Saturday, August 24, 2024

US Announces New Round of Military Assistance for Ukraine

The United States has announced a new round of military assistance to Ukraine, following a phone call between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and US President Joe Biden.


"Russia will not prevail in this conflict. The independent people of Ukraine will prevail " and the United States, our allies, and our partners, will continue to stand with them every step of the way," Biden said in a statement.


Ooooh, our local Russian stooges ain't gonna like this...

#1 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-08-24 02:53 AM

More money Wasted on a lost cause. More prolonging loss of life for little more than Trolling.

Ukraine doesn't need the Donbass. They just tormented and oppressed the locals.

They only want the land and infrastructure, not the people.

Russia wants the people Too.

If Ukraine wins the Donbass back... Expect more human rights Nightmares.

But at least Ukraine will have Territorial Integrity.

Ethnic cleansing is OK if the West or Israel does it, I guess.

Nazi bastards

#2 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-24 05:18 AM

Eff off Effeteposer

#3 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2024-08-24 05:48 AM

"More prolonging loss of life for little more than Trolling."

What YOU do is trolling.

Defending democracies around the world makes our democracy stronger.

#4 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-24 10:58 AM

What democracy? There are No ELECTIONS IN UKRAINE. Therefore no democracy.

Zelinsky was elected on a peace platform. 5 years ago, He has decreed that there will be no elections including for the Rada until there is peace once again. Dissent in Ukraine is considered Collaboration with the enemy. It is criminal to even act less than enthusiastic about the war.He's not negotiating any peace, only pushing more War. Most political parties are banned. The Russian Orthodox Church is banned. The Russian language is largely banned.

No freedom, just a claustrophobic War State imposed from Above. Millions of Ukrainians have fled both into Russia and West to escape the Meat grinder of war.

Putin is more Democratic at this point than Zelinsky is. He at least stood for election and was re elected.

He didn't declare martial law and just rule by decree with no accountability to the Legislature or anyone else.

Ukraine isn't all that. They are a corrupt dictatorship as much as Russia is at this point.

They are, like Israel, just OUR Corrupt Dictatorship.

#5 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-24 11:32 AM

---- off.

You're schtick expired 2 years ago.

#6 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-08-24 11:34 AM

So did yours.

No explanation, no dialogue, just abusive and mostly stupid invective.

One of the Stupidest people on the site.

A Bludgeon pretending to be a Thinker. And that's being generous.

#7 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-24 11:41 AM

"A Bludgeon pretending to be a Thinker. "

I prefer the title of The Shield of Democracy thank you.

But I can understand you feel that you are getting bludgeoned by the Hammer of Democracy side of me when I call you out for saying stupid things.

The two halves of my brain do work hand in hand.

#8 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-24 11:47 AM

"What democracy? There are No ELECTIONS IN UKRAINE. Therefore no democracy."

Uh oh. It's Hammer Time!

Now you want to deny that Ukraine is a democracy?

Article 1 of their Constitution establishes Ukraine as a sovereign and independent, democratic, social, law-based state. Article 5 of their Constitution defines Ukraine as a republic.

In case you didn't notice they are in a war for their very existence with a powerful country that has invaded them. They can't hold a fair election right now. That doesn't mean they won't ever again.

#9 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-24 11:52 AM

The Bludgeon pretending to be a thinker comment was for Legallyourdead not you Donnerboy. I Respect you more than Most of the people here.

You are a fair-minded person who actually engages and has dialogue with people you disagree with.

I don't have any ill will toward you whatsoever. I Respect your worldview, we just disagree about some things.

#10 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-24 11:54 AM

Re 10

Fair enough effete ...

I will put the hammer away (for now) and get the shield back out.

#11 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-24 11:57 AM

In a war for their very existence?

I call BS on That.

Ukraine could accept the loss of the Eastern Oblasts. The rest of the country could be part of NATO, minus the Donbass. National boundaries change through war all the time, as a student of history you surely know that.

Nobody wants to lose. NATO is driving this. They don't care about Ukraine or Russia, only Winning.

Ukraine is not United. The illusion of unity is propaganda.

Russia will prevail. Even if millions have to die. They don't give a ----.

Why should millions die for a few miles of territory that would have to be ethnically cleansed to be held and administered anyway?

It's just not worth it.

#12 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-24 12:04 PM

"Ukraine is not United. The illusion of unity is propaganda."

