Monday, September 02, 2024

Harris Campaign: We're Still Clear Underdogs

Despite surges in polling, fundraising and volunteers, Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign chair insisted in a memo out Sunday morning that the Democratic candidate remains a "clear" underdog as the 2024 presidential campaign enters its final stages.



"Make no mistake: we head into the final stretch of this race as the clear underdogs," campaign chair Jennifer O'Malley Dillon wrote in the memo. "Donald Trump has a motivated base of support, with more support and higher favorability than he has had at any point since 2020."

"In 2020, the election came down to about 40,000 votes across the battleground states," O'Malley Dillon continued. "This November, we anticipate margins to be similarly razor-thin."

The plan O'Malley Dillon laid out to win the battleground states focused on the Democrats' ground game advantages, saying the campaign, Democratic National Committee and state parties have opened more than 312 offices and hired more than 2,000 staff members.

"In an election that will be decided on the margins, Trump's campaign still lags far behind in the infrastructure needed to win in key battleground states," O'Malley Dillon wrote, citing Democratic advantages in Pennsylvania, Nevada and Georgia.

One phone call at a time, one door knock at a time, one online voter engagement at a time. This is how the race either will be won or lost. Run through the tape and finish strong at what's been started.

#1 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-09-01 01:00 PM

Helping Israel slaughter Palestinians isn't going to help Harris win in Michigan.
On Israel she is trying to play both sides of the fence.

Ignoring Palestinians at the convention and silencing them while allowing Jews to speak is not a winning strategy. It's business as usual.

The DNC will ---- this up. They are EXPERTS at this. She's an underdog because the Democrats stand with killers. Trump is Worse... Except he really isn't. He's just not talking with a Forked Tongue. He's saying exactly what he wants to do.

The Democrats want everything.

To Be everything to everyone. They lie just as much as Trump.

But about far more Important Things.

Another Trump Administration will finish America as a Free Country... at least for a while.

This being so... Why is this race even close?

The DNC could ---- up a wet dream.

#2 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-01 03:29 PM

On Domestic policy the Democrats are obviously better.

They don't want to Gut Medicaid and Snap. They don't want to give Everything to the Oligarchs. They seem to care more about the Environment.

On Foreign Policy both parties might as we be Identical.

Both want to spend a Trillion dollars on a Nuclear Upgrade of Strategic Missiles.

Both want to idiotically try to "contain" China. When China isn't an enemy. It's a competitor for markets and "hearts and minds" in the "third world". That is not really an enemy.

Russia isn't really even an enemy in the truest sense of the word. They are just not behaving how we think they should be. America has no real vital interests in Ukraine.

Israel is commiting horrific crimes against humanity with American Arms given freely to support the slaughter. Both Parties support this, unconditionally. There is virtually no light between them on "Israel's Right to Defend Itself".

It's hard to take the election seriously given that on the most important issues there is no essential difference between the candidates.

I'm staying home.

#3 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-01 03:52 PM

- America has no real vital interests in Ukraine.

Other than protecting Europe from it's worst threat since Hitler... and preventing a humanitarian crisis in Nato countries as Putin continues it's civilian-targeting war.

- no essential difference between the candidates.

One is a progressive Dem, the other a rwing authoritarian criminal and traitor.

- I'm staying home.

Supports the criminal traitor.

#4 | Posted by Corky at 2024-09-01 04:01 PM

Is America ready for a woman of Southeast Asian / Caribbean descent to be our president?

I'm pretty sure that's one of her biggest obstacles.

#5 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-09-01 04:10 PM

No open primary is the problem.

Biden did not seek re-election so then the DNC in its infinite wisdom decided the voters had to just accept a mediocre ex criminal prosecutor as the Candidate without any open primaries or any competition for the Nomination.

They just Anointed her like royalty to the position without any votes being cast by anyone.

How is that remotely Democratic? It's the same way Biden was selected. With no real primary, just everyone falling in line. The other primary candidates just folded and let him be the nominee. That's not Democracy. It's a travesty of real representative government.

People say Trump is a danger,and so he is. But the Democrats don't inspire much trust in an open and transparent system either.

Another Example of how it's not clear that either side is much different from the other.

I see no compelling reason To vote at this time. I had no say whatsoever in The choice of candidates and they both lie about everything anyway.

People say America is an inspiration by our example of freedom.

