
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Sunday, August 25, 2024

Before Vice President Kamala Harris took the stage for her big moment at the Democratic National Convention on Thursday, the lineup was peppered with some unlikely speakers: a bevy of Republicans, including some who worked in former President Donald Trump's administration.



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Many said they don't agree with Harris on everything, but that they're choosing a candidate who at least knows right from wrong. Several shared their journey from diehard Trump supporter to DNC speaker, pleading with Americans not to vote for him.

*Stephanie Grisham - Former White House press secretary
*Rep. Adam Kinzinger - Former Republican Congressman
*Mayor John Giles - Republican mayor of Mesa, Ariz.
*Olivia Troye - Counterterrorism advisor to former Vice President Mike Pence
*Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan - Former Georgia Republican Lt. Gov.
*Rich Logis - Florida co-chair for Republicans for Harris
*Kyle Sweetser - Former Trump voter from Mobile, Alabama
*Ana Navarro - Republican television commentator

I lived 64 years and never have heard of more than a couple partisans leaving their party and then publicly dragging their former party's nominee at the other party's convention. Zell Miller comes to mind back in 2004, and Tulsi Gabbard today, but certainly not anyone who worked in or around any Democratic president's administration - unlike the dozens of former Trump staffers and officials waving the red flag in warning all fellow Americans of the danger the GOP nominee and former President presents this nation should he be re-elected again and be given the immense powers of the presidency.

Hopefully, enough American voters hear their cries and lamentations while making the right choice in this year's election. We always say that those closest to someone knows them better than anyone offering critiques from the outside. Most of these people had to deal with Trump on some level, and like sane, rational Americans, found his leadership to be in service not to America, but to the only one that Trump truly cares about: Donald Trump.

#1 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-08-24 07:29 PM | Reply

How many former Republican Presidents were at the RNC to support fmr Pres Trump's nomination?

#2 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-24 07:44 PM | Reply

How many former Republican Presidents were at the RNC to support fmr Pres Trump's nomination?

In 3 conventions, there hasn't been a single former GOP President nor Vice President to attend in support of Donald Trump. Hell, his OWN VP didn't attend this year and continues to openly tell Americans that Trump has proven his unfitness for office due to his conduct surrounding and including January 6, 2021 when he tried to overturn the will of the American voters by instituting an insurrection riot at the Capitol.

#3 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-08-24 07:51 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

@#1 ... Hopefully, enough American voters hear their cries and lamentations while making the right choice in this year's election. ...

That's key.

Will VP Harris be able to turn the current enthusiasm into voter turnout for her and the down-ballot Democrats?

Time will tell.

There are skeptics...

OpEd: Is Kamala Harris' Bubble Bursting?

... Vice President Kamala Harris' political "honeymoon" could be coming to an end, according to one prominent political scientist who warned that the Democratic presidential nominee is likely to face increased scrutiny of her policy proposals that he said are "arguably far to the left of the median U.S. voter."

The claim was made to Newsweek by Thomas Gift, who heads the Center on U.S. Politics at University College London, though another American politics expert said Harris' speech to the Democratic National Convention (DNC) is likely to "extend her honeymoon period into next week."

Harris quickly established herself as the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee after President Joe Biden announced he was withdrawing from the race on July 21 and endorsed Harris. She proceeded to poll ahead of former President Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, in more than a dozen surveys and for a time became favorite to win November's election with a number of leading bookmakers.

However, over the past few days Harris has suffered a number of blows, and on Thursday bookmakers Paddypower, Betfair, William Hill and were once again offering more favorable odds of Trump winning the presidency than her.

This week also saw the publication of a Navigator Research poll of five battleground states that found Harris either tied with Trump, or behind him, in all of them.

For the survey, 600 likely voters were questioned in each of Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and North Carolina. It found Trump was ahead of Harris in Arizona and Pennsylvania, by 1 and 2 percentage points, respectively, while the rivals were tied in Michigan, North Carolina and Wisconsin. In 2020, Biden won Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, though he narrowly lost North Carolina. ...

