Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Thursday, July 18, 2024

One third of those who support Trump's Democratic presidential rival Joe Biden said they believe the attack may have been staged and had never been intended to kill the former president.


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"And even some of Trump's own supporters believe the same thing, with around 12 percent suspecting the event was planned, according to the poll conducted by Morning Consult, an American business intelligence company."

#1 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-18 06:39 PM | Reply

I can't image why anyone would believe that Donald Trump, lifelong liar and manipulator, wouldn't be capable of faking this.

He has yet to release the medical report on his injuries.

#2 | Posted by Zed at 2024-07-18 07:51 PM | Reply

If his ear was hit by a high velocity bullet it would have taken the entire ear off.
It was hit by shrapnel or he was injured by the secret service taking him to the ground.

#3 | Posted by a_monson at 2024-07-19 03:01 AM | Reply

If his ear was hit by a high velocity bullet it would have taken the entire ear off.

I do wonder about that. An "AR Type" bullet is pretty small, 55ish grains, but cooking along around 2700 fps. Be a bit of a shock wave.

#4 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-07-19 03:24 AM | Reply

Of course it was staged.

There's no doubt about it.

#5 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-19 03:46 AM | Reply

This is so incredibly stupid.

He was shot at. Period. A brave man nearby was killed using his body as a shield. 2 others were critically wounded. The shooter was shot dead by counter-snipers.

Trump got his ear grazed and was within an inch or two of losing his life.

We have video footage. People on the ground testimony. Coroner reports.

This was an absolute assassination attempt. If you want to try and find a conspiracy it would be the epic failure of the SS and local law enforcement to prevent this.

This guy wasn't some skilled sniper or retired marine He was a 20 year old nerd who got kicked out of a gun class a couple of years prior because he was so inaccurate that he was deemed dangerous. Yet he went about his activities in the open with concerned witnesses alerting authorities several minutes beforehand and Trump was still brought on stage and minimal actions were taken via the warnings.

An unskilled hack was an inch or two away with his terrible aim of assassinating a major party candidate and the left is conjuring conspiracy theories as if it was staged and the Biden ado in fully supports the SS after this.

#6 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-07-19 03:48 AM | Reply

Of course it was staged.

My bet is the attack was real, but I'm not convinced he was actually hit by a bullet.

#7 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-07-19 03:53 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

If his ear was hit by a high velocity bullet it would have taken the entire ear off.
It was hit by shrapnel or he was injured by the secret service taking him to the ground.

#8 | Posted by a_monson at 2024-07-19 04:44 AM | Reply

Hey, it would appear nearly 70% of Americans believe in ... angels (www.pbs.org).

#9 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-07-19 07:44 AM | Reply

My bet is the attack was real, but I'm not convinced he was actually hit by a bullet.

That's my bet too. The attack was real (although Crooks would have just as happily shot at Biden whose rally schedule he also Googled if Biden had been at that same venue), and Trump was likely hit by flying debris (just as the four officer who were standing near him were).

#10 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-19 08:19 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

The ear amputation conspiracy theory.

Morons that don't know how ballistics work and think a 4 gram 5.6mm piece of lead causes explosions wherever it touches.

#11 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-07-19 09:33 AM | Reply

#s 7 & 10,

I think you're both right. If he was hit by a bullet there would have been obvious swelling and bruising.

Maybe even some hearing damage from something moving that fast passing so close this ear canal.

#12 | Posted by qcp at 2024-07-19 10:18 AM | Reply

You don't get hearing damage from a bullet whizzing close by. A .223 with zero room to expand makes an exit hole the size of the entry hole. It takes 4" for expansion to start. It doesn't rip off an ear and take it with it. He got a 5.6mm helix piercing, all evidence available supports it, none supports injury from glass debris, even wikipedia agrees with multiple citations.

A 0.5 MOA adjustment, 2 clicks right, and Trump would be no more. No matter how bad people want it to be anything but Trump being able to say he got shot, he got shot.

#13 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-07-19 10:32 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1


Sitz, serious question: I'm not an expert on bullet trajectory, but does the angle of that bullet from Trump's ear indicate that it would have hit the upper part of said ear?:

Sue Huybensz (she/her)
This photo was taken by a NY Times photographer using 8000 speed film. It was discovered by his editor later. It proves he was hit by a bullet.


#14 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-19 10:45 AM | Reply

The angle seems off to me, but like I said I'm not an expert. If the bullet had grazed the upper part of his ear, would it be seen exiting at that angle and in a fairly straight line?

#15 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-19 10:48 AM | Reply

It's all consistent. He's only alive because he turned his head to look at a chart and took the textbook definition of a "flesh wound".

The conspiracy theories on both sides are just petty politics.

#16 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-07-19 11:05 AM | Reply

This photo was taken by a NY Times photographer using 8000 speed film.

To nitpick, a 1/8000 second shutter speed and "8000 speed film" are entirely different things. Even the idea of "film" is kind of funny.

