Thursday, September 12, 2024

How an American Influencer went from YouTuber to Alleged Russian Asset

Lauren Chen brings people together. When the Russians were on the hunt for American influencers to produce propaganda, they hired a conservative YouTuber to scout for stars, according to the Department of Justice.



More from the article...

... And Chen, unnamed by the DOJ but identified by NBC News from business records, delivered. She connected employees of the Russian state media operation RT with unwitting right-wing content creators and their millions of followers, according to a federal indictment unsealed last week.

Chen, co-owner with her husband, producer Liam Donovan, of Tenet Media, an online collective of pro-Trump creators, negotiated a series of lucrative deals with the high-profile influencers to pump out online videos -- in what turned out to be a nearly $10 million covert Russian propaganda campaign, the DOJ alleged. The DOJ did not name Tenet Media but NBC News identified the company based on its description in the indictment. ...

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-12 02:35 PM

Do we have a Free press or Not?

Propaganda is protected speech. Both sides of it are protected speech.

That's what a free press is. Allowing other viewpoints and opinions.

People can make up their own minds about what's credible or Not.

Do we need Nanny's telling everyone what the truth is?

Freedom of expression is messy and dangerous. That's why America is so special in that we allow unfettered freedom of expression.

It's one one the Only ways we are genuinely Exceptional.

Now it's a Problem?

#2 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-12 03:54 PM

Propaganda is protected speech. Both sides of it are protected speech.
That's what a free press is.

You continue to prove that you're not an American and you have no idea how to interpret our laws. The 1st Amendment isn't absolute. It is fully legal to criminalize speech meant to cause intentional harm to the unwitting. Even though it's thought of as "You can't yell fire in a crowed theater," that quote was only an easily understood example: there is no protection for speech meant to intentionally harm.

It is against the law to forward speech intended to cause harm to this nation or its people. It would be suicidal it that wasn't the case. What you wrote above is literally saying "Hey Americans, your 1st Amendment says anyone can say anything at any time and you can't legally stop them. So we're going use that freedom to bring down unity within your country and weaken it all around and there isn't a legal thing you can do about it."

Anyone with 2 brain cells knows that when a foreign nation pays an American citizen to put what they want into our media stream, that's an attack on this country. And the Number One charge in all of our federal oaths paraphrased is to protect and defend this nation, it's people and the Constitution.

There is no right to publish subversive speech to undermine the government or the welfare of the people. There is no right to brainwash people under the 1st Amendment when the source is maliciously and illegally foreign-connected.

#3 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-09-12 09:59 PM

Hey FATPOOFTER - this ain't Russia, you weak-wristed little swish.

#4 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-09-13 12:35 AM

Ever heard of SLANDER or LIBEL?
You stupid ------- Slav douche.

#5 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-09-13 12:35 AM

#2 | Posted by Effeteposer

There's also the issue of being a foreign agent.

#6 | Posted by jpw at 2024-09-13 09:35 AM

This criminal is being beaten like a cheap drum on her Instagram page.

#7 | Posted by e1g1 at 2024-09-13 10:22 AM

Is AIPAC foreign Influence? They aren't treated as such.

Who decides what is Kosher and who decides what isn't?

Adults should be able to access information about politics or any other topic without censors deciding FOR THEM if the material is "harmful" or not

The schools boards that want to Ban Books are the same stupid ----.

I never thought I'd live to see the DR embrace Censorship to "protect" adults from different opinions because they were too "Dangerous".

How is that different from Russia or Ukraine?

Even Israel allows different opinions.

This Country is losing it's way. Becoming too much like what they Hate.

Becoming like Russia isn't Winning.

#8 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-13 10:56 AM

Is AIPAC foreign Influence? They aren't treated as such
#8 | Posted by Effeteposer

Yes. They SHOULD be treated as such but something leads me to believe their funding is why they are not. Why just pick on AIPAC? Don't tell me you are antisemitic too.

When a foreign government is paying you to create content they want presented you become a foreign agent. I also have a problem with all the unregistered foreign agents walking around Washington DC as Lobbyists. In 1938, Congress enacted the Foreign Agents Registration Act - if you are going to be one and don't register you should go to jail. You are representing a foreign government at that point.

#9 | Posted by GalaxiePete at 2024-09-13 12:20 PM

The US had Voice of America and pushed open wars on anyone not strictly capitalist in orientation.

The current foreign wars in Ukraine and Israel are not American Wars.

