Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The House voted on Tuesday to pass a GOP-led bill that would ban transgender athletes from women's and girls' sports at federally funded schools and educational institutions. The legislation is expected to next be taken up by the GOP-controlled Senate. Republicans put attacks on Democrats over transgender issues front and center in competitive races during the last election cycle, including at the top of the ticket with President-elect Donald Trump.


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Jill Stein voters applaud enthusiastically.

There's plenty more where that came from. Jill Stein 2028!

#1 | Posted by censored at 2025-01-14 03:07 PM | Reply

Climate change, peak oil, inflation, forever chemicals, the fact it will take 80 years to rebuild gaza for starving people, education policies, racism, .... nah, let's deal with transgender athletes. From chatgpt: "A reasonable estimate for the percentage of transgender athletes in the U.S. population would likely be well below 0.1%, given that transgender individuals are estimated to make up around 0.6% of the U.S. population, and not all are athletes. This subgroup represents a very small fraction of the population."

#2 | Posted by Brennnn at 2025-01-14 09:27 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

more "Based on the estimate of 1 in 100,000 and a population of 334 million, there would be approximately 3,340 transgender athletes in the U.S." So a law for 3000 people? What big thinkers.

#3 | Posted by Brennnn at 2025-01-14 09:32 PM | Reply


NCAA president says there are less than 10' transgender athletes in college sports

Republicans-doing the work that matters to Americans.

#4 | Posted by truthhurts at 2025-01-14 09:41 PM | Reply

I thought they were busy getting ready to get the Federal Government out of Education. You know, the party of freedom, personal responsibility and small governance.

#5 | Posted by mattm at 2025-01-14 09:54 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

It will be interesting to see how this play's out in the Senate.

Will Senate Democrats filibuster this? If no, my guess is quite a few will simply vote 'present'.

#6 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-01-14 10:01 PM | Reply

"NCAA president says there are less than 10' transgender athletes in college sports"

Yet several women's volleyball teams forfeited their games rather than playing against an opposing team with a male player.

Those 10 male athletes affect a LOT of other women athletes.

#7 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-01-14 10:03 PM | Reply


Why is the GOP escalating attacks on trans rights? Experts say the goal is to make sure evangelicals vote

#8 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-01-14 10:53 PM | Reply

Why is the GOP escalating attacks on trans rights? Experts say the goal is to make sure evangelicals vote
#8 | Posted by LauraMohr

And it worked! Also gets a lot of moderate support as well.

A Franklin & Marshall College Poll released last month showed that 64 percent of Pennsylvania voters were opposed to trans women competing in women's sports; 29 percent approved.
www.nbcnews.com, May 16, 2022
Jill Stein 2028!

#9 | Posted by censored at 2025-01-15 09:28 AM | Reply

Will this lower inflation?

#10 | Posted by Derek_Wildstar at 2025-01-15 12:44 PM | Reply

I hear this will lower the price of eggs.

#11 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-01-15 12:50 PM | Reply

Will this lower inflation?
#10 | Posted by Derek_Wildstar

Probably not. But a ban will make more people happy than unhappy. And when the Dems freak out or filibuster in the Senate and prevent a vote, it will make more people unhappy than happy. And that's how elections are won and lost.

#12 | Posted by censored at 2025-01-15 01:02 PM | Reply

Who is going to be checking? And who is paying for all the testing to prove it?
Is this really a problem congress should be taking up?

#13 | Posted by MBlue at 2025-01-15 02:03 PM | Reply

This cruel, unnecessary and ridiculously timed culture war distraction sadly takes a lot of balls.

#14 | Posted by redlightrobot at 2025-01-15 02:09 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

Frankly any man that transitions to a woman and then plays woman's sports is an -----. I'm not anti LBGT, I'm anti -----.

#15 | Posted by fishpaw at 2025-01-15 04:07 PM | Reply

Who is going to be checking?
#13 | Posted by MBlue

I will brave the peril!

#16 | Posted by censored at 2025-01-15 04:18 PM | Reply


I do agree with you to some extent.

All this constant talk of identity politics and tran stuff most likely had a major role in getting Trump elected.

Good job.

Democrats have you to thank.

#17 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2025-01-15 10:45 PM | Reply

I do agree with you to some extent.

All this constant talk of identity politics and tran stuff most likely had a major role in getting Trump elected.

Good job.

Democrats have you to thank.

#17 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2025-01-15 10:45 PM | Reply

Bigotry and hatred got Trump elected BillJohnson

Hatred for the LGBTQIA community is just one aspect for this. Hatred of brown skinned people another. Hatred towards this country is also another. You've shown your hatred for people that aren't like you repeatedly. You shouldn't be celebrating winning in hatred BillJohnson. Not very Christian of you. Just sayin

#18 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-01-15 10:53 PM | Reply

Republicans-doing the work that matters to Americans.

Now we can. That's why we got elected.

Bigotry and hatred got Trump elected

LOL. Yea, keep up with THAT line! LOL

Hatred for the LGBTQIA community is just one aspect for this.