Actually,.. only the Oligarchs have the Freedoms that are so celebrated...and this has ALWAYS BEEN THE CASE.

#6 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-01 04:49 PM

LMAO... the tired old, "the Parties are the Same" lie, speaking of liars.

EP obviously belongs to the KnowNothing Party.

There is a lesser evil of the two Parties, and it's no the one with a convicted criminal and an insurrectionist former President/ Cult Leader running it.

Ask a real leftist intellectual...

#7 | Posted by Corky at 2024-09-01 04:57 PM

Biden did not seek re-election so then the DNC in its infinite wisdom decided the voters had to just accept a mediocre ex criminal prosecutor as the Candidate without any open primaries or any competition for the Nomination.

Again, total ignorance. The Democratic National Committee followed its own rules when Joe Biden stepped down. The party took open nominations for President and VP - no one other than Kamala Harris and Tim Walz put their hats into the ring.

There was no need for what would have been an openly divisive fight after the GOP convention had already finished. States run primaries, not political parties. There was no mechanism to hold repeat primaries as well as no need. The Vice President stepped up and replaced the President at the head of the ticket, amazingly for the uninformed, just like the Constitution dictates when a President has to step down from office for any reason.

Anyone who fails to understand that the succession process was followed to the letter doesn't know a damn thing that they're trying to talk about.

#8 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-09-01 05:03 PM

I'm sick to Death of always voting Against someone. Once in my ------- life I want to actually vote FOR a Candidate and not against a far worse one.

The Two party system sucks. It's not really democracy. Especially when Money is Speech and it takes billions to be a serious contender.

The Oligarchs rule here at least as much as in Russia.

Venezuela is a more representative democracy than the US.

Poor people make policy there. That's why it must be Destroyed or All is Lost.

There no greater danger than a working example of Socialism. So The sanctions must be imposed to destroy this possible outcome.

For Freedom. And Humanity.

#9 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-01 05:10 PM

Once in my ------- life I want to actually vote FOR a Candidate and not against a far worse one.

Get your ass off this blog and go out and find a candidate you agree with and put together a majority of voters who agree with you!

Quit bitching about what others don't provide for your privileged ass and put in the work it takes to get what you want.

Otherwise, STFU!

#10 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-09-01 05:13 PM

I'm not shutting up. That's one thing the American system does still allow.

Unlike many European countries we can still talk ---- about things.

Get over it. It's part of the Freedom they say America is famous for.

Even Putin had people run against him. But Kamala had no takers against her?

WTF! Seriously, how is just declaring someone the winner without opposition democracy?

If the Dems have no back bench and NO IDEAS except.. Not Trump.. he's Evil.

I see no democracy.

Like the "Opposition" in Venezuela, I am Boycotting the election.

There's nobody running worth a bucket of COLD PISS.

#11 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-01 05:51 PM

I'm not shutting up.

Well, continuing to talk without action is going to get you exactly what you're complaining about now.

You deserve what you get.

#12 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-09-01 05:53 PM

I bet turnout is at record lows in November.

100,000,000 or more will sit it out. More in total numbers than actually vote.

Will the US declare a low turnout election illegitimate like they did in Venezuela?

NOT A ------- CHANCE.

America is a Fraud.

#13 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-01 05:56 PM

"I'm not shutting up. That's one thing the American system does still allow."

The "American system" also allows that you remain silent.

But, if you wish to continue to make yourself look like a fool then I say have at it!

#14 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-01 06:03 PM

It's absolute idiocy to complain about a political process in a political party that you DON'T support. The party decides its rules, not those like you who refuse to even join and try to affect change through the process of selling your ideas to a majority.

There isn't a single Democrat that I'm aware of complaining about the manner in which Kamala was nominated and elected the Party's presidential nominee. The only complainers are those invested in seeing Democrats LOSE, and now their fantasies are blowing up in their faces as Trump decompensates for all the world to see - proving his unfitness for office and his disconnection from reality.

Trump Says His Meandering Speeches Are Brilliant'

Said Trump: "You know, I do the weave. You know what the weave is? I'll talk about like nine different things, and they all come back brilliantly together, and it's like, friends of mine that are, like, English professors, they say, It's the most brilliant thing I've ever seen.'"

What you fail to recognize is that until the GOP returns to nominating sane, non-criminal candidates, every rational American SHOULD vote against the Republicans if we want to keep our democracy, even as flawed as it might be.

