"A path to citizenship for millions of immigrants"
The path is already there. It just takes time. A losing thing for you liberals to run on.
"The minimum wage should be a living wage"
Another losing topic. No one believes the minimum wage should be a "living wage", no matter what progressive "polls" tell you. What you really need to deal with is why so many progressives have a minimum "skills" problem.
"Make college tuition free for the middle class and debt-free for all."
More and more a losing topic. Where is this money supposed to come from again?
"Put ourselves in the shoes of young black and Latino men and women who face the effects of systemic racism"
As more and more blacks and latino's prosper, this becomes a bigger and bigger -------- argument. More and more 1st generation Latino's are coming to this nation legally, starting businesses and prospering. That's why Trump won more of them than ever. And blacks are slowly waking up to identity and racial politics as being the -------- it really is.
"Equal pay" (for women)
Another -------- argument. Women already get paid equal, it just depends on what jobs they take.
This is not a moderate agenda."
No, it's a losing agenda. The 1960's would like their policies back..
But you keep on pushing this. The American people can see through it.