Sunday, September 01, 2024

Six Hostages, Including Israeli American, Found Dead

Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an Israeli American taken hostage in the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attacks, is among six hostages whose bodies were recovered Saturday.



Linked article headline reads: Six hostages, including Israeli American Hersh Goldberg-Polin, found dead in Gaza

#1 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-09-01 07:23 AM

#1 was to clarify the headline that initially appeared here.

#2 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-09-01 12:46 PM

Israel doesn't care about hostages' lives.

Israel is perpetuating a genocide, and doesn't care who they kill in the process. And I'll not mince words here: These hostages were murdered BY ISRAEL.

If Israel cared about these people, they would offer to trade them for the THOUSANDS of Palestinian hostages they're holding.

#3 | Posted by DarkVader at 2024-09-01 02:23 PM

Bunker Bitch told Bibi not to cut a deal to bring home the hostages until after the election.

#4 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-09-01 02:43 PM

"Israel doesn't care about hostages' lives."

Does the Islamic Resistance?

"Israel is perpetuating a genocide, and doesn't care who they kill in the process."

By their own admission, the vast majority of Palestinians are waiting in the wings for their opportunity to finish what Hitler started.

"From the River to the Sea" is literally a call for genocide.

#5 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-09-01 02:56 PM

"Israel is perpetuating a genocide, and doesn't care who they kill in the process."

2 million Palestinians live in Israel.

0 Jews lived in Gaza.

#6 | Posted by oneironaut at 2024-09-01 03:50 PM

Is "From the River to the Sea". A call for Genocide when Likud or the IDF says it?

Or Only when Palestinians say it?

Askin' for a Friend.

#7 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-01 04:01 PM

My money is on indiscriminate IDF fire.

#8 | Posted by fresno500 at 2024-09-01 09:45 PM

The Palestinian people should stop and at least consider the reaction these murders will bring and who will suffer because HAMAS terrorists executed these hostages; one day the Palestinians are going to see HAMAS as the enemy of the people just as are the IDF. What has HAMAS accomplished for the Palestinian people since the attacks on Oct. 7 but terrorists don't care about ibbocebt lives any more than the ZIONists in Israel do. One thing is certain; no peace agreement will happrn as long as hamas is executubg hostages so it would be in the best interests of the Palestinian people to have leadership that is not murdering terrorists.

#9 | Posted by danni at 2024-09-02 12:37 AM

Israel already has all the Reasons they need to Kill without Limits or Mercy.

At this point, bombing Tel Aviv is probably the only thing that would stop them and maybe not even that.

Sanctions on Israel itself and the cut off of all military and financial assistance would be partially but not completely successful.

The Israeli's are caught up in an ---- of Bloodlust.

This will be remembered in Biblical terms by History.

Israel is committing suicide. They just don't know it yet.

But in Due Time... They will Know It.

And Why..

#10 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-02 01:14 AM

Biblical history is all writtrn they aren't adding any new chapters.

#11 | Posted by danni at 2024-09-02 01:57 AM

We'll See; you know this? How?

Do you have some kind of special knowledge? Are you a Prophet?

Tell me the Future, oh Wise Oracle.... Lol.

#12 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-02 02:41 AM

"At this point, bombing Tel Aviv is probably the only thing that would stop them and maybe not even that."

It wouldn't.

The Palestinians aren't fighting for their lives. They're fighting to take something they think they are entitled to.

Israel would be fighting against what would be the eventual extirpation of the last Jewish community in the middle east.

#13 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-09-02 02:52 AM

"Israel is committing suicide. They just don't know it yet."

If they don't fight, they're dead anyways.

#14 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-09-02 02:53 AM

Israel was born in Violence. Has Grown and maintained themselves by Violence.

They will Die out by Violence. Perhaps North America is the site of a true Israel.

Created in Peace. Without Violence. With the Consent of the people there.

The Middle East was the wrong place for Israel. The Wrong Time as well.

Israel will not Survive in the Levant. They will Massacre so many in a Vain attempt to hold on.

The Muslims are the Not the Germans. They are not the Guilty party. They don't feel guilty for resisting the Usurpers. They have NOTHING to feel guilty for.

