
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Thursday, September 05, 2024

There isn't one weird trick to steal a presidential election. And there are ample safeguards to ensure ballots are tabulated accurately and election results are certified in a timely manner.



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Informative article. Won't slow down the "chicken littles."

#1 | Posted by et_al at 2024-09-04 01:54 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

It won't be for the lack of trying by the Sh*tler lackeys in the swing states.

I predict a lot of lawfare by Dotard after the election resulting in violence by the Proud Boofs and Gravy Seals.

Sh*tler is not going to stop, what the hell is another indictment for inciting violence?

#2 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-09-04 02:07 PM | Reply

... No, officials can't block certification of results ...

Does that mean they will not try?

Perhaps blockage is not their aim, but causing delay and confusion is.

#3 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-04 02:17 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

Also... the article cites Courts as our protection against denial of certification at a time when Courts are become in many cases more political than judicial.

#4 | Posted by Corky at 2024-09-04 02:20 PM | Reply

" Won't slow down the "chicken littles."

After SCOTUS's decision on immunity?!?


#5 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-09-04 03:15 PM | Reply

You mean Katherine Harris was just following the law in 2000 when she certified the results for Florida? Wowwww.

#6 | Posted by sentinel at 2024-09-04 07:02 PM | Reply

@#6 ... You mean Katherine Harris was just following the law in 2000 when she certified the results for Florida? Wowwww. ...

(11/14) Harris' Announces Certified Results

...Tuesday, November 14, 2000

Following is the transcript of Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris's announcement of the certified vote recounts in the Florida presidential election.

HARRIS: Good evening. I'm going to read a brief statement, but please understand, on the advice of our legal counsel, I won't be answering any questions this evening.

First of all, I'd like to thank all of the independently elected supervisors of elections, their staff, their volunteers for the extraordinary work they performed over the past seven days. And they've just been terrific.

And I'd also like to acknowledge the overwhelming support that we have received as we've worked to fulfill our statutory responsibilities in ensuring a consistent, accurate and independent process.

As of 5 p.m. today, the director of the Division of Elections reported receiving certified returns from all 67 counties, as required by law. In the race for the president of the United States, these certified results from Florida's 67 counties for the top two candidates are as follows. Governor George Bush: 2,910,492. Vice President Al Gore: 2,910,192.

The usual practice of the state Elections Canvassing Commission is to certify these returns as soon as the compilations are completed by the division's staff. However, in three Florida counties--Palm Beach, Miami-Dade and Broward Counties--these counties may be contemplating amended returns based upon manual recounts not completed as of today's statutory deadline.

Within the past hour, the director of the Division of Elections faxed a memorandum to the supervisors of elections in these three Florida counties.

In accordance with today's court ruling confirming my discretion in these matters, I'm requiring a written statement of the facts and circumstances that would cause these counties to believe that a change should be made before the final certification of the state-wide vote. This written statement is due in our office by 2 p.m. tomorrow. ...

#7 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-04 07:13 PM | Reply

Also... the article cites Courts as our protection against denial of certification at a time when Courts are become in many cases more political than judicial.

Perhaps you misapprehend what "ministerial obligation" means. If the required act of an official is ministerial then a court considering the officials' refusal to act has no discretion but to order the official to perform the act.

Anyway, its interesting the issue has suddenly popped onto the radar. Two more articles with the same theme.

#8 | Posted by et_al at 2024-09-04 07:24 PM | Reply


Many thanks for the citations.

But, I still hold the opinion that the aim is not to deny certification, but to introduce confusion and delay.

For example, it officials refuse to certify, then what happens?

Court cases ensue t make them certify.

Delay and confusion.

#9 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-04 07:49 PM | Reply

Delay and confusion.

Seems you may also misapprehend "ministerial obligation." Any such case would be resolved with a certain outcome- do it - and very quickly because of tight certification deadlines. This is why election officials aren't really concerned about certification. What comes next, election contests and the other bulls**t, will be of concern.

#10 | Posted by et_al at 2024-09-04 08:15 PM | Reply

@#10 ... Seems you may also misapprehend "ministerial obligation." ...

Possibly. (Likely? :)   )

Many thanks for the follow-up comment.

... Any such case would be resolved with a certain outcome- do it - and very quickly because of tight certification deadlines. ...

What happens if those certification deadlines are missed?

... This is why election officials aren't really concerned about certification. ...

That may be so for election officials who follow th rule of law, but when have MAGA-cult officials ever been concerned about following the rule of law?

The latter is my concern.

That is, not what law-abiding election officials would do, but what the MAGA-cult election officials will try to do.

#11 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-04 08:38 PM | Reply

#2 | Posted by Nixon

What lawyers are left that will take up these efforts? Trump's last group of flunkies are now mostly disbarred and/or facing prison.

#12 | Posted by GalaxiePete at 2024-09-05 03:53 PM | Reply

#8 | Posted by et_al

And we have seen officials still refuse to act which throws wrenches and delays into the system. And MANY are still in office: The Guardian

As far as that goes, I would not be surprised to see an activist judge or several find a way to avoid ordering the elected official to act. Whether that is through coercion or not. When I say that note I am not saying it needs to be a valid legal reason just they will make stuff up to serve their purpose until an appeal. It would likely mean throwing their career away unless the GOP does come to power but...