No. Not wanting men competing against women is the aspect. No one hates LGBTQdsskjflsjk, we just got tired of it trying to make everyone else accept it. When the rest of America doesn't.

Yall are trying too hard Laura. Sit down and give it some time and stop trying to force it on everyone.

#19 | Posted by boaz at 2025-01-16 12:43 AM | Reply

I do agree with you to some extent.
All this constant talk of identity politics and tran stuff most likely had a major role in getting Trump elected.
Good job.
Democrats have you to thank.
#17 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2025-01-15 10:45 PM

Dude, this was literally a media-invented issue bearing ZERO impact other than displays of bigotry and medical ignorance.

How many litter boxes in schools later and you still believe "trans" was on everyone elses lips.

Dumping on the most vulnerable, hurting them and punishing their existence is the reward.

Congratulations, you people are morons. Officially.

#20 | Posted by redlightrobot at 2025-01-16 02:19 AM | Reply

Johnny Sokko and his Redlight Giant Robot is trying to gaslight and proclaim men and women are equal when it pertains to physicality. Nobody with a basic understanding of biology is buying the BS you are trying to sell.

#21 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-01-16 02:28 AM | Reply

Johnny Sokko and his Redlight Giant Robot is trying to gaslight and proclaim men and women are equal when it pertains to physicality. Nobody with a basic understanding of biology is buying the BS you are trying to sell.
#21 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-01-16 02:28 AM

I am proclaiming that you are a numbskull who is duped into group think.

#22 | Posted by redlightrobot at 2025-01-16 02:37 AM | Reply

A differentiation between mens and women's sports exist for a reason, Sokko.

It's called science in a general sense and biology in a more specific sense. Learn that and know it.

#23 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-01-16 02:43 AM | Reply

A differentiation between mens and women's sports exist for a reason, Sokko.
It's called science in a general sense and biology in a more specific sense. Learn that and know it.
#23 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-01-16 02:43 AM

A specific sense of general biology in sports exists so morons can spout -----------.

Perhaps the definition of "differentiation" needs examination? This is a total ban based on -----------.

#24 | Posted by redlightrobot at 2025-01-16 02:50 AM | Reply


There's a difference between basing opinions on facts and basing opinions on feelings or emotions.

Much of the trans debate is driven by feelings. Let's be real...there is no compelling reason why trans women must compete against cis women in sports.

Actually, there is no compelling logical reason why they must use women's restrooms either.

These debates aren't being rooted in logic. They are being rooted in feelings.

The argument for excluding trans individuals from these spaces can be justified on biological grounds with many straightforward reasons.

But really, it's simple....weiner or no weiner.

What's unfortunate is how this issue has devolved into a black and white problem.

Trans for centuries quietly existed within society. But now they are being pushed into the spotlight as polarizing figures.

#25 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2025-01-16 11:57 AM | Reply

There's a difference between basing opinions on facts and basing opinions on feelings or emotions.
Much of the trans debate is driven by feelings. Let's be real...there is no compelling reason why trans women must compete against cis women in sports.
Actually, there is no compelling logical reason why they must use women's restrooms either.
These debates aren't being rooted in logic. They are being rooted in feelings.
The argument for excluding trans individuals from these spaces can be justified on biological grounds with many straightforward reasons.
But really, it's simple....weiner or no weiner.
What's unfortunate is how this issue has devolved into a black and white problem.
Trans for centuries quietly existed within society. But now they are being pushed into the spotlight as polarizing figures.
#25 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2025-01-16 11:57 AM

Biology first. How much hormone makes this or that? It's hotly debated, but not masterfully. Biology rooted in feeling..

So, in that regard I'd believe what that person feels is valid, but also what I feel about that person. Evaluation of their threat potential never comes immediately to mind. Why behavior based on shared biological belief that there is no threat unless their sexual identification doesn't match the expectation I generated without any prior knowledge?

Are you certain that feeling is biological and why resulting in anti-empathic behavior? We generally cooperate among many other, sometimes life-threatening situations down to mundane requests. What is triggering this antipathy? I do not believe it is biologically inclined, but rather behavioral programming.

Traditionally we have beloved moments of sexual mis-identification as points of humor and cultural sensitivity (Klinger, Jenner, Fudd), but something has changed more recently into a meanness and overt ugly attitude toward transgendered identification. Competition isn't limited by ball weight.

Games are rules can be changed to accommodate in whatever fashion.

The denial of personhood and self-identification is what is the problem. The peen are innocent.

#26 | Posted by redlightrobot at 2025-01-16 12:53 PM | Reply


Weiner/no Weiner.

#27 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2025-01-16 01:20 PM | Reply


No justification required.

Easy solution.

#28 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2025-01-16 01:21 PM | Reply


And anyone born with a weiner or still has one can't compete in women's sports.

Get caught cheating since there likely won't be the peter police checking, should be banned from competing and lose their award.

#29 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2025-01-16 01:28 PM | Reply

Renee Richards on line one for you BillJohnson.

#30 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-01-16 01:34 PM | Reply

Bill is still right, Laura.

#31 | Posted by boaz at 2025-01-17 05:57 AM | Reply

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Drudge Retort