#4 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-08-24 07:53 PM | Reply

the Democratic presidential nominee is likely to face increased scrutiny of her policy proposals

To be fair, that's a better argument than she ------ her way into the job and her VP beat up his kid onstage.

#5 | Posted by REDIAL at 2024-08-24 08:14 PM | Reply

the Democratic presidential nominee is likely to face increased scrutiny of her policy proposals

I get so tired of the "policy" canards that I can't see straight, especially when coming form those already committed to Trump - the candidate with NO PLATFORM for the second consecutive election cycle. Questioning what precisely are Harris' policies ignores that which is manifestly clear in U.S. Government: A President can only propose, Congress has to ascent to any and everything - including bringing any legislation to the floor of the House and Senate where the minority party can kill any bill as long as the legislative filibuster remains intact.

And on top of this, the world we live in changes by the minute, not just days, weeks, months, or years. All Presidents have to be ready to tack at a moment's notice, and what they say today may become moot or counterproductive based on changing events beyond their control.

All any voter needs to know about Kamala Harris has already been said over and over again. If it's something to improve the lives, health, and wellbeing of the majority of Americans and their families (not just the wealthy in service of discredited trickle-down fantasies) through the assistance of the government, she's for it. If it's something to make this nation more secure within our borders, while in concert making sure we treat migrants with the dignity deserved towards people willing to travel thousands of miles by foot simply to try and provide a better life for themselves and their children, she'll likely support and champion it. If it's supporting our democratic allies as they stand against the tyranny of dictators and autocrats who're trying to undermine the legitimacy of self determination, then she'll be the warrior we need should battles need to be joined. If not, then she'll always stand for peaceful discourse over armed conflict, and for peoples to come to rational agreements instead of reaching for their weapons when disputes and arguments arise.

#6 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-08-25 07:48 AM | Reply

She wants the best for all Americans regardless of where they come from and what they believe to be their individual roles in this experiment called America. She will protect the vulnerable from the predators - as she's successfully done as a life-long prosecutor and particularly as California's Attorney General who successfully sued companies taking financial advantage of unknowing citizens. She go to be at night thinking about what's best for you and your neighbors and wake up the next day focused on the same. She'll do the very best that she can given the circumstances of the moment with the eternal caveat - she's not superhuman, she's fallible. Do not expect perfection or every decision to be the one that you might make. But if our course needs to change, she will not stubbornly cling to a decision because of her ego, she'll recalibrate as necessary, something most non-egocentric people rationally do.

What she won't do is lie incessantly, whine and complain about how everything is so unfair towards her. She won't scapegoat others for her own faults, failures, and shortcomings. She won't try to pit one group of Americans against another group simply for her own political benefit. She will not demand cultish devotion nor speak of others in juvenile nicknames and pejoratives, fully aware when seeking to reach consensus an effective leader must give respect in order to gain respect in return.

In a nutshell, her "policies" are to respect that every American was born with unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, not to be abridged by how others view anyone's choices as long as they don't violate other laws or restrictions tied to actual public safety concerns. And lastly she'll govern to serve the interests of "The People" not just her campaign's major donor's and supporter's wishes. IOW, she'll be a decent person that you'll be proud to call your President, not an attention-seeking buffoon, with one foot in front of the law and another ready to boot said laws if given the power and opportunity no American should ever have - to become the sole judge and jury of one's own illegal conduct.

#7 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-08-25 07:48 AM | Reply

never heard of anyone on the list. anyway, I wonder how much they got paid

#8 | Posted by Maverick at 2024-08-25 01:51 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

Well, if you've never heard of them, it can't be true.

#9 | Posted by ClownShack at 2024-08-25 02:04 PM | Reply

I wonder how much they got paid


As we have learned ... Republican accusations are actually confessions.

