dems managed to get their act together like this. I guess staring into the abyss of a Trump 2.0 presidency helped.

"Depend upon it, sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully."
- Samuel Johnson

I'm knocking on wood that this holds up.

#2 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-24 03:53 PM

They might even be able to govern well; Joe Biden's record of accomplishments in one year is better than that of many 2 term Presidents.

#3 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-24 03:55 PM

I'm knocking on wood that this holds up.


I am enjoying the turn of events in this American Spectacle immensely but we shouldn't get a big head just yet as we still have 4 months to go. So anything can happen and probably will.

I am betting there will be a few more surprises by then.

But as you say perhaps the fear of Trumpy is a more powerful Uniter than we reckoned.

#4 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-24 04:02 PM

And as I have said before. The polls mean practically nothing until we get within weeks of the election.

And this is exactly why.

#5 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-24 04:04 PM

" The polls mean practically nothing until we get within weeks of the election."

Ask yourself: how are polls formed?

Basically, the canvasser takes the results, and reshapes them to reflect the electorate. And which electorate? Well, the one matching the turnout and proclivities of the prior Presidential election.

Trouble is, there is no adjustment for P.O.'d women.

Dems have outperformed polls in every election since Dobbs. Red Kansas, Red Ohio, and Red Alabama are all harbingers. As was the recent OH06, a Trump +29 district the Republican won by only single digits.

Whatever the polls claim, you might as well add 5pts to the Dems.

Republicans' fatal mistake will be underestimating P.O.'d women.

#6 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-07-24 04:13 PM

"Ask yourself: how are polls formed?"

Ask yourself: Who actually responds to these polls?

I have never responded to a strange number calling my phone. What kind of person does? They can leave a message. Or a text. And if they don't leave a message stating clearly who they are and what they want from me then I wish them good luck with whatever scam they are selling today.

Actually I don't even think about them or responding to them. I have much better things to do with my time.

#7 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-07-24 04:28 PM

-Republicans' fatal mistake will be underestimating P.O.'d women.

In fairness, the Democrats' fatal mistake will be overestimating P.O.'d women.

"you might as well add 5pts to the Dems."

You might be right.....but I wouldn't bet on it.

#8 | Posted by eberly at 2024-07-24 04:52 PM

Whatever the polls claim, you might as well add 5pts to the Dems.

Can we not do this please. Every single person who gives a damn about this country needs to get out and vote, period.

#9 | Posted by JOE at 2024-07-24 05:08 PM

Concur, JOE. We have to vote and keep the pedal on the metal.

"First we must kill the bear before we sell his skin."

#10 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2024-07-24 05:14 PM

If Harris can campaign on real issues and trump's crimes she'll win.

If she campaigns on "girls rule boys drool!" then she'll lose.

#11 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-07-24 06:05 PM

Tell the truth. His tenure has had a noticed trend towards inaction.

#12 | Posted by fresno500 at 2024-07-24 08:27 PM

This has Hillary 2.0 written all over it.

Democrats are overestimating the nation's reaction and are on a high from the reaction of the base.

The base was going to vote for Joe. They're going to vote for Kamala.

What's about the rest of America?

They're being pumped right now.

"Kamala isn't qualified" is a big one I've been reading.

"Democrats handed Kamala the nomination disenfranchising voters" is another.

That's not including all the rest of the stuff they're attacking Kamala about, which need not be mentioned.

(Then there's the overall misinformation that's prevalent amongst uninformed voters.)

Republicans are out there. Big time. Especially in swing states and key districts that win the EC. Spreading lies and misinformation.

Democrats need to stop celebrating and figure out they're 8 months behind the Republicans.

#13 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-24 08:40 PM

- This has Hillary 2.0 written all over it.

Yeah, no... voters aren't going to be sitting home and not voting because the Media won't be telling them Trump has no chance as they did with Clinton.

Younger voters and minority voters and Indie voters, all of whom didn't want either Trump or Biden, now have a new, younger choice... one who isn't an old traitor, criminal, and pathologically liar.

#14 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-24 08:47 PM

We're going to beat that fat, orange-faced turd into a ------- bloody pulp. Real blood, not that ---- that was smeared on his ear the other day.

#15 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-07-24 08:57 PM


You're making my point. Look how giddy you are.