#13 | Posted by GalaxiePete at 2024-09-05 03:59 PM | Reply

The new federal deadline (December 11, 2024) came out of the Electoral Count Reform Act of 2022, a law that Congress passed and President Joe Biden signed as a way to try to prevent the kind of post-election chaos that then-President Donald Trump and his allies created after the 2020 election, culminating in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.

The FEC has advised all state election officials of the legal consequences of failing to certify after all reasonable due diligence has been performed to verify the results.


Only Donald Trump would consider repeated re-counts and coercion of election officials "reasonable." This new law will not stop him from trying to gum up the works if he loses critical states.

#14 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-09-05 04:03 PM | Reply

And we have seen officials still refuse to act which throws wrenches and delays into the system. And MANY are still in office: The Guardian

From the article you cite.

No effort to block certification thus far has been successful. Each time that local officials have tried, they have been either forced to certify by a court, outvoted by their fellow commissioners or reversed course. Few have faced any consequence, with two notable exceptions. (emphasis mine)
That is the point of main article. Fear mongering in the media is just ----------- to sell soap.

#15 | Posted by et_al at 2024-09-05 04:17 PM | Reply


Let me guess. You're an open borders liberal from China?

#17 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-09-05 05:30 PM | Reply

so big blue doesn't know how many extra votes to create.


Maga Projection is confession.

No one was trying to create extra votes except maga republicans.

We should take away Trumpy's phone so he can't call Georgia and demand they illegally create 11,780 votes for Trumpy.

#18 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-05 05:33 PM | Reply

#16 | Posted by organ_bank

Wow, that's a fascinatingly dumb comment.

Swallow it.

#19 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2024-09-05 05:39 PM | Reply

Admittedly, I haven't been keeping up on this, but I believe that the idea is to go for a repeat of the 2020 plan, create enough problems, tying up matters in court, so that a majority of electoral college votes can't be cast by the deadline. So then it goes to House where the Republicans will appoint Hair Furor.

#20 | Posted by censored at 2024-09-05 08:48 PM | Reply

"Trump's Contingent-cy Plan"

#21 | Posted by censored at 2024-09-05 08:52 PM | Reply

Why do you guys keep letting this retread pull your chain?

#22 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-09-05 09:00 PM | Reply

Even if the legal system, that has been highly manipulated by the right, holds to a proper conclusion (and I don't have much faith in that, considering they couldn't even manage to bring Trump to trial for the worst he's been accused of), I have little doubt that MAGA will stir an enormous amount of chaos.

#23 | Posted by Whatsleft at 2024-09-06 11:02 AM | Reply

Seems you may also misapprehend "ministerial obligation." Any such case would be resolved with a certain outcome-

Seems you misapprehension the current start of the American legal system

Plain statutory language means nothing
Clear precedent is meaningless
Logical understanding of guaranteed negative outcomes are ignored
Apolitical interpretation of the law is so passe
Consistency, morality, humility are no longer considered positive attributes
Having faith in the American justice system in political matters especially is, well, plain stupid

#24 | Posted by truthhurts at 2024-09-06 11:43 AM | Reply


Chaos and confusion could have still been the goal. Even if it incompetently handled and ultimately unsuccessful.

Stopping the certification on Jan 6th was not possible or even likely either but that didn't stop Trumpy Trump from trying.

#25 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-06 12:01 PM | Reply

@#10 ... because of tight certification deadlines. ...

... and if those deadlines are missed?

#26 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-06 12:07 PM | Reply

Stopping the certification on Jan 6th ...

The topic is certification of local results.

... and if those deadlines are missed?

Good question. The answer is a matter of state law. In Texas (the only state I'm gonna look up), it appears that Chapter 67. Canvassing Elections of the Elections Code does not contemplate that as a possibility. I suspect the reason is because, as discussed in the three articles I've linked, there is simply no legal basis to not comply. The Code says do it. Period. End of Sentence.

#27 | Posted by et_al at 2024-09-06 12:47 PM | Reply

Stopping the certification on Jan 6th ...

"The topic is certification of local results."

Jan 6th still shows maga republicans true intentions and modus operandi.

They clearly tried to stop the certification of that election. They have passed laws to try and make it easier to block certification of local elections (even if they still can't) and they have made a concerted effort to get MAGA loyalists into local election boards.

"There isn't one weird trick to steal a presidential election. And there are ample safeguards to ensure ballots are tabulated accurately and election results are certified in a timely manner."

Again. They may be unsuccessful as Jan 6th was. But they can certainly try to gum up the works by stacking local election boards with maga loyalists. Which seems to be part of the plan. At least the part we can see.

#28 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-06 01:02 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

The Code says do it. Period. End of Sentence.

#27 | POSTED BY ET_AL AT 2024-09-06 12:47 PM | FLAG:

Which is great for those of us that respect the law and don't feel we are above it and can ignore it if the ends justify it.

But that's not the kind of people who we are dealing with. Is it?

#29 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-06 01:05 PM | Reply

They have passed laws to try and make it easier to block certification of local elections ...

Who is "they?" The only one I'm aware of is a GA board passing rules not law. GA is addressed in the main article.

But that's not the kind of people who we are dealing with. Is it?

Page up. "Each time that local officials have tried, they have been either forced to certify by a court, outvoted by their fellow commissioners or reversed course." Which is the point of the three articles I've linked. Fretting about what ifs just helps the media sell soap.

#30 | Posted by et_al at 2024-09-06 01:21 PM | Reply

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