Thursday, February 13, 2025

RFK Jr. Confirmed

Despite loud objections from Democrats, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. now leads the Department of Health and Human Services. The only Republican to vote no was Mitch McConnell.


RFK Jr. confirmed. There goes the health of our nation.[image or embed]

" Joyce White Vance ( February 13, 2025 at 11:57 AM


Polio Bob will help dotard make mass graves great again.

#1 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-02-13 11:45 AM

Of course he was. This is Trump's party now.

#2 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-02-13 11:47 AM

Make Alphaviruses Great Again!

#3 | Posted by Danforth at 2025-02-13 11:49 AM


#4 | Posted by fortfisher at 2025-02-13 11:52 AM

only a moron would cheer for RFK jr. He doesn't even know the difference between medicare and medicaid.

#5 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2025-02-13 12:26 PM

At least he knows the difference between a man and a woman. And he doesn't cross dress while stealing expensive luggage at the airports.

#6 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2025-02-13 12:44 PM

At least he knows the difference between a man and a woman.


Really? Did he 'splain it to you?

This appointment is grotesque, but brings meaningfully nearer my predictions of plague and death.

#7 | Posted by Zed at 2025-02-13 01:24 PM

And he doesn't cross dress while stealing expensive luggage at the airports.


How many deaths did this man cause in Somoa?

I can tell by what MAGA posts when you people are getting anxious.

Well, what can I say? Anxiety and dread are perfectly appropriate emotions given events of today.

#8 | Posted by Zed at 2025-02-13 01:27 PM


Confess that you're ashamed.

#9 | Posted by Zed at 2025-02-13 01:37 PM

RFK Jr is doing steroids.

Gender Affirming Care.

#10 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2025-02-13 01:37 PM

Confess that you're ashamed.

#9 | Posted by Zed at 2025-02-13 01:37 PM | Reply | Flag:

Shame requires self reflection and honesty. Good luck with lefthandturd.

#11 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2025-02-13 01:39 PM

RFK Jr is doing steroids.

Gender Affirming Care.

Posted by Alexandrite at 2025-02-13 01:37 PM | Reply


#12 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-02-13 01:39 PM

His confirmation should come with a stipulation that all of his communication has to be written. He has a terrible voice.

#13 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-13 01:44 PM

Andrea Junker

1. Chickenpox
2. Diphtheria
3. Measles
4. Pertussis
5. Pneumococcal Infection
6. Polio
7. Tetanus
8. Typhoid
9. Yellow Fever
10. Smallpox


#14 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-02-13 01:49 PM

His confirmation should come with a stipulation that all of his communication has to be written. He has a terrible voice.


That's all you have to say?

You uphold my opinion of you.

#15 | Posted by Zed at 2025-02-13 01:57 PM

The US government no longer exists. Congress has abdicated their duty to the people and the Supreme Court has given their rubber stamp.

#16 | Posted by johnny_hotsauce at 2025-02-13 01:58 PM


Still plumbing the depths to see if you people have any bottom to your behavior.

It's shaping up to be the Marianas Trench.

#17 | Posted by Zed at 2025-02-13 01:59 PM

Out of all the picks, this one was the best eff you at the deep state.

#18 | Posted by Bluewaffles at 2025-02-13 01:59 PM

Mitch seems to be trying to make up for his past mistakes... he's got a long way to go.
He needs to get a couple of more Sens to help a Mitch out.

I would trade this brain-addled Kennedy for Jack or Bobby any day.
I had to watch them murdered in real time, Martin, too, when I was just a kid.

#19 | Posted by Corky at 2025-02-13 02:01 PM

Out of all the picks, this one was the best eff you at the deep state.


No, of all the picks this was the perfect one to confirm what nasty, evil, jackasses you people are.

But actually, #18 is an even better way to confirm that.

#20 | Posted by Zed at 2025-02-13 02:01 PM

Let's all welcome back polio and building good ol' iron lungs with US steel and aluminum.

Maybe we can get smallpox back as well.

Good thing abortion will be outlawed as we will need all the babies we can get with childhood mortality about to take a steep climb.

