Sunday, February 09, 2025

Demonstrators with Nazi Flags Confronted, Dispersed Near Cincinnati, Ohio

A group of demonstrators wearing black clothing, some holding Nazi flags with swastikas, quickly left a Cincinnati-area overpass when they were confronted by residents.


link text


You can see the confrontation here: link text

#1 | Posted by C0RI0LANUS at 2025-02-08 04:24 AM

The------------------- just found his new board members for the Kennedy Center.

#2 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-02-08 09:20 AM

Death to Nazis

#3 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-02-08 11:34 AM

How come no one foll these people and doxes them?

#4 | Posted by HanoverFist at 2025-02-08 01:48 PM

Re 4

Because there are "good people" on "both sides".

#5 | Posted by donnerboy at 2025-02-09 12:40 PM

Has ketamine addict Leon offered them positions with DOGE yet?

#6 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-02-09 12:46 PM

"The group of more than a dozen demonstrators quickly got into a U-Haul box truck and left."

a rented U-Haul truck so it's hard to find out who they are.


#7 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-09 01:29 PM

I wonder why Nazis feel comfortable marching around in broad daylight.

These Nazis are republican voters. The fact no republican politician has condemned their behavior speaks volumes.

If ten people are sitting at a table and one is Nazi. There's ten Nazis sitting at that table.

The fact so many Trumpers proudly display Nazi flags and confederate flags, without anyone in the Republican Party speaking out against it, is all you need to know. The entire party are a bunch of racists.

#8 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-09 02:50 PM

Dotard feeds off of the devotion from these miscreants.

#9 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-02-09 03:03 PM

"Death to Nazis

#3 | Posted by LegallyYourDead"


#10 | Posted by Yodagirl at 2025-02-09 03:44 PM

Sure not all MAGA are Nazis, but you can be sure all Nazis voted MAGA.

#11 | Posted by TFDNihilist at 2025-02-09 03:51 PM

No sign of Shrimptacodan, effetposser, etc etc on this thread defending the Nazis. Wonder why. I'm sure they will arrive arguing against the paradox of tolerance.

"So much for the tolerant left" will be the argument.

#12 | Posted by dibblda at 2025-02-10 02:32 AM

Here's some tolerance, every single one of those MAGAt Nazis should have been pitched off the overpass along with Elmo and his incel vandals who are illegally rooting around in our government's computer systems.

#13 | Posted by _Gunslinger_ at 2025-02-10 03:38 AM

I really don't see the big deal.

DialAgain sings the communist anthem and call for a Marxist takeover.
Canada will host the Marxist Winter School' in February that will offer a weekend of intensive Marxist training,'

Nazi's killed, what 6Million
Communist have killed 100Million

#14 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-02-10 10:19 AM

"Nazi's killed, what 6Million
Communist have killed 100Million"

Interesting take, ignoring that way way way more people died because of the Nazis than just the holocaust, what does a communist non sequitur have to do with Americans booting Nazis out of their community.

You are OK with Nazis because communists killed more?

#15 | Posted by dibblda at 2025-02-10 11:21 AM

"If ten people are sitting at a table and one is Nazi. There's ten Nazis sitting at that table.

The fact so many Trumpers proudly display Nazi flags and confederate flags, without anyone in the Republican Party speaking out against it, is all you need to know. The entire party are a bunch of racists."

Perhaps you actually believe this and perhaps you're just full of ----.

regardless, please tell me you do understand this doesn't move any political needle anywhere.

You get zero traction with any faction of voters by scaring them into believing their party is controlled by Nazis.

Surely you learned that with the racist card being played so unsuccessfully over your lifetime.

#16 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-10 11:35 AM

I see that INut is still selling those Chinese-made Nazi flags to Trumpers.

No wonder he shills for them so much.

#17 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-10 11:39 AM

"You get zero traction with any faction of voters by scaring them into believing their party is controlled by Nazis."

