
Drudge Retort: The Other Side of the News
Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The GOP nominee for president has never been one to play by the political rulebook, but his recent appearances have been especially bizarre: He's swayed onstage to music instead of taking questions, trashed people he's also trying to court as voters and spent precious time campaigning in solidly blue states, to name a few.



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Here are some of the puzzling things he's been up to lately in his race against Vice President Kamala Harris.

*His town hall became a 40-minute musical tribute

During a Pennsylvania town hall Monday night, Trump abruptly said he was done taking questions and wanted to "just listen to music," directing his staff to play "a couple of real beauties."

What followed was nearly 40 minutes of Trump singing along, swaying and lightly dancing on stage to a cover of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" and Franz Schubert's "Ave Maria," along with various hits by Sinead O'Connor, Elvis Presley, Guns N' Roses and the Village People.

*He inexplicably disparaged auto workers

Trump's campaign has been aggressively pursuing support from auto workers in Michigan, the capital of American car manufacturing. But he threw all that out the window Tuesday when he diminished their jobs as simply taking parts "out of a box" and said the work was so easy a child could do it.

"They build everything in Germany, and then they assemble it here. They get away with murder," Trump claimed during an appearance at the Economic Club of Chicago.

"They take them out of a box, and they assemble them. We could have our child doing it," he continued.

*He rattled off about Virginia when asked about Google

In another odd moment during his Chicago appearance on Tuesday, Trump responded to a question about whether Google should be broken up by saying he hasn't "gotten over" the Justice Department suing the state of Virginia for removing people from voter rolls.

Then, when the interviewer reminded Trump that the question was about Google, Trump said the tech company "is very bad to me."

"I called the head of Google the other day and said I'm getting a lot of good stories lately, but you don't find them in Google," Trump said. "I think it's a whole rigged deal. I think Google is rigged just like our government is rigged all over the place."

I watched about 7 minutes of the video from yesterday and about 4 minutes of his Economic Club interview today where he tells the Editor of Bloomberg Business that he doesn't understand tariffs as well as he, Trump, does when he asks him a very logical question here on Earth 1 having to do with who the spending numbers for his policies add up to over $7 trillion in additional debt. I suggest everyone look up both and just look and listen. That's it. Do yourself a favor if you haven't seen them.

You people talk about Harris being in a bubble, Trump cannot and will not accede that his stated policies won't do more actual economic harm than good, even when the questions come from mostly sympathetic audiences, but also including those who believe in proven economic theorem and empirical data who might have thought that Trump has to have some business acumen behind his policies that they just aren't seeing. Now, these people are seeing that Trump is exactly what Harris called him, an unserious man. He doesn't answer any direct question about his policies, because he can't in any way coherent in the definition of the word itself. He was asked about breaking up Google and its potential ramifications. He instead talked about a judge halting Virginia's too-close-to-the-election purge of voter rolls, signifying each one was a "bad vote" with no recognition or understanding that maybe no one on the entire list might vote, because it's currently unquantifiable.

The new normal is weird as hell.

#1 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-16 12:01 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Tony Roma,

I try not to watch Trump speak because he's just grating. HuffPo is an extremely biased source as well. But I will say this, when i have watched him he appears to be showing the effects of advanced age. His voice is more raspy. He loses track mid-sentence more than he used to. He rambles more than he used to.

While he's far more coherent than Biden, he's no longer running agsinst Biden and I think this is a legitimate issue to raise.

The problem politically is that Harris and the MSM worked really hard to cover up Biden's condition until the debate made it impossible, therefore they are the least credible to raise this issue and sadly it's a real issue.

#2 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-16 12:19 AM | Reply | Funny: 2 | Newsworthy 1

---- off.

#3 | Posted by LegallyYourDead at 2024-10-16 01:13 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

LGH with his typical high brow contribution. / snark.

#4 | Posted by BellRinger at 2024-10-16 01:37 AM | Reply

#1 | Posted by tonyroma

Trump backed out of his interview with CNBC because he was irate the Bloomberg editor fact checked his economic "policy" and the damage it would actually do to our economy.

#5 | Posted by AMERICANUNITY at 2024-10-16 02:03 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

Trump Breaks Down Onstage

Is Donald Trump well enough to serve as president?

The election is in three weeks, and Pennsylvania is a must-win state for both Trump and Kamala Harris, but during a rally [Monday] night in Montgomery County, northwest of Philadelphia, Trump got bored with the event, billed as a "town hall," and just played music for almost 40 minutes, scowling, smirking, and swaying onstage. Trump is no stranger to surreal moments, yet this was one of the oddest of his political career.

The event began normally enough, at least by Trump standards, but, after two interruptions for apparent medical emergencies in the audience, Trump lost interest. "Let's just listen to music. Who the hell wants to hear questions?" he said.