#10 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-25 03:25 PM | Reply

never heard of anyone on the list. anyway, I wonder how much they got paid

#8 | Posted by Maverick at 2024-08-25 01:51 PM | Reply | Flag:
| Funny: 1

Congratulations. Two remarks of no substance in one short post.

#11 | Posted by cbob at 2024-08-25 04:04 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Notwithstanding the meritless speculation above about being paid...

A thoughtful GOP voter/leader might ask, why would so many prominent voices in your own team not only fail to support your nominee but also to go much further than that, taking the extreme step of speaking against him before the opposing party's convention?

Are they simply to be dismissed as "disloyal" and never "real" Republicans to begin with?

Or is this an opportunity to do some reflection on what has happened to your party?

#12 | Posted by cbob at 2024-08-25 04:15 PM | Reply

Or is this an opportunity to do some reflection on what has happened to your party?


Umm hello? it's the maga party ... so no.

#13 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-08-25 08:25 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

It's clear they never real republicans to begin with. There's a lot of them and they can't stand that a person like Trump has come along with an America first message and follow through. Not giving in to the war drums and not bending to their special interest whims.

They don't know what to do or where to go so they jump ship to the party that still follows their war party masters and special interest whims. The fact that these people can support a candidate literally diametrically opposed to everything they allegedly stand for says a lot about them. They could just not vote or find a suitable third party candidate but they actually have 0 principles to begin with and that's been the problem the entire time.

#14 | Posted by THEBULL at 2024-08-25 11:34 PM | Reply

It's clear they never real republicans to begin with.

It's clear that you have no idea what a "Republican" has historically been. Trump is NOT a Republican, has NEVER been a Republican, and will never be a Republican.

Trump is a narcissistic sociopath and cult leader with autocratic tendencies willing to destroy America's belief in constitutional government and the Rule of Law. None of the aforementioned behaviors are tenets of the Republican Party prior to Donald Trump's takeover of the complete apparatus.

The people above are the REAL REPUBLICANS because their issues with Trump transcend politics and are based on his manifest unfitness for holding the highest office in America only to make his federal criminal indictments go away by exploiting the immense powers granted the POTUS to place his criminality above the law.

If being a Republican today means that constitutional laws don't apply for holding them accountable, alliances and treaties are optional, and half of this nation's populace should be viewed as enemies if they dare disagree with Trump and Trumpism when our Constitution mandates that every citizen retains equal rights to all others, and lastly that the office of the President is one where the occupant is free to enrich himself and his family businesses regardless of what the Emoluments Clause states, then the 8 above absolutely aren't Republicans.

But you've got it backwards. Being a supporter of Trump is the antithesis of what being a Republican has always been up until Trump. In truth, Trump is the RINO, not his critics from within the established party's historical foundation.

#15 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-08-26 07:38 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

TheBull (manure) is funny.

#16 | Posted by Angrydad at 2024-08-26 05:30 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

More than 200 Bush, McCain, Romney alums endorse Harris for president, criticize Trump

Womp womp!

#17 | Posted by reinheitsgebot at 2024-08-26 05:37 PM | Reply

There's a lot of them and they can't stand that a person like Trump has come along

They articulated multiple reasons during their speeches you didn't listen to.

But of course you'd immediately jump to "They all hate Trump" because that's what Fatty says, so you say it too.

Your Eternal Victim card is played out. No one gives it any credence beyond your brain-dead MAGAMinions.

#18 | Posted by zarnon at 2024-08-26 08:21 PM | Reply


I'll bet there's a lot of stuff you've never heard of.
How to talk to a girl

#19 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-08-26 08:47 PM | Reply

But see, Trump is edgy. He's a maverick. He's his own man. He tells it like it is. He's fighting the system.

He only insults people all day long and screams like a raving lunatic 24 hours a day because he is playing 3-D chess that you weak minded libruls can't understand! He only appears to be making everything about himself, but in reality everything he does is because he loves America.

What a bunch of malarkey.

#20 | Posted by cbob at 2024-08-26 09:38 PM | Reply

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