Their party leader did Nazi salutes in public during the inauguration of the president. We don't care about the feelings of voters who don't think that that is wrong.

#18 | Posted by dibblda at 2025-02-10 11:39 AM

"Nazi's killed, what 6Million
Communist have killed 100Million". (SIC)

World War 2 to defeat the NAZI

"Civilian deaths totaled 50 to 55 million. Military deaths from all causes totaled 21 to 25 million, including deaths in captivity of about 5 million prisoners of war."

Way to cherry pick and disregard all those others.

The "Communists" have/had a great number of deaths attributed to that economic system.

But that is apples and oranges and probably should read: "Authoritarian dictatorships are the cause of world wide war and death for political reasons and should be opposed by democratic non authoritarian countries at all costs."

Yet here we are again.

#19 | Posted by randomcanyon at 2025-02-10 12:14 PM

-We don't care about the feelings of voters who don't think that that is wrong.

fine but can you accept that doesn't change votes?

I think a lot of folks struggle with accepting that.

#20 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-10 01:08 PM

Confronting nazis is considered woke by MAGA filth.

#21 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-02-10 01:10 PM

"fine but can you accept that doesn't change votes?

I think a lot of folks struggle with accepting that."

The only way true believers in Germany had their minds changed was when their country was bombed to rubble and they were literally forced to tour the death camps.

We can only hope to sway voters who are low information but don't think putting Nazis into power is a good idea. True believers' minds cannot be changed sadly. That is the lesson of the 1930s-1940s. Same as it ever was.

#22 | Posted by dibblda at 2025-02-10 01:30 PM

Sure not all MAGA are Nazis, but you can be sure all Nazis voted MAGA.

#11 | Posted by TFDNihilist at 2025-02-09 03:51 PM | Reply | Flag:
| Newsworthy 1

You mean all those pro Palestine college students around the country, you know the ones who are calling for the death of all Jews?

Once again, the Trump is a Nazi, his supporters are Nazis, blah, blah, blah cost you idiots the election. If you are capable you may want to come up with something constructive for your party since that's what the election should have taught you.

#23 | Posted by fishpaw at 2025-02-10 03:16 PM

- all those pro Palestine college students around the country, you know the ones who are

... currently regretting their votes and protesting in the streets?

- Nazis, blah, blah, blah

#24 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-10 03:21 PM

please tell me you do understand this doesn't move any political needle anywhere.

I'm stating where the political needle already is.

Trumpers, over the past 8 years, have been seen with Nazi flags and confederate flags at the boat parades, rallies, conferences, knitting circles ...

The fact your response is, "it is what it is", doesn't say much about the average American's opinions on Nazis.

I mean, what more can be expected from a country that openly protects the KKK.

#25 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-10 04:05 PM

You mean all those pro Palestine college students around the country, you know the ones who are calling for the death of all Jews?

Gotta be difficult for Republicans to remember whether they like Jews or not.

Musk throwing a couple Sieg Heils. Swastika flags at Republican rallies, conventions and boat parades. Republican politicians known to associate with white supremacists and Nazis.

Republican reaction: "No problem. Democrats are over reacting. Why are you mentioning it?"

Students protesting Israeli treatment of Palestinians.

Republican reaction: "Unheard of how much democrats and liberals hate Jews!"

That bullshht might impress you, FishPawn. But the rest of us see how much hate republicans and conservatives have for others and this nation.

#26 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-10 04:25 PM

Perhaps you actually believe this and perhaps you're just full of ----.

I find it funny when Eberly posts things like this.

As if I'm posting in order to impress him. Or anyone else. On an entirely anonymous forum.

Or. Perhaps he's so full of ----, he assumes everyone else must be as well.

#27 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-10 04:30 PM

"As if I'm posting in order to impress him. Or anyone else. On an entirely anonymous forum."

That's exactly what you are doing. You're trying to sell this narrative..