He eventually pivoted for good to a playlist of his favorite songs: "Hallelujah," "Rich Men North of Richmond," "Nothing Compares 2 U," Elvis's rendition of "Dixie." At one point, he asked his staff to play Pavarotti and display the immigration chart that he was about to discuss when an assassin tried to kill him this summer.

To watch the event is to see signs of someone having a breakdown. Like Joe Biden's disastrous debate against Trump in June, when the president's fumbling performance and struggle to get sentences out made it impossible to believe he was up to the task of serving for four years, Trump's rally last night would force any reasonable person to conclude that he is not up to the grueling task of leading the world's greatest nation, handling economic crises, or dealing with foreign adversaries.

But Trump's musical selections sometimes reveal more than his words or his aides do. During the 2016 campaign, his choice of "You Can't Always Get What You Want" as exit music seemed like a pointed message to his political adversaries and the nation. Last night, he might have been sending a pointed message to himself, with the help of an Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman hit: "It's time to say goodbye."

#6 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-16 08:47 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

I doubt those who drafted the Constitution's 25th Amendment spent much time Wargaming a situation involving a full-blown nutter like Trump.

But, rest assured MAGAts, if that loon is elected not one member of his cabinet would have the decency to raise that subject.

Why, Old Orange Julius would go nuts.


#7 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-10-16 09:08 AM | Reply | Funny: 1 | Newsworthy 2

I'm sure the campaign staff is trying hard but they're dealing with an insufferable nutcase who makes all the wrong decisions.

Trump is the one who is off the rails and he's getting worse by the hour.

#8 | Posted by Twinpac at 2024-10-16 09:59 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

It's very possible he's going to win.

And when he does, you think the obvious keeping-Biden-away-from-cameras that is going on is bad now? Trump's ego will NEVER allow that. He will humiliate both himself and the country from day 1 until his hopefully-massive and long overdue M.I. claims him. In the meanwhile it will be those terds Richard Grennell, Elon Musk, and Stephen Miller running the country. God help us.

What a shame for our Idiocracy.

#9 | Posted by e1g1 at 2024-10-16 10:45 AM | Reply


I largely agree with your #2 post. The MSM failed us all on both candidates, trying to second-guess who they thought would be p.o.ed the least. But, we have our common sense, and our wits. I pray we all make the best choice for our future of the two major candidates.

#10 | Posted by e1g1 at 2024-10-16 10:48 AM | Reply

This has backfired on Trump critics. Trump compassionately paused his rally because of two medical emergencies. Now you know the rest of the story.

#11 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-10-16 10:51 AM | Reply | Funny: 1

Puhleeze. Trump couldn't give a sheet flapping the wind about that when he's sundowning, wrapped in the clouds of his dementia.

#12 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-10-16 11:05 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

the rest of the story.


You didn't finish the story ...

Trumpy endangered the life of his supporters by having the rally outdoors in the desert in extreme and oppressive heat. It was so hot rally attendees started passing out.

And then he left hundreds stranded in that heat hours from their cars.

Because he is so "compassionate".

#13 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-10-16 11:28 AM | Reply | Newsworthy 3

#13 So this was the Great Trump Rally in the Pennsylvania Desert? You lunkhead.

#14 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-10-16 11:58 AM | Reply

You lunkhead.


Oh no!! Did I conflate two different rallies?

My bad.

So much insanity. Hard to tell them apart anymore.

#15 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-10-16 12:22 PM | Reply

Hans' Love Letter to visitor_

#16 | Posted by Hans at 2024-10-16 12:31 PM | Reply | Funny: 1

Today that crazy old bastard declared himself "the father of IVF" (

You gotta be deeply stupid to fall for that bunch of boolsheet.

#17 | Posted by Doc_Sarvis at 2024-10-16 12:33 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Re 17

Trumpy, the Protector of Women. By knocking the hell out of them, of course.

As the crowd jeered her, Trump said "Back home to Mommy. She goes back home to Mommy."

Trump continued, imitating the imagined mother: "Was that you, darling?' And she gets the hell knocked out of her."

#18 | Posted by donnerboy at 2024-10-16 12:44 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Now you know the rest of the story.

#11 | Posted by visitor_

That is NOT the rest of the story, it's another lame deflection by Visiturd who obviously can't comprehend written word above the level Trump speaks it.


The event began normally enough, at least by Trump standards, but, after two interruptions for apparent medical emergencies in the audience, Trump lost interest. "Let's just listen to music. Who the hell wants to hear questions?" he said.

Yeah, people always attend town halls to listen to the playlist of candidates instead of having their own pertinent questions answered.

I don't know who's more touched in the head, Trump or Visiturd trying to pawn off his stupidity upon unsuspecting readers.

#19 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-16 01:21 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Don't blame me because you were misled (again) by this lying Huffpost hit piece.

#20 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-10-16 01:24 PM | Reply

Hans' Love Letter to visitor_

#21 | Posted by Hans at 2024-10-16 01:27 PM | Reply

This has backfired on Trump critics. Trump compassionately paused his rally because of two medical emergencies. Now you know the rest of the story.

