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The Department of Defense deemed a story about baseball hero and civil rights leader Jackie Robinson's time in the Army as "DEI" and deleted it.
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-- Matthew Reichbach ( March 18, 2025 at 11:26 AM
It's a straightforward biography of Robinson's life, including his upbringing, his sports heroics at UCLA, his military service, and an extensive detailing of his integration of Major League Baseball, his baseball career as a whole, and his civil rights activism.
The handling of Robinson's page was identical to the manner in which the Defense Department had, at least temporarily, deleted a page dedicated to Medal of Honor winner Major General Charles Calvin Rodgers, who was Black, and in which the 404 URL was likewise edited to include the word "DEI." The deletion of Rodgers' page was discovered last weekend and, after an outcry, the page was restored.
The Trump administration is, by its words, its deeds, and by the people who comprise it, a white supremacist regime and it fully hopes and intends to usher in a new segregationist era. In order to do that it must, by its own bigoted logic, deny and erase the accomplishments of anyone who isn't white, who isn't male, who isn't Christian, who isn't straight, and who isn't gender-conforming. It has now done so with Jackie Robinson, a civil rights pioneer and, in my view and the view of many others, the most significant figure in baseball history.
At what point does someone in a position to stop this do something? Where is the bottom? And if there is no bottom, how much farther will it go before those of us without the power to stop it take action of our own?