Younger voters? They want Harris? And will remember to vote for her?

Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party have a lot of work to do if Harris is going to beat Trump.

#16 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-24 09:14 PM

This has Hillary 2.0 written all over it.
Democrats are overestimating the nation's reaction and are on a high from the reaction of the base.
The base was going to vote for Joe. They're going to vote for Kamala.
What's about the rest of America?

This isn't 2016. The Democratic party is united. There doesn't seem to be a significant segment of the party against her who are going to echo the Republican talking points the way some progressives did against Hillary. But it's not just that. Women of all kinds have Kamala's back, white, black, Democrats and Never Trump Republicans. Plus now Trump has a history of calling women names, Democratic women and Republican women too. I've already seen some good ads depicting all the slurs he directed at women over the years. Of course, his MAGA base will believe his attacks against her, but if Kamala can keep the Democratic base and attract a portion of voters who voted for Obama, switched to Trump and then went back to Joe, she has a good chance to win.

#17 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-24 09:19 PM

The Democratic party is united.

I agree.

But what about independents. The ones whose votes will determine the election.

Are they as overjoyed by Harris as Democrats are?

2020 Trump motivated a lot of independents and non voters to go vote against him.

They added to Biden's 81 million. Will they show up for Harris in 2024?

That's what I mean by Harris is 8 months behind. There's a lot of strategizing and implementation of said strategy that Trump and republicans have been doing.

Some of their messaging is Biden sucked. But a bigger part of their message is that Trump will somehow make America a better nation.

That messaging remains the same regardless of who the Democratic Party nominates.

#18 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-24 09:31 PM

Also. Both of us know women, people in general, don't necessarily act in their own best self interest.

If they did women would never vote for republicans.

Neither would Black Americans, minorities, the poor or the LGBTQ+.

The Republican Party only caters to and the extremely wealthy, more so if you're a white Christian man.

#19 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-24 09:34 PM

Poor people that vote for the GOP are like chickens that like Colonel Sanders.

#20 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2024-07-24 09:43 PM

#20 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS

I was driving thru rural Wisconsin last year and saw more than one decrepit house with rusty appliances on the porch and lawn and a HUGE Trump flag hanging from a backhow by the road, all lit up.

#21 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY at 2024-07-24 10:45 PM

In my drives along the local routes of the US, I witnessed the same thing. And years ago I gave a small cash amount to my then-girlfriend so she could bail her father out of jail over a minor infraction. He was dirt poor but had Bush (Senior) signs outside his trailer park home. This family was able trace their ancestry to the Civil War, so they weren't poor immigrants.

So many Americans won't take the "red pill" because they've got their gun rights and knows a woman's place is in the kitchen or the bedroom.

#22 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2024-07-24 11:16 PM

Is she the candidate I wanted?


You know what she is though?

A candidate more than worthy of supporting.

#23 | Posted by Tor at 2024-07-25 05:49 PM

I think POTUS made his decision in the middle of the week of the RNC, about the time when he saw the polling that Kamala had a better chance to win, and he kept his powder dry until the Sunday to crush any RNC bounce for Dotard, to ensure that the entire RNC was spent attacking him, and because this would be the ONLY story covered by political media for the next two weeks. POTUS has shown a deft hand during his life with political moves and timing. I don't know if he shared the decision beyond family and a few close advisors. The timing was too perfect to be coincidental.

#24 | Posted by _Gunslinger_ at 2024-07-25 09:05 PM

Harris wasn't anointed by the Democratic "establishment," she was chosen by a coalescence of the wide swath of Democrats who'd voted for Harris as VP in both the 2020 general and 2024 primary elections.

According to some of the country's most prominent news publications, the Democratic establishment moved quickly beginning Sunday afternoon to lock down the Democratic presidential nomination for Kamala Harris.

But the idea that the establishment' anointed Kamala Harris and locked the nomination down for her turns the whole matter pretty much on its head. What locked in Harris was the overwhelming resistance of Democratic voters and activists to anyone else. It was national columnists and a significant number of Democratic elites who were pushing for the thunderdome primary.

