Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Monday, June 03, 2024

President Biden signed an executive order Tuesday that would ban migrants who cross the border illegally from claiming asylum ...



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Biden expected to seal the border, deny asylum entry

Wow! First Biden convicts Trump, and now he's gonna deport Melania.

Barron better watch out before Dark Brandon gets rid of him by passing the Titles of Nobility Amendment.

#1 | Posted by censored at 2024-06-03 04:17 PM | Reply | Funny: 4

As long as it is done in a humanitarian way I can understand why. Even if it something that I don't necessarily agree with or like.

But no matter what he does about the problems at the border (that Congress cannot address with actual legislation) maga maroons will never think it is enough no matter what he does unless it hurts immigrants (don't be nice!) or somehow becomes a revenge or retribution thing.

#2 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-06-03 05:01 PM | Reply

Right wing propaganda will continue to bleat lies about it regardless, it's their bread and butter, after all

#3 | Posted by hamburglar at 2024-06-03 08:21 PM | Reply

I thought he couldn't take any action unless the GOP voted for the Senate bill.

#4 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-06-03 09:05 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

@#4 ... I thought he couldn't take any action unless the GOP voted for the Senate bill. ...

Court challenges are expected against this EO.

If the GOP had agreed to the bipartisan bill they authored, then court challenges would be less likely.

Pres Biden, with his EO, is effectively overriding Congress.

I reaming to be convinced that is A Good Thing.

#5 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-06-03 09:07 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

I thought he couldn't take any action unless the GOP voted for the Senate bill.


You? Think? LOL

"Executive action will be challenged," he added. "I am confident in that. And then the question will be: What is the outcome of those proceedings? Legislation is a more certain delivery of solution."

#6 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-06-03 09:09 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Another view...

Biden to Crack Down on Migrant Flows by Slashing Asylum Claims

...The measure would kick in once levels hit roughly 2,500 crossings per day between ports of entry. US authorities recorded about 4,300 encounters per day in April with undocumented migrants between ports of entry, the most recent data available. That means the administration can move quickly to bar a large swath of asylum claims, though the policy is sure to be challenged in court.

Lawmakers and others have been invited to the White House for an event Tuesday afternoon, the people said. Biden would allow asylum claims to resume only once border encounters fall to about 1,500 a day, the people said. The Associated Press reported earlier on the president's plans.

The order is Biden's most aggressive move yet to address the crisis on the US-Mexico border, which has seen record levels of migrants and taxed communities across the country struggling to deal with the influx of new arrivals. A bipartisan Senate plan that would have given Biden similar powers was blocked by Republicans at Trump's behest earlier this year, denying the president a political win and prompting him to act unilaterally.

Tuesday's order is politically risky. It will invite criticism from Biden's left flank, which has blasted moves to ramp up deportations as an inhumane approach to the crisis. That has the potential to stymie his efforts to shore up an electoral coalition already riven by divisions over his handling of the Israel-Hamas war and overarching concerns over his age and fitness to serve a second term.

But the move underscores how the administration has been compelled to act alone to address an issue that has become a centerpiece of the 2024 election. The action could allow Biden to highlight how Republicans killed the bipartisan bill. ...

So Pres Biden needs to act via a questionable EO because fmr Pres Trump commands Republicans to keep the border as a campaign issue?

#7 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-06-03 09:11 PM | Reply

@#5 ... I thought he couldn't take any action unless the GOP voted for the Senate bill. ...

I agree, I do not think he can.

And that is why I think this EO will be challenged.

And also likely why he took this long to try to craft an EO that may stand up to legal challenges.

#8 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-06-03 10:49 PM | Reply

just have him say he's going to use a Trump policy.

AHAHAHA...yeah right....that's what he'll say.

interesting that his EO @ amnesty will be first.

and by interesting I mean it's an election stunt.

if he win, this willl disappear faster than a democrat with a weapons cache and dead bodies.

#9 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-06-04 09:33 AM | Reply

"unless the GOP voted for the Senate bill."

let's tell the whole story before it even comes about giving leftist-dogma klan klowns time to distort ( LIE ) it all.

just this morning on GMA they interviewed the bartender from the bronx about this.

She mumbled her usual gibberish and then another congressman who was walking with her said this....

---- he said and I quote...." I'm concerned that this will give the right wing some things they want"

(I missed his name on the bottom of the screen because AOC"s ---- were in my line of sight)

---so much for compromise from leftist-dogma lying POS.

#10 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-06-04 09:42 AM | Reply

"I'm concerned that this will give the right wing some things they want"


I hear MAGA including Trump say something like this every day, and work at making coopertion not happen.

You're a raging hypocrite. You always have been. Honesty and consistency are for chumps and osers, and you've decided (against all evidence) that you're not a chump or a loser.

#11 | Posted by Zed at 2024-06-04 09:54 AM | Reply

@#4 ... I thought he couldn't take any action unless the GOP voted for the Senate bill. ...