For a country that's not united they are sure doing one hell of a job defending themselves from a country that is 28 times larger and many many times more militarily powerful.

Yet the Ukrainian government still stands.

Or maybe the last 8 years have just been an illusion.

#13 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-24 12:11 PM

Maybe it has.

Donbass has at war with the Kiev Government for 10 years. Since 2014.

Russia has no trouble getting recruits from the new Russian Oblasts In former Ukraine. There is little terrorist activity against the Russians in the Eastern Oblasts.

Ukraine just wants them back because most of the industry and development is there.

Ukraine doesn't give a fig about the self determination of the people there.

They only want the Resources and industrial base. Not the local population.

Donbass would have to be ethnically cleansed to be held without terrorism and counterinsurgency. The people are a football between the West and Russia. Pawns In a game they don't control.

NATO is fueling this.

For little more than cynical trolling.

#14 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-24 12:26 PM

The big question is, what is Joe Biden doing talking to Zelensky and making military deals when he is supposed to be on forced vacation in California?

#15 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-08-24 12:44 PM

I dunno,what is going on?

Biden is still President,he didn't resign.

Kamala won't get in unless elected.

#16 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-24 12:49 PM

#15 That was Snark, but I treated it as not so. Biden is still the Man,for now.

#17 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-24 12:50 PM

"Donbass has at war with the Kiev Government for 10 years. Since 2014."

Corrected for accuracy.

Russia has been instigating and supporting a war in the Donbass to antagonize and undermine the "Kiev Government" and to steal territory from Ukraine for 10 years.

#18 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-24 12:54 PM

Much of the resistance to the Kiev Government was local and not Russia.

#19 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-24 12:56 PM

@#19 ... Much of the resistance to the Kiev Government was local and not Russia. ...

War in Donbas

...The war in Donbas,[c] also known as the Donbas war, was a phase of the Russo-Ukrainian War in the Donbas region of Ukraine. The war began in April 2014, when a commando unit headed by Russian citizen Igor Girkin seized Sloviansk in Donetsk oblast.[20][21][6][22] The Ukrainian military launched an operation against them.[23][5] The war continued until subsumed by the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022.[24]

In March 2014, following Ukraine's Revolution of Dignity, anti-revolution and pro-Russian protests began in Ukraine's Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, collectively 'the Donbas'. These began as Russia invaded Crimea. Armed Russian-backed separatists seized Ukrainian government buildings and declared the Donetsk and Luhansk republics (DPR and LPR) as independent states, leading to conflict with Ukrainian forces.[25]

Russia covertly supported the separatists with troops and weaponry. It only admitted sending "military specialists",[26][27] but later acknowledged the separatists as Russian combat veterans.[28] ...

#20 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-24 01:28 PM

#2 | POSTED BY EFFETEPOSER AT 2024-08-24 05:18 AM | FLAG: Worst thing is that we do not even have the money, as it is being 'printed' adding to our national debt : (

#21 | Posted by MSgt at 2024-08-25 10:50 AM

"Much of the resistance to the Kiev Government was local and not Russia. ..."

Russian propaganda alert!

Local Russians who were backed by Russia.

It would be like Mexicans living in Texas rebelling and taking part of Texas and then giving it to Mexico with financial and military support from Mexico.

Pretty sure that wouldn't work out well. For Mexico.

Armed Russian-backed separatists seized Ukrainian government buildings and declared the Donetsk and Luhansk republics (DPR and LPR) as independent states, leading to conflict with Ukrainian forces.[25]

#22 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-25 11:01 AM

If it was just Russia, why are the locals so invested and willing to participate?

Why did they vote to become part of Russia?

Given the strong resistance and will to fight the Ukrainians have shown in this war, if this whole thing in Donbass was just a Russian plot with no local support it wouldn't have gone on for 8 Years with local militias doing the heavy lifting against the Kiev Government.

I call BS on the "Russian Outside influence" narrative.

An Indigenous Rebellion, Backed by Russia, is more Credible given the facts.

Was the Maidan massacre in 2014, Government Snipers or NeoNazis?

The Narratives are totally Contradictory about that too.

Which narrative is the True One.

Both, Obviously, can't be the Truth..

#23 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-25 11:49 AM

"Was the Maidan massacre in 2014, Government Snipers or NeoNazis?"

Seriously bro. If you want to talk about history you should read about it. It's a lot more complicated than your Russian talking points.