#15 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-09-01 06:08 PM

I bet turnout is at record lows in November.

You are a moron's moron. See you on November 6th or about 2 weeks later for the final tallies.

#16 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-09-01 06:10 PM

- Even Putin had people run against him.

More Putin Lies.

No one who got enough support to actually make a race of it was allowed to run against Putin; they were refused to put on the Ballot.


- The Two party system sucks.

So you won't oppose an obvious tyrant like Trump?

That's just childish... you want to take your vote and go home.


#17 | Posted by Corky at 2024-09-01 06:53 PM

Actually, Moneyposer is just upset that this happened last night...

... and ruined his years worth of lies about Nazis in Ukraine, ROFL!

#18 | Posted by Corky at 2024-09-01 06:57 PM

Just lil ol' me here, but Harris's campaign speeches sound like they could be coming from a GWB or John McCain. In other words, minimal leftist --------.

There is still a lot I don't like about what KH is preaching, but compared to the dumpster fire that is Trump, IMO, she looks pretty good.

I'm nobody, but I think KH can cinch it. And I do think polls are going to be skewed, because a lot of non-far leftists are not going to be willing to admit voting for KH.

#19 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-09-02 11:27 AM

Harris's campaign speeches sound like they could be coming from a GWB or John McCain.

I'm kinda surprised more folks like Condoleezza haven't come out to endorse Harris. Heck, given Trump's apparent laissez-faire, conflict-of-interest riddled foreign policy, I wouldn't be surprised if the-------- (Cheney) himself isn't at least a secret Kamala supporter.

GWB staff are already lining up.

I think it's an important time in history to have a strong military posture, and the capabilities to back it up. Trump aint gonna do it.

#20 | Posted by horstngraben at 2024-09-02 12:39 PM

---- the military.

I'm sick of militarism and endless undeclared war.

It's a fetish destroying our nation from within.

Bogus enemies under every bush waiting to slaughter us in our Beds.

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid....


#21 | Posted by Effeteposer at 2024-09-02 01:24 PM

@#19 ... but Harris's campaign speeches sound like they could be coming from a GWB or John McCain. In other words, minimal leftist --------. ...

VP Harris has definitely moved towards the center compared to her primary run in 2020. But in primaries candidates usually try to show their more, let's say, extreme views because primary voters are a select bunch. For example, here in Connecticut, no independent voters CT calls them "unaffiliated voters") can vote in major party primaries. So, in order to win the primary, the candidates tend towards the extreme.

VP Harris seems to be staking out the centrist-left ground so far in her campaign.

#22 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-02 06:31 PM

How is this possible when all the polls claim you're winning? Or are all the polls bogus AGAIN?!

#23 | Posted by THEBULL at 2024-09-02 09:29 PM


Russians can't vote here, you moron

#24 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-09-02 09:33 PM

@#23 ... How is this possible when all the polls claim you're winning? Or are all the polls bogus AGAIN?! ...

For starters, it may be helpful if your current alias notes the comment it is replying to.

As a follow-up...

Oh, wait. Let's just go with the above for the nonce.

#25 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-09-02 09:40 PM

I'm staying home.

#3 | Posted by Effeteposer

Good, the trip from Moscow to the US is a hell of a commute.

#26 | Posted by dibblda at 2024-09-03 12:19 AM

If I may "womansplain" here ...

I think Kamala is just saying, "Things may look better now but we haven't won yet.. so don't get cocky kids".

#27 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-03 12:22 PM

I'm sick to Death of always voting Against someone. Once in my ------- life I want to actually vote FOR a Candidate and not against a far worse one.

#9 | Posted by Effeteposer

Until Biden dropped out I felt that way. But for the first time in a long time I feel like I AM voting FOR someone.

Even if I don't agree with all of her policy, I'm voting for what I think is a genuinely kind and compassionate human being with a very good head on her shoulders.. instead of a grossly despicable ------- who is a felon, grifter, bigot, sexual predator, serial liar and probable traitor.

The difference is so stark, I can't even imagine why anyone would vote otherwise. ..unless they are equally despicable.

You're going to die waiting for your perfect candidate.

#28 | Posted by Whatsleft at 2024-09-03 12:59 PM

Harris doesn't have a campaign. Almost no policies at all.

