Saturday, August 17, 2024

Harris Endorses Renter Protections, Ending Investor Breaks

Vice President Kamala Harris will call on Congress to pass the Preventing the Algorithmic Facilitation of Rental Housing Cartels Act, a bill that would prevent corporate landlords from using private equity-backed price-setting tools to raise rents dramatically in communities across the country. Harris will also call on Congress to pass the Stop Predatory Investing Act, a bill designed to stop communities from being taken advantage of by Wall Street investors and distant landlords.



Harris also plans to express support for the ongoing efforts by the Biden administration to "expand rental assistance for Americans including for veterans, boost housing supply for those without homes, enforce fair housing laws, and make sure corporate landlords can't use taxpayer dollars to unfairly rip off renters."
This is a truly HUUUUGE problem that Trump and the Republicans don't even recognize, much less talk about because their donor class are the ones profiting from the scarcity of affordable housing and skyrocketing rents.

#1 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-08-16 01:34 PM

From an overview basis, it looks like VP Harris' proposal is focusing upon helping the lower and middle classes move forward.

Unlike fmr Pres Trump who, e.g., just wants to extend his tax cuts for the wealthy, i.e., focusing upon transferring even more of the Country's wealth to the wealthy.

#2 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-16 01:41 PM

Policies like this will win the election for her.

#3 | Posted by qcp at 2024-08-16 02:06 PM

"Policies campaign promises like this will win the election for her."


Presidential candidates from the democratic party have been endorsing policies like this one while campaigning for basically my whole life. And I'm getting old.

And if endorsing policies like this were the silver bullet to get elected then Bernie Sanders would be the most popular 2-term president ever.

#4 | Posted by eberly at 2024-08-16 02:14 PM

Wah wah wah...

#5 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-08-16 02:30 PM

I saw a documentary on private equity buying specifically targeted senior and other trailer parks, entrapping owners into sometimes twice or more the lot rent.

They were actually taking a bus full of potential investors through the neighborhoods selling them on this strategy.

#6 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-16 05:28 PM

"From an overview basis, it looks like VP Harris' proposal is focusing upon helping the lower and middle classes move forward."


Can you walk me throught how the government would create more "affordable" housing?

I would start by saying that there is always affordable might just not be in the area you want to live in.

The government could create more public housing-think the housing projects in major urban areas. That would be the most cost efficient method. There is a reason the former socialist nations did not focus on building single-family homes. Furthermore, it would allow for the construction on facilities closer in to urban areas where residents could get around on foot, bicycle, or public transportation. But the construction of new single-family homes intended for low-income people would be very complex. I think it could be done, but it would be difficult to achieve the intended objective. And I would say that "affordable housing" is not a measurable objective.

KH's proposed price controls are equally silly. Ask Venezuela. Kroger's profit margin for 2023 was 1.4%. Albertson's was the same. Price increases are driven by factors left of retail, whether they be in the supply chain or the commodities markets. If the demand for a commodity exceeds the supply, prices are going to go up. If KH really wanted to address the cost of a gallon of milk, the easiest answer would be having the government purchase milk from another country for sale in the US. That would bring down prices, although it would introduce a host of other issues.

#7 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-08-17 10:25 AM

Oh, and $25k for new home buyers? What do you think that is going to do for the cost of affordable housing?

#8 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-08-17 10:26 AM

"I saw a documentary on private equity buying specifically targeted senior and other trailer parks, entrapping owners into sometimes twice or more the lot rent."

That only works if the market will bear it. My guess would be that the land had value, and rent increases were a reflection of the real market value of the land. A mobile home has almost no economic value.

#9 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-08-17 10:28 AM

" Can you walk me throught how the government would create more "affordable" housing?"

Mandating it for large developments

You see people study this stuff and know what drives costs ie location type size etc of the housing

So governments can limit lot size require a specific number of smaller houses require condos instead of single family homes

Governments can offer tax incentives to builders for affordable houses
So yeah you're ignorant on the topic

#10 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-08-17 10:41 AM

" And I would say that "affordable housing" is not a measurable objective."

Cause you're a moron

Affordable housing has a specific definition of housing cost relative to medium income

It is defined by a measurable objective

#11 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-08-17 10:42 AM

"Mandating it for large developments."

What do you mean by "mandating?" Telling the builders what they can build and where? Telling land owners at what price they would be allowed to sell land?

Are you saying the government would tell a builder that the company would be obligated to charge one price for one buyer and another price for another? Even if the model was the same?