That all occurred under the Russian backed puppet Yanukovych who was forced to flee the country a short time later by Ukrainian protesters.

A large, barricaded protest camp occupied Independence Square in central Kyiv throughout the 'Maidan Uprising'. In January and February 2014, clashes between protesters and Berkut special riot police resulted in the deaths of 108 protesters and 13 police officers,[20] and the wounding of many others. The first protesters were killed in fierce clashes with police on Hrushevsky Street on 19"22 January. Following this, protesters occupied government buildings throughout the country, and the Azarov government resigned. The deadliest clashes were on 18"20 February, which saw the most severe violence in Ukraine since it regained independence.[35] Thousands of protesters advanced towards parliament, led by activists with shields and helmets, who were fired on by police snipers.[20]

On 21 February, Yanukovych and the parliamentary opposition signed an agreement to bring about an interim unity government, constitutional reforms and early elections. Police abandoned central Kyiv that afternoon and the protesters took control. Yanukovych fled the city that evening.[36] The next day, 22 February, the Ukrainian parliament voted to remove Yanukovych from office by 328 to 0 (about 73% of the parliament's 450 members).[37][38][39][40] Yanukovych claimed this vote was illegal and asked Russia for help.[41] Russian propaganda described the events as a "coup".[42][43][44]

#24 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-25 12:17 PM

Re 24 That was from wiki. Easily to look up. Easily verified.

#25 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-25 12:20 PM

Easily to look up. Easily verified.

And, for Effete, easily denied.

#26 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-08-25 12:24 PM

Which is the propaganda? What is one to believe?

I have read the various accounts. None of which are conclusive, by the way.

It all comes down to what is more credible.

In my opinion the Western Narrative is less Credible.

It's that simple.

If Russia was forcing the issue why are locals so willing to join up and fight their "own" Government?

Unless of course, they Hate their "own" Government and see them, and not Russia, as the problem.

You see my problem here?

The facts don't really fit.

#27 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-25 12:26 PM

A brief summary ...

The Revolution of Dignity (Ukrainian: , romanized: Revoliutsiia hidnosti), also known as the Maidan Revolution or the Ukrainian Revolution,[2] took place in Ukraine in February 2014[2][1][26][27][28] at the end of the Euromaidan protests,[1] when deadly clashes between protesters and state forces in the capital Kyiv culminated in the ousting of President Viktor Yanukovych, the return to the 2004 Constitution of Ukraine, and the outbreak of the 2014 Russo-Ukrainian War.[1][2]

#28 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-25 12:28 PM

Which is the propaganda? What is one to believe?

Whatever can be verified from trusted sources.

Fascists like Trumpy and Pootin want you to think that nothing is true and nothin can be believed anymore. They use propaganda and now AI to try and make you think nothing is real. Nothing is true. And only they can fix it.

Don't believe them.

"In my opinion the Western Narrative is less Credible."

If you wanna believe Russian sources over western sources (everyone else in the Free World) then there is only one thing I can tell ya.

You best get your "believer" fixed.

#29 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-25 12:36 PM

Kiev is Western Ukraine. The Donbass is hundreds of miles away on the Russian border.

Ukraine was in Civil War. For 8 years. The resistance to the Kiev Government was not all just Russia pulling strings. The Donbass voted overwhelming for Yanukovich. They didn't support the freedom revolution, they supported Yanukovich. That's what civil war is.

Half of this country support Trump. We are Not United.

Ukraine was even less United than we are.

Do the people of the Donbass have self determination? The right to choose their own leadership?

Or is that something to be forced on them at Gunpoint?

Civil Wars happen. This started as a civil war. Russia just took advantage of something already happening.

It's still bad, but the people in Donetsk and Lugansk obviously don't feel Ukrainian. They think they're Russians.

And they're willing to Fight for that.

That's Civil War.

#30 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-25 12:43 PM

There is a reason pootin has taken complete control of the internet in Russia. If you don't understand why that is then I really can't help you.

You need to read a history book on how fascist take control of a population by controlling information.

In Jason Stanley's How Fascism Works, for instance, these include:

the heralding of a mythic past when the nation was in harmony with its ideals;

a reliance on propaganda to disseminate government information that is often a refutation of facts;

anti-intellectualism that attacks rational thought as being out of touch with genuine emotional knowledge;


a sense of victimhood that sees enemies both internal and external;

an emphasis on law and order to protect citizens from undesirable elements;

the control of language;

sexual anxiety that the group at the top of the hierarchy is being weakened by "abnormal" sexuality and low birth rates;

fear of homosexuality and of women;

and a belief that hard work is the key to success.