Court challenges are expected against this EO.

This ^^^^^

Biden will seal the border (exactly what the GQP has been screaming for) and the GQP will sue him for sealing the border because P01135809 needs this as a campaign issue.

#12 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-06-04 11:52 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Republicans for the last 3 years: "Biden doesn't have the power to make changes to immigration without Congress!"
Republicans today: "Biden totally has the power to make changes to immigration without Congress!"

#13 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-06-04 03:01 PM | Reply

---- he said and I quote...." I'm concerned that this will give the right wing some things they want"


Show us the clip or admit you're lying.

#14 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-06-04 03:03 PM | Reply

Biden will never do Americans right. He doesn't know how and never did. His goal is to create a country of criminals, and future welfare sucking wannabee Democrats, that we must then all work and pay for. Just like the Senate bill it limits nothing and instead opens door to millions of illegal immigrants. The bill is about bringing in Democrats and commies and but it screens and limits nothing. The USA is already the most open country in the world. We need to limit and screen and evaluate new immigrants not just have a clueless POTUS that opens the door to anyone who gets here.

#15 | Posted by Robson at 2024-06-04 05:26 PM | Reply

Biden will never do Americans right.


Well, neither will you. If you are an American, which you often give cause to doubt. You're either a paid shill or a sick cookie.

#16 | Posted by Zed at 2024-06-04 05:43 PM | Reply


I know everything you people react to and nothing you value. This is easy to explain: you are emotional wrecks who value nothing. These qualities form an identity with Donald Trump is eerie.

#17 | Posted by Zed at 2024-06-04 05:48 PM | Reply

"It's even a bigger influx now in terms of Hispanic voters, or Hispanic - Hispanic citizens, who want to become citizens," President Biden said of the current migrant crisis.

"I can't do anything about the border"
(until just before the election)
-Does basically nothing, but takes credit for doing something-

#18 | Posted by look_inward at 2024-06-04 07:15 PM | Reply

Remember when Biden on his first day in office in 2021 had stacks of leather bound executive orders ready to be signed? All intended to reverse Trump policies so Biden can open our border to Mexican cartels and bring in criminal foreign invaders to suck us dry and destroy America.

Biden hates America.

#19 | Posted by Robson at 2024-06-04 08:16 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Biden hates America.


Hey traitor. Biden loves America obviously. Instead of him taking the win and a cozy retirement the odds are good that he will give his life for it.

Everyone knows that like the majority of Americans, Biden does not like twice impeached convicted felon Trumpy's polices for America.

No one should trust an unremorseful twice impeached convicted felon.

Especially for the highest most powerful office in the land.

#20 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-06-04 09:24 PM | Reply

---- he said and I quote...." I'm concerned that this will give the right wing some things they want"


Show us the clip or admit you're lying.

#14 | Posted by Sycophant

I'm not lying. He was walking with the parasitic plant.

It was a walk by but I did take time to look.

Only AOC about it is on msnbc

and it's 7 minutes long and I'm certainly not going to listen to her for 20 secs much less 7 mins.

don't care if you think it's false or not.

not in the slightest.

I know what I heard.

#21 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-06-05 11:13 AM | Reply

all this time there was no problem at the border.

then suddenly when another month is over and the move to amnesty is underway....this brain dead

------------- refuse eating zombie gives us this masterful stroke of doing his freaking constitutional duty

by reinstating a trump era concept.


you people are N-ucking F-uts.

#22 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2024-06-05 11:17 AM | Reply

all this time there was no problem at the border.
then suddenly when another month is over and the move to amnesty is underway....this brain dead
------------- refuse eating zombie gives us this masterful stroke of doing his freaking constitutional duty
by reinstating a trump era concept.
you people are N-ucking F-uts.


Liar as usual.

No one said there isn't an issue at the border.

Dems and Republicans had a bipartisan bill to fix it.

Republicans blocked all of it.

Republicans drew up another bill to fix it.

Republicans blocked that bill too.

#23 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-06-05 11:28 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Show us the clip...

I looked... found nothing.

#24 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-06-05 11:34 AM | Reply

I know what I heard.


And what else did the voices inside your head say?

#25 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-06-05 11:36 AM | Reply

Dems and Republicans had a bipartisan bill to fix it.

Republicans blocked all of it.

Republicans drew up another bill to fix it.

Republicans blocked that bill too.

#23 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-06-05 11:28 AM | Reply | Flag:

So they blocked their own bill because the yam tinted rapist felon told them to do it.

Could they be any more exposed as drooling sycophants?

Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Moscow Mitch and Lindsay Graham had him nailed in 2015...that he was dangerous, a con artist and that he will DESTROY the GOP.

Now they've all fallen in line to suck up to him.

What does he have on ALL of them?

I did hear Ted say that if he insults his wife and father one more time, he will have to lick Donnie's left --------.

#26 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-06-05 11:50 AM | Reply

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