#11 | Posted by visitor_

Proving once again, Visitor is dumb enough to believe anything he hears from Trump.

#22 | Posted by Sycophant at 2024-10-16 01:35 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

Don't blame me because you were misled (again) by this lying Huffpost hit piece.

The piece I quoted is from The Atlantic, not HuffPost. You'd know that if you could read. Keep coming back and proving how illiterate you are. It's great comedy. And of course you also ignored what I stated in the very first post.

I suggest everyone look up both(videos) and just look and listen. That's it. Do yourself a favor if you haven't seen them.
So the words written about both aren't needed if one follows the simple advice to view both and make up your own mind about what you're seeing, not mine, and certainly not your brain-impaired versions.

No one needs your insipid gaslighting around here Visiturd. Why don't you go play in traffic and let the adults discuss actual facts instead of fantasy untethered to reality.

What a rube.

#23 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-16 01:38 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 2

Tony, sorry if I was mistaken as to the source of your gaslighting. The link above goes to the Huffpost and your copy paste of text is (as usual) uncredited.

#24 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-10-16 02:25 PM | Reply

I just watched an interview with Arizona voters. One man that was interviewed said he voted for Trump. He said he thinks Trump just wants power. The interviewer asked if that was OK with the voter. He said yes it was. He said he'd like to be a king. The interviewer said "are you ok with a monarch?" and he said "Yes."

Holy shht.

#25 | Posted by YAV at 2024-10-16 02:28 PM | Reply | Newsworthy 1

and your copy paste of text is (as usual) uncredited.

Are you really that HTML ignorant? The underlined title is a hyperlink directly to the source. I always link to source material.

I'm going to stop replying to you. You simply don't have the intelligence to converse here.

#26 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-16 02:41 PM | Reply

I always link to source material.*

*Unless the copy is from the linked article to begin with and that usually applies to the first post or direct inferences back to the article's content in subsequent posts.

#27 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-16 02:43 PM | Reply

I can't view the Atlantic article without signing up. Based on available evidence you were either fooled and spreading misinformation or you know the truth and are attempting use biased media to gaslight us.

#28 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-10-16 04:00 PM | Reply

#28 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-10-16 04:00 PM | Reply | Flag: Confused

#29 | Posted by Hans at 2024-10-16 04:16 PM | Reply

Hans, you've been trolling on this site for almost 20 years. What a sad waste of your life. Couldn't you be doing something more productive with your time? In other words, be better.

#30 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-10-16 04:35 PM | Reply

I can't view the Atlantic article without signing up.

You don't read that which is posted, so why should I care about your limitations?

Based on available evidence you were either fooled and spreading misinformation

Based on all evidence, you're either a fool, a charlatan, an imbecile, a troll, or all of the above.

I've never gaslighted on any topic at any time, ever. I'm all about the truth here on Earth 1, not the MAGAverse that you inhabit with your tinfoil hat and inability to access some of the most important commentators and historians of our time.

Trump and his minions cannot tell the truth about anything which is why they recoil at being fact checked in real time by those who know the truth and will not let lies stand unopposed.

That is precisely how I roll. My opinions can be as wrong as the next person, but my eyes see clearly. Niccole Wallace played the entire 39 minutes of Trump's musical interlude yesterday on her show that leaves no doubt about the circumstances surrounding him eschewing taking questions from those patiently waiting and instead calling for music to be played while he swayed and jabbed his arms to YMCA, perhaps the gayest song in the history of popular music - a song celebrating "young men" going to and hooking up at the YMCA, a place where women were not allowed to be in the late 70s when the song came out. Many YMCA's had male residences connected to them as a lower cost alternative to hotels and motels for men seeking overnight accomodations. Gay men of the day knew exactly what the song alluded to and celebrated it accordingly.

No one denied that Trump halted his show so that the two audience members could be treated individually as they collapsed from the sheer heat of the venue. But his sing- and dance-along occurred after the people were cared for - and yes again, Ave Maria was played as one person was being looked after. But that was not the case with the other songs and his refusal to actually give the audience what they came there for: Answers to the normal questions town halls are conducted for the candidate to address.

#31 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-16 04:39 PM | Reply

What a sad waste of your life. Couldn't you be doing something more productive with your time? In other words, be better.

The self-retorting retort strikes again. How can someone be so blinded in projection not to understand every accusation they level is an indictment upon their own lack of contributing anything worthwhile and non-mendacious whatsoever?

#32 | Posted by tonyroma at 2024-10-16 04:41 PM | Reply

That's a rhetorical question, right?

#33 | Posted by visitor_ at 2024-10-16 06:38 PM | Reply

@#33 ... That's a rhetorical question, right? ...

As the saying goes ....

If your alias has to ask ...


#34 | Posted by LampLighter at 2024-10-16 06:46 PM | Reply

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