#17 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-07-19 11:11 AM | Reply

No, without a medical report or a police report of any kind, it's not petty politics to question if Trump was grazed by a bullet or hit by flying debris just as the cops who were near him were:

UPDATE 4:50 p.m. Sunday

11 Investigates has learned that four Pittsburgh police officers assigned to the former president's motorcade yesterday suffered minor injuries during the shooting.

The four motorcycle officers were part of Donald Trump's escort to and from the rally in Butler.

Sources tell Chief Investigator Rick Earle the officers were just feet away from Trump when shots rang out. The four officers suffered minor injuries from flying debris caused by the bullets.

Sources say the officers were hit with either plastic or metal fragments when the bullets struck objects nearby.

They were treated at the scene. They were okay to escort Trump back to the airport in Pittsburgh last night after he was treated at Butler Memorial Hospital.


Trust but verify, but in this case I don't trust Trump. He is a pathological liar, and in his mind it probaby makes for a more compelling story if he was grazed by the bullet than hit by flying debris. If he was crazed by a bullet, okay. Republicans are still claiming, however, that the shooter was out to kill Trump because of Democrats' rhetoric against him, and so far at least there isn't evidence of that either. In fact what little evidence has come out indicates Crooks searched on both Biden and Trump's rally schedules, and had photos of Biden, Trump, Merritt Garland and Christopher Wray on his phone, so it doesn't look right now that he was looking to target only Trump and/or Republicans.

#18 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-19 11:20 AM | Reply

5.56 reported.

#19 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-19 11:21 AM | Reply

I have no doubt that bullets were flying. I have no doubt that one person was killed by the shooter. I have no doubt two others were injured from the shooter's gunfire.

I also saw close up pictures of Trump's ear afterwards and it looks undamaged, just bloody. Could it be debris that hit him? I think so - however if it was the teleprompter screen that should be obvious. The teleprompter screen would be obliterated. I haven't looked for that in the "after" pics. That'd be interesting to see.

But could it be a bullet? Seems like it (even with Trump's exaggeration of the event).
Could it be something else? I think it could be.

But either way, the shooter's actions cause the death of one person, put two others in the hospital, and resulted in Trump's ear being cut.

#20 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-19 11:27 AM | Reply

My bet is the attack was real, but I'm not convinced he was actually hit by a bullet.

Posted by REDIAL at 2024-07-19 03:53 AM | Reply

If he were hit with an AR-15 shell he'd need more than his prop tampon on his boo boo. The bullets and velocity are designed to destroy whatever is hit.

This just proves why the AR-15 is not a hunting rifle. It is designed to spray the target area with bullets rapid fire and not a precision hunting tool.

#21 | Posted by Nixon at 2024-07-19 11:31 AM | Reply

Just checked - both teleprompter screens were intact after the shooting.

#22 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-19 11:31 AM | Reply

both teleprompter screens were intact after the shooting.

I saw a pic that showed a nick on the corner of one of them.

#23 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-07-19 11:38 AM | Reply

"Could it be debris that hit him? I think so - however if it was the teleprompter screen that should be obvious. The teleprompter screen would be obliterated. I haven't looked for that in the "after" pics. That'd be interesting to see."

People claim the teleprompters were intact. I've even seen reports that they are designed to be shatterproof. Again, okay, but what caused the flying debris that injured those officers? Maybe they came from the podium and hit those officers but not Trump himself. Could be. Or maybe they weren't injured at all and that report is bogus? IMO, more information is needed.

#24 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-19 11:40 AM | Reply

The bullets and velocity are designed to destroy whatever is hit.

That depends. If you shot a can of beer ala Kid Rock it would blow it to bits. If you shot an empty beer can it would go right through and probably not even knock the can over.

#25 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-07-19 11:41 AM | Reply

But either way, the shooter's actions cause the death of one person, put two others in the hospital, and resulted in Trump's ear being cut.


#26 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-19 11:41 AM | Reply

I saw a pic that showed a nick on the corner of one of them.

That's interesting. I just found one of the scene far enough back to see both screens - didn't zoom in or try to find other images. I may look some more, just out of curiosity.

If you shot an empty beer can it would go right through and probably not even knock the can over.
Are you saying Trump's head is empty?

#27 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-19 11:46 AM | Reply

I may look some more, just out of curiosity.

The reported damage I saw in one pic might well have just been a reflection of something.

#28 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-07-19 12:05 PM | Reply

Here is video MAGA supporters day is proof Trump was shot in the ear:

David J Harris Jr
Wow! New video shows Trump's ear getting shot by the bullet in slow-motion!

This truly was a miracle we all witnessed friends!

God is with Trump, and all of us that fight for him!


#29 | Posted by Gal_Tuesday at 2024-07-19 12:10 PM | Reply

Here is video MAGA supporters day is proof Trump was shot in the ear

Were the other people that got hit being used as his background props? The blonde behind him sure ducked fast.