Can't wait to see the response when these bird flus make the jump to airborne transmission between humans.

#21 | Posted by MBlue at 2025-02-13 02:01 PM

Out of all the picks, this one was the best eff you at the deep state.

#18 | Posted by Bluewaffles

Yeah nothing DEEP STATE about one of epstein's party pals hiring another of epstein's party pals.

#22 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2025-02-13 02:03 PM

Out of all the picks, this one was the best eff you at the deep state.

Posted by Bluewaffles at 2025-02-13 01:59 PM | Reply

Your ignorant response is not a surprise. You have no clue how stupid you are.

#23 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-02-13 02:04 PM

A Multi millionaire Kennedy isn't "deep state"???

LMAO. He's as inner circle as it gets. Meritocracy be damned.

#24 | Posted by Alexandrite at 2025-02-13 02:05 PM

this one was the best eff you at the deep state.

Here's hoping your grandkids don't die of easily preventable diseases due to vaccines being made illegal.

But hey. Maybe you're okay with future Americans dying because the Republican Party is represented by the dumbest people available.

That's the kinda thing that seems to get you off.

Weird really.

But here you are.

#25 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-13 02:23 PM

Careful Clownshack, you're starting to sound like Zed and Legally bud.

#26 | Posted by Bluewaffles at 2025-02-13 02:39 PM

Careful Clownshack, you're starting to sound like Zed and Legally bud.


You people keep providing us with concrete evidences of the catastrophes we fear.

Things like this confirmation suggest that what we fear most is true:

MAGA actively wants to hurt people.

#27 | Posted by Zed at 2025-02-13 02:59 PM

RFK Jr. Confirmed

I feel more autistic already!

#28 | Posted by censored at 2025-02-13 03:04 PM

MAGA actively wants to hurt people.

#27 | Posted by Zed at 2025-02-13 02:59 PM | Reply | Flag:

Show us on the doll where the bad MAGA man touched you.

#29 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2025-02-13 03:05 PM

And Zed, you keep posting --------------------, but here we all are.

#30 | Posted by Bluewaffles at 2025-02-13 03:11 PM

Show us on the doll where the bad MAGA man touched you.

#29 | Posted by lfthndthrds

Maybe listen to the recordings of trump admitting he downplayed the threat of covid when he knew it was far more lethal than he was saying.

#31 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2025-02-13 03:26 PM

So, you don't think RFKJR, who is vehemently against vaccines, is going to do anything to slow down or stop vaccines from going to the public?

Maybe I'm overreacting.

Guess we'll find out.

#32 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-13 03:34 PM

And he doesn't cross dress while stealing expensive luggage at the airports.


Neither did Biden's Secretary of HHS you braindead dumbf^%#.

#33 | Posted by jpw at 2025-02-13 03:35 PM

Out of all the picks, this one was the best eff you at the deep state.

How is that?

Or are you just mouthing words you've been told to say like a good little trained monkey?

#34 | Posted by jpw at 2025-02-13 03:37 PM

Every time someone posts about the "deep state", you know they haven't a clue wtf they're talking about.

Wanna fix the government?

Set age limits and term limits on all government employees including the Supreme Court justices.

70 should be the age of retirement, and 12 years should be the maximum amount of time anyone can serve in the government.
(Senators have 6 years terms)

#35 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-13 03:46 PM

WASHINGTON: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s confirmation as Health and Human Services Secretary on Thursday received a rousing thumbs-up from some of his most prominent supporters, the National Alliance of Funeral Directors.

"For years, the funeral industry has suffered as a result of the Democratic Party's unabashed anti-death agenda," the group said in an official statement. "We are confident that Secretary Kennedy will make death great again."

But the confirmation drew a less enthusiastic reaction from one of Kennedy's detractors, the worm who spent several years feasting on his brain.

"As a worm, you'd expect me to be pro-death," the worm said. "But this is insane."

In a more muted comment, Dr. Mehmet Oz said, "Well, at least I won't be the biggest quack in the government."