#31 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-25 12:46 PM

"The Donbass voted overwhelming for Yanukovich. "

A Russian puppet.

Half of this country support Trump. We are Not United.

Ukraine was even less United than we are.

Russian politics are nothing like ours.

But Trumpy is a fascist that is using fascist techniques to divide us. Trumpy thinks a Russian oligarchy is the way we should go.

Trumpy is an ignorant fool and a traitor to American democratic ideals.

#32 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-25 12:53 PM

"Kiev is Western Ukraine. The Donbass is hundreds of miles away on the Russian border"

Lubbock is in west Texas. Beaumont is hundreds of miles away on the Louisiana border.

#33 | Posted by Zed at 2024-08-25 12:54 PM

The Donbass is hundreds of miles away on the Russian border.

Pretty sure the Donbass is right on the border with Russia. Which is how they easily controlled it. They just walked (drove) right across the border. Which they already controlled.

Which is also where "Russian backed forces" shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 with a Buk 9M38 surface-to-air missile on 17 July 2014, while flying over eastern Ukraine.

#34 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-25 01:00 PM


We can find out the truth. Eventually.

#35 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-25 01:02 PM

Ukraine has a proportional election system, it had numerous viable political parties.

Until the pro Russia ones were Banned by Zelinsky, by Decree.

It's not a two party winner take all system there. It's a parliamentary system.

By banning opposition Parties and ending elections for the Rada, Zelinsky became a Dictator. He is less accountable to the Ukrainian people than Putin is to the Russians.

At least acknowledge that.

If the Donbass people wanted to exit Ukraine and become Russia by majority vote? Is that legitimate or civil war?

Is it Self Determination, or Rebellion?

That's the Question,..Donnie.

#36 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-25 01:06 PM

"If the Donbass people wanted to exit Ukraine and become Russia by majority vote? Is that legitimate or civil war?"

Brewster County can't leave Texas for Mexico no matter how hard they vote.

#37 | Posted by Zed at 2024-08-25 01:20 PM

Changes in international boundaries are always negotiated nation to nation.

You can't invade for that purpose.

#38 | Posted by Zed at 2024-08-25 01:21 PM

If the Donbass people wanted to exit Ukraine...

...they could pack up and move.

#39 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-08-25 01:25 PM

Time to waste billions more in Ukraine

#40 | Posted by THEBULL at 2024-08-25 01:31 PM

If the Donbass people wanted to exit Ukraine and become Russia by majority vote?

If people living in Donbass wanted to be Russian they should have moved to Russia.

The people in Tucson can't vote and declare Tucson is now part of Mexico. Their voting doesn't give Mexico the right to invade Arizona.

If the president of Mexico declares they're invading because there are Nazis in Tucson and the people wanted to be part of Mexico, no one would care and the USA would unleash hell on Mexico.

Your continuous, weak defense for Russia is absurd. Your logic is absurd. Your posts are absurd.

#41 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-25 01:38 PM

I was against Putin's war from the very beginning. The pointless loss of life, the displacement of innocent people, and the demolition of town and cities is sickening. So I am going smile and LMAO when I see that Ukrainian flag flying over the Kremlin.

#42 | Posted by anton at 2024-08-25 01:40 PM

Re: #40

Thank you for your thoughts "Neville Chamberlain".
How fortunate for you (assuming you're a US citizen!) that the French Government didn't take the same attitude in the late 18th century.

BTW, is the billions "wasted" if it's spent in US defense industries?

#43 | Posted by TrueBlue at 2024-08-25 01:46 PM

Time to waste billions more in Ukraine

#40 | Posted by THEBULL

If Trump told you to love Ukraine, you'd love Ukraine.

You aren't any deeper than that.

#44 | Posted by Zed at 2024-08-25 01:46 PM

#39 The Slovaks no longer wanted to be part of Czechoslovakia. They voted to leave,and become independent of the Prague government. There was no civil war. They just left,and created their own independent nation. Slovakia.

It can be done. States break up peacefully some of the time. Slovakia was the poorest part of the former Czechoslovakia. The Czechs didn't want them much anyway,they were more of a liability than anything else.