Censorship should only exist in actual Wartime when the State itself is in Existential Jeopardy.

If Then...

Creating concensus on Ukraine is not a reason to censor opinions.

Russia is not at War with NATO or the US. That's the NATO line.

Concensus is not mandatory. People are Free to Not Agree. Trying to force them To Agree is not justified legally, morally, or politically.

Registration as Foreign Agents is one thing. Shutting down the whole thing is not the same.

Freedom means the Freedom to Say NO. To Policies and interventions if they are not desired.

Concensus must be Earned, not Compelled or made inevitable by Censoring anything not with the Program.

This is all Civics 101. To anyone who really understands Freedom of Conscience.

#10 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-13 01:46 PM

Concensus must be Earned, not Compelled or made inevitable by Censoring anything not with the Program.

#10 | Posted by Effeteposer

The irony of that being posted by a russian troll is hilarious.

Is putin still locking up anyone who uses the word "war?"

#11 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-09-13 02:00 PM

"There is no right to publish subversive speech to undermine the government or the welfare of the people."

I'm no constitutional scholar like most of you are so I'm going to play devil's advocate and say you're wrong.

Can you define "subversive" or "undermine the government"?

When we went after GWB for illegal wire tapping and the whole FISA thing, was that undermining the government? Turns out the government was in the wrong but up until that was established by a seems like it could be defined as undermining the government.

When people stood up to McCarthyism which hid behind it's crusade to eradicate "subversive" folks was that undermining the government?

If the 1st amendment affords me the opportunity to criticize the government, am I required to be 100% correct/accurate with my criticism?

You're saying if I'm not 100% accurate then I'm a subversive who's undermining the government........or is that not what you are saying?

Oh, and while you're at it....define "publish". posting on Facebook? Conducting a podcast?

What about ----------------- and Legallyamoron with every single post of theirs?

#12 | Posted by eberly at 2024-09-13 02:42 PM

-Is AIPAC foreign Influence? They aren't treated as such

Yes they are. Christ, that's literally what they hold themselves out to be.

#13 | Posted by eberly at 2024-09-13 02:43 PM

When people stood up to McCarthyism which hid behind it's crusade to eradicate "subversive" folks was that undermining the government?

#12 | Posted by eberly

As if that ever ended. Repubs resumed calling their opponents COMMUNISTS right after their fascist coup failed on live tv.

#14 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-09-13 03:48 PM


Who is attaching people to Russia and Putin?

Who is constantly calling other people facist! or Nazi!??

"Repubs resumed calling their opponents COMMUNISTS right after their fascist coup failed on live tv."

It's completely lost on you that you just whined about being called a communist while calling someone a fascist... the same sentence

#15 | Posted by eberly at 2024-09-13 03:53 PM

Some Foreign Agents are "More Equal" than others.


Israel openly and in full daylight subverts our political System and Netanyahu get standing ovations from both parties in Congress when he pleads for more weapons to slaughter Children.

A few questionably pro Russia podcasts get the DOJ involved on felony charges.

And the DR seems Just Fine with Genocide as long as it's Jews doing it.

You can't make this ---- up.

The US is NOT AT WAR WITH RUSSIA. That's what the Government says.

So subversion and treason can't be legally applicable.

Get over it.

#16 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-13 04:48 PM


Who is attaching people to Russia and Putin?


Who is constantly calling other people facist! or Nazi!??


"Repubs resumed calling their opponents COMMUNISTS right after their fascist coup failed on live tv."

It's completely lost on you that you just whined about being called a communist while calling someone a fascist...


#15 | Posted by eberly

Any other obvious answers you need to pretend to be shocked by?

#17 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-09-13 04:54 PM

"You can't make this ---- up."

Except you just did.

So I guess you can!

A few questionably pro Russia podcasts get the DOJ involved on felony charges.

Define "a few". And explain what you mean by "questionably". You mean "proven" don't you? Some were receiving $100,000 FROM RUSSIA per pod cast. This was not in "question". It is a fact.

And Republicans were lining up to get on these Russian sponsored pod casts.

And the DR seems Just Fine with Genocide as long as it's Jews doing it.

Now ... Define "genocide" and which Democrat is "just fine" with it. (actual genocide)

#18 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-13 05:13 PM


Are you seriously comparing a public lobbying organization with a published mission of its goals and puts its stamp on everything it touches with Russia covertly funding propaganda to fool people with lies and to believe things that aren't true and against the best interest of the country?