If ten people are sitting at a table and one is Nazi. There's ten Nazis sitting at that table.

I know a sales pitch when I see one.

So, let me ask you really believe that? anybody in the vicinity of a Nazi is a Nazi?

Professionally's a terrible sales pitch based on the 100% failure rate of this in the past.

But you're still trying it......

#28 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-10 04:52 PM

anybody in the vicinity of a Nazi is a Nazi?

That's not what I meant.

Are you purposefully being obtuse.

That's exactly what you are doing.

Do you go into every conversation assuming you're being lied to?

Sounds like unresolved trauma.

#29 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-10 05:04 PM

-Do you go into every conversation assuming you're being lied to?

"It's not a lie if you believe it" - George Costanza

#30 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-10 05:07 PM

"what more can be expected from a country that openly protects the KKK."

So, it's the country...not merely a party now?

#31 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-10 05:08 PM

Great episode.

Not the best. But definitely a funny one.

#32 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-10 05:09 PM

You seem to be desperately trying to have some sort of point.

But other than downplaying the racism of the Republican Party, I'm not too sure what it is.

#33 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-10 05:11 PM

-Do you go into every conversation assuming you're being lied to?

Well, yes frankly. Most for sure.

My job is to spot lies. It's a professional reality.

I don't mean to disparage people by calling them "LIARS" but people lie to insurance agents all the time.

It's my job to qualify a prospect before I spend the time and energy to bring them something better, potentially.

That means I have to recognize the lies.........

#34 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-10 05:21 PM

Well, yes frankly. Most for sure.

Sad way to live life.

Probably what makes you a conservative. Your distrust of others.

#35 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-10 05:23 PM

-You seem to be desperately trying to have some sort of point.

That you seem to want sell racism and nazism pretty hard.

It's not effective. All the evidence is on my side of that argument. Look no further than the guy who live at 1600 Penn for the best example of that evidence.

pointing that out is not "downplaying" it.

But you keep trying.......I'll occasionally remind you of the futility.

#36 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-10 05:24 PM

-Probably what makes you a conservative

I thought it was my racism and anti-semitism that made me a conservative.......LOL

It's an occupational reality.

People lie to doctors, therapists, attorneys, the law, their spouses, their bosses, etc.

The list can go on forever.

Specifically the lie I identify is where my prospect lies about the level and nature of the relationship with their current insurance broker.

Understanding that relationship is the key to winning the business so sniffing out the lie is a huge first step.

How much do you lie to your therapist before he/she gets you to come clean?

#37 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-10 05:29 PM

That you seem to want sell racism and nazism pretty hard.

I don't gotta sell shht.

Republicans are doing an incredible job all on their own.

Maybe pay attention.

Or. Maybe you're of the opinion a couple of Nazis flags here and there aren't a big deal.

After all, what are people supposed to do, denounce them?

Maybe people who march around chanting, "Jews will not replace us" actually are, "very fine people".

#38 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-10 05:35 PM

I thought it was my racism and anti-semitism that made me a conservative.

If you say so.

#39 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-10 05:37 PM

This was from the original post I responded to.....

"I wonder why Nazis feel comfortable marching around in broad daylight."

Have we identified any of them?
They were in a U-Haul so that tells you they didn't want a tag ran so this is all evidence they don't feel comfortable being identified.

But if this country just outright embraces them then why the attempt at anonymity??

You're saying it's not even Taboo to dress up as a Nazi and protest out in the open during the day?

Are you sure you believe that? It seems a little taboo based on the fact they ran like ------- once others showed up and got close to them.

At least in the movies the Klan pulled their ---- at night.....maybe they didn't in real life but the movies make it seem that way.

#40 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-10 05:38 PM

"I don't gotta sell shht."

you don't....but you keep trying anyway.

and THAT speaks volumes

"After all, what are people supposed to do, denounce them?"

regular people with actual things to do just ignore them.

Most liberal democrats ignore them. Get on with their day.