(The Borowitz Report)

#36 | Posted by lee_the_agent at 2025-02-13 03:48 PM

"6 million dead? Hold my Big Mac"

#37 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2025-02-13 03:54 PM

Neither did Biden's Secretary of HHS you braindead dumbf^%#.

#33 | Posted by jpw at 2025-02-13 03:35 PM | Reply | Flag:

I was talking about two of Biden's picks, raetard.

#38 | Posted by lfthndthrds at 2025-02-13 03:55 PM

but here we all are.


MAGA was saying that along about March, 2020.

And here you are not.

You're just one more coward afraid to play the realist.

#39 | Posted by Zed at 2025-02-13 03:57 PM


How many times do you people have to ride this merry-go-round?

There were 1.2 million COVID dead.

As many as 1.150 million of them were preventable.

You people are like dodo birds. Much too stupid to live.

And so a lot of you aren't going to.

#40 | Posted by Zed at 2025-02-13 04:01 PM

I hope JFK Jr goes after Froot Loops!

#41 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-02-13 04:11 PM

Careful Clownshack, you're starting to sound like Zed and Legally bud.


Starting to? You're too kind. He's been in one step ahead of those two.

#42 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-02-13 04:12 PM

Maybe listen to the recordings of trump admitting he downplayed the threat of covid when he knew it was far more lethal than he was saying.


Exactly, lets not forget Pelosi, running around China town in SFO. I recall those days, reading the news out of China, I thought she was ------- nuts.
And imagine the whole time Congress was trying to impeach Trump while this was going on.

#43 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-02-13 04:14 PM

Hush now, 1Nut.

No one is talking to you and no one cares what you have to say.

#44 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-13 04:14 PM

lets not forget Pelosi, running around China town in SFO.

Oh yes. Let's not.

Thanks for the memories.

#45 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-13 04:16 PM

A Multi millionaire Kennedy isn't "deep state"???
LMAO. He's as inner circle as it gets. Meritocracy be damned.

All his money is from Cheryl Hines, she worked, not sure what you're saying, women don't work?

#46 | Posted by oneironaut at 2025-02-13 04:16 PM

Well Zed, I remember you all going on and on about how enough Republicans died that you'd have a permanent majority. Exactly how did that work out for you guys in 2024?

#47 | Posted by Bluewaffles at 2025-02-13 04:17 PM

Exactly how did that work out for you guys in 2024?

Based on the final vote tally.

2024 was less of a win for Trump and more rejection by America for a Southeast Asian/ Jamaican Female President.

Trump really didn't gain much in terms of the popular vote compared to 2020.

Republicans are lucky, had the Dems run a basic white guy, he would have won.

#48 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-13 04:36 PM

"LFTHNDTHRDS must have such eoty life to spend so much time and energy hating on people who don't care what he thinks about anything. The are busy living their lives and not wasting their of their time or energy he spends so much time and energy are going about their live not wasting and energy caring someone they don't know or care about or if he hates them or not. I think he should try getting a life of his own but haters aren't real popular with most normal people.

#49 | Posted by danni at 2025-02-13 04:39 PM

Well Zed, I remember you all going on and on about how enough Republicans died that you'd have a permanent majority.


I don't know about permanent majority.

I do know. that enough GOP died from COVID to swing some Congressional districts to the Democrats.

1) Do you admit that a disproportionate amount of Republicans died during COVID and

2) Do you really give any ---------?

#50 | Posted by Zed at 2025-02-13 04:58 PM


You people don't understand that the Bad Things are already happening.

Right now we're experiencing the previews of coming attractions at the movie show.

The double feature horror presentation comes in due time.

#51 | Posted by Zed at 2025-02-13 05:02 PM

" There were 1.2 million COVID dead.

As many as 1.150 million of them were preventable"

I've seen this bandied about before. It is such an incredibly stupid talking point. Completely unmoored from reality.

#52 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-13 05:33 PM

I've seen this bandied about before. It is such an incredibly stupid talking point. Completely unmoored from reality.

Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-13 05:33 PM | Reply

Says the guy who wouldn't take it seriously when it was occurring. You should really sit this one out Jeff. Seriously.