#30 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-07-19 12:26 PM | Reply

No, without a medical report or a police report of any kind, it's not petty politics to question if Trump was grazed by a bullet or hit by flying debris just as the cops who were near him were:

#18 | POSTED BY GAL_TUESDAY AT 2024-07-19 11:20 AM | FLAG:

I'm speaking more broadly to the extent of the conspiracy theories, like Trump flopping as a soccer player does and blading himself (a wrestling term), and he was never supposed to be shot. A lot of it on both sides is being fueled by Russian disinfo bots.

#31 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-07-19 01:40 PM | Reply

If he were hit with an AR-15 shell he'd need more than his prop tampon on his boo boo. The bullets and velocity are designed to destroy whatever is hit.
This just proves why the AR-15 is not a hunting rifle. It is designed to spray the target area with bullets rapid fire and not a precision hunting tool.

#21 | POSTED BY NIXON AT 2024-07-19 11:31 AM | FLAG:

Like this one. This could be a disinfo bot. It's stating multiple things that factually are not true and wrapped around a concept that physics has shown us is empirically false.

#32 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-07-19 01:43 PM | Reply

Sitz, you seem like a person who never questions the government.

Whatever they tell is the truth, right?

The fact that no blood was trickling down the side of his face, I've seen people scrape themselves and bleed out more than Trump did from his "gun shot wound."

Maybe his blood is like molasses from all the junk food he eats.

#33 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-19 01:54 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

Maybe his blood is like molasses from all the junk food he eats.

His doctor said he was "bleeding like crazy" when treated at the hospital.

#34 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-07-19 02:03 PM | Reply

Trump's doctor said something? Then it must be true!


#35 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-19 02:13 PM | Reply


I did not say that.

#36 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-07-19 02:19 PM | Reply

Oh. Sorry. That was tongue in cheek.

#37 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-19 02:20 PM | Reply

What have you got in your cheek, young man?

Spit that thing out now!

#38 | Posted by Corky at 2024-07-19 02:24 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

A tongue.

I made sure to wash it first.

I swear!

#39 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-19 02:50 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

His doctor Ronny Johnson?

#40 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-19 03:19 PM | Reply

His doctor Ronny Johnson?


#41 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-07-19 03:23 PM | Reply

Sitz, you seem like a person who never questions the government.

#33 | POSTED BY CLOWNSHACK AT 2024-07-19 01:54 PM | FLAG:


Clownshack, you seem like a person who says "controlled demolition".

#42 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-07-19 04:40 PM | Reply

You seem like the type of person who believes jet fuel can melt steel and that building 7 actually collapsed from damage it sustained from falling debris.

Buddy. You may not remember. But we discussed 9/11 at lengths.

Like I said. You're the type of person who believes what the government is telling you without thinking twice.

Because, why would they lie to you.

#43 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-19 04:56 PM | Reply

I've been shot! I'm bleeding!! Where's my shoes!!!

#44 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-19 08:14 PM | Reply

Had Trump been shot, a picture of his ear would have been on the cover of TIME magazine.

Every news station would have shown it, every publication would have printed it.

Suddenly Trump is modest?


#45 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-19 08:16 PM | Reply

Here ya go:
Click to zoom in.

#46 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-19 08:42 PM | Reply

Snopes take on the "ear conspiracy"

#47 | Posted by homerj at 2024-07-19 09:55 PM | Reply


#48 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-19 10:50 PM | Reply

Here ya go:
Click to zoom in.

I did. Where am I supposed to be looking?

What part of that ear was hit?

Looks like they popped a blood squib on his ear.

#49 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-20 12:58 AM | Reply

For me I see one spot for sure - back top of the ear on the auricle, and I believe a second spot that is front/top of the ear. There the auricle extension appears missing.

But mostly I just provided the picture for people to make up their own minds.

#50 | Posted by YAV at 2024-07-20 08:30 AM | Reply

#43 | POSTED BY CLOWNSHACK AT 2024-07-19 04:56 PM | REPLY

Haha a Truther. Now an Ear Truther.

You're QAnon but left wing.

#51 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-07-20 09:15 AM | Reply

Right with the fire melting steel trope lol, as if the elasticity doesn't fail well before melt point.

There's easier ways to say you didn't go to college.

#52 | Posted by sitzkrieg at 2024-07-20 09:16 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

You're QAnon but left wing. #51 | Posted by sitzkrieg

BlueAnon. ("'BlueAnon' conspiracy theories flood social media after Trump rally shooting: Researchers who track online conspiracies say liberals are increasingly vulnerable to - and generating - QAnon-like bursts of misinformation." www.washingtonpost.com)

#53 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-20 12:04 PM | Reply

Haha a Truther.

I know! The truth is our government's worst enemy.

Thankfully for them, there are people like you who full heartedly believe in whatever they tell you.

#54 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-20 04:36 PM | Reply


Oh look, Netanyahu's biggest supporter showed up.

You buy property in Gaza yet? I hear it will be beautiful after the Palestinians are removed and the area gets redeveloped.

#55 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-20 04:39 PM | Reply

full heartedly = fool heartedly.

#56 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-07-20 04:40 PM | Reply

Real video released. Blew my mind!


#57 | Posted by censored at 2024-07-21 09:44 AM | Reply

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Drudge Retort