#29 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-09-03 04:09 PM

Harris doesn't have a campaign. Almost no policies at all.


Stupid lie.

You're not salvageable.

#30 | Posted by Zed at 2024-09-03 04:45 PM


Why don't you accuse Harris of not being able to speak without a teleprompter?

It's tradition.

#31 | Posted by Zed at 2024-09-03 04:46 PM

Harris doesn't have a campaign. Almost no policies at all.

#29 | Posted by BellRinger

Republicans have mastered the art of all parroting the same lie until it becomes their reality.

#32 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-09-03 04:49 PM

She doesn't have a platform. Period. Full stop.

#33 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-09-03 04:57 PM

She doesn't have a platform. Period. Full stop.


What a desperate maroon!

Being the leader of the Democratic Party then the Democratic Party Platform IS her platform. (Think maybe you can find it online?)

Are you on your Period?

Then Full stop it!

#34 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-03 05:05 PM

She doesn't have a platform. Period. Full stop.


Stupid lie.

You like doing this?

You must. You repeat it.

#35 | Posted by Zed at 2024-09-03 05:12 PM


^^Apparently too stupid or too dishonest to use Google.

So, other than treating everyone beneath him or against him as badly as possible, what is the Trump platform? What's on his website is nothing but platitudes for his bigoted supporters and wealthy donors.

#36 | Posted by Whatsleft at 2024-09-03 05:23 PM

Think maybe you can find it online?)

Last time I checked her website it had zilch.

#37 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-09-03 05:23 PM

Republicans have mastered the art of all parroting the same lie until it becomes their reality.

#32 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-09-03 04:49 PM | Reply | Flag:

She doesn't have a platform. Period. Full stop.

#33 | Posted by BellRinger

Repeat until it's real.

#38 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2024-09-03 05:31 PM

What are her platform planks?

#39 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-09-03 05:41 PM

What are her platform planks?

#40 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-09-03 05:45 PM

40. Beat me to it.

#41 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2024-09-03 05:47 PM

Trump's planks are overloaded with criminal activity and traitorous treachery.

Which matters not at all to Party over Country trolls.

There's nothing policy-wise that could possibly be in almost anyone else's platform that would really challenge Trump's total unfitness for Office, personally and policy-wise.

But see, he has a 56 percent unfavorable rating, so all his cultish trolls can do is to try to tear down the VP.

His number, they know, isn't coming down.

#42 | Posted by Corky at 2024-09-03 05:52 PM

Tired of hearing the underdogs BS.
They are going to rinse Trump at the ballot box, and it's going to be over quickly as soon as NC and Florida turn blue.

#43 | Posted by a_monson at 2024-09-03 06:24 PM

Tired of hearing the underdogs BS.
They are going to rinse Trump at the ballot box, and it's going to be over quickly as soon as NC and Florida turn blue.

#44 | Posted by a_monson at 2024-09-03 06:27 PM

Harris has been talking about her "platform planks" during her rallies. Next up:

Kamala Harris to Unveil Bold Plan to Jump-Start Small Businesses in America

Vice President Kamala Harris will announce a bold new proposal aimed at revitalizing small businesses, with tax cuts and red tape reduction as key pillars of her economic agenda.

#45 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-09-03 06:43 PM

She is the incumbent. Nothing "underdog" about that.

#46 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-09-04 12:13 AM

Jeffy prefers the criminal traitor to the VP.

Because he's a Party over Country kind of guy.

#47 | Posted by Corky at 2024-09-04 01:02 AM

She is the incumbent. Nothing "underdog" about that.


Wrong again. She is the VP which is an entirely different job by definition.

And I still find it hilarious (but telling) that you would worry about Kamala's policies but show no concern whatsoever with criminally negligent twice impeached convicted felon Trumpy's revenge and retribution project 2025 "policies".

#48 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-09-04 11:48 AM

At this point I do not believe anything either of the political parties or any mainstream media reports on the subject of what current polls actually predict. Everybody is playing games with the numbers for their own ends. The media wants to keep it close to attract more viewers. The Parties have different agendas such as fund raising and motivating people to actually go out and vote. My personal suspicion is that Kamala is leading by a lot.

#49 | Posted by moder8 at 2024-09-04 02:58 PM

#17 Corky Or they were killed by Pollonium poisoning or some other nefarious means.

#50 | Posted by Ronnie68 at 2024-09-04 04:10 PM

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