Maybe you need to stop talking to so many liberals/Democrats every day and start talking to some actual middle class voters and see what was really affecting them.
#14 | Posted by boaz
Here are the facts boaz
The WORLD suffered a pandemic and then Russia invaded Ukraine.
The combination of these 2 events resulted in a shock to the global economic situation.
Actions were taken by various countries to combat said events, the results were inflation, that prevented an extended recession.
-------- actions exacerbated the problems
Biden's actions helped Americans reach a soft landing-better than the entire industrialized world.
The economy today is the envy of the world.
Yes, prices are still high.
The prices are not going to come down-that would be a bad thing because that would require DEflation-wiping away middle class savings and investments
That is how inflation works
Higher prices are combatted by wage increases.
Biden, the first president in DECADES saw transfer of wealth from the wealthy to the poor.
His actions caused an increase in real wages that outpaced inflation-so those $5 eggs cost less in actual dollars to the pre inflation $3 eggs
These are all facts
Harris' plans would continue the improvement of the economy (though there are some issues with specific items)
-------- plans, if you can call them plans, consist of tariffs and deportation and billionaire tax cuts. These will, if implemented, tank the economy.
I suspect ------- will do a few minor tariffs that will aid his cronies, deport a token number of immigrants, extend the billionaire tax cuts and call it victory, claiming the Biden economy.
But that won't work long term.
But Americans are too ignorant, too stupid and too uneducated to understand this.