You see no difference?

#19 | Posted by ABH at 2024-09-13 06:51 PM

Russia isn't slaughtering people the way Israel is. Full Stop.

Russia isn't buying politicians.. Openly. Full Stop.

Israel and AIPAC are a HUNDRED PERCENT Worse than anything Russia has done..Full Stop.

Are we Clear.


#20 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-13 07:35 PM

If Russia is meddling in American politics it's small potatoes compared to what Israel is doing, Openly and with the full of Connivance of both parties.

Israel breaks politicians who cross them by funding primary and general election challenges to them.

Russia does nothing like that...Ever.

Russia doesn't wage a war of Annihilation against Ukraine.

Israel wants to completely Erase Palestine, they say Palestinians don't even exist as a people. They seek to eliminate them altogether. Genocide is the word used by the ICC, not me.

Both parties are just fine with Israeli Mass Murder and Disproportionate response.

Is this because Israel Owns the US government?

Askin' for a Friend?

#21 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-13 07:45 PM

@#20 ... Russia isn't slaughtering people the way Israel is. Full Stop. ...

So, if your alias seems to think ... that if Pres Putin isn't slaughtering people as much as it thinks Israel is, then it is OK for Pres Putin to slaughter people?

Number of civilian casualties during the war in Ukraine 2022-2024

... The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) verified a total of 35,160 civilian casualties during Russia's invasion of Ukraine as of July 31, 2024. Of them, 23,640 people were reported to have been injured. However, OHCHR specified that the real numbers could be higher. ...

That doesn't include the Ukraine children kidnapped by Pres Putin and brought to Russia.

... Russia isn't buying politicians.. Openly. Full Stop. ...

I notice the adverb "openly" in your alias' comment. Why the apparent need to include that adverb?

And there's that full stop thing.

Nah. Your alias needs to ask for better talking points.

... Are we Clear.

Are We CLEAR. ...


Your alias seems to be reciting talking points it was issued.

Is that the view it was trying to convey?

#22 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-13 07:49 PM

@#21 ... If Russia is meddling in American politics it's small potatoes compared to what Israel is doing, Openly and with the full of Connivance of both parties. ...

So, the tacit admission that Russia is meddling, but not openly?

Your alias really needs to get better talking points.

#23 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-13 07:50 PM

The Gaza DEATH toll.. not injured, Dead. Stands at at least 40,000 in an area twice the size of Washington DC. Or about 160 square miles. The Ukrainian Frontline is 600 miles long. The Ukraine war is going on three years now. Ukraine is about the size of Texas or 250,000 square miles.

Israel is massacring civilians by any Measure.

Russia... Isn't.

The ICC has not accused Russia of genocide in Ukraine or anywhere else.

They have accused Israel of Genocide in Gaza. Israel has the unwavering support of both parties in Congress.

Russia has the unwavering support of Nobody in Congress.

It's Apples and Oranges.

Israel is a criminal enterprise. Russia isn't.

It's as Simple as that.

Israel has subverted the American Government to betray their own values and the interests of the American People.

Israel is far more Evil and far more Murderous than Russia is.

Full Stop.

Are we CLEAR?


#24 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-13 08:11 PM

Russia... Isn't. ...

So your alias seems to want to project that Russia is not committing atrocities in Ukraine?


... In its latest report, the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine said there have been 30,457 civilian casualties since 24 February 2022. This comprised 10,582 killed and 19,875 injured. ...

So, that leads me to ask this question --- why the deflection attempt away from Pres Putin's unprovoked invasion of a sovereign country?

Indeed, that your current alias seems to be spending so much effort upon the deflection indicates that here may be more than it presents.

Do the issued talking points say why the deflection attempt was done?

#25 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-13 08:24 PM

@#24 ... Full Stop.

Are we CLEAR?


Yeah, trying to be all macho and stuff...

It doesn't work.

But it was funny to see the attempt.

#26 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-13 08:35 PM

It's not about Russia. I don't care what they do,they're not Americans. We aren't paying them to kill Ukrainians.

Israel is receiving material support to murder civilians from the US government.

That's my problem with this. Israel should Fund and Commit their own murders.

Why are We helping them do this? Frankly, it's Disgusting and makes any talk about a Moral High Ground in Ukraine Fatuous and Offensive.

It shows how Tribal and Primitive politics really are.

