Sunday, August 25, 2024

Confessions of a UFO Hunter

He's a former Pentagon insider, a veteran and investigator. Today, he's quite possibly the most important voice in the modern UFO movement. Luis Elizondo -- risking his career, his family, and possibly his life -- tells the story of what he claims the American government really knows about alien craft.



More from the article...

... There are many people responsible for the resurgence of interest in potential alien life in the universe, but perhaps no one has played a bigger role than a muscle-bound man with tattoos, a soul patch and one heck of a story to tell.

Luis Elizondo's new book, "Imminent: Inside the Pentagon's Hunt for UFOs," lays out allegations that the United States military has been running an unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) retrieval and reverse engineering program for years " and has even recovered nonhuman specimens.

"We're not alone," Elizondo told NewsNation. "We are not alone in this universe, and it is a simple fact. The U.S. government has been aware of that fact for decades now. I think if the American public knew just how deep this lie went, that we would have a very significant constitutional crisis on our hands."

There's controversy about aspects of Elizondo's resume and what exactly he did in the Pentagon with UFOs. But everyone agrees he is an Army veteran who has served in hotspots around the world.

He would then go on to oversee counterespionage and counterterrorism investigations for the Department of Defense. ...

#1 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-25 12:23 AM


Firesign Theater - Attack by UFO Egg (sometime in the 70's)

#2 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-25 12:27 AM

Straight from the Source:

#3 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-08-25 06:38 AM

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" -Carl Sagan

Still waiting for the extraordinary evidence.

#4 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-25 11:47 AM

Thee man is a grifter and a government insider.

#5 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2024-08-25 12:59 PM


#6 | Posted by censored at 2024-08-25 01:25 PM

5. A grifter AND a government insider?


#7 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2024-08-25 02:21 PM

#7 This is all a bullschitt distraction IMHO.

I'm not saying extraterrestrial life doesn't exist, I believe it does, but I do not trust the bowels of our government to give us the truth.

#8 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2024-08-25 02:46 PM

And for $21.58 you too can find out the whole truth.

#9 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2024-08-25 02:51 PM

And for $21.58 you too can find out the whole truth.
#9 | Posted by lfthndthrds

I got tree-fiddy.

#10 | Posted by censored at 2024-08-25 04:08 PM

It's so funny how they seem to always abduct the unwilling... rather than the willing... pisses me off.

#11 | Posted by RightisTrite at 2024-08-25 09:35 PM

Too bad the little green men don't only take the "red hats". That would be a win-win.

#12 | Posted by a_monson at 2024-08-25 11:00 PM

For those who are interested, a 2 season series on the History Channel called Unidentified Inside America's UFO Investigation is what broke the ice.

The series started before Congress got involved and gives the viewer information about many of the important points and introduces you to important players in this subject.

Trump ordered the DOD giving them 6 months to prepare a report for Congress after congressmen became concerned about national security.

The DOD came back saying they are aware of things flying around they don't know who they belong but have ruled out China and Russia.

This actually goes back to the first days of aerial combat people reporting seeing things but forced to remain quiet.

It's been since this series the general public have moved this story from kooks to something openly discussed.

#13 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2024-08-26 11:54 AM

If they tried taking the 'red hats' they'd find it comparable to humans eating lead paint chips and washing them down with drano..

#14 | Posted by HeeHaw at 2024-08-26 11:56 AM

Re 13

I used to say believe what you wanna believe because it doesn't matter. But it does matter because we end up spending massive amounts of taxpayer money for false beliefs.

And "things flying around" does not equate to alien life visiting earth.

Again extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

Still waiting.

#15 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-26 12:07 PM


The growing opinion by people most involved in this subject and have investigated in detail the thousands of reports over the decades around the world is that most reports are explainable.

However, the cases that are unexplained seem to have commonalities.

A strong interest in nuclear technology and seems to have ties closely related to water.

It's plausible whatever this is existed on earth before man and perhaps might be home-based in the oceans.

#16 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2024-08-26 12:29 PM


I'm sure the grand know-it-all will have all the answers.

There's several on this site. Ask them.

#17 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2024-08-26 12:31 PM

Mo proof. Nothing definitive. It's all complete b.s.

#18 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-08-26 12:43 PM

No proof.

#19 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-08-26 12:43 PM

I think Humtake hacked Lamplighter's account:)

#20 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-08-26 02:16 PM

My $.02...I've worked in Special Access Programs for a long, long time. Most of them require briefing in hundreds, even thousands of people just on the support side. The people who pay for it. The people who do physical security. The on-site secretaries who keep stuff going. In some cases, the people who work at the cafeteria, or gym, or other facilities.

It works because most of the super-secret stuff is also super boring. I have to imagine that being the dude to reveal a UFO or alien corpse would be something that not many people could pass up.

#21 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-08-26 02:21 PM


Watch the series I mentioned.

Don't assume I accept it hook line and sinker.

However I'm intelligent enough to not refuse to listen to what is happening.

Let's just say Congress has gotten into it because the DOD has gone on the record saying there's something in our sky's that can out maneuver and move faster than us and apparently defy the laws of physics.

Whatever it is could park on the lawn of the White House.

Lou"s new book he says he's not convinced whatever this is is altogether benign.

Read his book just came out this week. Ties closely to the History Channel series.

There are people who believe we need to be careful we might not like what we discover.

#22 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2024-08-26 02:25 PM


Lot of theories why people have remained quiet. Mostly peer pressure and the fact you are risking your life.

Personally I am still waiting on visible evidence such as clear up close photos.

#23 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2024-08-26 02:28 PM

"Watch the series I mentioned."

Watched it. Saw no evidence of an alien invasion.

Don't assume I accept it hook line and sinker.