"You see people study this stuff and know what drives costs ie location type size etc of the housing"

100%. That's what the real estate industry does for a living. They would be the ones the government should go to when determining where you could most effectively build affordable housing. Likely in places people generally did not want to live. Of course the government could also release land it owned for development and get around the property value thing altogether, although if the land were valuable it would just be a hand-out to the occupant. Think if New York carved out a piece of central park and developed affordable housing on it. You'd have people paying rent at a fraction of the level of their neighbors.

"Governments can offer tax incentives to builders for affordable houses."

I guess it depends on what the final intent is. Sale of the house or keep it as government property. If the house has more market value than what the buyer paid, they may just make a good business decision and turn around and sell it.

#12 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-08-17 11:24 AM

"Affordable housing has a specific definition of housing cost relative to medium income"

Medium income? What is that? Is it a hard number?

I pull down a little over $200k a year. If I were to take a job in DC, which was always a threat, I'd be living out in West Virgina somewhere. Would the intent of "affordable" housing be to ensure that people such as myself were able to get something in Georgetown? Because I don't have a few million to put down on a house.

Like I said, I think it could be done, it would just be through government owned property where market value did not play a role in what the tenant paid.

The other thing-affordable housing is basically a handout to employers. If employers cannot afford to operate in an environment where they can pay workers enough to survive at market rate, they don't have a viable business model.

#13 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-08-17 11:30 AM


You clearly are completely ignorant with regards to development.

Municipalities throughout the country have zoning laws. These zoning laws dictate what can be constructed on the land. That way smelting company isn't built next to a daycare.

Municipalities, through their zoning laws dictate what size lots are permitted on a plot of land, how that plot of land is broken up, the number and type of units (i.e. senior citizen, condos, affordable, mansions, etc.). The purpose is to control development so that municipal services, i.e. roads, schools are NOT overwhelmed and to assure that developers don't cater to the highest profit housing leaving most citizens without the ability to buy a house (that is the danger of these investment firms buying all of these residential properties- the control over costs is thrown out as the investment firms care only for profit.

You do realize that there are professionals who study (at universities) how to plan a municipality, right? They understand demographics, environmental impacts, transportation, and help design laws to protect society from over or poor development.

I'll give you an example.

I have a client town that pushed for an massive increase in housing, because that increased property tax income. Except they didn't consider demographics. So, now a few years later, the town's schools are overwhelmed with kids as the demographics of the development encouraged young families, who all started having kids around the same time. Now they have like 40 kids per classroom in elementary school and less than 20 kids per classroom in HS. Busing is now a HUGE issue as kids are bussed all over town (in a semi-urban environment making traffic a nightmare).

That is why government plan and zone housing.

#14 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-08-17 12:11 PM


You're just plain dumb

You realize that urban areas like DC or NYC or Chicago or smaller cities like Jacksonville NEED low and lower middle-income employees, right? They need service workers, clerks, entry level professionals, etc.

These people need places to live.

You can either plan to put them IN the place where the employment is, in affordable housing, OR you will have MASSIVE transportation needs. You cannot have neither.

And public housing is NOT the sole solution, it is part of the solution and can be accomplished quite well.

It can be done through subsidized housing, where the state or municipality pay for part of the rent/mortgage.

OR it can be done through REQUIRING developers to incorporate housing affordable to low and lower middle-income families.

The latter is by far the best option as it promotes wealth generation and reduces public costs.

#15 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-08-17 12:16 PM

" You do realize that there are professionals who study (at universities) how to plan a municipality, right?"

They don't dictate pricing, which is what Kamala is proposing. Also, no city council in an affluent community is going to approve Section 8 housing project.

#16 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-08-17 01:58 PM


Wrong yet again, silly boy.... for example:

#17 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-17 02:13 PM

" You do realize that there are professionals who study (at universities) how to plan a municipality, right?"
They don't dictate pricing, which is what Kamala is proposing. Also, no city council in an affluent community is going to approve Section 8 housing project.

#16 | Posted by BellRinger

And here is where I have to talk to you like you are a mentally challenged 5 year old.

You see, there is the federal government, the state government, the county (or parish) government and the municipal goverment.

Each of these entities passes laws.

Ex. A State government can pass a law dictating that a municipality MUST have a number of affordable housing units.

The municipality then develops zoning plans that meet that requirement.

Pricing is not what is dictated, but what IS dictated is that the type of housing built is to meet the affordable housing price points, i.e. condos, apartments, etc.

This is incredibly basic municipal planning stuff.

#18 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-08-17 02:24 PM

Show me an affluent township that has Section 8 housing.

#19 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-08-17 02:31 PM

Government assisted housing?