Israel gets away with anything they want no matter how Evil and Vindictive it is.

Russia has done no targeted Assassinations in Ukraine. Israel does them almost weekly.

Russia has not persecuted civilians in Ukraine. Some Deaths have occured but not openly deliberate Murders of people in declared safe zones.

Israel murders Civilians openly and brags about it.

Russia doesn't target medics and journalists. Israel does, and it's obvious.

Face it... Israel has become the Mirror Image of Hitlerism itself.

Russia is just pushing back on Western Encroachment.

Not the same level of Evil.

Israel does Not Deserve to currently constituted.

If they became a normal country they wouldn't be the "World's only Jewish State" but they Would deserve to Exist.

Did Nazi Germany,"Deserve to Exist"?

Askin' for a Friend?

#27 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-13 08:43 PM

@#27 ... It's not about Russia. I don't care what they do ....

Yeah, right.

I disagree with the premise of your current alias' line of discussion. So the rest of the comment is moot.

(funny, spell check suggested "disillusion" instead of my intended "discussion." Sometimes spell check is knowledgeable.)

#28 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-13 08:57 PM

Dude, keeping up with your Delusions is Exhausting.

Seek professional help.

#29 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-13 09:45 PM

@#29 ... Dude, keeping up with your Delusions is Exhausting. ..

Maybe, just maybe, if your current alias posts something that does not seem like something from a talking point list issued by Russia, I will give your current alias a more thoughtful answer.

Until then, well, ...

If your current alias wants better replies, post better comments.

(hint: stop quoting a talking point list that may have been issued. And for this thread, stop trying to deflect to Israel when the topic is "How an American Influencer went from YouTuber to Alleged Russian Asset")

Of course, that leads me to ask, why is your current alias so concerned about deflecting this thread towards Israel, instead of its actual topic?


#30 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-13 09:56 PM

Alleged Russian asset...No state of war exists with Russia.

So what?

I'm an alleged Russian troll.

It's not the case but it is "alleged".

Same difference. Talk to me about it when it's Proved, Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.

Until then it's a NothingBurger.

Israel is clearly deeply influencing our politics and More importantly, our Morals.

Russia.... Not So Much.

#31 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-13 10:10 PM

@#31 ... Alleged Russian asset...No state of war exists with Russia.

So what? ...

I suspect that the alleged Russian aspect may be asking questions now. But "So what?" may not be one of those questions.

On the other hand, the blatant effort of your current alias to apparently deflect away from that "alleged Russian aspect" only makes that topic more curious.

#32 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-13 10:31 PM

Getting back to the topic of this thread...

RT's work extends beyond propaganda to covert intelligence operations, U.S. warns

... The U.S. warned countries around the world on Friday it believes Russia's destabilization efforts extend far beyond using North Americans for political interference, saying media entities have been "functioning like a de facto arm of Russia's intelligence apparatus." ...

Last week, the U.S. Department of Justice indicted two Russians -- both RT employees -- who are accused of illegally funnelling $9.7 million US into a Tennessee content-creation company to spread pro-Russia propaganda.

The indictment didn't name the outlet central to the scheme, but details in the court document match those of Tenet Media, a company founded by Canadian far-right commentator Lauren Chen and her husband, Liam Donovan. ...

#33 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-13 10:34 PM

So What?

Why is this a Biggie!?

The US meddles freely in countries in all over the world. We meddled in Ukraine. Up to half a million dead because of that!

So some people wanted to get the Russian side of things to the American people,big deal.

Americans can tell Lies from the Truth, we're adults, aren't we?

Or do you think only people who agree with you are really Adults?

The ones who don't agree need Reeducation?

Is that it?

Special Handling, Removal?

Eff Off with that Noise.


#34 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-13 10:48 PM

@#34 ... Why is this a Biggie!? ...

Honestly, I dunno. Russia seems to have purchased an influencer in the US. imo, not really a big deal. Nothing new.

Yet, your current alias seems to be laser focused on it, though. Trying to deflect it towards Israel.

And that is what raised my antennae.

So maybe your current alias should answer that question.

Why does Pres Putin consider this to be such a big deal?

Is that on the talking points that may have been issued?

#35 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-13 11:01 PM

Beverly is a dried up old ----.

#36 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-09-13 11:10 PM

I'm just an American who disagrees with you, not a Russian asset.


Israel really ------- Pisses me Off.

That's why I hijacked the thread.

