"Thank goodness for The Young Turks, Democracy Now, Secular Talk, The Humanist Report, Rational National, et al."
You're just tuning in to the shows that tell you what you want to hear. No different than a conservative who is devoted to OANN or Newsmax.
Why pretend like you're some sort of open-minded objectivist who is trying to figure out where the truth is?
#28 | Posted by madbomber at 2024-09-28 03:52 PM
What is it that you don't want me to hear?
Those are moderated shows, but another half is dedicated news, mainly breaking from all over the world. Unfiltered, I decide who moderates best.
When I watch Newsmax, or MSN, Fox or CNN it's always without bias, but not blindness.
I'm subscribed to The Israeli Guys and Forbes, for instance.
So, if you know better, than whom?
If you say Hugh Hewitt, so help you.:]