@#38 ... This isn't about your personal hiring habits.
It's about the hundreds of companies across America who only hire White, CisHet men. Regardless of the qualifications of anyone else who applied. ...
I do agree.
My personal hiring habits were mentioned only as a response to a comment.
But as far as the apparent innate and systemic racial bias in hiring, my current opinion is that, yes, it is there.
It exists. And, of late, seems to be rallied.
I will also say that my view is that the current anti-DEI movement is, in my view, little more than a thinly-veiled disguise upon a return to the "white Christian men only" days of yore in hiring.
Looking at this a little differently ...
I have a family member who once told me (over Thanksgiving dinner, no less) that his wife should be in the kitchen, "barefoot and pregnant," making sure his dinner was on the table when he got home from work.
Not surprisingly, he was a devout Christian.
I'll just say, that was an interesting Thanksgiving dinner, and leave it there.