#41 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-10 05:41 PM

Gotta run.....have a good night.

#42 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-10 05:41 PM

Have we identified any of them?
They were in a U-Haul so that tells you they didn't want a tag ran so this is all evidence they don't feel comfortable being identified.

Same with the KKK. Weird right?

Maybe because they know their actions are reprehensible and repulsive.

I'm not sure why you're pretending racism is logical. It's usually carried out by mentally disturbed individuals.

But if this country just outright embraces them then why the attempt at anonymity??

Because, thankfully, there's still a segment of Americans who find racism repugnant.

Who would gladly punch these cowards in their faces.

You're saying it's not even Taboo to dress up as a Nazi and protest out in the open during the day?

Is it not? Did the klan not hold marches and rallies? Did conservatives not march with torches chanting "Jews will not replace us?" What is the topic of this thread? Are you confused?

Are you sure you believe that?

Ohio Nazis are testing how far their action will be tolerated. Not by their own Trump loving ilk, but by all of society.

The fact they felt comfortable enough to march in the first place shows the direction we're heading in. Completely thanks to the Republican Party, Trump and Sieg Musk.

How comfortable would they have felt doing that in the 50s, right after WW2 when all Americans agreed Nazis were bad?

Why are republicans supporting Nazis?

Don't you think the correct response to seeing a person with a Nazi flag be to punch them?

Why don't republicans agree?

#43 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-10 06:07 PM

"I don't gotta sell shht."

you don't....but you keep trying anyway.

I will always point out that republicans are disgustingly comfortable with Nazis.

Every chance I get.

and THAT speaks volumes

The fact you seem to believe it's not a big deal also speaks volumes.

I'm comfortable with my volumes.

Are you comfortable with yours?

"After all, what are people supposed to do, denounce them?"

regular people with actual things to do just ignore them.

Ignoring Nazis emboldens them.

Had these Nazi cowards not been chased off, they would have seen their behavior as acceptable.

Regular people punch Nazis.

Nazis ignore what Nazis are doing.

That's how it worked in Germany.

That's how Trump and Republicans are hoping it will work in America.

Most liberal democrats ignore them.

Who were those people who chased them away? Bunch of moderate independents?

Get on with their day.

You should get on with your day, you're a post away from admitting you see nothing wrong with Nazis.

#44 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-10 06:15 PM

Gotta run.....have a good night.

You really ought to.


#45 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-10 06:15 PM

Nazi's killed, what 6Million
Communist have killed 100Million

#14 | Posted by oneironaut

Communists aren't a problem in 2025 moron.

Nazis are.

#46 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2025-02-10 07:20 PM

That idiot claims to be an open borders liberal.

He hasn't a clue with fascism or communism are

He's just desperate for attention and relevancy.

#47 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-11 01:20 AM

a rented U-Haul truck so it's hard to find out who they are.


#7 | Posted by eberly

More likely they didn't want those oh-so-brave First Amendment advocates to take down their license plate numbers and find them later.

#48 | Posted by Dbt2 at 2025-02-11 02:51 AM

Clownshack, seriously good commentary on this thread. I think Eberly is trying to understand, but I doubt he'll ever make it.

You have to stand up against people waving swastikas. Our country is a mess right now, and it's because not enough people have stood up already.

#49 | Posted by cbob at 2025-02-11 06:22 AM

"I think Eberly is trying to understand, but I doubt he'll ever make it."

understand what? Oh dear!! what will I ever do????? guys are the absolute dumbest people I've ever seen.

You're can't have your way. You're all throwing yourselves a pity party on this thread.

I absolutely applaud these folks for standing up to these --------.

and YOU KNOW that.

I get all of it and you KNOW I get all of it.

What you're crying about is that YOU CANT GET YOUR WAY which is that our society isn't taking action against such folks in the numbers you want.

You want to call every person who didn't vote for Harris a Nazi or a racist. Admit it....for once in your ------ life....ADMIT it.