However I'm intelligent enough to not refuse to listen to what is happening.

You believe in Christian Nationalism and that America is a Christian nation and founded on Christian principles because in God we Trust.

Therefore you are completely gullible and will obviously believe anything.

#24 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-26 02:31 PM

" Personally I am still waiting on visible evidence such as clear up close photos."

The AI folks salivate every time they read that.

#25 | Posted by Danforth at 2024-08-26 02:47 PM


I will ignore your troll posts.

#26 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2024-08-26 04:08 PM


And I think you're lying about watching it.

Someone who was as uninterested in it as you talk wouldn't watch more than 1 episode.

#27 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2024-08-26 04:10 PM


If you did watch it you'd know "alien invasion" is not the point of the series.

You're just big mouth blow hard.

#28 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2024-08-26 04:12 PM

"If you did watch it you'd know "alien invasion" is not the point of the series."

Luis Elizondo is just another grifter trying to cash in on the "ancient alien" cash cow.

And if aliens (ancient or otherwise) were visiting our planet they would necessarily be so more advanced than us that you should be terrified as that would be the end of the human race as the dominant species on this planet.

#29 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-26 04:46 PM

Years ago, I really liked watching the History Channel when it was, well,..about history.

The Ancient Aliens series, and the other sensationalistic type shows that followed, ruined the History Channel.

#30 | Posted by shane at 2024-08-26 06:23 PM

@#30 ... The Ancient Aliens series, and the other sensationalistic type shows that followed, ruined the History Channel. ...


I mean... Ice Road Truckers? Pawn Stars?

There's a reasonably good show on the History channel here and there.

But they seem to be becoming fewer and farther between.

#31 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-26 07:02 PM

The lack of knowledge about basic astronomy is truly breathtaking.

#32 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-08-26 07:43 PM

Something else for those interested is a documentary The Phenomenon.

In both the series I mentioned above and this documentary we hear about the heavy involvement of Harry Reid (1939-2021) in getting classified information released.

He was a lawyer and a democratic politician who served as a US senator from Nevada from 1987 to 2017. He was the Senate Majority Leader from 2007 to 2015 and the Senate Minority Leader from 2015 to 2017.

He was an integral part of all this as a politician who took a major interest in the UAP controversy.

What is also interesting is he was senator of the state where Area 51 is located.

#33 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2024-08-26 08:45 PM

How do they put it?

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

#34 | Posted by BillJohnson at 2024-08-26 08:47 PM

@#32 ... The lack of knowledge about basic astronomy is truly breathtaking. ...


One cable channel series i enjoy is the Science channel's How The Universe Works series. The series started back in 2010 with a look at the Big Bang, and has continued for 11 seasons.

How the Universe Works

... Welcome to How the Universe Works, the home of science, tech, engineering and more. We will be uploading award-winning documentaries and mind blowing shows every week from the best producers on the planet. ...

What I like about it, aside from the breadth of information it presents, is that it will present new discoveries shortly after they occur.

Another interesting entity about astronomy is:

Astronomy Picture of the Day

... Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. ...

#35 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-26 09:04 PM

I'm lucky enough to live close to Caltech and attend several Carnegie astronomy lectures every spring. If you think the Webb telescope stuff is cool (and it is)...just wait.

#36 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-08-26 09:36 PM

"Lot of theories why people have remained quiet. Mostly peer pressure and the fact you are risking your life."

Peer pressure from whom?

Is there some sort of global cabal dedicated to keeping the existence of extraterrestrial life hidden from the public?

Years ago, there was a SAP covering Russian jets being flown out of Tonapah, and air base out in Nevada. One of the things they used the jets for was basic fighter maneuvering. The students were told that if they mentioned what they encountered during that sortie, they would disappear. Yet, pretty much every student who took off to fly against a MiG sorta knew exactly what they were going to be doing, even before being briefed. And no, they wouldn't have disappeared if they had talked about it, but it probasbly would have resulted in their clearances being permanently revoked.

One of my former instructors was a dude names Gail Peck. He was the commander of the squadron up in Tonopah back in the 1970s and 80s. He wrote a book on the whole thing.

#37 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-08-27 01:36 AM

@#37 ... SAP ...


Systems Applications and Products


#38 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-27 01:50 AM

Special Access Program?

#39 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-08-27 02:13 AM


I dunno.

Those TLAs (Three letter Acronyms) tend to be a curiosity for me.

#40 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-27 02:37 AM

Years ago, I really liked watching the History Channel when it was, well,..about history.

The Ancient Aliens series, and the other sensationalistic type shows that followed, ruined the History Channel.

#30 | Posted by shane at 2024-08-26 06:23 PM | Reply | Flag

Then, in came the "docu-drama"

#41 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2024-08-27 08:51 AM

#4 DB...

Exactly my sentiments on the topic.
Carl Sagan, one of the brightest lights of the last century had it right.
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof".

Same reason I don't believe in God. No proof other than a musty 2000+ year
old book and story. Jesus is basically Santa Claus for adults. "He's making a list
and checking it twice, gonna find out if your naughty or nice".


#42 | Posted by earthmuse at 2024-08-27 09:18 AM

Re 35

One of my favorite sites. And sights!

#43 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-27 11:12 AM

"Same reason I don't believe in God. No proof other than a musty 2000+ year
old book and story. Jesus is basically Santa Claus for adults. "

Unfortunately (or fortunately) no one is coming to save us from ourselves (or bring us high tech presents).

Jesus may have existed. And if he tried to teach humans to be kind to each other as the good book says (at least the "new" half of it anyway) then he was one of the good ones.

And I don't believe in any "god" either.

Because I don't need to. As long as they believe in me!

#44 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-27 11:20 AM

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