Donbass is the industrial heart of Ukraine, economically the most valuable part. Of course the Ukrainians don't feel the way the Czechs did.

It all about the money and resources,not self determination for the People.

Russia took cynical advantage of an existing problem in Ukraine.

The West does the same Crap, ALL THE TIME.

NATO and the EU just wanted to get Western access to Ukrainian markets and resources. To BUY the country for Western Hegemony.

Russia had other interests.

The Ukrainians are just Pawns.

#45 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-25 01:46 PM

#44. I hate Trump. I hate the Republicans. I vote Democratic in every election, my whole life. This is fact driven, not ideology.

Look in the Mirror, Bro.

You're the Ideologue,not Me.

Trump wants the Israeli's to just "Finish It" in Palestine.

Has my Posting history supported this?

#46 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-25 01:54 PM

"The dissolution of Czechoslovakia was the self-determined secessionof the federal republic of Czechoslovakia into the independent countries of the Czech Republic and Slovakia."

It definitely wasn't due to an outside nation rolling in and demanding control over a portion of the nation.

#47 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-25 02:02 PM

The Ukrainian civil war began 8 years before Russia invaded.

The Donbass overwhelming supported Yanukovich. They wanted to have new elections. They had been scheduled. The Rada unilaterally removed Yanukovich in a lopsided and fraudulent vote.

The Eastern Oblasts revolted. Civil War. Crimea was considered of strategic importance by the Russians. They Meddled, for Sure.

Nothing the US hasn't done many times before, funding and Militarily supporting and instigating in numerous countries far less strategically important to us than Ukraine is to Russia.

Realpolitik is a Bitch.

It's Universal.

I never said I thought Putin was Right.

I said the Western Narrative about this war is BS.

Cuz it IS.

#48 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-25 02:27 PM


Who cares about any of your excuses?

Nothing you wrote in #48 justifies an invasion by Russia.

You've never written anything that actually justifies the Russian invasion of the Ukraine.

Not once.

#49 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-25 02:31 PM

You've never written anything that actually justifies the Russian invasion of the Ukraine.

His predictions of Ukraine's imminent defeat and not aged well either.

#50 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-08-25 02:56 PM

There is no justification for the Russians invading Ukraine. I never said there was. I said the Donbass populations wanted to separate from Ukraine and they do. They voted to leave. Twice. Russia just used that for cover when they invaded Ukraine itself.

Russia is playing the same sick games the US does around the world, it's cynical and gets a Lot of people Killed.

But seriously, if Ukraine wins back the Donbass, what happens to the people there? Specifically, the ones who see themselves as Russian?

The outlook for them is Ethnic Cleansing. Something the West frowns on unless it's Israel doing it.

Ukraine has a bloody and divided history. It's not historically one country.

The Donbass and Crimea are historically Russia not Ukraine.

Putin is Right about that.

Western Ukraine is clearly not historically Russia but a separate and sovereign country.

My prediction is that the Donbass and Crimea are Gone. For Good.

The final outcome will be Partition of Ukraine and the acceptance of Historical Ukraine minus the East into NATO.

Followed by 50 to 100 years of Cold War.

#51 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-25 03:24 PM

I said the Donbass populations wanted to separate from Ukraine and they do.

That's you, attempting to justify the Russian invasion.


That's not their choice.

Anymore than it would be the choice of people living in San Diego to separate from America.

It's not how things work in the real world.

I don't even believe the propaganda about the people in Donbas wanting to secede.

Who cares. Wanna live in Russia? Move there. End of story.

#52 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-25 03:30 PM

" Worst thing is that we do not even have the money, as it is being 'printed' adding to our national debt"

Why wasn't it bad when Trump was borrowing $8.3 Trillion?

You never made a peep.

#53 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-08-25 03:32 PM

The Donbass and Crimea are historically Russia not Ukraine.

Southwestern United States was historically part of Mexico.

You think New Mexico can vote to leave the union and join Mexico?

If you don't want to be considered an idiot. Stop posting stupid shht.

#54 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-25 03:32 PM

Could the Southwest vote to be Spanish speaking and independent from Mexico or the US? If enough voters there wanted to? Why Not? It happens in other countries.

Slovakia left Czechoslovakia without bloodshed. Yugoslavia became a Charnel House of Internecine War.