------ children...that's all you are. kids throwing a pity party because you can't sit at the cool kids table.

There is no cool kids table.

I don't like it that way too many people in this country didn't want to vote for a black woman against Trump.

But they didn't. I'd tell you to get over it but that's futile.

But please keep on with this calling everyone who didn't vote for Harris a racist and a nazi.

You possess the same rights as the coward nazi protesters. I'll continue to watch.

and continue to blame me for your outrage.

#50 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-11 08:14 AM

-Had these Nazi cowards not been chased off, they would have seen their behavior as acceptable.

look at you getting into the head of nazi.

how about that.

No, you moron. They STILL see their behavior as acceptable. They'll just blame the zionist and the ni$$ers who have taken over their decent white man's society.

They STILL think they are right.

God, you are dumb

#51 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-11 08:17 AM

-Regular people punch Nazis.

Those people who showed up....did they throw a punch?

don't think so.

would you? you're too ------ scared to do anything, coward.

You should thank god for their efforts. It's not like you'll ever generate any

#52 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-11 08:19 AM

"You have to stand up against people waving [hakenkreuz]"

You mean like the OP did in the first comment?

#53 | Posted by sentinel at 2025-02-11 10:07 AM

"You have to stand up against people ... ."

What you meant to say was that you have to count on others to stand up to people like that.

Face it, you'll never have the guts to do it

#54 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-11 10:17 AM

What you meant to say was that you have to count on others to stand up to people like that.

Face it, you'll never have the guts to do it

#54 | POSTED BY EBERLY AT 2025-02-11 10:17 AM | FLAG:

Don't take this the wrong way, but GFY.

#55 | Posted by cbob at 2025-02-11 01:05 PM


I expected you to take it personal

#56 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-11 02:12 PM

Jesus Christ, Eberly.

Way to have a meltdown.

For a moment it looked like SHRIMPdick was posting until I saw "POSTED BY EBERLY".

Find a brown paper bag and take some deep breaths.

You're hyperventilating.

#57 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-11 05:21 PM

fine but can you accept that doesn't change votes?
I think a lot of folks struggle with accepting that.
#20 | Posted by eberly

Is that what we're trying to do here on this most august site?

#58 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2025-02-11 05:59 PM

God, you are dumb
#51 | Posted by eberly

You're the one dropping N-bombs. JFC you dumb.

Swallow it.

#59 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2025-02-11 06:10 PM

Embedded GIF

#60 | Posted by rstybeach11 at 2025-02-11 06:14 PM

-Is that what we're trying to do here on this most august site?

Some retarded dolts such as yourself and clownswallows are.

But you're stupid. You can't help it. Neither can clown

Enjoy yourselves

#61 | Posted by eberly at 2025-02-11 08:06 PM

They STILL see their behavior as acceptable.

Then why are they hiding their faces?

Because they know their behavior is unacceptable.

The klan always hid their faces. Mostly because they're cowards. But also because even they knew their behavior was unacceptable.

They'll just blame the zionist and the ni$$ers who have taken over their decent white man's society.

They're conservatives. It's their nature.

They STILL think they are right.

Yes. They think they're right.

But they also know their behavior isn't seen as acceptable by a lot of people.

But they need to be reminded about this. Ignoring them isn't the correct behavior in the face of hate (Nazis).

You should never stand back and do nothing.

And to address your next post.

Some of the footage I saw showed people chasing the Nazis away.

Would I thorw a punch? I don't know. Getting in a fight wouldn't be anything new. (Though. I haven't been in a fight in decades.)

I definitely wouldn't ignore it. Hope the Nazis went away.

I hope society never gets to a point where they're tolerated.

But here we are. Our government is openly encouraging white supremacy.

But that's a different topic.

Sieg Heart.

#62 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-11 08:43 PM

Enjoy yourselves

Same! :)

#63 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-11 08:43 PM

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