Justice is with the Palestinians, Not the Jews.

Israel deserves to be destroyed. They are on the Wrong side of History.

Not because they are Jews... but because they are Oppressors of Humanity and Justice for the Cause of creating a Theocracy for Jews alone.

Israel should properly be in Germany itself as a reparation for the Holocaust.

Or if not in the US, the home of most Jews outside of Israel.

The Jews should Purchase Land in America... And create a Jewish homeland by buying the land and not killing for it... By peaceful means, not War against people who Hate them. Americans don't hate Jews. We accept them ..if they can pay their own way. And but the lands the desire. A Jews enclave, like Amish or Mennonite enclaves would welcomed.

A Jewish Supremacist State like Israel, in the US... Would never be tolerated in the US any more than it is in Palestine.

Israel is an Abortion....It has no right to Exist... In Palestine or North A Jewish Supremacist State it has no right to exist anywhere.

#15 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-02 05:39 AM

From the River to the Sea" is literally a call for genocide.

"Between the sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty."
Likud 1977 Party Manifesto

#16 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-09-02 06:31 AM

Yeah Effete, which state do you suggest we evacuate for this new Jewish theocracy to br created in the United States violatibgour Constitution in so many ways I can't list them all. That anyonw would suggest such an ybAmerican concept demonstrates a total lack of underatanding about wgat the United States if and what the Bill of Rights guarantees in every single state with no exceptions for any religion to declareposession of or control over. You really beed a Civics Lesson or two.
Instead our policies towards Israel should emphasize that if Israel will not rein in the Zionist crazies we will discontinue our support for them. Kamala Harris needs to speak out and tell AIPAC they cannot control her. Probably AIPAC should be investigated as foreign sgents infiltrating our government. Isralis in Israel and Jews in the Unitrf States need to learn we do not owe Israel anything. We certainly don'y have to support the IDF rampage in Gaza.

#17 | Posted by danni at 2024-09-02 06:53 AM


It's like you're an AI bot that only posts wrong stuff.

And why would Germany be a good spot for a Jewish homeland? Germany never actually extirpated the Jewish populations. But pretty much every Arab state did.

#18 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-09-02 11:15 AM

Fetid poser, you are writing such revisionist history it's scary that you actually believe it.

The Muslims are invaders into the region. The Jews have been there LONGER. it was stolen from them. Returning it wasn't wrong.

The Palestinians had every opportunity to see what a Jewish led government would mean after the British retreated and gave up control. But they didn't wait. They immediately attacked and tried to kill every Jew in the land.

And before you show your complete ignorance ... . No, not a single Palestinian had their house stolen by a Jew before they attacked the first time. Not one. Not a single family was displaced, not a as single Palestinian had even a hair pushed out of place by a Jew before they attacked the newly formed country.

They are bloodthirsty and demanding of what isn't theirs. They have no claim to be the ruling government. In the entire history of the region, the Palestinians have never once had self rule there. Not once. At least the Jews can point to a time in history where they did.

#19 | Posted by ABH at 2024-09-02 12:25 PM

If the surrounding Muslim countries actually have a crap about the Palestinians, they would allow them into their reductive countries as full citizens. They wouldn't bother digging tunnels into Gaza to funnel weapons and ammunition (and occasionally food). They would make them full citizens in an Islamic country. That would be humane. That would be caring. But all they want is bloodshed and continue a centuries long feud. The Jews in Israel just want to be left alone.

#20 | Posted by ABH at 2024-09-02 12:27 PM

Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Ah ... .

#21 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-09-02 12:48 PM


Modern-day Israel was built by Zionist settlers taking empty desert and turning into something that was valuable. The Palestinian narrative holds that everything they built should belong to Palestinians.

It's a very progressive position.

#22 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-09-02 02:52 PM

"Between the sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty." Likud 1977 Party Manifesto.

Still a bit different from,"from the river to the sea, the land will be Islamic."


#23 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-09-02 02:54 PM

Modern day Israel is the result of centuries of war over the region. Parts of it have hardly changed.

I've walked through the streets of old town. I've walked through much of Gaza City. I've been all through Tel Aviv.

