
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Saturday, March 01, 2025

In its nearly 250-year history, the U.S. has never had a national language at the federal level. Hundreds of languages are spoken in the U.S., the byproduct of the country's long history of taking in immigrants from around the world.


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Trump Signs Executive Order Making Official Language Of U.S. Remedial English

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-- The Onion ( February 28, 2025 at 3:59 PM


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#1 | Posted by lee_the_agent at 2025-02-28 09:32 AM | Reply

Bold move for someone whose first language is Gibberish.

#2 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2025-02-28 09:39 AM | Reply | Funny: 3 | Newsworthy 4

Next we bring back the literacy tests for voting.

#3 | Posted by snoofy at 2025-02-28 11:27 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Trump and his Republican allies spent millions during the 2024 campaign to reach out to Spanish-language speakers and other non-English speaking voters. Soon after taking office, the Trump administration took down the Spanish-language version of the White House website. The official Spanish-language social-media account on X, @LaCasaBlanca, no longer exists.

#4 | Posted by REDIAL at 2025-02-28 11:33 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1


Classic bait and switch from the Flim-Flam Man.

#5 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-02-28 11:40 AM | Reply

I'm surprised he's not changing the name of the language to American while he's at it.

#6 | Posted by TFDNihilist at 2025-02-28 11:59 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 5

Pinche pendejo Naranja gorda.

#7 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-02-28 11:15 PM | Reply | Funny: 1


No FAGATS could pass.

#8 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-02-28 11:15 PM | Reply

Trump can put that Sharpie to whatever he wants, but this nation is in many places anything but a monolingual society.

Mexico doesn't have an official language, although Spanish ought to get you through in most places. Other areas you might want to brush up on your Nahuatl or Yucatec Maya. Or a mix, possibly with English tossed in.

Who cares? You adjust.

The daily display of MAGAt insecurities is simply pathetic.

#9 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2025-03-01 10:10 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

And exactly how will this impact the average person? I mean, will there eventually to 'language police' watching for 'violations' occurring in public? For example, will they be checking whether only English is being spoken in the kitchens at Chinese and Mexican restaurants? Heck, our two oldest son's have worked their entire careers in restaurants, none of which were Mexican restaurants, and yet they've learned to speak what's referred to as 'Kitchen Spanish'.

I know what it says in the article that this applies only to official government activities, but once the camel's nose is in the door...


#10 | Posted by OCUser at 2025-03-01 11:30 AM | Reply

Only in America is the ability to speak multiple languages seen as less intelligent

#11 | Posted by truthhurts at 2025-03-01 11:32 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Will the next step be to remove all government documents and websites that are not in English?

#12 | Posted by mattm at 2025-03-01 05:25 PM | Reply

The Anglophone world ought to have something similar to the Academy which keeps the standards to maintain French in as unpolluted a state as possible so it can be defined what is proper or not. But instead English blasts along acquiring new words from foreign languages and incorporating slang so fast it is impossible to keep up. I can look up the definition of some piece of new slang again and again and still can't really key in on where it is coming from. English is not the right kind of language to be designated as official.

#13 | Posted by grumpy_too at 2025-03-01 10:39 PM | Reply

Where I live we get advisories about storm preparation in English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole. It's simply recognizing reality, not bucking against it like a bull going nuts in chute number three. Hell's bells, back in the early 1990s my son got a written warning from a cop in a KS town (pop. 25,000) for riding his bike on the sidewalk - the notice was written in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

#14 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2025-03-02 05:47 AM | Reply

Hell's bells, back in the early 1990s my son got a written warning from a cop in a KS town (pop. 25,000) for riding his bike on the sidewalk - the notice was written in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2025-03-02 05:47 AM | Reply

Sounds like Emporia Kansas

#15 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-03-02 06:19 AM | Reply


#16 | Posted by THEBULL at 2025-03-02 07:19 PM | Reply

@#11 ... Only in America is the ability to speak multiple languages seen as less intelligent ...


#17 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-02 07:22 PM | Reply

@#14 ... the notice was written in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese. ...

So... the police properly serving their community?

#18 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-02 07:23 PM | Reply

If so, within just a few years most ESL speakers will have at least triple Trump's vocabulary.

#19 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2025-03-02 10:42 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Taking a step back here ...

I live in an area with a wide diversity of ethnic origins. And I have to say, the restaurant fare is awesome! Portuguese, lBack, Thai, Chinese, Pacific Islander, German, et al ... But that aside.

Looking at the people, and not their origin ...

I hired a lawn contractor to do some extensive work on my property. The fully insured (yeah, that was my first selection criterion) company had high ratings on yelp and google.

And I will say, they did the job they promised to do and for the price we agreed to. They did the job excellently.

But one thing caught my attention.

After they finished, one of the workers knocked on my front door. He had in his hand a temp sensor. The sensor for this:

He could not speak a lot of English, but he had this smile on his face. And in the end we communicated that when the crew chopped down the tree, he found the sensor in a squirrel's nest in that tree.

And that he wanted to make sure I got the sensor back.

That was a great experience for me.

He was so honest and forthcoming.

#20 | Posted by LampLighter at 2025-03-02 11:05 PM | Reply

The fat idiot can't even complete a sentence.

#21 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-03-03 01:08 AM | Reply

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