Isn't that what our politicians receive?

#20 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-17 02:55 PM

So truth if this is all so basic, and apparently something really core the the DNC. Why are Dem controlled cities swimming in affordable housing? You say it's a very basic thing to do, and all the controls are in place. Hell for that matter does that mean that Kamala's proposal is just fluff, It's already all there?

#23 | Posted by kwrx25 at 2024-08-17 08:17 PM

Given how high rents have gotten throughout the country, and the ever growing number of homeless people, this issue is a guaranteed winner for Harris. Only landlords and -------- believe the current situation is acceptable. So yes, that includes Trump on both counts.

#24 | Posted by moder8 at 2024-08-17 08:59 PM

Harris Endorses Renter Protections, Ending Investor Breaks

Ending investor "breaks" (aka incentives) and "increasing supply of goods / housing developments" at the same time?

Price controls? Seriously?

It's the same with "price gouging" - how is that going to be defined and implemented and "monitored"? "This product is cheaper in a nearby supermarket, therefore you are price-gouging"?

It's the same page from failed "fighting shrinkflation" and "Bidenomics" that already have turned people off. She has not been tainted by this yet - let's not start now (see - Harris Becomes Betting Favorite in Presidential Election Odds After Swing State Barnstorm")

The idea may appeal to some economically illiterate who think that things are done better and cheaper when profit motive is removed and government is "doing things" but it doesn't stand up to economic scrutiny and historic reality. Did she inherit the same idiotic economic advisors that came up with "Bidenomics"?

Price controls through the ages haven't worked, not for lack of trying : - Price Controls / Investopedia (simple) - Price Controls / Econlib (comprehensive)

There is a huge difference between Economics and Political Economy - politicians twisting economics to "prove" their policies "work" - which is what we keep seeing and reading in general non-financial media, from both sides. - Economics economy - Political economy

There was already a negative reaction even from left-of-center and even "progressive" talking heads on CNN and elsewhere in the media.
Just a sample of reaction, from Washington Post: - When your opponent calls you 'communist,' maybe don't propose price controls? It's hard to exaggerate how bad Kamala Harris's price-gouging proposal is - WaPo, August 15, 2024, by Catherine Rampell (formerly of NYT)

It's still Kamala's election to lose at this point. She's going to blow it if she doesn't move away as fast as she can from this "economic plan" that even most left-wing economists can't endorse and won't defend (and maybe ditch her "political economics" advisors) - hopefully before convention.

#25 | Posted by CutiePie at 2024-08-17 09:49 PM

Democrats control all major cities. Joe and Kamala are in power right now. If she can create affordable housing and reduce homelessness, why wait? Kamala's open border policy exacerbates the housing "crisis".

#26 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-08-17 10:52 PM

We should not be providing tax incentives for rich investors and corporations to buy up available housing inventory just to turn around an charge exorbitant rents. It jacks up the prices on the remaining inventory, pushing prices out of reach for the average person. We should be giving first time home buyers, and buyers of primary residences below a certain dollar threshold tax incentives to buy a home. So rich people buying a primary residence don't get incentives. I'm not saying investors should be locked out of the market, its just that they should not enjoy tax incentives.

#27 | Posted by _Gunslinger_ at 2024-08-18 07:21 PM

@#26 .. Kamala's open border policy ...

Please be specific.

What is VP Harris' "open border policy" of which you speak?

#28 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-18 07:42 PM


Last I saw, it was the GOP that stopped the legislation to help fix the border problem.

So, based upon their actuary legislative actions, is it actually the GOP who are in favor of what you seem to call "open borders?"

#29 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-18 07:45 PM

@#27 ... We should not be providing tax incentives for rich investors and corporations to buy up available housing inventory just to turn around an charge exorbitant rents. ...


In this area, during fmr Pres GW Bush's Great Recession, private equity was buying up tons of foreclosed single-family houses for cheap prices as people lost their homes because they could no longer afford their mortgage.

Now, single family homes are scarce, and sky-rocketing in price. According to, my house's price nearly doubled in a few years.

#30 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-18 07:51 PM

What is VP Harris' "open border policy" of which you speak?

I crossed the border just this weekend. It was wide open other than the gates, spike belts, concrete barriers, cameras and some punk with a gun that had the audacity to ask to see my ID and ask a bunch of questions about where I was from, what I was bringing, and where I was going.

#31 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-08-18 07:52 PM

Biden Harris should close the border and deport the 30 million illegals they let in.

As far as everything else why wait? Biden Harris' day one was three years ago.