Because Israel the the Real Horror.

And America is helping them Be Monsters.

I'm genuinely upset and outraged with no representation by anyone in government.

The type of thing that caused Americans to leave Britain In The First Place.

But all you see is a Russian troll farm because you're Stupid or Delusional.

Stupid is less insulting, so I'm going with that.

#37 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-13 11:12 PM

@37 ... I'm just an American who disagrees with you, not a Russian asset. ...

Being an American does not eliminate the possibility of being a Russian asset. And where was your alias said to be a Russian asset? I just saw ~posting Russian talking points.~

That aside, has your current alias not read the topic of this thread?

A topic that your current alias seems to endeavor to pull the discussion away from ?

#38 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-13 11:34 PM

@#37 ... I'm just an American who disagrees with you, not a Russian asset. ...

Quite curios that your current alias seems to find the need to bring up that topic.


#39 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-13 11:56 PM

" Israel really ------- Pisses me Off."

No one cares because you're not voting.

#40 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2024-09-14 12:09 AM

There no one running who will do anything but help Israel.

So who is there to vote for,on this issue? Could you give me a clue?

Cuz I got nothing.

Voting is a waste of time if both candidates are the Same, and on Israel, they are.

Trump says openly what Kamala Hints at obliquely. Both will not do anything but assist the Chosen in their Public Murders.

It's BiPartisan and totally not for Discussion.

So why vote?

#41 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-14 12:21 AM

@#41 ... Voting is a waste of time ...

Is that Pres Putin's latest directive to the people of the United States?

#42 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-14 12:24 AM

Biden has done nothing but Arm and Fund the Slaughter.

Kamala is just more of the same. She didn't even allow any Palestinians to speak at the Coronation,..oops,. Convention.

They were told to stay quiet while the Jews got to tell their story of heroism and despair...

They left out the part about 40,000 plus dead civilians killed by indiscriminate Bombing. Bombs dropped on Gaza,an undefended civilian enclave completely closed off from the outside world. With no air defenses and no military.

They Are Waging Cruel War on Hamas but consider all Palestinians as deserving of Violent Death.

Endless Death rained down from Above. Death paid for by American Taxpayers. Without any accountability or declaration of War.

Israel just whines about self defense and any horror is considered Moral and Just.

It's not an Abstraction. It's Real People being blown apart and crushed by rubble in real time.

But Kamala is FULL OF JOY!!

#43 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-14 12:34 AM

I speak only for myself, it's flattering you think I have Putin's ear , but alas no, I speak for myself, not the Russian State.

As a native born American who doesn't speak Russian it would be tough for me to take directions from the Russians even if I knew how to find someone to guide me.

Israel is what I'm pissed about.

I really don't give a ---- about Ukraine outside of the Waste of funds propping them up entails.

That said..I do want to see NATO humbled.

They're Arrogant and too Pushy.

They are on a slow path to Defeat.

Ukraine will never get back the Crimea or Donbass and could lose everything East of the Dnipro river.

Which would leave NATO looking fairly Impotent.

#44 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-14 12:54 AM

There is not a single dead Ukrainian or Russian due to us "meddling" in Ukraine.

Pooty poot invaded a sovereign nation. It doesn't get to do that without resistance. Yes we've now aided the resistance, but we had NOTHING to do with Putins decision to invade. He did that all on his own.

And don't hand me that "NATO encroachment" bullcrap either. Russia has no say in the matters of other nations and their alliances. Period. Full stop

Are we clear?

Are we CLEAR?

Israel lobby's politicians in this country to help forget its agenda. It does so in accordance with our laws, and it does so with accountability and openness

But the bottom line is, none of what Israel is doing has a damn thing to do with Russian interference. They are conducting a covert espionage campaign to influence our election, and the only thing you have is whataboutism. "What about Israel huh!!!"

#45 | Posted by ABH at 2024-09-14 04:23 PM

Lauren Chen is spreading Russian propaganda?

Who does she think she is, a Republican politician? Tucker Carlson? FOX News? Elon Musk? The Daily Mirror?

Other than spreading pro Russian propaganda and rhetoric, what has she done that's actually illegal?

#46 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-09-14 04:41 PM

Accepting payments from an enemy of the state covertly is a crime. As evidenced by the arrest.

#47 | Posted by ABH at 2024-09-14 05:30 PM

Did she forget to pay taxes on her earned income?

#48 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-09-14 05:34 PM

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