They are just modeling after their Master, Unity...
They a mimicking Trump, because hate works!
At least amongst their base...
Where the rest of us have to stop it, is to make sure
it only includes their crazy frothing at the mouth base.
Whenever they try to sway the Independents, another voice
must be there to call out their racist hatred for what it is,
to show that it is just 'race baiting', and an attempt to
turn one set of people against another.
Ask them, 'what good did Trump's policies actually do for America?'
He built a part of a wall which is a joke, which the American taxpayer
paid for. He swindled millions of U.S. dollars from people, he separated
Latino families from Latino children, deporting many in an blatant attempt
to destroy families. And every single business he has ever touched has either
failed, or barely slogged along, just keeping its head above the water.
He is terrible for America. Terrible to our allies, especially in Europe.
Terrible to our alliances, to NATO, to the U.N., just terrible. There is
NO REASON to vote for the man other than Racist Hatred of non-whites. That
is it!
Shove that in their pipe and let them toke on it for awhile...