The land, is the land it belonged to the Jews until it was taken from them. It changed hands several times ... . Muslims, the Brits , have all sacked it and then been sacked in return.

The "Zionist" movement is said in a way to make it sound like some kind of a curse word. It isn't. Zionists wanted the lands of Israel returned to Jewish control. I fail to see how or why that's not a noble goal. After Ww2 with the way the Jews were slaughtered, it garnered them the international sympathy they needed to make the dream of Israel being returned them, reality. Big deal. It happened. Good for them.

The whining little babies that are the Palestinian people are so butt hurt they weren't chosen to take over following the Brit withdrawal, they threw the biggest temper tantrum you can throw, and joined foreign armies to help them invade the newly formed state.

They have no moral high ground.

#24 | Posted by ABH at 2024-09-02 04:12 PM

Dude, all you got is mythology up against the Reality of Land Theft and Murder.

Blood shed leads to more Blood shed. Jewish Terrorists were buying land and killing locals and bullying everyone not Jewish. There is no noble quest for Judah.

It's all just a swindle and outright theft with ethnic violence and racist Vainglory.

One Jew is like 10,000 Arabs in the Zionist worldview.

They don't see Arabs as Human.


#25 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-02 04:26 PM

2 million Palestinians live in Israel.
0 Jews lived in Gaza.

Why would anyone choose to live in Gaza?

When was the last time you considered living in a prison?

#26 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-09-02 04:44 PM

"They don't see Arabs as Human."

Not even the 21% of the population that is Arab?

#27 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-09-03 03:24 AM

Apparently not.

When they have codified Apartheid and passed laws saying the Israeli State is for the self determination of Jews and Jews alone.

That's legally declaring non Jews to be less than Equal Legally or Politically to Jews.

Sick ----. From the Chosen.

#28 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-03 03:47 AM

The problem is two fold here:

#1 historical context isn't the most important thing, it's the ONLY thing. The Palestinians petitioned to take over from the Brits. It was denied. Why? Because there is no time in recorded history that the Palestinians had self rule there. Ever. The Jews were chosen because they do have a time in history where they had self governance of the region, and had sympathy from the genocide inflicted on them during WW2.

#2 you are trying deflect away from the fact that the Palestinians started the violence with Israel. They put Israel on the defensive by immediately attacking. They could have decided to wait and see if their lives would change under Jewish rule after British rule. But they couldn't wait forviolence. No one had been dislodged from their ancestral home, not a single Palestinian had been harmed from the time the Brit's withdrew and when the Palestinians swelled the ranks of the Egyptian and Syrian armies and attacked. Not one. Of they had waited, the world would have a very different view of them if the same things were happening now. Sadly, because of the Palestinians actions, we'll never know what Israel would look like today if there had never been such violence.

There are 2 million Israeli Arabs. They own businesses, are doctors, lawyers, restaurant owners, etc. there are fully functioning members of Israeli society. That is what the Palestinians could have had ... . But instead THEY chose violence.

You can talk about the Israelis ham fisted RESPONSE, but it is a response to the Palestinian violence. Israelis are fighting for their lives. Palestinians are fighting for their butt hurt feelings of not being chosen to take over instead of the Jews.

#29 | Posted by ABH at 2024-09-03 08:32 AM

Remember ... this present conflict started when the pals/hamas terrorists invaded Israel and butchered and kidnapped innocent Jews.
They did it knowing full well what the Israeli response was going to be.

#30 | Posted by phesterOBoyle at 2024-09-03 10:09 AM


This was by design.

If Hamas is concerned about casualties, it's only because they're not higher.

The Islamic Resistance is actively trading Palestinian corpses for the advancement of the Hamas agenda.

#31 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-09-03 11:13 AM

#31. Exactly. Bloodshed is all they know.

Israel isn't blameless. They need to own their overzealous responses.

But this all could have been avoided if the Palestinians hadn't been chafed raw over not being chosen to rule the land instead of the Jews.

It's insane what they have done to themselves.

#32 | Posted by ABH at 2024-09-03 11:16 AM

Israel gets nothing from dead Palestinians. Hamas gets an out-sized voice on the global stage that would have otherwise been ignored or scoffed.