Ukraine is not the US. Europe is not America. The world has different traditions.

One size does not fit all.

The Donbass Oblasts wanted to leave Ukraine. The Central Government in Kiev wasn't Down with It.

Civil War. Then Russia seeing an opportunity to Meddle, got involved.

Then NATO got involved. See where this is going?

If everyone had just let the Breakaway Oblasts create their own the Czech Republic did with the Slovaks there would have been No War.

But "Superpowers" just can't resist Meddling. It's their prime reason for existing.

The Czech Republic was not Meddled with because the West didn't want anything there.

Russia didn't meddle because the Slovaks aren't Russians and never were.

Yugoslavia was massively meddled with by NATO on bogus humanitarian grounds for access to the region, but primarily because Russia was too Weak at the time to do anything about it.

Maybe isolation isn't that bad of a Choice. Wrap our Oceans ourselves and mind our own business for a while.

It will certainly get fewer people killed around the world.

Even if it doesn't, it won't be Our responsibility or fault for what Others choose to do.

Russia is as Imperialistic as the US. But it's more Regional than Global in scale.

Spheres of Influence are the best hope humanity has for peace and not death by Suicide.

It worked for centuries until the collapse of the Soviet Union gave the West an unrealistic belief that the world belonged to them Alone.

#55 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-08-25 04:48 PM

Re: #51

" The Donbass and Crimea are historically Russia not Ukraine."

Really? What part of history makes Crimea part of Russia?

What about before 1783, when Catherine the Great first annexed an independent Crimea? It wasn't part of Russia before 1783.

What about 1954 when the Presidium of the SSSU transferred the Crimean Oblast from the Russian SFSR to the Ukrainian SSR. If anything, the Russians gave Crimea to Ukraine then.

For that matter, what IS Russia??? Ukraine was an independent entity long before "Russia" existed!

No, Crimea only "belongs" to Russia if you accept the "might is right" principle that allows for the taking of a land/people and promotes ignoring the broken promises of Russia in regards to their treatment of its neighbors.

BTW, please don't BEGIN to deflect by using the "But Johnny does it too" excuse by conflating this situation to whatever you allege the US has done. Stay focused and address THIS situation between Russia and Ukraine!

#56 | Posted by TrueBlue at 2024-08-25 05:02 PM

and russian stooges announce a new round of false equivalencies.

#57 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-08-25 06:19 PM

Re 56

Haven't you heard the old adage?

"You can bring a putinposer to the DR but you can't teach it history."

#58 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-25 08:48 PM

Must have war. Must play world domination with peoples lives.

#59 | Posted by fresno500 at 2024-08-25 09:03 PM

What about 1992 when Russia promiswd to never invade Ukraine in exchange for Ukraine giving up its nuclear weapons? Big problem over next few years...Ukraine has the educated people who can develop their own nuclear weapos....the real reason Putin still fears Ukraine.

#60 | Posted by danni at 2024-08-26 03:21 AM

These Democrats from Biden and Harris to Wilson to FDR to LBJ arent happy unless they are expanding and spending on wars. The idiot GW Bush is the only Republican stupid enough to get us into an Iraq War.

Robert Kennedy is exactly correct in his recent speech about Dems orchestrating wars so money is wasted and stolen. The USA should not be involving us in Middle East.

#61 | Posted by Robson at 2024-08-26 07:24 AM

The USA should not be involving us in Middle East.


Great. All for it! We could save nearly a $100 billion a year (2018 figures).

Except ... Who will protect the oil supplies and shipments? So I take it you are all ready to switch from an oil based economy to electric or other renewables immediately and or for energy prices to sky rocket out of control?

#62 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-26 11:17 AM

These Democrats from Biden and Harris to Wilson to FDR to LBJ arent happy unless they are expanding and spending on wars. The idiot GW Bush is the only Republican stupid enough to get us into an Iraq War.

Robert Kennedy is exactly correct in his recent speech about Dems orchestrating wars so money is wasted and stolen. The USA should not be involving us in Middle East.

#61 | Posted by Robson

The republicans from WW2 up til trump were anti russia.

Then russia helps elect their cult leader and all of a sudden they love russia and want to allow putin to do whatever he wants.

#63 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-08-26 01:19 PM

Robson Chamberlain.... blaming FDR for fighting WWII over there rather than over here.

#64 | Posted by Corky at 2024-08-26 01:31 PM

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