#32 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-08-18 08:31 PM

@#32 ... Biden Harris should close the border and deport the 30 million illegals they let in. ...

In my #28, I asked a simple question, "Please be specific. What is VP Harris' 'open border policy' of which you speak?"

And I now note that you seem to be unable to answer such a simple question and, instead, seem to prefer to deflect to somewhere else.

So, I'll ask once again...

Please be specific.

What is VP Harris' "open border policy" of which you speak? ...

What's yer got, besides avoidance of a simple question?

#33 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-18 08:47 PM

The real deflection is why give Kamala cover? She's in power now. If she sees a problem she should fix it.

#34 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-08-18 08:58 PM

She's in power now.

Lewzer has conceded already? Unusual of him.

#35 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-08-18 09:03 PM

@#34 ... The real deflection is why give Kamala cover? ...

Your efforts merely show the weakness of what you espouse.

So, going back to my question in #28...

What is VP Harris' "open border policy" of which you speak? ...

Why do you seem to have such a reluctance to answer that simple question?

Do try harder.

#36 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-18 09:10 PM

A policy for the Middle Class Joe, and against Corporate America,
and syndicates of real estate firms? Of course the GOP will HATE it!!

For the 10 millionth time, they hate Middle Class America!

#37 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-08-19 06:50 AM

When asked "Would you seek the repeal of criminal penalties for people apprehended while crossing the border?" Harris answered "Yes"

So open border policy aside, why doesn't she do anything to make housing affordable RIGHT NOW?

#38 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-08-19 09:28 AM

"You realize that urban areas like DC or NYC or Chicago or smaller cities like Jacksonville NEED low and lower middle-income employees, right? They need service workers, clerks, entry level professionals, etc."

If they need them, then they will pay them in accordance with the market rate in that region. If they can't afford to pay it and stay afloat, then it is not a viable business model.

Of course lower and middle income is not fixed. What would be a low income in Manhattan might make on the highest income earner in Possum Pouch, Arkansas.

"These people need places to live."

My bartender last night was living five people people in a house. This is in Vegas. With five people paying $800 a month, a $4k monthly rent payment becomes doable.

My daughter shares her college apartment with three other girls.

Do you think maybe the government should get into the business of placing lower income earners with roommates? It seems to solve the problem.

#39 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-08-19 10:25 PM

"It can be done through subsidized housing, where the state or municipality pay for part of the rent/mortgage."

Maybe? But why? You're still just propping up non-viable business models. That still might be preferable to local taxpayers than having to drive out of the city to get a hamburger.

#40 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-08-19 10:34 PM

"We should not be providing tax incentives for rich investors and corporations to buy up available housing inventory just to turn around an charge exorbitant rents."

How do you charge exorbitant rents? I want to know because I want to do it.

When I had a rental house, I was resigned to charging what renters were willing to pay. Tho if I had known there was some other way...

#41 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-08-19 10:37 PM

So... MB, has the supposed Invisible Hand of the Free Market led you to apply for an F-16 job with Ukraine?

Because if It did, it sure sounds like you would take it. Just sayin'.

#42 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-19 10:40 PM

"Now, single family homes are scarce, and sky-rocketing in price. According to, my house's price nearly doubled in a few years."

A house I once owned in North Dakota is currently for sale. In inflation adjusted dollars, it has declined in value (price) by 25% since I sold it in 2013.

#43 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-08-19 10:45 PM


I don't understand your question. What do you mean "apply for an F-16 job?"

#44 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-08-19 10:46 PM

"If you're a retired F-16 pilot and you're looking to fight for freedom, (Ukraine) will hire you here." After meeting with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Senator Lindsey Graham said Ukraine is looking throughout NATO nations for willing former fighter pilots to fly F-16s against Russia until their pilots are trained.

Aug 12, 2024"

#45 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-19 10:49 PM

I am not a retired F-16 guy, so I don't think I qualify. Additionally, if you're a military retiree you will almost certainly lose your retirement if you go to work for a foreign government.

Still, I think there might be a few people who take the offer up. The chance to go mix it up with the Russians does have its appeal.

#46 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-08-19 10:55 PM

Even with the close allies like AUS and GBR, going to work directly for those governments can be a headache. For a while the Aussies were recruiting aviators from the US to operate thier F-18s. Especially WSOs. But you had to become an Aussie citizen, which as a general rule would preclude any additional ability to hold a security clearance in the US higher than Secret.

#47 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-08-19 10:58 PM

But I mean... if the supposed Invisible Hand of the Free Market told you to go fly for Ukraine, you'd HAVE to do it, right? ;^)

#48 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-19 10:59 PM

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