Hamas has actually done what no other Islamist group has been able to do-command the attention, support, and praise from a significant segment of the global population-particularly on the left.

#33 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-09-03 11:17 AM


At the end of the British Mandate the Palestinians were offered a levant homeland for Arab residents, very much like what the Zionists were offered as a homeland for the Jewish population.

And if we're being honest, would they have still wanted it if it were the barren, unpopulated desert that it had been until the Zionists started doing something with it? I'm guessing not, but the narrative that you would be wealthy and have it all, were it not for those thieving (insert bogeyman here) plays just as well with Palestinians as it has with others across the world.

Hell, apparently I'd be rich right now...if it weren't for billionaires taking my money.

#34 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-09-03 11:59 AM

"Exactly. Bloodshed is all they know."

In all fairness, they've been conditioned by the Arab community to feel that way. It's not that different than places like North Korea, or Albania back in the commie days; where the leaders were the key to your wealth and prosperity-without whom you'd have nothing. And, of course, you had to have the requisite bogeyman threatening to take all of that from you.

#35 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-09-03 12:09 PM

#16: "Between the sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty." Likud 1977 Party Manifesto.

A bit of historical context - in 1977 this phrase referred to "One state, one people," (a One-State-Solution. which was "in critical condition" after start of First Intifada in 1987, and finally died when Arafat started Second Intifada) and before the occupation and annexation of "West Bank of Jordan" by Kingdom of Jordan ended in 1988 with surrendering claims on what became again "Palestinian territory," and the formal end of war and transfer of security arrangement from Jordan to Israel in 1994 (after Oslo accords) - well before the West's and UN's wet dream of "Two-state Solution (2SS)"

Not the first or last time Israelis freed Palestinians from occupation by Arab countries, but can't free them from their leaders and ingrained hate.

That's exactly opposite than "From the River to the Sea Palestine will be free [of Jews]" which was stated goal of PLO, adapted and codified in Hamas Charter, after taking over "self-government" of Gaza and throwing PA/Fatah families from the roofs of the buildings (even more impressive than Russian defenestrations!)

If the Jews in yarmulkes and masks (to hide their faces) will march shouting "From the River to the Sea no Arabs we can see" and occupy, vandalize institutions, campuses, statues, burn the US and Palestinian flags, then some sort of "equivalence" between the meaning of 1977 Israeli "state sovereignty" and 'Palestinian' terrorist groups' call for genocide of the Jews "from the River to the Sea."

Palestinians could've long had peace and state(s) if only they could free themselves from their "leaders" who treat them as "sacrifices" and "useful idiots," and care only about personal power and wealth, e.g.,: - A Brief History of Yasir Arafat - August 2002

|------- ... [Arafat] and his army have brought disorder wherever they have settled. In 1969 they based themselves in Jordan, where they soon began terrorizing the local people, running extortion rackets against businesses, and undermining the Jordanian regime. Black September followed in 1970 ... The same sort of thing happened in Lebanon a decade later, with Palestinian thugs looting banks and destroying the local government. The Syrians finally came in to restore order, in what became known as Black June.

Arafat has somehow survived his many crises - battles with the Jordanians, the Syrians, the Egyptians, the Lebanese Christians, and, of course, the Israelis. And each time, instead of being held even partly responsible for the widespread suffering his actions have caused his people, he has been lionized as the figure who will someday bring deliverance from that suffering. This is a monumental political achievement.

After the Oslo accords were signed, leaving Arafat in charge of administering much of the West Bank and Gaza, his armies began to prey on Palestinians, as they had on Jordanians and Lebanese years before. ... The immediate threat to Arafat's control during this period did not come from Arab leaders. The problem was money.

... The solution may instead be to choke off his money supply - the one thing that props up his authority in times of calm.

This article is from 2002 - two years before Arafat died, with a fortune estimated at USD$1B-$8B, and 3-5 years before Hamas became "the highest authority in Gaza," but as they say, "The players may change, but the game stays the same" - the money 'game' is still played by Palestinian leaders, financed and directed by Ayatollah of Islamic Republic of Iran.

#36 | Posted by CutiePie at 2024-09-04 06:37 AM

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