#53 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-02-13 05:35 PM

#53. You just make stuff up. I wore the stupid masks. I got the shots. I did the social distancing thing.

#54 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-13 05:44 PM

53. You just make stuff up. I wore the stupid masks. I got the shots. I did the social distancing thing.

Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-13 05:44 PM | Reply

Oh puhlease. You spread misinformation and lies about it and made jokes about it even when RCADE told you repeatedly to stop. Don't lie about it now Jeff.

#55 | Posted by LauraMohr at 2025-02-13 05:47 PM

Patricide Jeff claimed horse paste was a game changer.

#56 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-02-13 05:48 PM


#57 | Posted by THEBULL at 2025-02-13 06:27 PM

You are late to the party.

#58 | Posted by ClownShack at 2025-02-13 06:31 PM

I was talking about two of Biden's picks, raetard.


I know what your stupid trained monkey a%# was referring to, dumbf^%#.

Which is why I said what I said. F^%#ing idiot.

#59 | Posted by jpw at 2025-02-13 07:06 PM

" 55 | POSTED BY LAURAMOHR AT 2025-02-13 05:47 PM | FLAG: "

You clearly have me confused with someone else.

#60 | Posted by BellRinger at 2025-02-13 07:29 PM

And imagine the whole time Congress was trying to impeach Trump while this was going on.

#43 | Posted by oneironaut

A pandemic makes blackmailing our allies for personal gain totally fine? Repubs could have gotten rid of him right then, barred him from office, and had president pence do their bidding, but pence isn't evil enough to satisfy their bloodlust.

#61 | Posted by SpeakSoftly at 2025-02-13 07:34 PM

OH MY GAWD......


kind of like those tens and tens of millions of people died because they didn't get covid vaccine....

except they didn't....

#62 | Posted by shrimptacodan at 2025-02-14 07:11 AM

#62 | Posted by shrimptacodan

The millions who did die of COVID?

Chopped liver?

People like you in other words.

#63 | Posted by Zed at 2025-02-14 10:32 AM

I've seen this bandied about before. It is such an incredibly stupid talking point. Completely unmoored from reality.

#52 | Posted by BellRinger

Tell you what----

Why don't YOU come up with the figure of preventable COVID deaths in this country?

WARNING: whatever you come up with, without lying about it, I will use as a talking point.

#64 | Posted by Zed at 2025-02-14 10:36 AM

Polio Bob

That's a winner.

I refuse to listen to anyone that sounds like a garbage disposal full of pennies and looks like the skin of fried chicken for ANY medical advice.

This is truly the worst multiverse.

Dotard's retribution tour is clear. He wants to destroy the US once he and elmo rape the treasury. Nothing else could explain it.

#65 | Posted by Nixon at 2025-02-14 12:13 PM

There's a real chance that we staring down a new pandemic in the form of bird flu. It could never happen or happen in the coming months. And we are in the process of decimating our core national public health and infectious disease service.

~ Josh Marshall ~

#66 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-02-14 05:03 PM

The ongoing measles outbreak in Texas' South Plains region is now the largest the state has seen in more than three decades.

The Texas Department of State Health Services reported on Friday there are now 48 identified measles cases, largely among children. The case count includes 13 hospitalizations.

February 14, 2025
In shock announcement, Trump Administration
This is an external link
over 1,000 CDC workers in single day

More than 10% of CDC workforce laid off

Sen. Ossoff: "Indefensible, indiscriminate firing of more than 1,000 CDC personnel in a single day leaves Americans exposed to disease and devastates careers and livelihoods for the world's most talented doctors and scientists"

#67 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2025-02-14 05:16 PM

#67 | Posted by reinheitsgebot

I'm sorry. Not because I had anything to do with it, but because it sucks.

Wash your hands y'all...

You know the rest.

#68 | Posted by billy_boy at 2025-02-14 10:57 PM

I'm sure he's going to get Monsanto to stop producing Round Up any day now.

#69 | Posted by TFDNihilist at 2025-02-15 07:58 AM

This country's too stupid and corrupt to survive. It's been a nice run. We did it to ourselves.

#70 | Posted by morris at 2025-02-15 12:55 PM

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