A good bit of this was support for Harris herself. A lot of it was the fact that with the incumbent president and presumed nominee out and no time to run anything other than a fake primary, Harris had democratic legitimacy on her side. Eighty million voters literally chose her in 2020 to be the person who took over for Joe Biden if he couldn't serve. Democratic primary voters in effect reconfirmed that this Spring since Biden and Harris were again running as a package deal. Few things are more embedded in American political culture than the idea that vice presidents succeed presidents.

Democratic legitimacy in this context isn't some political science concept. It is what makes her the one person who most or all party stakeholders could rally behind even if she wasn't necessarily their personal choice. That was never going to be possible with any other potential nominee.

Once Biden made his announcement she moved rapidly to channel and direct support for herself in a way that all potential challengers threw their support to her within 24 hours. The "establishment" didn't shut down the Thunderdome contested convention that columnists and reporters were demanding. The convention remains wholly open. Once Biden ended his campaign all the delegates had a total free choice. What killed Thunderdome was the mass of the party making it impossible for anyone to challenge Harris. Josh Marshall

Just like all the false laments that somehow Joe Biden winning the most votes from actual primary voters in 2020 was orchestrated by party elites, it's equally false to say that the rapid coalescence around the Vice President once the President stepped aside was somehow again the work of these disliked "elites."

We've all watched and lived through these last 5 extraordinary days, unprecedented in US presidential election history. Don't buy the idiocy that your eyes and ears didn't actually see and hear exactly what happened, and that it was led by the will of Democratic voters and related ideological stakeholders, not party powerbrokers.

#25 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-07-26 07:30 AM

I watched a bit of the White Women for Harris fundraising call last night. I didn't know what to expect, but the parts I saw were interesting and inspirational:

White Women for Kamala Harris' raises millions as Zoom just broke a record with 131,000 calls

White Women for Kamala Harris': A record-breaking Zoom event featuring Pink and Connie Britton raised $1.8 million for Kamala Harris, drawing 131,000 participants.

#26 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-26 07:55 AM

"But what about independents. The ones whose votes will determine the election.
Are they as overjoyed by Harris as Democrats are?
2020 Trump motivated a lot of independents and non voters to go vote against him.
They added to Biden's 81 million. Will they show up for Harris in 2024?"

Those are good questions to be asking. It's too soon to tell, but there is hope:

CNN This Morning with Kasie Hunt

WATCH: Swing voters weigh in on @KamalaHarris's candidacy after @JoeBiden withdrew from the presidential race.

@SarahLongwell25 breaks down what focus groups are telling her about Democrats' new presumptive nominee.

#27 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-26 08:34 AM

Harris will need to run a nearly flawless campaign, but if she can do that, she could beat Trump:

Matthew Dowd

New NY Times poll is really good news for VP Harris. She is only one point behind at Trump's highest point in campaign in aftermath of RNC convention and attempted assassination. Also, her net favorability has gone from -19 to -3. A 16 point improvement!. As I have said first enthusiasm changes, then favorability, then ballot. Harris trajectory at this point is astounding.
3:23 PM Jul 25, 2024

#28 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-26 09:10 AM


So this is what liberals consider to be monumental. So easy to please, I guess that explains a lot. Something as simple as a POTUS's VP running for office in the next election is somehow a miracle of modern ingenuity by Dems. You still have to explain why many of those who made this seamless were also saying Biden was perfectly capable of running, even when the masses knew it wasn't true.

But, I guess I can see why liberals accept such weak and unskilled leaders, considering something as simple as a POTUS not running again and his VP running next is somehow a unique, explosive strategy.

Now, if one puts this under the perspective of Dems strategizing to get someone named the nominee but bypassing any votes by the people, THEN this becomes a very strategic move that requires a lot of foresight. But, Dems have so far said that is not the case so we just have to trust them.

But dang. I seriously feel bad for liberals and the country as a whole if a major political party celebrates something that has happened many times in our history like it's a feat of amazement.

#29 | Posted by humtake at 2024-07-26 12:26 PM

[blah, blah, blah] But dang. I seriously feel bad for liberals and the country as a whole if a major political party celebrates something that has happened many times in our history like it's a feat of amazement. #29 | Posted by humtake

Still getting paid by the word, I see.

Feat of amazement? Take it up with PoohtyPants's beach who complains that he was tricked. To the point that he selected a hillbilly to be his veep.

#30 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-27 07:46 AM

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